
Book Description

A comprehensive introduction to high-speed residential networks, integrating technical, business, and regulartory challenges.

  • Surveys the various types of access networks: Cable TV, xDSL, FTTx, and wireless

  • Defines basic technology requirements for implementing residential broadband and assessing the state of readiness

  • Reviews the business conditions and regulatory practices that affect rollout and viability of residential networks

  • Discusses the technologies and challenges associated with the in-home network

  • Describes the new and existing entertainment and data services, and how to evaluate the demand for them

  • Provides systems issues to be resolved in connecting access networks to home networks

  • Residential Broadband, Second Edition aims to provide a comprehensive, accessible introduction to the topics surrounding high-speed networks to the home. It is written for anyone seeking a broad-based familiarity with the issues of residential broadband (RBB) including product developers, engineers, network designers, business people, professionals in legal and regulatory positions, and industry analysts. Readers will learn about the services that are driving the market, the technical issues shaping the evolution, and the network within the home and how it connects to the access network. The author explains the technical concerns, accessibility, the current state, and potential future of cable TV, xDSL, FTTx, wireless access networks, and home networks.

    Table of Contents

    1. Copyright
    2. About the Author
    3. In Memoriam
    4. Acknowledgments
    5. Introduction
    6. Market Drivers
      1. Analog Television
      2. Digital TV
      3. Interactive TV
      4. Video on Demand
      5. Near Video on Demand
      6. The World Wide Web
      7. Datacasting
      8. Games
      9. A Word on Telephony
      10. Funding Models
      11. Case Study
      12. Summary
      13. References
    7. Technical Foundations of Residential Broadband
      1. A Reference Model for RBB
      2. Modulation Techniques
      3. Noise-Mitigation Techniques
      4. Metallic Transmission Media
      5. Fiber Optic Transmission
      6. Wireless Transmission
      7. Network Performance
      8. Signaling
      9. IP Multicast
      10. The Limits of Audio/Visual Perception
      11. MPEG-2 Compression
      12. MPEG-4
      13. Summary
      14. References
    8. Cable TV Networks
      1. History of Cable
      2. Cable's Business Rationale for Residential Broadband
      3. Architecture
      4. Hybrid Fiber Coaxial Systems
      5. Upstream Transmission
      6. Frequency Allocation
      7. Digital Video Services over Cable
      8. Data Services over Cable
      9. Integration of Video and Data Subscriber Units
      10. Business Obstacles to Cable
      11. Summary
      12. References
    9. xDSL Access Networks
      1. Current Telco Services
      2. Digital Loop Carrier Overview
      3. xDSL Variations
      4. Asymmetric DSL
      5. G.Lite (ITU G.992.2)
      6. Very High Data Rate DSL
      7. High Data Rate DSL
      8. ISDN Digital Subscriber Line
      9. Single-Line Digital Subscriber Line
      10. Early Provisioning for xDSLs
      11. Factors in Choosing Which DSL to Offer
      12. Technical Challenges to xDSL
      13. Industry Challenges to xDSL
      14. Success Factors
      15. Summary
      16. References
    10. FTTx Access Networks
      1. Fiber to the Curb
      2. Fiber to the Home
      3. Summary
      4. References
    11. Wireless Access Networks
      1. The Motivation for Wireless Networks
      2. Reference Architecture for Wireless Networks
      3. Wireless Characteristics
      4. Spectrum Management
      5. Unlicensed Usage
      6. NTIA Role
      7. Spectrum Management Issues
      8. Frequency Assignment
      9. Direct Broadcast Satellite
      10. Low Earth Orbit Satellites
      11. Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service
      12. Local Multipoint Distribution Service
      13. Third-Generation Cellular
      14. Wireless Issues
      15. Summary
      16. References
    12. Home Networks
      1. Home Network Requirements
      2. Home Network Architecture
      3. Topology Alternatives
      4. Home Media Alternatives
      5. Residential Gateway
      6. Summary
      7. References
    13. Evolving to RBB: Systems Issues, Approaches, and Prognoses
      1. Server Congestion
      2. Cache Selection
      3. Addressing Issues
      4. Connection Model
      5. Equal Access to Multiple Networks
      6. Transmission Protocol
      7. Television over the Internet
      8. The Systems Problem
      9. Full-Service Networking
      10. Prognoses
      11. The Key Predictor of RBB Success
    14. RBB-Related Companies and Organizations
    15. Professional Organizations and Regulatory Agencies
    16. Service Providers
    17. Index