
Book Description

Principles for driving significant change throughout an entire system

Drawing on the knowledge and experience of working with hundreds the world's top social change leaders in all fields, Beverly Schwartz presents a model for change based on five proven principles that any individual leader or organization can apply to bring about deep, lasting and systematic change. Rippling shows how to activate the type of change that is needed to address the critical challenges that threaten to destroy the foundations of our society and planet in these increasingly turbulent times.

These actionable principles are brought to life by compelling real-life stories. Schwartz provides a road map that allows anyone to become a changemaker.

  • Presents some of today's most innovative and effective approaches to solving social and environmental challenges

  • Offers a vision of social entrepreneurs as role models, catalysts, enablers and recruiters who spread waves system changing solutions throughout society

  • The author offers a model of change that begins with the end result in mind

  • First book from an insider at Ashoka, the foremost global organization on social change through social entrepreneurship

Rippling clearly demonstrates how and when empathy, creativity, passion, and persistence are combined; significant, life-altering progress is indeed possible.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Praise for Rippling
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright
  5. Dedication
  6. Foreword: Are You Ready for The Big One?
  7. Prologue
  8. Introduction: Rippling Solutions into System Change
    1. Backstory
    2. From Breakdowns to Breakthroughs
    3. When Dreams Defy Reality
    4. The Rise of Unanticipated Leaders
    5. There Are Many Seeds in an Apple … But How Many Apples Are in Those Seeds?
  9. Part 1: Restructuring Institutional Norms
    1. Chapter 1: Power to the People—Germany
      1. Just a Housewife
      2. Replaceable, Rethinkable, Reinventable, Renewable
      3. One Solution Fits All
      4. Mobilizing the Normal People
    2. Chapter 2: The Teaching of Teaching—United States
      1. A New Generation Needs New Ways to Learn
      2. Moving the Deck Chairs
      3. Teaching Matters
      4. Catch and Release
    3. Chapter 3: From Servitude to Solution—India
      1. Caught in the Self-Perpetuating Cycle of Poverty
      2. Changing Status Quo, Changing Lives
      3. Revolutionizing the Rickshaw
      4. A New Reflection for Rickshaws
    4. Chapter 4: Lifting the Veil for Women Who Don't Exist—Nepal
      1. The Woman Who Doesn't Exist
      2. Sharing Sorrows
      3. Changemakers United
      4. Are You Seeing Red Yet?
      5. Widows and Half-Widows United
  10. Part 2: Changing Market Dynamics
    1. Chapter 5: Using MicroConsignment to Open a Door to Economic Inclusion—Guatemala
      1. You Don't Sell Ideas, You Create Ideas That Sell
      2. It All Started with a Stove
      3. Profits Without Social Compromise
      4. The Power of Counterintuitive Thinking
      5. There Are No Permanent Allies, Just Permanent Interests and Values
      6. The Balance Between Impact and Sustainability
      7. Postscript: Haiti
    2. Chapter 6: Dialing Maize 411—Kenya
      1. The Sorrows of a Small-Scale Farmer
      2. A Community of Commodities
      3. Trees Are Not Only for Sitting Under
      4. Creating a Virtual Agricultural Supermarket
      5. The Rebirth of Farming and Farmers
    3. Chapter 7: Stimulating Fiscal Vibrancy by Creating a New Economy—Brazil
      1. A Self-Sustaining Slum?
      2. Could Just Anyone Create a Bank?
      3. Solidarity Economics
      4. Decentralize the Model, Develop a Movement
      5. Beyond Banking
      6. The Key to Financial Inclusion
  11. Part 3: Using Market Forces to Create Social Value
    1. Chapter 8: From Garbage to Gold—Peru
      1. Trash Talk
      2. From Pit to Potential
      3. Garbage as a Useable Asset
      4. Fast Forward 2010
      5. From Local Ideas to Lasting Solutions
      6. As Peru Changes, So Can the World
    2. Chapter 9: A Better Model of Capitalism—United States
      1. What Can't Be Done, Must Be Done
      2. Trade, Not Aid
      3. From Good Intentions to Positive Change
      4. Reverse Innovation
      5. From Microlending to Market Linkage
      6. Who You Help by What You Buy
    3. Chapter 10: Shit Business Is Serious Business—Nigeria
      1. Two Toilets for Ten Thousand People?
      2. Toilet Marketing 101
    4. Chapter 11: Putting the Public Back in Public Housing—France
      1. Innovation with Exovation
      2. Reinventing Development
      3. Mother of Invention
      4. All Angles Considered
      5. It's Not Like Running a Chain Store
      6. No Tax on Investment
  12. Part 4: Advancing Full Citizenship
    1. Chapter 12: Financial Freedom for Children—Global
      1. Street Smarts
      2. Breaking the Cycle
      3. Saving Children by Teaching Them to Save
      4. Building a Future
      5. Building a System, One Piece at a Time
    2. Chapter 13: Overcoming the Barriers Between Us and Them—Germany
      1. The Encounter
      2. Finding True North
      3. The 360-Degree Shift
      4. Rethinking “Others”
      5. Understand Diversity and You Understand Humanity
    3. Chapter 14: Autistic Abilities—Denmark
      1. It's Not Quite Like the Movies
      2. Serendipity
      3. Going from Fifth Gear to First
      4. A Good Idea That Fills a Need Markets Itself
      5. From Handicap to Competitive Advantage
      6. A Model Turns into a Movement
    4. Chapter 15: Crazy Becomes Normal—Argentina
      1. Demolishing Walls
      2. Psychological Waste Recycled
      3. Undramatizing Without Denying
      4. Music with a Message
  13. Part 5: Cultivating Empathy
    1. Chapter 16: From Babies to Behavioral Shift—Canada
      1. Empathy Can't Be Taught, But It Can Be Caught
      2. Developing Emotional Fluency
      3. How We Feel Is Who We Are
      4. We Need a Global Warming of Our Hearts
      5. Dismantling the “Other”
      6. Creating an Empathy Movement
    2. Chapter 17: Cultivating Champions of Interfaith Action—United States
      1. Building a Core of Campus Champions
      2. Putting Faith in Interfaith
      3. Enhancing Your Religion Through Exposure to Others
      4. New Voices and Visions
      5. “Better Together”
      6. Seeing Similarities, Not Differences
    3. Chapter 18: Beautiful Resistance—Palestine
      1. Interests Change, Values Endure
      2. Beauty and the Beast Within
      3. Import, Export
      4. Values Need to Surpass Violence
    4. CHAPTER 19: Conclusion: Turning What Is and What If into What Can Be
      1. The Outlook Is Partly Sunny
      2. From Common Sense to Common Practice
      3. Accelerating Change Through Technology
      4. The Vitality of the Virtuous Cycle: From Margins to Mainstream
      5. Then; Now; From Now On
      6. Not Either Or, But Both and More
  14. Epilogue: How to Think About Tomorrow
    1. Lessons on Social Entrepreneurship
    2. Author's Note
  15. Notes
    1. Prologue
    2. Introduction
    3. Chapter 1
    4. Chapter 5
    5. Chapter 6
    6. Chapter 10
    7. Chapter 12
    8. Chapter 13
    9. Chapter 14
    10. Chapter 15
    11. Chapter 17
    12. Conclusion
    13. Epilogue
  16. Acknowledgments
  17. About the Author
    1. About Ashoka
  18. Index