

A GOOD FRIEND OF MINE IS CONVINCED THAT WHENEVER I NEED something, someone always seems to magically appear and provide me with a piece of information or an offering that would help me out. When it came to the writing of this book, I have to agree with her. Many people magically appeared to make this possible. First and foremost my friend and colleague Maria Clara Pinhiero (the origin of the statement just noted), who from the moment I described the book project has done just about everything possible to make sure I finished it, including conducting the interviews for Chapter Seven in Portuguese and translating them into English. And my other friends and colleagues Iman Bibars, Chimney Chetty, and Ewa Konzcal, who nudged me along when I needed pushing, and Paula Cardenau and Simon Stumpf, who conducted interviews in both Spanish and English to make it possible for me to include two Fellows with whom I could not have communicated otherwise.

Along the way, my friends in Washington D.C., notably Ruth Marcus, Jerry Malitz and Gregory Niblett, provided me with food, fun, friendship, and much advice to break up the long stretches of quiet contemplation and writing, while my caring and supportive friends across the country and the world provided similar comfort, either in person or via phone or Internet. A double thanks to friends Patrice and Kip Jones, who lent me a place to write when I needed solitude, and to Paul Gaist, who reminded me how much I enjoy writing (and how much I have to say) when he asked me to submit a chapter for his book, Igniting the Power of Community.

Thanks to Bill Drayton, who gave me the inspiration, space, time, and encouragement I needed, to all the Ashoka staff, past and present, and to the Ashoka Fellows who have helped shape my thinking and contributed in ways big and small (you know who you are). A special thank-you for the eighteen Fellows in the book, who shared their time and their personal stories with me, and to Susan Mieselas and the Magnum Foundation staff, who helped pilot the dream of a visual project to accompany the book that we still hope to fulfill. And to sister Linda, my niece Sarin, and my nephew Bryson, who shared my excitement throughout the process.

The five approaches to system change representing the five sections of the book are based on “Ashoka Fellows Changing Systems Survey,” 2009, conducted by Karabi Acharya, which in turn, was inspired by previous studies by Ashoka's president Diana Wells. The survey and the time they spent discussing the results were immensely helpful in framing my thinking. And lastly, a special nod to Jesse Wiley (Jossey-Bass/Wiley), who opened the first door and made the book a reality.

If you are taking the time to read this page, there is a good chance that you have probably helped make the book possible and thought that your name might have been mentioned here. If it's not, I apologize—but please know that I appreciated any and all of the help, support, nurturing, and encouragement that you sent my way.

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