
Book Description

Back and bracing as ever, Search Engine Optimization: An Hour a Day, Second Edition offers brisk advice, bite-sized tasks, and smart tools to help you increase visibility for your website on the major search engines. In this new edition of their bestselling how-to guide, SEO consultants Jennifer Grappone and Gradiva Couzin offer surprisingly easy do-it-yourself techniques as well as the very latest SEO strategies for small, very small, and large businesses, as well as for bloggers and web designers.

Table of Contents

  1. Praise for Search Engine Optimization: An Hour a Day
  2. Copyright
  3. Dear Reader
  4. dedication
  5. Acknowledgments
  6. About the Authors
  7. Foreword
  8. Introduction
  9. Foundation
    1. Clarify Your Goals
      1. What Is SEO?
      2. Do I Need to Perform SEO for My Website?
      3. What Are the Overall Goals of My Business?
      4. What Function Does My Website Serve?
      5. How Is My Website Connecting with the Goals of My Business?
      6. Who Do I Want to Visit My Website?
      7. What Do I Want Visitors to Do on My Website?
      8. Which Pages Do I Most Want My Website Visitors to See?
      9. How Will I Measure the Success of This SEO Campaign?
    2. Customize Your Approach
      1. It's Your SEO Plan
      2. Business-to-Business (B2B)
      3. Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
      4. Large Organization
      5. Small Organization
      6. Really Small Organization
      7. Brick-and-Mortar
      8. Blogger
      9. Web Designer
      10. Nonprofit
    3. Eternal Truths of SEO
      1. Robots Deliver
      2. Search Results Are Blended
      3. Algorithms Change
      4. Humans Are Smart—Computers Aren't
      5. It's Not Just about Rank
      6. Search Engines Don't Like Tricks
      7. SEO Is Not Brain Surgery
    4. How the Search Engines Work Right Now
      1. In Pursuit of Right Now
      2. Google Basics
      3. The Best of the Rest: Yahoo!, MSN, Ask, AOL
      4. Organic Ranking Factors
      5. Paid Placement
      6. SEO Trend Spotting
  10. Strategy
    1. Get Your Team on Board
      1. The Challenge of SEO Team Building
      2. Marketing, Sales, and Public Relations
      3. IT, Webmasters, and Programmers
      4. Graphic Designers
      5. Writers and Editors
      6. Executives and Product Managers
    2. Your One-Month Prep: Baseline and Keywords
      1. Your SEO Idea Bank
      2. Week 1: Keywords
      3. Week 2: Baseline Assessment
      4. Week 3: Competition
      5. Week 4: Analytics and Goals
  11. Your SEO Plan
    1. Month One: Kick It into Gear
      1. Week 1: Basic Site Optimization
      2. Week 2: Site Structure Improvements
      3. Week 3: Link Building
      4. Week 4: Social Search and Participation Marketing
    2. Month Two: Establish the Habit
      1. Week 5: Set Up Your Paid Search Account
      2. Week 6: Selling Through Search
      3. Week 7: Specialty Search
      4. Week 8: Research and Development
    3. Month Three: It's a Way of Life
      1. Week 9: Build Content
      2. Week 10: PPC and ROI
      3. Week 11: What's Your Problem?
      4. Week 12: SEO Status Report
      5. Moving On: Forging Your Own SEO Path
    4. Extra Credit and Guilt-Free Slacking
      1. The Slacking Spectrum
      2. The Extra Credit Continuum
      3. Extra Credit Tasks
  12. Appendix A
  13. Glossary