
Book Description

The follow up to Share This: The Social Media Handbook for PR Professionals.

Share This is a practical handbook to the changes taking place in the media and was conceived and written by 24 public relations practitioners using many of the social tools and techniques that it addresses. The book covered the media and public relations industry, planning, social networks, online media relations, monitoring and measurement, skills, industry change and the future of the industry.

Share This Too is also a pragmatic guide for anyone that wants to continue working in public relations. It is a larger book with more than 30 contributors, including all of those from the highly successful first book and many of whom are successful authors in their own right.

It probes more deeply into the subject and is divided into seven sections:

  • The future of public relations

  • Audiences and online habits

  • Conversations

  • New channels, new connections

  • Professional practice

  • Business change and opportunities for the public relations industry

  • Future proofing the public relations industry

The content entirely complements the first book rather than merely updates it. It delves deeply into what is current in the theory, delivery and evaluation of 21st century public relations and organisational communication.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title page
  3. Copyright page
  4. List of Contributors
  5. Foreword
  6. Introduction
  7. Part I: The Future of Public Relations
    1. Chapter 1: Digital PR Is Dead: Social Goes Mainstream
      1. The continuing evolution of the media
      2. The blurring of channels
      3. The impact of social media and networks
      4. The growth of social media adoption
      5. Digital is part of every programme
      6. Evolution and the opportunity for PR
      7. Opportunities we should seize
      8. Biography
    2. Chapter 2: The Shift to Conversation: Content, Context and Avoiding Cheap Talk
      1. Getting started
      2. Content and context
      3. Building the right relationships
      4. One size doesn't fit all
      5. Biography
    3. Chapter 3: Content Frameworks: Using Content to Achieve Marketing Communications Goals
      1. Rise of content marketing
      2. Developing content strategies
      3. Content production framework
      4. Conclusion
      5. Biography
  8. Part II: Audiences and Online Habits
    1. Chapter 4: Planning: Audiences, Media and Networks
      1. Where we've come from
      2. Where we're at
      3. Biography
    2. Chapter 5: Digital Anthropology
      1. Etiquette – a definition
      2. Table manners – family, friends and business
      3. Attention span and absentee attendance
      4. Etiquette – breaking up
      5. Biography
    3. Chapter 6: Understanding Social Capital
      1. What is social capital?
      2. Influence and social media capital
      3. Relevance is King
      4. Social media capital scoring approaches
      5. Social capital for PR
      6. The value of social capital
      7. Biography
    4. Chapter 7: The Unsocial Web
      1. The three problems to avoid
      2. Staying out of trouble
      3. How to manage feedback and responses
      4. Conclusion
      5. Biography
  9. Part III: Conversations
    1. Chapter 8: Gamification: Engaging Audiences through Play
      1. Gamifying participation at DevHub
      2. Consumer loyalty: Samsung Nation
      3. Science: FoldIt
      4. How GiffGaff turns customer service into a game
      5. Snake Oil 2.0?
      6. How should communicators use gamification?
      7. The future of gamification
      8. Biography
    2. Chapter 9: Community Management
      1. What is community management?
      2. What should be on your community management checklist
      3. Summary
      4. Biography
    3. Chapter 10: Curation
      1. The news now finds you
      2. Welcome to the era of Big Data
      3. Summary
      4. Biography
    4. Chapter 11: Live Social Events
      1. Learn to walk before you jump
      2. Hanging out with Google
      3. There's a first for everyone
      4. Producing live content
      5. Final thoughts
      6. Biography
  10. Part IV: New Channels, New Connections
    1. Chapter 12: Mobile Media
      1. The supercomputer in a smartphone
      2. Curated, personalized and highly mobile news
      3. The data-driven society with mobile at its core
      4. The smartphone to multicorder
      5. Biography
    2. Chapter 13: To App or Not To App?
      1. 1. Hyper-connected devices
      2. 2. Hyper-connected applications
      3. 3. The mobile hub
      4. 4. Mobile-directed experience
      5. 5. A new creative landscape
      6. Overall implications for brand strategy
      7. Biography
    3. Chapter 14: The Visual Web
      1. A bird's eye view
      2. Networks and top tips
      3. The new press release?
      4. Biography
    4. Chapter 15: Finding Your Way around: from Foursquare to Google Glass
      1. Where will you check in?
      2. Augmented reality apps
      3. Putting PR on the map
      4. Biography
    5. Chapter 16: Connected Employees
      1. What is employee engagement?
      2. Informed employee voice
      3. Social media and employee engagement
      4. Connecting with unconnected employees
      5. Biography
  11. Part V: Professional Practice
    1. Chapter 17: Social Media and the Law
      1. Defamation
      2. Liability online
      3. Receiving a complaint
      4. Privacy, confidence and data protection
      5. Considerations and tips
      6. Copyright
      7. Trademarks and passing off
      8. Biography
    2. Chapter 18: Online Crisis Management
      1. Defining a crisis
      2. Crisis planning
      3. Brand monitoring
      4. Crisis management plan
      5. Crisis response
      6. Post-crisis phase
      7. Biography
    3. Chapter 19: Wikipedia and Reputation Management
      1. Building a crowdsourced encyclopaedia
      2. Reputation management
      3. Relationship with public relations practitioners
      4. Working with Wikipedia
      5. How to help improve Wikipedia articles
      6. Engaging with the community
      7. Dealing with disputes
      8. Wikipedia works
      9. Biography
    4. Chapter 20: The Rise and Rise of Digital Pharma
      1. The global healthcare landscape
      2. How patients approach digital health
      3. Healthcare professionals and the increased adoption of digital health
      4. Avoiding the code breakers – how to navigate regulatory responsibilities
      5. Control and adversity
      6. Getting creative with digital health communications
      7. What's next?
      8. How do you kick things off?
      9. Biography
    5. Chapter 21: Social in Corporate Communications
      1. Digital versus social
      2. Role of 21st century corporate communicator
      3. Corporate reflections on social media
      4. Using social technologies
      5. Biography
    6. Chapter 22: Putting the Social into Corporate Social Responsibility
      1. The social web should be integral to CSR
      2. Innovative uses of social media for CSR
      3. The social media trap for bad CSR
      4. New opportunities for CSR social media
      5. Biography
    7. Chapter 23: Building a Personal Brand Online
      1. So what's changed?
      2. Lies and league tables
      3. What do I know?
      4. Recruitment as matchmaking
      5. Biography
    8. Chapter 24: The Social CEO
      1. Social's trending with CEOs
      2. Make me social
      3. All views my own
      4. Buy me, trust me, love me
      5. Biography
    9. Chapter 25: Working across Borders and Boundaries
      1. Social media and globalization
      2. Networks by countries
      3. Language and culture
      4. Desktop v. mobile
      5. Biography
  12. Part VI: Business Change and Opportunities for the Public Relations Industry
    1. Chapter 26: Laying the Foundations for a Social Business
      1. Convergence
      2. Complexity
      3. Biography
    2. Chapter 27: Social Commerce: Show Me the Money
      1. Impulsive purchases: harnessing the spontaneous buyer
      2. Influencing to buy – social proof
      3. Collaborative purchases
      4. Buying everywhere: social across the consumer touch points
      5. Biography
    3. Chapter 28: How to Change Organizational Mindset
      1. Using change management principles to increase social media adoption
      2. Departments that must be influenced
      3. Making a case for social media
      4. A taste of what is to come
      5. Statistics for the boss
      6. Change is inevitable
      7. Biography
    4. Chapter 29: The Six Influence Flows
      1. Grunig's 4th
      2. Some definitions
      3. Mapping the interactions
      4. Mapping the influence flows
      5. Social business
      6. A new model of PR?
      7. Biography
  13. Part VII: Future Proofing the Public Relations Industry
    1. Chapter 30: Metrics that Matter
      1. Let's focus on the metrics that matter …
      2. … Not just count what's easy to capture
      3. A simple, credible approach
      4. Biography
    2. Chapter 31: Quantified Self
      1. The rapid rise of Quantified Self
      2. The sentient world
      3. Quantified Self in action
      4. Down to business
      5. The employer brand
      6. What's next? Why us?
      7. Biography
    3. Chapter 32: Network Topology
      1. The link graph
      2. The social graph
      3. The economic graph and beyond
      4. Biography
    4. Chapter 33: The Public Relations Power of “Big Data”
      1. What is Big Data?
      2. Big Data and text mining applied to PR
      3. Limitations of Big Data
      4. Conclusions and future directions
      5. Biography
  14. Index