
Book Description

In its pursuit to bring about an awakening among students of nursing about human social behavior, this second edition of Sociology for Nurses continues to build on sociological theories that are of relevance to the nursing community. Conforming to the syllabus prescribed by the Indian Nursing Council and catering to the needs of second year B. Sc Nursing students, this book provides jargon-free explanation of even the most difficult concepts to the student's benefit.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Contents
  4. Preface
  5. About the Authors
  6. Chapter 1: Introduction to Sociology
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Origin of Sociology
    3. 3. Nature of Sociology
    4. 4. Scope of Sociology
    5. 5. Sociology as a Science
    6. 6. Functions of Sociology
    7. 7. Sociology and Other Sciences
    8. 8. Medical Sociology
    9. 9. Hospital Sociology
    10. 10. Socio-Cultural and Economic Aspects in Sociology
    11. 11. Methods of Sociology
    12. 12. Social Survey
    13. 13. Fields of Sociology
    14. 14. Importance of Sociology
    15. Chapter Highlights
    16. Exercises
    17. Answers
    18. References
  7. Chapter 2: Sociology and Nursing
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Sociological Aspects of Nursing
    3. 3. Need for Sociology in Nursing
    4. 4. Importance of Sociology in Nursing
    5. 5. Scope of Sociology in Nursing
    6. 6. Uses of Sociology in Nursing
    7. 7. Nursing Application of Sociology in Different Fields: Other Fields of Sociology
    8. Chapter Highlights
    9. Exercises
    10. Answers
    11. References
  8. Chapter 3: Man, Society, and Environment
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Theories of Man and Society
    3. 3. Nature of Society
    4. 4. Relation between Society and Individual
    5. 5. Relation between Society and Community
    6. 6. Brief Review of Growth and Development
    7. 7. Rights and Responsibilities of the Individual
    8. 8. Personal Disorganization
    9. 9. Socialization Process
    10. 10. Individualization
    11. 11. Environment and Health
    12. 12. Effects of Environmental Health on Man
    13. 13. Protecting Health from Climate Change
    14. 14. Protecting Man’s Health from Climate Change
    15. 15. Nurses’ Role after Learning about Man, Society, and Environment
    16. Chapter Highlights
    17. Exercises
    18. Answers
    19. References
  9. Chapter 4: Primary Concepts in Sociology
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Society
    3. 3. Community
    4. 4. Association
    5. 5. Institution
    6. 6. Organization
    7. 7. Social Structure
    8. 8. Social System
    9. Chapter Highlights
    10. Exercises
    11. Answers
    12. References
  10. Chapter 5: Social Process
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Forms of Social Process
    3. 3. Cooperation
    4. 4. Accommodation
    5. 5. Assimilation
    6. 6. Conflict
    7. 7. Competition
    8. 8. Isolation
    9. Chapter Highlights
    10. Exercises
    11. Answers
    12. References
  11. Chapter 6: Culture
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Classification of Cultures
    3. 3. Characteristics of Culture
    4. 4. Nature of Culture
    5. 5. Relation between Culture and Civilization
    6. 6. Difference between Culture and Civilization
    7. 7. Cultural Diversity
    8. 8. Components of Culture
    9. 9. Cultural Growth
    10. 10. Evolution of Culture
    11. 11. Need of Culture in Man
    12. 12. Cultural Variability
    13. 13. Functions of Culture
    14. 14. Influence of Culture on Health and Illnesses
    15. 15. Role of Nurses in Cultural Practices
    16. Chapter Highlights
    17. Exercises
    18. Answers
    19. References
  12. Chapter 7: Population
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Society and Population
    3. 3. Population Factors and Social Structure
    4. 4. History and Theory of Population Growth
    5. 5. Demography
    6. 6. Population Control
    7. 7. Causes of Population Growth
    8. 8. Population Explosion
    9. 9. Population Distribution in India
    10. 10. Population Health
    11. 11. Family Welfare Programme
    12. Chapter Highlights
    13. Exercises
    14. Answers
    15. References
  13. Chapter 8: Social Groups
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Characteristics of Social Groups
    3. 3. Classifications or Types of Social Groups
    4. 4. Group Cycle, Group Morale, and Group Behaviour
    5. 5. Primary, Secondary, and Quasi Groups
    6. 6. Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft
    7. 7. Reference Groups
    8. 8. In-Group and Out-Group
    9. 9. Clan/Sib
    10. 10. Tribe
    11. 11. Crowd
    12. 12. Public
    13. 13. Audience
    14. 14. Mob
    15. 15. Economic Groups
    16. 16. Political Groups
    17. 17. Religious Groups
    18. Chapter Highlights
    19. Exercises
    20. Answers
    21. References
  14. Chapter 9: Marriage and Family
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Forms of Marriage
    3. 3. Endogamy
    4. 4. Exogamy
    5. 5. Polygamy
    6. 6. Polyandry
    7. 7. Polygyny
    8. 8. Monogamy
    9. 9. Inter-Caste Marriage
    10. 10. Marriage Legislation and Family Problems in India
    11. 11. Marriage–Health Connection
    12. 12. Effects of Marital Status on Health
    13. 13. Family
    14. 14. Family as a Unit for Health and Other Services
    15. 15. Joint Family
    16. 16. Modern Family
    17. 17. Nuclear Family
    18. 18. Blended and Extended Family
    19. Chapter Highlights
    20. Exercises
    21. Answers
    22. References
  15. Chapter 10: Rural Communities in India
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Characteristics of Indian Villages
    3. 3. Importance of Villages in India
    4. 4. Factors Shaping the Growth of Village Communities
    5. 5. Rural Health
    6. 6. Changes in Rural Life
    7. 7. Rural Reconstruction Programmes
    8. 8. Special Programmes
    9. 9. Community Development Programme
    10. 10. Twenty-Point Programme
    11. 11. Panchayati Raj: Democratic Decentralization
    12. 12. Health Facilities in Rural Society
    13. 13. Rural Health-Care Delivery System
    14. 14. National Rural Health Mission
    15. Chapter Highlights
    16. Exercises
    17. Answers
    18. References
  16. Chapter 11: Urban Communities in India
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Urbanization
    3. 3. Classifications of Cities
    4. 4. Characteristics of Urban Communities
    5. 5. Features of Urban Communities
    6. 6. The Regional Community
    7. 7. Cities and Their Growth
    8. 8. Urban Social Problems
    9. 9. Social Effects of Urbanization
    10. 10. Slums
    11. 11. Impact of Urbanization on Health
    12. 12. National Urban Health Mission in India (NUHM)
    13. Chapter Highlights
    14. Exercises
    15. Answers
    16. References
  17. Chapter 12: Social Stratification
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Caste System
    3. 3. Changes in the Caste System
    4. 4. Jajmani System
    5. 5. Social Class System
    6. 6. Untouchability and Discrimination
    7. 7. Caste and Health
    8. Chapter Highlights
    9. Exercises
    10. Answers
    11. References
  18. Chapter 13: Social Mobility
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Meaning of Social Mobility
    3. 3. Classifications or Types of Mobility
    4. 4. Systems of Social Mobility
    5. 5. Structural and Individual Mobility
    6. 6. Factors Influencing Mobility
    7. 7. Dimensions of Social Mobility
    8. 8. Determinants of Social Mobility
    9. 9. Importance of Social Mobility
    10. 10. Changes in Mobility
    11. 11. Health and Social Mobility
    12. Chapter Highlights
    13. Exercises
    14. Answers
    15. References
  19. Chapter 14: Race
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Meaning of Race
    3. 3. Kinds of Races
    4. 4. Race as a Biological Concept
    5. 5. Races in India
    6. 6. UNESCO’s Concept of Race
    7. 7. Characteristics of Race
    8. 8. Racism
    9. 9. Ethnicity
    10. 10. Minorities
    11. 11. Race and Diseases
    12. 12. Ethnic Health Inequalities
    13. Chapter Highlights
    14. Exercises
    15. Answers
    16. References
  20. Chapter 15: Social System
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Definition of Social System
    3. 3. Meaning of Social System
    4. 4. Units of Social System
    5. 5. Elements of Social System
    6. 6. Status
    7. 7. Characteristics of Status
    8. 8. Classifications of Status
    9. 9. Importance of Social Status
    10. 10. Classifications of Social System
    11. 11. Status and Office
    12. 12. Status Comparison
    13. 13. Role
    14. 14. Influence of Social Status on Health
    15. Chapter Highlights
    16. Exercises
    17. Answers
    18. References
  21. Chapter 16: Social Organization
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Meaning of Social Organization
    3. 3. Characteristics of Social Organization
    4. 4. Elements of Social Organizations
    5. 5. Social Organization and Social Group
    6. 6. Features of Social Organization
    7. 7. Types of Social Organizations
    8. 8. Relationship between Formal and Informal Organizations
    9. 9. Differences between Formal and Informal Organizations
    10. 10. Voluntary Social Health Agencies
    11. 11. Role of Individuals in Organizations
    12. 12. Role of Social Welfare Organizations in Maintaining Health
    13. Chapter Highlights
    14. Exercises
    15. Answers
    16. References
  22. Chapter 17: Social Disorganization
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Meaning of Social Disorganizations
    3. 3. Nature of Social Disorganizations
    4. 4. Causes of Social Disorganization
    5. 5. Characteristics of Social Disorganization
    6. 6. Social Disorganization Process
    7. 7. Factors of Social Disorganizations
    8. 8. Symptoms of Social Disorganization
    9. 9. Approaches to the Study of Social Disorganization
    10. 10. Difference between Social Organization and Disorganization
    11. 11. Deviance and Disorganization
    12. 12. Personal Disorganization
    13. 13. Personal Disorganization and Social Disorganization
    14. 14. Social Pathology
    15. Chapter Highlights
    16. Exercises
    17. Answers
    18. References
  23. Chapter 18: Social Problems
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Poverty
    3. 3. Illiteracy
    4. 4. Food Supply
    5. 5. Housing Problems
    6. 6. Prostitution
    7. 7. Rights of Women
    8. 8. Women Abuse
    9. 9. Unmarried Mothers
    10. 10. Rights of the Child
    11. 11. Vulnerable Group: The Elderly
    12. 12. Vulnerable Group: The Handicapped
    13. 13. Child Labour
    14. 14. Child Abuse
    15. 15. Juvenile Delinquency
    16. 16. Crime
    17. 17. Substance Abuse
    18. 18. HIV/AIDS
    19. 19. Dowry System
    20. 20. Alcoholism
    21. 21. Unemployment
    22. Chapter Highlights
    23. Exercises
    24. Answers
    25. References
  24. Chapter 19: Social Control
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Meaning of Social Control
    3. 3. Purposes of Social Control
    4. 4. Essentials of Social Control
    5. 5. Development of the Concept of Social Control
    6. 6. Need for Social Control
    7. 7. Types of Social Control
    8. 8. Application of Social Control Theory
    9. 9. Customs
    10. 10. Tradition
    11. 11. Folkways
    12. 12. Norms
    13. 13. Mores
    14. 14. Law
    15. 15. Education
    16. 16. Deviance
    17. 17. Influence of Social Control on Health Behaviours
    18. Chapter Highlights
    19. Exercises
    20. Answers
    21. References
  25. Chapter 20: Social Change
    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Meaning of Social Change
    3. 3. Nature of Social Change
    4. 4. Difference between Social Change and Cultural Change
    5. 5. Factors Involved in Social Change
    6. 6. Factors of Social Change in India
    7. 7. Cultural Lag and Social Change
    8. 8. Theories of Social Change
    9. 9. Concepts of Evolution, Development, and Progress
    10. 10. Social Development
    11. 11. Social Progress
    12. 12. Impact of Technological Change
    13. 13. Social Movement Types
    14. Chapter Highlights
    15. Exercises
    16. Answers
    17. References