
Book Description

Achieve higher levels of workforce engagement and retain more employees

A strong U.S. economy with record-low unemployment rates and the shift to Millennials—now the largest generation in the workforce—are driving specific challenges for organizations to engage and retain employees. Engaged employees don't just happen, they are nurtured by organizations with great cultures and strong leadership.

Talent Keepers puts a new spin on a systematic approach to employee engagement and retention with precise tactics that have achieved proven results. This book includes research-based methods of engaging employees, beginning the moment they are hired. With six client case studies that focus on how the organization put an engagement plan into practice and achieved success, readers will come away with specific, actionable strategies they can begin implementing immediately in their organization.  

•    Put an engagement plan into action

•    Find actionable strategies

•    Implement ways to retain your best employees

•    Achieve success starting today

If you’re a top leader looking to engage and retain your best performers, Talent Keepers has you covered. 

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Preface
  3. Acknowledgments
  4. Introduction: Energizing a Changing Workplace
    1. Blink, and Your Staff Has Changed
    2. Embracing the Data (and Everything After)
    3. The Confluence of Generations
    4. “Begging Them to Stay”
    5. Good Leadership Still Wins
    6. Building a Winning Strategy
  5. Chapter 1: Engaging Your Talent Is a Business Imperative
    1. The True Cost of Turnover
    2. Leadership as a Market Advantage
    3. Introducing the Leader Engagement Index
  6. Chapter 2: What Engages People at Work?
    1. The Tipping Point
    2. I Don’t Need No Satisfaction
    3. The Four Drivers of Employee Engagement
    4. The Four Drivers and the Leadership Engagement Index
  7. Chapter 3: Leaders and Their Impact
    1. The Case for a Focus on Leadership
    2. Why Focusing on Leaders Gets Results
    3. Best Boss/Worst Boss
    4. Leaders Underestimate Their Impact
    5. Different Background, Different Response
    6. Commit, Engage, Excel
  8. Chapter 4: Communication: The Lubricant of Change
    1. Blaming Up
    2. What Not to Do
    3. What to Do: Sharing Down
  9. Chapter 5: Solving the Career Growth Dilemma
    1. Recognize the Right Way
    2. Trust Each Other with Your Careers
    3. Shifting Career Aspirations
    4. The Stay Interview
    5. Career Growth and Accountability
    6. Job Stratification
    7. WOWs, Wet Socks, and Snorkels
  10. Chapter 6: New Rules for Building a Leadership Team
    1. The Fish Rots …
    2. Promote for More Than Just Job Skill
    3. Measuring “Will Do” and “Can Do”
  11. Chapter 7: Creating an Engagement and Retention Culture
    1. Can You Fix Culture?
    2. Communication Is Still the Key
    3. Creating the Culture
  12. Chapter 8: Building the Business Case for Engagement and Retention
    1. Where’s the Money?
    2. Finding the Money
    3. Spreading the Impact
    4. Building a Winning Strategy
  13. Appendix: TalentKeepers Engagement and Retention Solutions
  14. About the Authors
  15. Index
  16. EULA