
Book Description

Reveals how to achieve flexible, lucrative work without a traditional full-time job.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Table of Contents
  5. Preface
    1. Acknowledgments
  6. PART I: Escape Your Reality
    1. CHAPTER 1: The Life of Your Dreams
      1. Endnotes
    2. CHAPTER 2: Realizing That Old Dream Isn’t Worth Realizing
      1. Chronology of a 9-to-5 Career
        1. Starting at Point A: Eyes on the Prize
        2. Arriving at Point B: The Illusion of Security
      2. OMG, I Need a Job!
      3. The J-O-B Is Not the Answer
    3. CHAPTER 3: Charting a New Course
      1. The Business of Navigating
      2. Beware of Subtle Changes
      3. Set Sail on Your Journey
      4. A Vision for Your Life
        1. Map Out Your Goals
        2. Develop Goals That Energize You
      5. Revisit Your Goals Periodically
        1. Endnotes
    4. CHAPTER 4: The 9-to-5 Cure Equation
      1. Solving the 9-to-5 Cure Equation
  7. PART II: Live the Life of Your Dreams
    1. CHAPTER 5: Career Myopia and Other Misperceptions
      1. Career Myopia: Putting Work in Perspective
        1. How Long You Live and Work
        2. How Much You Really Live During Your Working Career
        3. How the World Works
      2. The No-Vacation Nation
      3. The Deliberate Lifestyle
      4. The Power of Time Off
      5. Time and Money in Abundance
        1. Endnotes
    2. CHAPTER 6: The Framework—Lifestyle Design
      1. An Introduction to Lifestyle Design
      2. Your Ideal Work Year
      3. Your Ideal Career
      4. Your Ideal Workplace
        1. Working from Home
        2. Working On-Site
        3. Working Location Independent
      5. Your Ideal Work Mates
        1. Identifying Key Characteristics of Your Co-workers
        2. Working as Part of a Team
        3. Going Off to Your Own Corner
      6. Your Money or Your Life
        1. How Much Money Do You Make Each Day?
        2. How Much Do You Need to Work?
        3. How Much Do You Want to Work?
      7. Your Ideal Attitude
        1. Passion Is Powerful
        2. The Shape of Your Ideal Career Outlook
          1. Cyclical Versus Spiral
          2. Linear Versus Spiral
          3. Identifying the Shape of Your Current Career Outlook
        3. Endnotes
  8. PART III: Work on Purpose
    1. CHAPTER 7: The Headlines—Survivalnomics
      1. The Age of Survivalnomics
      2. Taking Inventory of Our Work
        1. Crowdsourcing
        2. Gigonomics
        3. The Gigaverse
        4. Endnotes
    2. CHAPTER 8: A New Strategy—The Patchwork Principle
      1. The Big Picture in a Nutshell
        1. The Power of Momentum
        2. The Guiding Belief that Access Is Power
        3. The Fish and Pitch Strategy
        4. The Rationale Behind Your Premium Rate of Pay
        5. The Unlimited Power of Momentum
        6. The 9-to-5 Cure
        7. Today’s Patchworker
      2. The Patchworker Agenda
        1. The Forecast for Patchworkers
        2. The Five Patchwork Position Types
          1. The Stand-In
          2. The Walk-On
          3. The Plug
          4. The Quick Fix
          5. The Star
        3. The Freelance Dance
      3. Practical Considerations
        1. Endnotes
    3. CHAPTER 9: Guiding Beliefs of the Patchwork Principle
      1. The 11 Guiding Beliefs of the Patchwork Principle
        1. P Is for Purpose: Work on Purpose
        2. A Is for Access: Access Is Power
        3. T Is for Time: Own Your Time
        4. C Is for Choice: Choose Your Company Wisely
        5. H Is for Happiness: Happiness Is the Key to Success
          1. The Recipe for Happiness
            1. Autonomy
            2. Complexity
            3. Connection Between Effort and Reward
            4. Being Happy Pays Dividends
        6. W Is for Work: You Will Always Have More Work Than You Need
        7. O Is for Originality: Separate Yourself from the Pack
        8. R Is for Revenue: Small Jobs Can Yield Big Payoffs
        9. K Is for Knowledge: Know That You Can Be Anything You Want to Be
        10. E Is for Energy: Momentum Is Energy That Generates Income
        11. R Is for Reward: A Life Lived Well Is Its Own Reward
        12. Endnotes
    4. CHAPTER 10: The Mindset of the Successful Patchworker
      1. Know Your Patchworker Personality Type
        1. If You Are Type A
        2. If You Are Type B
        3. Your Type Does Not Set the Limits
      2. Master Your Approach
      3. Adopt a Healthy State of Paranoia
        1. Endnotes
  9. PART IV: Make It Happen
    1. CHAPTER 11: Take Inventory and Build Your Brand
      1. What Do You Have to Offer?
        1. The 10,000-Hour Rule
        2. Your Expert Skills
      2. What Do You See Out There?
      3. What Do You Not See Out There?
      4. How to Pitch Your Niche
    2. CHAPTER 12: Go Fish
      1. What Is Fishing?
        1. The Eagle Eye
        2. The Seagull Scavenge
        3. Comparison: The Eagle vs. the Seagull
      2. How to Fish
        1. Reflection
        2. Observation
          1. Visit the Web Sites of Potential Clients
          2. Visit the Social Media Outlets
          3. Visit Company and Employee Blogs
        3. Identification
          1. Job Search Engines Aimed at the Masses
          2. Specialized Job Search Engines
          3. Freelance Job Search Engines
          4. Specialty Skill Sites
          5. Virtual Assistants
          6. Telecommuters
          7. Reverse Outsourcing
          8. Location-Specific Job Sites
          9. Employment Agencies
          10. Face-to-Face Networking Groups
        4. Evaluation
      3. The Cardinal Rules of Fishing
        1. Endnotes
    3. CHAPTER 13: Stand and Deliver
      1. Perception Is Everything
      2. Key Elements of a Good Pitch
        1. Do the Research
        2. Know Who You Are and Sell It!
        3. Lead with a Good Story
        4. Love the Work
        5. Be Bright and Salty
        6. Look the Part
        7. Exude Confidence and Competence
        8. Endnotes
    4. CHAPTER 14: Negotiate—Everything!
      1. The Negotiation Mindset
      2. Negotiating Your Time
      3. Negotiating Your Rate
        1. Determine the Worth of Your Skill Set on the Open Market
        2. Develop a Pricing Strategy
      4. Managing the Negotiation Process
      5. Negotiating Your Title
        1. The Employee
        2. The Independent Contractor
        3. The Consultant
        4. Choosing Your Title Wisely
      6. Negotiating Your Location
      7. Negotiating Some Extras
        1. Endnotes
  10. PART V: Think It Through
    1. CHAPTER 15: Do You Have What It Takes?
      1. The Mindset
      2. The People Skills
        1. Inspirational Skills
        2. Interpersonal Skills
        3. Operational Skills
        4. Cultural Skills
        5. Crazy Skills
      3. The Fiscal Discipline
      4. The Courage to Change
      5. The Nerve to Tackle Your Fears
        1. Endnotes
    2. CHAPTER 16: Consider the Drawbacks
      1. Personal Drawbacks
      2. Professional Drawbacks
    3. CHAPTER 17: Plan Your Escape and Get Out of There
      1. Part-Time Patchworking
      2. Leaving the Door Open
      3. Leaving a Trail
  11. PART VI: Set Up Shop
    1. CHAPTER 18: Get Your Move On
      1. Journaling Your Journey
      2. Startup Costs
        1. Spend with Caution
        2. Checklist for Setting Up Shop
          1. Your Office
            1. The Home Office Option
            2. The Leased Space Option
          2. Office Equipment
          3. Office Supplies
          4. Business Phone Line
          5. Web Site
          6. Business Identity
            1. Printed Materials
            2. Virtual Materials
        3. Endnotes
    2. CHAPTER 19: Meeting Uncle Sam and Other Necessities
      1. Establishing Your Business
      2. Taking Steps to Safeguard Yourself
        1. Health Insurance—More Affordable Than You Think
        2. Health Savings Accounts
        3. Cash Discounts
        4. Retirement Savings
    3. CHAPTER 20: Parting Thoughts
      1. Be Willing to Make Some Big Mistakes
      2. Never Underestimate Yourself
      3. Cultivate a Community of Colleagues
      4. Go Easy on Yourself
      5. Lead with Kindness
      6. Be Willing to Apologize
      7. Stay Positive
      8. Keep Making Forward Progress
        1. Endnotes
  12. Glossary
  13. Index
  14. Footnote