The 9-to-5 Cure Equation

Cure is a powerful word. It evokes images of medical miracle drugs, such as penicillin, that end epidemics or of people who are disabled in some way and who are suddenly restored to full health. These events are life altering, changing the course of a person’s future forever in a positive way.

Now considering all of that, the thought of labeling my strategy a “cure” was intimidating at first blush. However, it is exactly the right word to describe the career strategy that I am about to share with you. My cure is, in fact, one that can be “life altering, changing the course of a person’s future forever in a positive way.” And it’s funny, but when I was researching the possibility of using the word cure, I opened the dictionary with expectations of references to medical examples but was pleasantly surprised to discover that the definition referenced a usage example that was employment related:

Main Entry: cure1

Pronunciation: kyu r

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin & Latin;

Medieval Latin cura, cure of souls, from Latin, care

Date: 14th century

1 : a complete or permanent solution or remedy <seeking a cure for unemployment>

You see, even Merriam-Webster believes there is a cure for your career woes! So, with that, let’s get down to the business of discussing the 9-to-5 Cure Equation, a formula for career success.

Solving the 9-to-5 Cure Equation

The 9-to-5 Cure Equation could save your life—literally! It could save you from working your life away without any time available to spend on the other things that also matter to you. It could be the difference between thirty-plus years in the rat race or a lifetime of relatively effortless balance. It could alter how your children and grandchildren think about “work” as they grow older. It could liberate you from the bondage of the 9-to-5 lifestyle and usher in a new era of personal freedom into your life. I want that for you.

Let’s dive in and take a look at the equation in its entirety:


Lifestyle Design + The Patchwork Principle = The 9-to-5 Cure


Quality of Life + Enjoyable Work in Abundance = The 9-to-5 Cure

I’ve structured this book around the two fundamental parts of the 9-to-5 Cure Equation. First, I talk about how to live the life of your dreams by defining and exploring the concept of Lifestyle Design in Chapter 6, “The Framework—Lifestyle Design,” including what it means, why it matters to you, and how it can shape your career. I also describe how it can set the tone for everything in your personal life and everything work related, from the jobs you accept to the hours you keep. You will work through practical exercises that yield information you can apply directly to your career endeavors going forward.

Then, in Chapter 8, “A New Strategy—The Patchwork Principle,” I describe the Patchwork Principle, which is an entrepreneurial career strategy that has much to offer, including doing work that you love on your own terms, in your own time, and at a rate that you choose. Until then, I provide the second line of the equation as a simple translation of these concepts into everyday terms to give you a sense of what lies ahead.


It may sound impossible to you right now. In fact, I’m hoping that you are a little bit skeptical at this juncture because that disbelief will make it all the more exciting when you reach the end of the book and think to yourself, “Hey! I can do this!” And you can. You can!

Let’s get started by jumping right into the next section of the book, which details the fundamentals of Lifestyle Design within the context of the 9-to-5 Cure.

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