
Book Description

The greatly revised and expanded edition of The Elements of Photography is a new kind of textbook for a new generation of photographers. Moving far beyond the usual technical manual, Angela Faris Belt dives deep into merging technique and vision, allowing you to master craft while adding meaning to your images. Here you'll really learn to see photographically, expand your creative and conceptual use of apertures and shutter speeds, and choose the right media to create the look and feel you want.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Contents
  5. Foreword
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. Preface: It’s Elemental
  8. Introduction: The Grammar of Photographic Language
  9. Chapter 1 Before You Begin
    1. What is the Photographic Image?
    2. Examining Subject, Content, and Form: Three Photographs
    3. How Do I Select a Subject?
    4. Flowchart Method: Moving From Subject to Shot List
    5. Finding Your Thread
    6. Chapter Exercises: Selecting your Subject
  10. Chapter 2 Metering and Exposure
    1. What is Exposure?
    2. Understanding Your Light Meter
    3. Putting It All Together
    4. Digital Media Histograms Demystified
    5. Three Tonal Ranges: Exposure and Histograms Explained
    6. Advanced Explanation of Exposure
    7. Chapter Exercises: Metering, Equivalent Exposures, and Bracketing
  11. Chapter 3 Framing, Borders, and Multiple Frames
    1. Part 1: Framing
    2. Introduction: Framing, the First Photographic Element
    3. Conscious Framing, Visual Quality, and Photographic Meaning
    4. Organizing the Frame: Picture Planes, Vantage Point, and Juxtaposition
    5. Visual Variety
    6. Contact Sheets: Key to Choosing the Best Frame
    7. Cropping: A Second Chance to Frame it Right
    8. Chapter Exercises, Part 1: Framing Your Subject in Conscious Ways
    9. Portfolio Pages
    10. Part 2: Borders, The Exterior Edges of the Frame
    11. Introduction: What Purpose Does a Border Serve?
    12. Traditional Darkroom Borders and Techniques
    13. The Digital Realm: Borders without Film
    14. Chapter Exercises, Part 2: Experimenting with Borders
    15. Part 3: Multiple Frames to Create a Single Image
    16. Introduction: Extending the Frame
    17. Gestalt Images
    18. Chapter Exercises, Part 3: A Faceted Approach to Your Subject
    19. Portfolio Pages
  12. Chapter 4 Apertures: Focus, Lenses, and Clarity
    1. Introduction: Focus, The Second Photographic Element
    2. Apertures: A Brief Technical Review
    3. Cameras without Lenses
    4. Affecting Visual Quality and Meaning with Apertures and Lenses
    5. Chapter Exercises: Using Apertures and Focus to Communicate
    6. Portfolio Pages
  13. Chapter 5 Shutter Speeds: Time and Motion
    1. Part 1: Shutter Speeds, The Third Photographic Element
    2. Shutter Speeds: A Brief Technical Review
    3. Affecting Visual Quality and Photographic Meaning with Time
    4. The Decisive Moment: Three Intersecting Factors
    5. Transcribing Time onto a Photograph
    6. Chapter Exercises, Part 1: Using Shutter Speeds with Your Subject
    7. Portfolio Pages
    8. Part 2: Multiple Moments in Time
    9. Introduction: Combining Shutter Speeds to Expand Meaning
    10. Overlapped Time: Multiple Moments in a Single Frame
    11. Sequences: Spacing Multiple Frames
    12. Scanner as Camera: When the Medium Moves
    13. Moving Single Image Frames
    14. Chapter Exercises, Part 2: Experimenting with Multiple Moments
    15. Portfolio Pages
  14. Chapter 6 Materials, Processes, and Presentation: The Aggregate Image
    1. Part 1: Going Back to the Beginning
    2. The Aggregate Image: Structure and Scale
    3. Image Size and Scale
    4. Part 2: How Images Exist in the World
    5. Final Presentation in the Gallery
    6. Chapter Exercises: Experimenting with the Aggregate Image
    7. Portfolio Pages
  15. Conclusion
    1. In the End, the Elements Combine
  16. Index