Page numbers followed by f indicates a figure and t indicates a table.

Active passiveness, 371

Aggregate image

avoiding glass, 336–339

backing channels, 337–338

exercises, 339–340

existence in world, 330–333

face mount, 337

flush mount, 337

framing behind glass, 335–336

light, 315–317

mounting alternatives, 337

presentation in gallery, 333–339

size and scale, 329–330

spacing, 338–339

structure and scale, 314, 315

texture, 325–329

tint, 325

tone, 317–323

Ambient light, 24

buildup, 243–244, 243f

see also Light

Aperture, 28–30, 29f, 167–173

whole aperture number, 29

zoom lenses, 30

camera shake, 171

depth of field, 169, 169f

impromptu still life, 170f

size effect, 170

whole-stop, 168f

see also Depth of field; ISO; Lens; Shutter speed

Architectural Apparitions, 298, 299f

Artist portfolio

Buckley, Angie, 80

DeMarte, Jason, 138

Eshbaugh, Mark, 150

Estabrook, Dan, 156

Hilliard, David, 134

Hughes, T. John, 90

Kambli, Priya, 142

Kellner, Thomas, 146

Klett, Mark, 124

Kreisher, Katharine, 160

LeRoy, Michel, 86

MacInnes, Roddy, 154

Stevens, Jane Alden, 128

Wang, Sam, 84

Wolfe, Byron, 124

Artist statements, 18–20

Barbieri, Olivo, 212

Bates, Michelle, 212

Chandler, Polly, 210

David T. Hanson, 356–357

DeMarte, Jason, 138

Dobbs, Todd, 216–217

Eggleston, Beth, 254–257

Eshbaugh, Mark, 150

Estabrook, Dan, 156–157

Ferreira, Virgilio, 218

Fish, Alida, 342

Golemboski, Carol, 284

Granger, Kristine, 308–309

Grant, Susan Kae, 380–381

Greene, Myra, 344

Greig, Cynthia, 204–205, 346

Grote, Andrew, 306

guidelines, 19

Hamrick, Frank, 364–367

Hilliard, David, 134

Hughes, T. John, 90–91, 298

Jahiel, Adam, 246

Kambli, Priya, 142

Kellner, Thomas, 146–147

Keyes, Doug, 302

Klett, Mark, 124

Kreisher, Katharine, 160

LeRoy, Michel, 86

Lirakis, Susan, 262–263

Longley-Cook, Tracy, 360

MacInnes, Roddy, 154

Macku, Michal, 352

Masao, Yamamoto, 370–371

Miele, Jean, 292

Norton, Anna, 300

Orion, Alexandre, 250

Rhode, Robin, 288

Schrager, Victor, 220

Simons, Chip, 208

Stephenson, David, 296

Stevens, Jane Alden, 128

Suzanne E. Szucs, 374–375

Thompson, Cole, 258

Wade, Cara Lee, 350

Wang, Sam, 85

Wilkinson, Sean, 214

Wolfe, Byron, 124

Available light. see Ambient light

Backing channels, 337–338

Ballad to Ballet, 291f

Barbieri, Olivo

artist statement, 212

elements, 212

photographs by, 213f

Bates, Michelle

artist statement, 206–207

elements, 206

photographs by, 207f

Bearing Still, 360, 361f–363f

Bellows options, 187–189

Lensbabies, 188, 189, 189f

Bird’s-eye view, 69

Black-and-white darkroom, 322

Black-and-white film, 323

Blue roses, 256, 256f

Blur, 223

extreme, 235f

Blurred time, 235

behind curtain, 236f

exercises, 244

neutral density filters, 237–240

painting with light, 240–241

panning, 241

tools, 235

tracing human transit, 236f

see also Frozen time; Static time

Blurring motion, 223

Border, 78–95, 101f

borderless, 98, 98f

carrier-edge, 99, 99f

digital image, 103

without film, 101–106

film-edge, 99, 99f

fine black border, 98, 98f

glass negative carriers, 101, 102

image, 97, 104

purpose, 95–96

traditional darkroom, 96–101

types, 97

vignetted, 100

Boundaries. see Border

Bracketing, 34–35

Bromide emulsions, 322

Buckley, Angie

artist statement, 80–81

elements, 80

Bunny Hunters, 209f


aperture and lens physical characteristics, 165

image discussions, 186, 187

without lenses, 173–176

mirror-up option, 171

obscura, 166, 174

pinhole, 174–176

plastic lens, 194–196

quality of focus, 166

scanner as, 276–278

shake, 31, 171, 225

see also Aperture; Depth of field; Lens

Chandler, Polly

artist statement, 210

elements, 210

photographs by, 211f

Character recognition, 344, 345f

Chloride emulsions, 322

Chlorobromide emulsions, 322

Clock Bunny, 209f

Closest shave yet, 257, 257f

Collective memory, 302, 303f–305f


light, 315, 316

star, 316, 316f

see also Red, green, and blue (RGB)

Composition. see Form

Contact sheets, 70–71, 74, 117

advantage, 116

editing images, 71

images, 116

Content, 4

Contrast, 44–45

high-contrast scene, 44, 44f

low-contrast scene, 45, 45f

see also Blur

Critique, 17

about another’s work, 17

facing, 18

groups, 16–18

process, 17

Cropping, 71–75

David T. Hanson

artist statement, 356–357

elements, 356

photographs by, 358f–359f

Davidhazy, Andrew

concept and process statement, 252–253

elements, 252

photographs by, 253f

Decisive moments, 229

concept and illustration, 230f

in time, 229f

DeMarte, Jason

artist statement, 138

elements, 138

Denver Club, 299f

Depth of field, 169, 169f

camera shake, 171

controllers, 170

exercises, 201

preview, 172

shallow, 172f

see also Aperture; Camera; ISO; Shutter speed

Detroit City Hall, 299f

Diffusion, 196

connotations, 199

effect, 198f

filters effect, 196

happy accident rainbow flare, 200f

lens flare, 199–200

lenses lacking quality, 197f

see also Blur


age, 281

disease, 77

noise, 27

sensors, 27

Diptych, 6, 7f, 119, 153f, 159f

with vignetted borders, 119f

Direction of motion, 233

Distance from subject, 233

Ditches, 216–217, 217f

Dobbs, Todd

artist statement, 216–217

elements, 216

photographs by, 217f

Documentary images, 10, 11f

Editing images, 71

Eggleston, Beth

artist statement, 254–257

blue roses, 256, 256f

closest shave yet, 257

elements, 254

photographs by, 255f

Eshbaugh, Mark

artist statement, 150

elements, 150

Estabrook, Dan

artist statement, 156–157

elements, 156

Exposure, 24

amount of light, 24–25

aperture, 28–30

bracketing, 34–35, 47

contrast, 44–45

determinants of, 24

equivalent, 34f, 46

evaluation, 35

histograms, 35–37

photographic media, 33

reflectance value, 42–43

shutter speed, 30–32

stops and factors, 43

technical aspects, 23

tonal ranges, 37–42

see also Aperture; ISO; Light

Extension tubes, 64, 64f

micro with, 65

Face mount, 337

Fast action freeze, 234f

Fast-action panning, 241f

Ferreira, Virgilio

artist statement, 218

elements, 218

photographs by, 219f

Film. see ISO

Film grain, 28f, 325

Fish, Alida

artist statement, 342

elements, 342

photographs by, 343, 343f


view, 68–69

lenses, 181, 182f, 190f

Flexing, 189–192

Flipbooks, 279

Flush mount, 337

Focal length/magnification, 233

Focal plane shutters, 32

Focus, 165–167

see also Depth of field; Lens

Follow the Carrot, 209f

Form, 4, 5

Framing, 51, 52

contact sheets, 70–71

cropping, 71–75

decision, 52

juxtaposition, 58–59

organization, 53–59

picture planes, 54–57

vantage point, 58

visual variety, 59–70

Frank Hurley, 293f

Freeze-blur continuum, 224f

From Cabinet of Curiosities, 342, 343f

Frozen in space, 245

Frozen time, 232, 232f, 233

determination, 233

exercises, 245

fast action freeze, 234f

flash/strobe, 233

frozen in space, 234f

shutter speed work, 233f

see also Blurred time; Static time

f-stop. see Aperture

Gestalt images, 108–120

Ghosts of Auschwitz and Birkenau, The, 258, 261f

God’s eye view, 192

Golemboski, Carol

artist statement, 284

elements, 284

photographs by, 285f–287f

Grain, 325

Granger, Kristine

artist statement, 308–309

elements, 308

photographs by, 309f–311f

Grant, Susan Kae

artist statement, 380–381

elements, 380

photographs by, 381f–383f

Greene, Myra

artist statement, 344

elements, 344

photographs by, 345f

Greig, Cynthia

artist statement, 204–205, 346

elements, 204, 346, 347f–349f

photographs by, 205f

Grote, Andrew

artist statement, 306

elements, 306

photographs by, 306f–307f

Gun, 205f

Hamrick, Frank

artist statement, 364–367

elements, 364

photographs by, 366f, 369f

Scars, 367

Wallet Book, 365

Haunting, 308

Hc Svnt Dracones, 294f

High-contrast scene, 44, 44f

High-key scene, 33, 35, 40, 47

Hilliard, David

artist statement, 134

elements, 134

Histograms, 35–37

average-tone scenes, 36f

clipping, 37

horizontal axis, 35, 35f

tonal ranges, 37–42

Holy Cow, 207f

Hue, 320

see also Color; Contrast

Hughes, T. John

artist statement, 90–91, 298

elements, 90, 298

photographs by, 299f

Image discussion

experiencing images, 334

in gallery, 331

multiple exposures in-camera, 267

sequence documenting performance, 274, 274f

traditional darkroom mixed multiple exposures, 270, 270f

spirit photographs, 239

view from above, 191f

visual variety and macro to micro with focal lengths, 186, 186f, 187


light meters, 25f, 32

multiple exposures, 267, 269

Insidious Charms, 350, 351f

ISO, 25–27

100 ISO, 28f

3200 ISO, 28f

chart, 27

lighting requirements visual qualities, 26f

medium ISO speed, 27

whole-stop, 28

Jahiel, Adam

artist statement, 246

elements, 246

photographs by, 247f–249f

Jouissance, 309

Juxtaposition, 58–59, 61, 77

of contents, 60

between frames in multiframe images, 120f

Kambli, Priya

artist statement, 142

elements, 142

Kellner, Thomas

artist statement, 146–147

elements, 146

Keyes, Doug

artist statement, 302

elements, 302

photographs by, 303f–305f

Klett, Mark

artist statement, 124

elements, 124

Kreisher, Katharine

artist statement, 160

elements, 160

Lakeview Cemetery, 207f

Last Cowboy, The, 246, 247f–249f

Leaf shutters, 32

Lensbaby, 188, 189

composer and optics accessories, 189f

muse, 189f

see also Lens


bellows options, 187–189

diffusion, 196–199

flare, 199–200

flexing in traditional darkroom, 189–192

focal length, 170, 179–187

normal focal length, 180–181

plane of focus, 187–193

plastic lens cameras, 194–196

soft focus SLR, 192–193

to subject distance, 170

telephoto, 183

uses, 179

wide-angle, 181–182

see also Aperture; Depth of field

LeRoy, Michel

artist statement, 86

elements, 86

Life preserver, 205f

Light, 24, 315

absorption and transmission, 317f

color, 315, 316

color star, 316, 316f

density and contrast, 315

RGB color channels, 317

meter, 32

see also Ambient light

Lirakis, Susan

artist statement, 262–263

elements, 262

photographs by, 264f

Longley-Cook, Tracy

artist statement, 360

elements, 360

photographs by, 361f–363f

Low-contrast scene, 45, 45f

see also Ambient light; Contrast

Low-key scene, 33, 41–42, 48

MacInnes, Roddy

artist statement, 154

elements, 154

Macku, Michal

artist statement, 352

elements, 352

photographs by, 323, 353f–355f

Madison, FL; Wright Boat House, 299f

Masao, Yamamoto

additional reflections, 371

artist statement, 370–371

elements, 370

photographs by, 372f–373f

Metabiotics, 250, 251f

Metering systems, 35

Miele, Jean

artist statement, 292

elements, 292

photographs by, 293f–295f

Mirror-up option, 171

Moving single images, 231

frames, 278

perceived seamless motion, 280–281

still and spinning, 279f

tactile images, 279–280

temporal sequence of film stills, 280f

Multiframe panoramas, 111–113, 112f

with borders, 113–114

overlapped panoramas, 113–116

with seams, 114

Multiple exposures, 266–272

digital darkroom multi-image montage, 272

exercises, 283

in-camera, 267, 269

traditional darkroom, 269–272

Multiple frames, 106–107

spacing, 272–276

extension, 107–108

Multiple moments, 231

exercises, 281–309

moving single image frames, 278–279

overlapped time, 266

scanner as camera, 276–278

sequences, 272–276

in time, 265

see also Shutter speed

Neutral density filters, 237, 240

design, 237

Singh-Ray double ring Vari-ND Duo filter, 237f, 238

Singh-Ray variable, 237f

slows shutter speeds, 238f

Night Journey, 380–381, 381f–383f

Norton, Anna

artist statement, 300

elements, 300

photographs by, 301f

Orion, Alexandre

artist statement, 250

elements, 250

photographs by, 251f

Out-of-focus, 192

exercises, 201

lens quality, 193–199

medium-format SLR camera image, 193f

TTL viewing, 192

see also Ambient light; Contrast; Depth of field; Lens

Overexpose, 40

see also Ambient light; Aperture; Light; Shutter speed

Overlapped time, 266

multiple exposures, 266–272

technical discussion, 267

trading time for layers, 271

Painting with light, 240, 240f

Panning, 241

even moderate-speed action, 242f

fast-action, 241f

Panopticon, 275

Penelope, 209f

Personal mythology, 263f

Photography, 3, 24, 51

attributes, 5

content, 4

designing, 52

element framing, 51

form, 4, 5

image, 3–5

subject, 3, 4

stops, 24

Photorealism, 165

Pictorialists, 166

Picture planes, 54–57, 77

diagonal, 55, 56f

overlapping, 57, 57f

parallel, 55, 56f

Pilgrim’s Quest, 263f

Pinhole cameras, 174–176

exercises, 202

loose-film, 177f

pinhole body cap, 175f

shutter speed effects, 178f

technical considerations, 176

Pittsburgh Bridge, 299f

Pixels, 325

Plane of Focus, 187–193, 202

Plastic camera images, 206–207

Plastic lens cameras, 194

characteristics, 194

images, 195f–196f

Portfolio pages, 79

Projection, 295f

Proximity, 108

Psychological burn, 100

Psychometry, 284, 285f–287f

Red, green, and blue (RGB), 315

Reflectance value, 42–43

Reflected-light meter, 25

Rhode, Robin

artist statement, 288

elements, 288

photographs by, 289f–291f

Road to Stillmore, the, 300, 301f

Saturation, 320–321

see also Hue


attribute, 276

as camera, 276

movement translation, 278

scanning scene, 277f

Scanner portraits, 306, 307f

Scars, 367

Scene setters, 62

Schrager, Victor

artist statement, 220

elements, 220

photographs by, 221f

Schrager, Victor, 9f

Sensor speed. see ISO

Sequences, 273

conceptual gestalt, 273

documenting performance, 274, 274f

exercises, 283

stop-motion, 282f

temporal, 275

Short lenses. see Wide-angle lenses

Shot list, 14

Shutter mechanisms, 32

Shutter speed, 30–32, 30f, 223, 233

affecting visual quality, 226–228

blurred time, 235–241

camera shake, 31

decisive moments in time, 228–229, 229f

exercises, 244–263

frozen time, 232–235, 232f

importance, 226

motion and energy, 227f

static time, 242–244

technical review, 224–226

time’s continuum, 228, 228f, 231f

transcribing time onto photograph, 229–244

whole-stop, 31, 225, 225f

see also Aperture

Simons, Chip

artist statement, 208

elements, 208

photographs by, 209f

Singh-Ray double ring Vari-ND Duo filter, 237f, 238


frame division, 115–116

moments, 231

Snow Rollers, 188f

Soft focus SLR. see Out-of-focus

Spacing, 338–339

Speed of motion, 233

Spirit photographs, 239

Stars, 296, 297f

Static time, 242

ambient light buildup, 243–244, 243f

architectural stability, 242f

image creating tool, 243

see also Blurred time; Frozen time

Stephenson, David

artist statement, 296

elements, 296

photographs by, 297f

Stevens, Jane Alden

artist statement, 128

elements, 128

Stills, 308–309, 309f–311f

Stitched panoramic images, 110

Stone Flag, 289f

Stop-factor chart, 43, 43f

Stops, 24

and factors, 43

String Theory images, 252–253, 253f

Subject, 3, 4

failure, 33

flowchart method, 12–14, 13f

interpretation, 6

selection, 10–12

Subject matter. see Content

Sunglasses, 205f

Suzanne E. Szucs

artist statement, 374–375

elements, 374

photographs by, 375f, 377f, 379f

Tactile images, 279

flipbooks, 279

zoetropes, 280

Tear sheets, 16

Telephoto lenses

distance effect, 185f

images, 183f–184f

technical, 183

visual, 183

see also Wide-angle lenses

Tempest, 263f

Terra Incognita, 293f

Texture, 325

grain, 325

noise, 326

original full-frame capture, 326f

physical, 327–329

texture of video, 329

Thompson, Cole

artist statement, 258

elements, 258

photographs by, 261f

Thread, 14, 15

critique groups, 16–18

interdisciplinary research, 16

tear sheets, 16

Threshold, 263f

Through-the-lens (TTL), 32

Time’s continuum, 228, 228f, 231f

Tint, 325

Tonal ranges, 37–42

average scenes, 37

high-key scene, 40

low-key scene, 41–42

Tone, 317, 324f

color channels, 319f

digital color image, 317

hue, 320

saturation, 320–321

traditional darkroom tone considerations, 322–323

types, 322f

value, 321

TP Typology, 254

Traces, 214, 215f

Trading time, 271

Treasure State, the, 356–357, 358f–359f

Tree Face, 165f

Trees for my father, 265f

Triptychs, 119, 152f

TTL viewing, 192

Typologies, 254–257, 255f

Uncanny places project, 218, 219f

Underexpose, 41

Vantage point, 58, 59f–60f, 77

Vintage series, 292, 295f

Visual variety, 59–70, 67

looking up to looking down, 66, 68f

macro to micro, 62–64, 78

outside in to inside out, 62–66

Wade, Cara Lee

artist statement, 350

elements, 350

photographs by, 351f

Wallet Book, 364–367

Wang, Sam

artist statement, 85

elements, 84

Waterfall project, The, 212, 213f

Wheel of Steel, 290f

White Room, The, 220, 221f

Wide-angle lenses, 182f

technical, 181

visual, 181–182

see also Telephoto lenses

Wilkinson, Sean

artist statement, 214

elements, 214

photographs by, 215f

Wolfe, Byron

artist statement, 124

elements, 124

Zoetropes, 280

device, 309

Zoom lenses, 30

see also Lens

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