
Book Description

Meeting the challenges of high-performance HR

Until 1760 ships routinely disappeared, ran aground, or sank because seafarers could not measure longitude. The cost in life and property was immense. Today, business faces a similar challenge, as the failure to measure human resources performance is just as costly and deadly to modern organizations.

Senior executives once considered HR a "soft," unavoidable cost of doing business, responsible for compensation, employee transactions, company functions, workforce problems, and legal issues. Three factors changed this perception: the significant impact of high-performance HR, the implications of poorly performing HR, and soaring HR operating expenses. These factors have led to an increased demand and focus on HR metrics.

Ultimate Performance approaches this challenge by providing clear, proven measurement solutions that will optimize the performance of people and businesses.

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
    1. Dedication
  2. Preface
  3. Introduction
  4. Imperatives of Metrics
    1. Metrics of Business
      1. Define and Understand the Business Strategy
      2. Identify Human Capital Deliverables that Impact the Business
      3. Measure the Impact of HR Deliverables
    2. Outsourcing: A Perfect Example
    3. Organization Leaders Should Focus on Objectives, Not Strategy
    4. More and Better Performance Metrics Must Be Developed
  5. A Path to Alignment
    1. Demonstrating Alignment
    2. Human Resources Accounting: Well Intentioned, but Not Well Received
  6. Supporting Human Capital Decision Making
    1. Three Decision Maker Perspectives
    2. The Role of Human Resources in Decision Support
  7. Employee Assets and Contribution
    1. Human Capital and Production
    2. Human Capital and Intellectual Capital
    3. Modeling Employee Contribution
    4. The Incremental Employee Contribution Model
  8. Employee Contribution to Risk
    1. Background
    2. Categorizing Risks—Type and Source
    3. Categorizing Risks—Frequency and Consequence
    4. Categorizing Costs
    5. Quantifying the Risk Profile
    6. Quantifying Return
  9. The Employee Lifecycle—A Metrics Roadmap from the C-Level
    1. Managing Through Metrics
    2. The Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) versus Other C-Level Executives
    3. Attract
    4. Acquire
    5. Develop
    6. Utilize
    7. Separate
  10. Missions, Objectives, and Metrics
    1. Correlating Performance and Goals
    2. Working with Metrics to Evaluate Human Capital
      1. Closed Loop Human Capital Cycle
      2. After Implementation
      3. Executive Reporting
    3. The Human Capital Blueprint™
      1. When Measuring Human Capital
    4. Measuring Individual Human Capital Performance
      1. Pointers
      2. Warnings
    5. Organizational Missions, Objectives and Metrics
      1. Sample Objectives
    6. HR Metrics Defined—Performance Diagnosed
      1. Performance Diagnosis Matrix of Enabling Questions
  11. Measuring Staffing—A Better Approach to Hiring Metrics
    1. New Hire Quality
    2. Time
    3. Hiring Manager Satisfaction
    4. Recruiting Cost Ratio
    5. Recruiting Efficiency
    6. Case Study: Measuring New Hire Quality
      1. Why Hasn’t IT Been Measured
      2. Getting Started
  12. Beyond Hiring—Metrics for Employee Development and Retention
    1. Introduction
      1. Defining Development
      2. Purpose of Development
      3. Performance Outcomes
      4. General Versus Job Specific Development
      5. Time Frame for Outcome
      6. Formal Versus Informal Development
    2. Retention
    3. Approaches to Development Metrics
    4. Development and Retention Metrics: Getting Started
    5. Proposed Development Metrics
    6. Approaches to Retention Metrics
      1. Obsessing Over Turnover
      2. Limiting Internal Movement
      3. No Rehires
      4. Employee Development
    7. Predictive Retention Metrics
      1. Organizational Commitment
      2. Intent to Leave
    8. Proposed Retention Metrics
  13. Succession Planning and Internal Mobility
    1. Case Study—Internal Mobility at Harrah’s Entertainment
    2. Measuring the Supply Side (Employees)
      1. Metric One: Percent of Internal Hires
      2. Metric Two: Internal Fluidity
      3. Metric Three: “High Potential” Mobility
      4. Metric Four: Exit Interview Feedback
      5. Metric Five: Human Resources Time-to-Contact
    3. Demand Side = Succession Planning
      1. Metric One: Vulnerability Scan
      2. Metric Two: Vulnerability Action Plan
    4. Metrics Three, Four, Five, and Six: Succession Planning and Baby Boomer Retirement
      1. Metric Three: The Retirement Forecast
      2. Metric Four: Scope of Retirement Impact
      3. Metric Five: Business Impact Analysis
      4. Metric Six: Retirement Action Plan
  14. Current Measurement Practices—Lessons from the Field
    1. Introduction
    2. What Makes a Good Metric?
      1. A Common Mistake
    3. How Other Industries Measure
    4. Certifications as Benchmarks
    5. Ten Lessons from the Field
  15. Case Studies—Metrics in Action
    1. Sherri Bliss: Program Manager, PacifiCare Health Systems
    2. Metrics Help Intel Leap Ahead
      1. Introduction to Intel’s Staffing Metrics Portfolio
  16. Human Capital and Organizational Performance
    1. Leading-Lagging Indicator Relationships
    2. The Matrix of Relationships
    3. Measures of Meaning
      1. Example 1. Employee Behavior Rating Form for Customer Contact Position
  17. HR Outsourcing and Metrics
    1. The Problem
    2. The Failed Promise of Transformation
    3. The Real Value
    4. Integrated HR Outsourcing
    5. Metrics Can Play a Pivotal Role in HR Outsourcing Success or Failure
    6. What Is the Measure of Reward for Getting It Right?
    7. Know Your Business—and Know Outsourcing
    8. Fast Company Came Close . . . Tom Stewart Came Closer
  18. A Practical Guide to Building Your Ultimate Dashboard
    1. How to Develop Your Ultimate Dashboard
    2. Communicating Your Ultimate Dashboard
    3. Best Dashboard Practices with Scott Morrison, Manager of Recruiting Programs at Salesforce.com
    4. How to Make Really Big Mistakes
    5. Dealing with Bad Data
    6. What Is a Data Warehouse?
    7. Best Dashboard Practices with Mary Claire Ryan, Director of Sourcing at Riviera Advisors
    8. Where to Leverage Technology
  19. Conclusion
  20. References
  21. About the Contributing Authors
    1. Nicholas C. Burkholder
    2. Scott Golas
    3. Jeremy Shapiro
    4. Robert Yerex, Ph.D.
    5. Anthony Roig
    6. Christy Risser-Milne
    7. Alissa Stanley