Closed Loop Human Capital Cycle

  • Acquisition.

  • Performance.

    • Key performance indicators.

    • Organization results.

  • Assessment.

    • Readiness, depth, vulnerability, diversity, succession planning.

  • Development.

  • Retention.

  • Change.

Since staffing metrics are not pervasive in all of staffing management, it is sometimes challenging to implement quantitative measures into staffing operations. Adopting a five-step process with those who carry out the staffing mission may help to implement staffing metrics.

The first step is to stress the value of metrics in the development of an individual’s career, which may help to garner support. Secondly, emphasizing metrics across all Human Resources staff departments can help create the “we’re all in this together mentality.” Third, make the metrics relevant to staffing processes with clear links to improvements that may benefit the Human Resources department as a whole.

Fourth, a gradual stepped implementation of one or two metrics at a time will help change perceptions of the metrics. And finally, let staff members track their own performance through metrics before reporting publicly or using them as formal evaluation tools. Once implemented, managers should work to build a culture around the metrics to further their integration and encourage utilization on an individual level. Stress the value of metrics to their careers both within the company and beyond.

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