
Book Description

YOUR ABLETON LIVE STUDIO will show you step-by-step how to get in on the action using Ableton Live as the central component of your home-based audio-production studio. What's more, YOUR ABLETON LIVE STUDIO will help you create a mobile-based studio so you can take your music to the people. You'll discover what you need to do and buy to create your Ableton Live studio in both scenarios. Once you have your studio's computer in place, you've chosen the version of Live you want, and you've decided which audio interface will do your bidding, it's time to fill in the rest of the essential hardware. You'll look deeply into what kind of speakers you'll use to listen to your productions as well as what headphones you should have. You'll also learn about microphones, MIDI controllers, and the many little things that play a huge role such as cables, adapters, and much more. After your physical studio is set up, this book teaches you how to use Ableton Live to make and record music. Everything is covered, including Live's interface from top to bottom, MIDI, assembling and launching clips, audio manipulation, editing, and mixing, Live's built-in devices, automation, creating arrangements, exporting your production, ReWire, Max for Live, and much, much more. You'll even learn to set up a mobile studio and how to optimize Live and your computer for live performance.

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
    1. Dedication
  2. Acknowledgments
    1. Chris Buono
    2. Jon Margulies
  3. About the Authors
  4. Introduction
    1. What You’ll Find in This Book
    2. Who Are You?
    3. Who Are We?
    4. How This Book Is Organized
    5. Before You Dig In…
  5. 1. Your Ableton Live [Home] Studio
    1. 1. The Shopping List: The Big Three
      1. The Computer
        1. Mac Versus PC
        2. Specs
          1. Processor Speed
          2. RAM
          3. Hard Drive
          4. Ports
        3. External Hard Drives
          1. Advantages
          2. Connectivity
      2. The Software: What Version of Live Is Right for You?
        1. Live Intro Versus Live 8
        2. A Suite Deal
      3. Audio Interfaces
        1. Why You Need an Audio Interface
        2. Understanding Audio Interface Specs
          1. Sample Rate
          2. Bit Depth
        3. Choosing the Right Audio Interface for Your Studio
          1. Types
          2. I/O
    2. 2. More Must-Haves
      1. Other Essential Studio Hardware
        1. Studio Monitors
        2. Headphones
        3. Microphones
          1. A Microphone READ ME
          2. Dynamic Mics
          3. Condenser Mics
          4. Electret Mics
          5. Microphone Controls
        4. MIDI Controllers
          1. Mixer-Style Controllers
          2. Keyboard Controllers
          3. Percussion-Style Controllers
          4. Instrument-Style Controllers
          5. DJ-Style Controllers
          6. Grid-Based and Hybrid-Grid–Based Controllers
          7. “Other” Controllers
      2. The Little Things
        1. Cables
        2. Adapters
        3. Odds and Ends
      3. Home Studio Furnishings
        1. The Workstation
        2. The Captain’s Chair
        3. Organizers
    3. 3. Setting Up Your Ableton Live [Home] Studio
      1. The Science of Sound
      2. Home Studio Concepts
        1. The Room
        2. Room Treatments
          1. The Big Two
          2. Non-Wall Treatments
          3. Additional Treatments
        3. Room Layout
        4. Smooth Move(s)
      3. Power Up!
        1. It’s Good to Be Grounded
        2. Ground Loops: What Goes Around Comes Around
        3. Playing It Safe
      4. Preparing Your Computer for Battle
        1. Hardware Check
          1. Out with the Old
          2. Look What the Internet Dragged In
          3. Error Check
          4. Operation Defrag
          5. Wipe Out
        2. Strategic Configurations
          1. Upgrade with Caution
          2. Adjusting Energy Settings
          3. Cutting Down on the Frills
        3. Drivers
      5. Installation and Authorization
  6. 2. Getting Down with Ableton Live
    1. 4. The GUI Insides of Ableton Live
      1. Filing System
        1. The Live Set
        2. The Project Folder
      2. Core Components
        1. The Concept of the Clip
        2. Session View
        3. Arrangement View
        4. File-Management System
          1. The Browser
          2. File Manager
      3. The Main Live Screen
        1. Various Views
        2. The Control Bar and Status Bar
          1. Time Control
          2. Central Control
          3. Loop and Punch Control
          4. Assignment Control and System Status Indicators
          5. The Status Bar
    2. 5. Making Music with Ableton Live
      1. Audio Clips
        1. Clip Basics
        2. Recording Audio in Session View
          1. Hardware Talk
          2. Track Creation
          3. Track Naming
          4. Choosing Destinations
          5. Confirming Signal
          6. Monitoring
          7. Dealing with Latency
          8. Hitting the Round Button
        3. Recording Audio in Arrangement View
        4. Punching Things
      2. MIDI Clips
        1. MIDI Basics
        2. Sequencing MIDI with Live
          1. Hardware Versus Software Talk
          2. Track Creation
          3. Choosing an Instrument
          4. Clicking the Red Button
          5. OVR
          6. Manual Input
      3. Playing Live
        1. Using the File Browsers
          1. Searching
          2. Previewing
          3. Drag and Drop
        2. Creating Scenes
        3. Triggering Clips and Scenes
          1. The Beauty of Global Quantization
          2. Clip Quantization
          3. Launch Modes
    3. 6. Working with Ableton Live
      1. Inside the Clip View
        1. Transpose
        2. Warp
        3. Warp Markers
      2. Working with MIDI
        1. Draw Mode
          1. Change the Length
          2. Change the Grid
        2. Notes on the Move
          1. High Velocity
        3. Clip Envelopes
      3. Using Live Devices
        1. Device Handling
        2. Audio Effects
          1. Types
          2. Signal-Flow Options
        3. Instruments
        4. MIDI Effects
        5. The Awesomeness of Racks
      4. Creating Arrangements
        1. Navigating an Arrangement
        2. Selections and Insert Markers
        3. Arrangement View Editing
      5. All About Automation
        1. Identifying the Data
        2. Automation Editing
        3. Some More Automation Information
      6. Scoring to Video
      7. Mixing Concepts
        1. Mixing Versus Mastering
        2. Mix Basics
          1. Levels
          2. Left to Right
          3. Top to Bottom
          4. Dry Versus Wet
          5. Don’t Forget Automation
      8. Exporting Out of Live
  7. 3. Taking Your Studio to the Next Level
    1. 7. Accessorizing Your Studio with…
      1. Made-for-Live Controllers
        1. Setting Up for Takeover
        2. Akai APC40
          1. Left-Side Controls
          2. Right-Side Controls
          3. Rear Panel
          4. How It Works
        3. Novation Launchpad
          1. Front-Side Controls
          2. How It Works
        4. The APC40 Versus the Launchpad
      2. Alternative Controllers
        1. Digital DJ Gear
        2. iPad Control
          1. Hooking Up
          2. TouchAble
          3. TouchOSC
      3. Outboard Gear
      4. Libraries of Sound
        1. Content Defined
        2. A Slice of Format Pie
        3. Shopping Spree
    2. 8. Accessorizing Ableton Live with…
      1. Ableton Instruments
        1. Software-Based Instruments
        2. Sample-Based Instruments
      2. Third-Party Plug-ins
        1. VST and AU Explained
        2. Installing
          1. Audio Unit
          2. VST: Mac Install
          3. VST: PC Install
        3. Plug-in Preference Duties
        4. Organize ’Em
        5. Insertion
        6. Presets
        7. Automation and MIDI Remote Control
      3. The Power of ReWire
        1. Master and Slave
        2. Routing Audio and MIDI
        3. Live as a ReWire Slave
      4. Max for Live
  8. 4. Your Ableton Live [Mobile] Studio
    1. 9. The Shopping List v2.0
      1. It’s All About the Laptop
        1. Mac Versus PC Revisited
        2. Who’s the Mac Daddy?
      2. Mobile Interfaces
      3. Other Essential Hardware v2.0
        1. External Hard Drives Revisited
        2. Mobile Monitors
        3. Headphones (Again)
        4. Mobile MIDI Controllers
        5. Footswitches
        6. Carrying Cases
    2. 10. Setting Up Your Ableton Live [Mobile] Studio
      1. Optimizing Your Laptop
        1. Mac Optimizations
          1. Permission Slip
          2. It’s Not Always Good to Be Animated
          3. Shortcuts No More
          4. Hold the Virus Protection
          5. Too Much Color
          6. What Lurks Beneath the Shadows
          7. Preserving the King’s English
          8. Give a Script a Chance
        2. PC Optimizations
          1. Tell the Guys in the Back to Pipe Down
          2. Leave No Application Behind
          3. To Restore or Not to Restore
          4. Virtual Reality Check
          5. This Is a No SpeedStep Zone
      2. Mobile Studio Concepts
        1. What to Pack in Your Bag
        2. Ditch the Cables
        3. Power Tips
          1. Top-of-the-List Tip
          2. Lockdown
          3. Oh, the Places You’ll Go
          4. Be Sure to Pack Tightly
          5. Quick Tips from the Pros
          6. What’s in YOUR Ableton Live Studio?
            1. Moldover
            2. Micah Frank
            3. Brian Jackson
            4. Elijah B Torn
            5. Laura Escudé
            6. Nalepa
            7. Vernon Reid
            8. Jon Margulies
            9. Chris Buono