

  1. AdHocWorksapce

  2. AnalyzeMethodDeclaration() method

  3. Analyzer with Code Fix (NuGet + VSIX)

  4. ApplyChangesOperation


  1. base.BaseMethod()

  2. BaseExpression() provides


  1. Cake build file

  2. CancellationToken

  3. C# interactive, scripting API

    1. analyzing scripts

    2. NuGet package

    3. scripts evaluation

      1. AddImports()

      2. AddReferences()

      3. CompilationErrorException

      4. Context class

      5. CSharpScript

      6. CustomContext

      7. custom types

      8. EvaluateAsync()

      9. EvaluateCodeWithGlobalContextAsync()

      10. global context object

      11. ScriptOptions

    4. state management, scripts

  4. C# interactive window

    1. class creation

    2. code creation, script

    3. defined classes

    4. experience, command line

    5. #help command

    6. resetting, interactive session

    7. simple calculations

    8. string

    9. variable, printing

  5. ClassDeclaractionSyntax node

  6. ClassDeclarationNode

  7. ClassDeclarationSyntax

  8. CodeRefactoringProvider

  9. CommentRemover class

  10. CommentRemover.ConsoleApplication.IntegrationTests

  11. CommentRemover—RemoveCommentsFromSolutionAsync()

  12. CommentRemover.Task project

  13. Common Language Runtime (CLR)

  14. CompilationUnit

  15. CompilationUnitSyntax object

  16. CompilationUnitSytnax node

  17. Compiler API

    1. annotations

    2. assemblies

    3. building trees

    4. closed box

    5. code build

      1. cake bootstrapper file

      2. cake build file

      3. Does() action method

      4. MSBuild() method

      5. RandomGeneration solution

      6. SecureRandom class

      7. Spackle

      8. Task() method

    6. compiling code

      1. building

      2. referencing assemblies

    7. Console and Out

    8. C#’s future

      1. property change notifications

      2. reusable implementations

    9. developers

    10. editing trees

    11. extension method

    12. finding content from node

    13. formatters

    14. “Hello world application”

    15. internal components

    16. mocks

      1. Debug.Assert()

      2. GetId()

      3. IService

      4. object, creation

      5. rocks

      6. ServiceUser

      7. System.Reflection.Emit namespace

      8. VerifyAll()

    17. navigating and editing trees

    18. .NET assembly

    19. open box

    20. semantic models

    21. semicolon.

    22. syntax trees

    23. System.Reflection.Emit namespace

    24. tools and frameworks

    25. tokens

    26. use, compilers

    27. visualizing trees

  18. ComputeRefactoringsAsync()

  19. ContainingAssembly properties

  20. ContainingNamespace properties

  21. CreateDocument()

  22. CreateSafeLocalVariableName()

  23. CSharpCompilation object

  24. CSharpScript

  25. CSharpSyntaxRewriter class

  26. CustomContext

  27. Custom MSBuild task


  1. DescendantNodes()

  2. DescendantTokens()

  3. DiagnosticAnalyzer attribute

  4. Diagnostics work

    1. analyzing code

    2. and code fix

    3. compilation

    4. designing the fix

    5. diagnostic class setup

    6. implementing the fix

    7. NuGet packaging

    8. parsing statements

    9. syntax trees

    10. syntax visualizer

    11. template

    12. the problem

    13. unit testing

    14. visual Studio logging

    15. VSIX installation

    16. VSIX packaging

  5. DiagsnoticDescriptor object

  6. DictionaryContext

  7. Domain specific language (DSL)

  8. Double() method

  9. DTEDocument instance


  1. EntryPoint property

  2. EvaluateAsync()

  3. ExportCodeFixProvider and Shared attributes

  4. Extract Method refactoring


  1. FileNotFoundException

  2. FixableDiagnosticIds property


  1. GenerateUsingDirectives()

  2. GenerateUsingExtensions()

  3. GetDeclaredSymbol()

  4. GetDiagnosticsAsync()

  5. GetDocumentIdsWithFilePath()


  1. “Hello World” application

I, J, K, L

  1. IdentifierNameSyntax object

  2. IdentifierTokenNode

  3. IMethodSymbol reference

  4. Initialize() method

  5. InvocationExpressionSyntax nodes

  6. IService


  1. MetadataReference.CreateFromFile()

  2. MethodDeclarationSyntax nodes

  3. MethodDeclarationSyntax object

  4. MethodDeclarationSyntax reference

  5. MethodDefinitionSyntax node

  6. Microsoft.CodeAnalysis

  7. Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces.Desktop assembly

  8. Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices assembly

  9. MoveTypeNodes()

  10. MSBuild process

  11. MSBuildWorkspace class

  12. MustInvokeAttribute

  13. MustInvokeBaseMethod.Analyzer package

  14. MustInvokeBaseMethod.Test

  15. MustInvokeBaseMethod.Vsix


  1. NamespaceDeclaration()

  2. NamespaceDeclarationSyntax object

  3. Nito.AsyncEx

  4. NormalizeWhitespace()

  5. NuGet installation will fail


  1. OnDocumentSaved()

  2. onInitializeResult

  3. OperationContractAttribute

P, Q

  1. PackageGuidString

  2. ParameterListSyntax

  3. ParameterSyntax object

  4. ParseArgumentList()

  5. ParseExpression()

  6. ParseStatement()

  7. ParseSyntaxTree()

  8. Portable Class Library (PCL)

  9. Productivity Power Tools

  10. Project’s AddDocument() method

  11. ProjectFilePath property

  12. ProvideAutoLoad attributes


  1. RandomGeneration.Tests

  2. Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop (REPL)

  3. Refactorings

    1. class

    2. Class1.cs file

    3. command line, automatic updates

    4. CommentRemover

    5. CompilationUnitSyntax object

    6. ComputeRefactoringsAsync()

    7. CreateFiles()

    8. custom MSBuild task, automatic updates

    9. GenerateUsingDirectives()

    10. global namespace in C#

    11. MoveTypeNodes()

    12. Moving types

    13. NamespaceDeclarationSyntax

    14. the problem

    15. Project’s AddDocument() method

    16. project after

    17. project before

    18. RemoveNodes()

    19. statements

    20. in structure

    21. template

    22. TypeDeclarationSyntax and ITypeSymbol objects

    23. types to remove

    24. unit testing

    25. updating

    26. UsingDirectiveSyntax objects

    27. in Visual Studio

    28. Visual Studio extension

    29. VSIX installation

    30. VSIX project

    31. workspace

  4. RegisterCodeFix()

  5. RegisterCodeFixesAsync method

  6. RegisterCompilationAction()

  7. RegisterSymbolAction()

  8. RegisterSyntaxNodeAction()

  9. RemoveComment()

  10. RemoveCommentsFromProjectAsync()

  11. Rename refactoring

  12. Renamer.RenameSymbolAsync()

  13. ReplaceTokens()

  14. ReplaceTrivia()

  15. ReportDiagnostic()

  16. RoslynQuoter

  17. RunAnalysisAsync() loads


  1. Scripting API

    1. executing random code

    2. memory and performance characteristics

      1. expression execution

      2. script execution

    3. and security

      1. API exclusion

      2. console window

      3. CSharpScript class

      4. GetFullNamespace()

      5. invalid member usage

      6. MainAsync() method

      7. object model

      8. Person class

      9. reflection calls, preventing

      10. restricted UIs

      11. restricted user accounts

      12. Save()

      13. secrets, scripting session

      14. SQL statements

      15. System.IO namespace

      16. System.Reflection namespace

      17. VerifyCompilation() method

    4. System.Linq.Expressions

  2. Scripting language

    1. C# REPL. C# interactive window

    2. dynamic capabilities

    3. “glue” languages

    4. macros in Word

    5. VBA

  3. ScriptingContext

  4. ScriptingPlayground

  5. ServiceUser

  6. Simple arithmetic calculation

    1. performing

    2. refactoring

  7. StatementSyntax node

  8. SubNamespace

  9. SupportedDiagnostics properties

  10. SyntaxAnnotation class

  11. SyntaxFactory.Argument()

  12. SyntaxFactory’s ParseStatement()

  13. SyntaxKind enumeration value

  14. SyntaxKind.CommaToken

  15. SyntaxKind.IntKeyword

  16. SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia

  17. SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia

  18. SyntaxKind.SingleLineDocumentationCommentTrivia

  19. SyntaxNode classes

  20. SyntaxToken()

  21. Syntax Visualizer with errors

  22. SytnaxNode instance


  1. TestHelpers class

  2. TestMethodAttribute

  3. TestProvider()

  4. ThrowIfCancellationRequested()

  5. ThrowsExceptionCodeFix fails

  6. Tree via ReplaceNodes()

  7. TypeDeclarationSyntax

  8. typeFolderGenerator Func returns


  1. UsingDirectiveSyntax objects


  1. VerifyActionAsync()

  2. VisitMethodDeclaration()

  3. Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

  4. Visual Studio

    1. code fix

    2. display

    3. extension

    4. logging enabled

  5. VisualStudioWorkspace class

  6. VSIX command line options

  7. VSIX project

W, X, Y, Z

  1. Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

  2. WithArgumentList()

  3. WorkspaceCommentRemover helper methods

  4. Workspace object model

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