
The .NET Framework ships with a very rich security model, allowing for very fine-grained adjustments to the permissions assemblies receive. Although the default policy state should cover many scenarios, there will still be many situations in which you need to adapt security policy to your needs. The .NET Framework Configuration tool is your main helper for doing so. Without having to understand the intricacies of the policy model, you can use the Trust Assembly Wizard to increase the level of permissions a specific assembly or all assemblies from a given publisher receive. Alternatively, you can use the Adjust Security Wizard to adjust the level of permissions all assemblies from a given zone receive, without having to delve into the details of the policy system. However, to take the fullest advantage of the .NET Framework security model, the full security policy tree and all its constituents should be administered. The .NET Framework Configuration tool is nothing less than a graphical instantiation of this rich model, allowing you to tweak and extend security policy with utmost precision. After a policy change has been made, the Evaluate Assembly Wizard will assist you in testing your work, while the Create Deployment Package Wizard will help you build self-contained installation packages from policy levels for enterprise-wide policy deployment.

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