
In this chapter, you've learned that hosting is a technique whereby your trusted code can load and control other assemblies. This has a very practical application from the security standpoint because hosting can, through the use of isolation and more tightly controlled policy, effectively augment the basic .NET Framework security system. That is, hosts can use information not normally available to the .NET Framework to more closely tailor the security environment available to the hosted components, leading to a more secure system without compromising on flexibility.

The key points we touched on are as follows:

  • The chief tool the .NET Framework provides to assist hosting is the appdomain. Use of appdomains allows software components to be isolated from each other and the outside world.

  • Assemblies loaded by a host can have their trust level manipulated by the host in one of two ways—overriding the evidence provided to the security policy system or adding an appdomain specific policy level.

  • When techniques such as those previously discussed are used, care must be taken to ensure that a shared assembly is always loaded with the same grant set (or else an exception will be generated).

  • Evidence can be associated with an appdomain so that it will be granted permissions and act like an assembly for the purposes of security stack walks. This allows appdomains to stand in for unmanaged code that otherwise wouldn't be seen by the .NET Framework security system.

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