
10 minutes of sustained attention, 162

“30 Seconds of Fun,” 70

80/20 Rule, The

Legend of Zelda, 64

WOW (World of Warcraft), 64


Abe and Zac, relationship to time and money, 122


ARCS, 200

attention, 200

confidence, 200

fiero, 200

fulfillment, 200

pleasure, 200

relevance, 200

satisfaction, 200

sense of, 200

accuracy and speed, tradeoff between, 178

Aces High; Jokers Wild, 6

action games, 8586

Addiction Pathways, rewards, 130

Advance Organizers

cutscenes, 168

Hype, 168

loading screen, 168

menus, 168

adventure games, 85

advertising, using to capture attention, 102

aesthetics as focus in flow, 80

Affordance Cues

HCI (Human-Computer Interaction), 170

HUD (heads-up display), 170

illustration, 171

My Horse game, 170

alien world, survival of, 140

Altderfer, Clayton, 154

Alternate Reality games, 98

anchoring recency bias, 174

anger, 4849

Animal Crossing, 10

animation workload, including in pillars, 86

arcade games, coin crunchers in, 32

ARCS (attention, relevance, confidence, satisfaction), 200

artificial intelligence, 154

A/Symmetric Play and Synchronicity, 4

attention, sustaining for 10 minutes, 162

attention of players, capturing, 102

Attention vs. Perception, 132

attributes, 100

availability heuristic, 174

Axelrod, Robert, 42


Backward Induction, 28

Balancing and Tuning, 134

balancing games, 152

Bartle’s Player Types

Achievers (Diamonds), 8

Acting On, 8

Explorers (Spades), 8

Interacting With, 8

Killers (Clubs), 8

Socializers (Hearts), 8

behavior of actors, 30

Behaviorism, 50

Big 5 psychological system

Agreeableness, 58

Conscientiousness, 58

Extraversion, 58

Neuroticism, 58

Openness to Experience, 58

Billiards as game of skill, 32

black box testing, 108

bombs, relationship to risk assessment, 114

Brainstorming Methods. See also Prototyping

freethinking, 66

physical techniques, 66

structured techniques, 66

word bubbles, 66

Brooks, Fred, 106

The Buster Principle, 172


Call of Duty: Zombies, 94

Cardinal Payoffs, 40

casual games, 85

character design, including in pillars, 86

character development, supplementing, 76


positive feedback loops in, 14

as symmetric game, 4

choices, difficulty of, 54

chunking, process of, 22

circular chain of supremacy, 46

Civilization, 38

Cognitive Biases

anchoring, 174

availability heuristic, 174

confirmation bias, 174

framing, 174

The Kuleshov Effect, 174175

negativity bias, 174

recency bias, 174

coin crunchers, 32

Colossal Cave Adventure, 126

combat design, including in pillars, 86

communicative details, 136

confirmation bias, 174

consequences, lack in fantasy play, 96

Consumer Surplus

F2P (Free-to-Play) models, 68

pricing games, 68

contempt, 4849

Cooperative vs. Oppositional, 10

Core Gameplay Loop

“30 Seconds of Fun,” 70

elements, 70

Halo games, 70

prototyping, 70

repetition, 70

scope, 70

Super Mario Bros., 70


cognitive, 82

emotional, 82

flow, 82

forms of, 82

methods, 82

Croft, Laura, 102

crossword puzzles, 44

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 80

cutscenes, starting games with, 168


Dark Souls, 18

Dead Space, 78

Deadly Premonition, 18

Death Race 2000, 30

decision making, process of, 198

demand. See Supply and Demand

Demon’s Souls, 18

design, simplicity in, 146

Design by Committee. See also Environmental Storytelling; Experience Design

best practices, 74

common vision, 74

diagram, 75

vs. leadership, 74

team positions, 74

The Design of Everyday Things, 170


communicative, 136

presentational, 136

disgust, 4849

DM (Dungeon Master), 4

Dodgeball, positive feedback loops in, 14

Dominant Strategy

accidental, 176

deliberate, 176

emergent, 176

Donkey Kong, iteration in, 94

DOOM, emotions related to, 48

dopamine and music, 192

Doubling and Halving, 138

Dresher, Melvin, 42

Dunbar’s Number, 52

Dungeons and Dragons, 16

Dyson, Freeman, 42


Easter Eggs, 18, 98

Economies of Scale

Eve Online, 140

microeconomics, 140

M.U.L.E., 140

ecosystem of games, 100

Einstein’s theory of relativity, 204

Ekman, Paul, 48

emotional output, 30


anger, 4849

contempt, 4849

disgust, 4849

DOOM, 48

fear, 4849

focusing on, 78

HUD (heads-up display), 48

interest curves, 48

joy, 4849

L.A. Noire, 48

maintaining command of, 192

sadness, 4849

seven universal, 4849

surprise, 4849

enjoyment, creating feelings of, 192

Environmental Storytelling. See also Design by Committee

character development, 76

world building, 76

ERG (Existence, Relatedness, and Growth), 154

Errors Players Make

commission, 142143

motor control, 142143

omission, 142143

performance, 142

wrong action, 142143

Errors Without Punishment, 144

Eve Online, 16, 140

Experience Design. See also Design by Committee

creating tension, 78

Dead Space, 78

focusing on emotions, 78

focusing on players, 78

vs. game design, 78


on rails, 160

sandbox, 160

Extensive Form, 28


F2P (Free-to-Play) models, 68

faces, using to capture attention, 102


in game design, 12

Rabin’s model of, 12

fantasy play, lack of consequence, 96

Farmville, loss aversion in, 152

fast, cheap, good

prototyping, 106

sacrifices, 106

fear, 4849

Feedback Loops

negative, 14

positive, 14

fiero, relationship to accomplishments, 200

Fitts’ Law

combat and targeting, 178

speed and accuracy, 178

task of pointing, 178

UI (user interface), 178

fixed rewards, 164

Flood, Merrill, 42

Flow. See also gameplay

aesthetics, 80

beginning levels of play, 80

in creativity, 82

individual concentration, 80

mastery phase, 80

phases of gameplay, 80

task management, 80

flow charts, using in brainstorming, 66

fluid navigation pillar, 8687

“fog of war,” 56

football, negative feedback loops in, 14

Four Keys to Fun, Lazzaro’s, 22, 24

Four Ways to Be Creative, 82

FPSs (first person shooters), 32, 85

free rider problem, 60

freethinking, 66

fun. See Koster’s Theory of Fun; Lazzaro’s Four Keys to Fun

Fundamental Attribution Error, 180


Game design vs. Experience Design, 78

game ecosystem, 100

game elements

attributes, 100

objects, 100

states, 100

game experience, 100

Game Genres

action, 85

adventures, 85

casual, 85

FPSs (first person shooters), 85


niches, 85

overview, 84

puzzles, 85

RPGs (roleplaying games), 85

RTS (real-time strategy), 85

simulations, 85

sports, 85

strategy, 85

Game Pillars

action games, 86

animation workload, 86

branching storyline, 87

character design, 86

combat design, 86

crafting, 87

creating tension, 86

exploration, 87

fluid navigation, 8687

illustration, 87

perspective, 86

using, 86

world design, 86

game state, information about, 20, 56

game structure, information about, 20

Game Tropes

Crates, 88

Free Health, 88

murder, 88

Stealing, 88

gameplay. See also Flow

asymmetric, 4

beginning levels of, 80

flow, 80

vs. living, 58

mastery phase, 80

phases, 80

repetition, 70

symmetric, 4

synchronous, 4

task management, 80

games. See also Metagames

balancing, 152

casual, 85

classification, 56

concealed structure of, 56

of imperfect information, 56

iteration of, 36

as low-risk learning tools, 22

of memory, 32

Sequential, 28

Simultaneous, 28

of skill, 32

Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences

Bodily-Kinesthetic, 16

Interpersonal, 16

Intrapersonal, 16

Linguistic-Verbal, 16

Logical-Mathematical, 16

Musical, 16

Naturalistic, 16

Spatial, 16

genres of games. See Game Genres


art examples, 90

Closure/Reification, 90

Continuance, 90

Figure-Ground, 90

Invariance, 90

mathematical example, 90

Proximity/Common fate, 90

Similarity, 90

skill free, 90

story aspect, 90

Symmetry, 90

Golden Ratio

applying to UI (user interface), 182

value of, 182

good, relationship to fast, 106


extrinsic motivation, 188

fun and immersion, 188

instant vs. delayed, 188


mitigating behavior of, 184

vs. Samaritan, 184

Griefing, 184

guns and wands, impact of, 96


Halo games, 30 Seconds of Fun in, 70

Halving and Doubling, 138

Hardin, Garrett, 54

Hick’s Law

choices, 146

simplicity in design, 146

House Rules. See also rules

guidelines, 92

suggestions, 92

Howard’s Law of Occult Game Design, 18

HUD (heads-up display)

affordance cues, 170

emotional expressions, 48

Huizinga, Johan, 26

human actions, assigning reasons for, 180

human emotion. See emotions


advance organizer, 168

down side, 186

expectations, 186

as marketing terminology, 186

“nocebo,” 186


Imbalance in games, fixing, 152

inattentional blindness, 132

Infocom games, 172

Information. See also Transparency

amount of, 20

complete, 56

game state, 20

game structure, 20

imperfection, 20

incomplete, 56

nature of, 20

perfection, 20

Intelligences, Gardner’s Multiple, 16

Interest Curve

creating, 148

emotions, 48

guidelines, 148

vs. Learning Curve, 150

rectifying deviations, 148

Iteration. See also repetition in gameplay

Call of Duty: Zombies, 94

Donkey Kong, 94

game concept, 95

Metroid, 94

The Street Fighter series, 94

tower defense games, 94

Iyengar, Sheena, 146


Jo-Ha-Kyu, 194

Joker as wildcard, 6

Jones, Gerard, 96

joy, 4849


Kahneman and Tversky’s “Outbreak,” 175

Killing Monsters, 96

Kim, Scott, 44

Kivetz, Ran, 50

Kleenex test, 108

Koffka, Kurt, 90

Kohler, Wolfgang, 90

Koster’s Theory of Fun, 22

Krug’s First Law of Usability

clicking, 190

consistency of interface, 190

Doubling and Halving, 190

interface qualities, 190

simplicity of interface, 190

The Kuleshov Effect, 174175


L.A. Noire, 48

lag, impact on gameplay, 4

The Law of Occult Design, 18, 20

Lazzaro’s Four Keys to Fun

Easy Fun, 24

feeling of winning, 24

hard Fun, 24

People of Fun, 24

Serious Fun, 24

leadership vs. Design by Committee, 74

Learning Curve

describing, 150

feedback loops, 150

vs. Interest Curve, 150

relationship to working memory, 206

setting goals, 150

steep vs. shallow, 150

teaching tasks, 150

learning tools, games as, 22

Legend of Zelda, 16, 18

load testing, 108

loading screen, designing for advance organizer, 168

Loss Aversion

Farmville, 152

fixing imbalance, 152

nerfing, 152

Sword of Power, 152


Macroeconomics, 140

Magic Circle, 26

Magic Wand, 96

main character, story arc of, 120

Making Moves, 28

Mario Kart, negative feedback loops in, 14

Marvel vs. Capcom, tuning, 134

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

artificial intelligence, 154

complexity of conflicts and choices, 154

concerns about, 154

esteem, 154

fear, 154

love and belonging, 154

physiological, 154

self-actualization, 154

simulations, 154

MDA: Mechanics, Dynamics, and Aesthetics, 30


Learning Curve, 206

long-term, 206207

vs. skill, 32

working, 206207

menus, starting games with, 168

Metagames. See also games

Alternate Reality, 98

Easter Eggs, 98

The Gathering, 98

World of Warcraft, 98

Metroid, iteration in, 94

microeconomics, 140

Minimax and Maximin, 34


powergaming, 156

rules lawyer, 156

twinking, 156

MMO, threats in, 158


money and time, 122

Monopoly, feedback loops, 14

Morgenstern, Oskar

Rational Self-Interest, 28

Zero-Sum Games, 208

Zero-Sum strategies, 36

Motokyo, Zeami, 194


communicating sense of, 194

using to capture attention, 102

moves, making, 28

MUD (multi-user dungeon), 8

M.U.L.E., 140

murder trope, 88

Music and Dopamine, 192

Musical Chairs, 16

My Horse game, 170


Nash Equilibrium

Minimax and Maximin, 34

Players, 36

Prisoner’s Dilemma, 42

negative feedback loops, 14

negativity bias, 174

NES (Nintendo Entertainment System), 18

niche games, 85

“nocebo,” relationship to Hype, 186

Norman, Donald, 170


Objects, 100

Occult Game Design, Howard’s Law of, 18

O.C.E.A.N., 58

on rails vs. sandbox experiences, 160

oppositional vs. cooperative, 10

optimizing vs. satisficing, 198199

Ordinal Payoffs, 40

“Outbreak,” 175

Outcomes: Pareto Optimality, 38



beginning, 194

break, 194

feeling of movement, 194

Jo-Ha-Kyu, 194

movement impetus, 194

rapid, 194

suspense, 194

tempo, 194

tension, 194

threat, 194

Paper Prototyping. See also Prototyping

advantages, 104

drawbacks, 104

flow, 104

play testing, 104

Pareto Optimality

Dominant Strategy, 38

improvements, 3839

Pareto’s Principle

Legend of Zelda, 64

WOW (World of Warcraft), 64


balancing, 40

Cardinal, 40

maximizing, 40

motivations, 40

Normal Form tables, 40

Ordinal, 40

perception vs. attention, 132

perspective, including in pillars, 86

Phi, representing golden ratio with, 182

pillars. See Game Pillars

play space, exploration of, 164

Play Testing

black box, 108

Kleenex test, 108

load testing, 108

Quality Assurance, 108

white box, 108


being kind to, 172

capturing attention of, 102

errors made by players, 142

focusing on, 78

griefing, 184

pleasure, creating feelings of, 192

Poker, Deuces wild in, 6

Pong as symmetric game, 4


as game of skill, 32

negative feedback loops in, 14

positive feedback loops, 14

power weapons, relationship to risk assessment, 114

powergaming, 156

presentational details, 136

Press, William, 42

Prisoner’s Dilemma

balancing payoffs in, 40

chart, 43

described, 42

Forgiving, 42

Nash Equilibrium, 36, 42

Nice condition, 42

Non-Envious condition, 42

rational decision, 42

Retaliating, 42

Tragedy of the Commons, 42

Problem-Solving Approaches, 196

Problem-Solving Methods

acting it out, 213

adding unexpected element, 212

almost solving and repeating, 212

approaching from other side, 213

brainstorming, 211

check existing solutions, 213

check for neutrality, 214

combining unexpected elements, 212

defining problem space, 211

drawing pictures, 210

explaining to non-experts, 213

finding patterns, 210

finding weakest link, 214

following money, 211

getting help, 213

making flowchart, 211

making lists, 210

making tables, 210

measuring in numbers, 214

proving impossibility of solving, 212

rewording problems, 211

scientific method, 210211

sideways approach, 211212

simplifying elements, 213

solving in parts and combining, 212

solving opposite problem, 213

solving similar problems, 211

stealth approach, 211212

stepping back, 212

strength from weakness, 214

thinking out loud, 213

trying solutions, 214

turn numbers into words, 214

ultimatums/dichotomies/negatives, 214

working backward, 210

writing in numbers, 214

Problem-Solving Obstacles

assumptions, 110

functional fixedness, 110

irrelevant information, 110

mental sets, 110

overcoming, 110111

problem statement

common vision, 72

communicating, 72

defining, 72

focusing, 72

narrowing scope, 72

testing, 72

Prototyping. See also Brainstorming Methods; Paper Prototyping

data collection, 112

process, 112

and testing, 112

psychological filters, 174


Lives/Game Over/continue, 158

permadeath, 158

wither, 158


described, 85

development, 44


Quality Assurance testing, 108


Rabin’s model of fairness, 12

random conditioning, 164

rational self-interest, 28, 40

recency bias, 174

Red Light, Green Light, 16

repetition in gameplay, 70. See also Iteration

Resident Evil, 30


and addiction pathways, 130

expectation of players, 50

fixed, 164

providing, 14

variable, 164

Risk Assessment

bombs, 114

designing scenarios, 114

power weapons, 114

practicing, 114

principle of, 114

triangularity, 114

Rock, Paper, Scissors

circular chain of supremacy, 46

Normal Form table, 40

symbolic gestures, 46

tabletop card games, 46

winning, 46

as Zero-Sum Game, 208

RPGs (roleplaying games)

description, 85

memory vs. skill, 32

Pareto Optimality, 38

positive feedback loops in, 14

RTS (real-time strategy), 85

Rubik’s Cube, 16

rules, 30, 92. See also House Rules

rules lawyer, relating to Min/Maxing, 156

Rules of Play, 26


Sadness, 4849

Salen, Katie, 26

Sandbox vs. On Rails, experiences, 160

Satisficing vs. Optimizing, 198199

Scavenger Hunts, 16

Schell, Jesse

The Art of Game Design, 100

risk assessment, 114

Sequential games, 28

sex, using to capture attention, 102

simplicity in design, 146

simulations, 85, 154

Simultaneous games, 28

skill free, relationship to Gestalt, 90

skill vs. memory, 32

Skinner Box

goal-gradient effect, 50

variable ratio, 50

Social Ties

active, 52

passive, 52

Dunbar’s Number, 52

effectiveness, 52

social mechanics, 52

Solitaire, 16

solving problems. See Problem-Solving Methods

Space Invaders, 194

Spatial Awareness

Agoraphobic Spaces, 202

Cathedral Effect, 202

Claustrophobic Spaces, 202

deep and complex worlds, 202

Defensible Spaces, 202

impact on human psyche, 202

Lighting Design, 202

Prospect-Refuge, 202

speed and accuracy, tradeoff between, 178

sports games, 85

states, 100

storytelling, environmental, 76

strategy games

Civilization, 38

described, 85

The Street Fighter series, iteration in, 94

Sudoku, 44

Super Mario Bros., Core Gameplay Loop, 70

Supply and Demand

as economic component, 116

providing in games, 116


of synergy, 118

as universal emotion, 4849

using to capture attention, 102

symmetric gameplay, 4


combining mechanics, 118

crafting system, 118

excitement of, 118

in games, 118

surprise of, 118


Tasks, teaching, 150

teaching tasks, 150

Ten Minutes of Sustained Attention, 162

tension, creating, 78

testing. See Play Testing


fairness in, 12

time dilation, 204


finding, 120

main character’s story arc, 120

relationship to narrative, 120

specifying, 120

targeting, 120

threats in MMO, 158

Three Laws of Usability, 190


Koster’s Theory of Fun, 22

Nash Equilibrium, 36

Time and Money, 122

Time Dilation

play testing games, 204

Tetris, 204

Tomb Raider, 102

Tragedy of the Commons. See also Volunteer’s Dilemma

communism, 54

government control, 54

Nash Equilibrium, 36

shared resource, 55

solutions, 54

theory, 54

Transparency. See also Information

involuntary, 56

voluntary, 56

triangularity, visualizing, 114

tropes. See Game Tropes

Tucker, Albert, 42

tuning and balance, 134

twinking, relating to Min/Maxing, 156


UCD (User-Centered Design)

ISO keys to, 124

personas, 124

scenarios, 124

use cases, 124

Urminsky, Oleg, 50


Van Vugt, Mark, 54

VandenBerghe’s Five Domains of Play

Adventurousness, 58

Agreeableness, 58

Artistic Interest, 58

Conscientiousness, 58

degree of detail, 58

Emotionality, 58

Extraversion, 58

Imagination, 58

Intellect, 58

Liberalism, 58

Neuroticism, 58

Openness to Experience, 58

Variable Rewards

exploration of play space, 164

random conditioning, 164

victory, thrill of, 24

video games, cooperative play in, 10

vocabulary of games, 100

Volunteer’s Dilemma. See also Tragedy of the Commons

vs. free rider problem, 60

payoff matrix, 60

von Ehrenfels, Christian, 90

von Neumann, John

Minimax and Maximin, 34

Rational Self-Interest, 28

Zero-Sum Games, 208

Zero-Sum strategies, 36


Wands and guns, impact of, 96


birth canals, 126

breadcrumbs, 126

Colossal Cave Adventure, 126

as environmental puzzle, 126

landmarks, 126

lighting, 126

process, 126

weenies, 126

well-structured paths, 126

Wertheimer, Max, 90

white box testing, 108

wild card

designating, 6

Joker as, 6

winning, feeling of, 24

word bubbles, using in brainstorming, 66

Words with Friends, 4

work in progress, balancing, 138

Working Memory, 22, 206207

world building, 76

world design, including in pillars, 86

WOW (World of Warcraft), 64, 98


Zac and Abe, relationship to time and money, 122

Zero-Determinant Strategy, 42

Zero-Sum Game

with Cardinal Payoffs, 40

Poker, 208

Rock, Paper, Scissors, 208

solving, 208

Zero-Sum strategies, 28

Zheng, Yuhuang, 50

Zimmerman, Eric, 26

Zubek, Robert, 30

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