Epilogue. Bringing It All Together

This book and my first book (12 Essential Skills for Software Architects) focus on the skills needed to become a successful software architect.

These skills can be thought of in two key dimensions:

Soft skills. Soft skills are the ability to relate to people (the focus of my first book).

Technical skills. Technical skills are the ability to contextually apply and drive technology (the focus of this book).

It is the combination of soft and technical skills that will enable you reach your architectural goals (see Figure E.1).

Figure E.1. Equation for architectural success


Thinking about Skill Development

As you consider what areas of skill development to work on (as shown in Figure E.2), take time to think about the following:

• Where do your skills intersect?

• What are your strengths and weaknesses?

• In what areas have you received feedback from others?

Figure E.2. Areas of skill development


When you are dealing with skill development, there is a tendency to focus on weaknesses. The focus should rather be on your natural strengths and only those areas of weakness that are major roadblocks to your moving forward in your career.

Final Thought

Overall, it has been an interesting journey for me. I discovered that I enjoy writing—at least on topics that I am passionate about. This is something I could never have imagined in college, and I am sure my professors would agree with that sentiment.

These books have enabled me to connect with great new people, reconnect with old friends, and gain opportunities to do things that would never have surfaced otherwise.

My advice is to take chances, try new things, and you will be surprised at what you are able to accomplish.

Good luck and best wishes on your architectural endeavors!

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