clothing and equipment
There is no need to spend vast amounts of money on specific equipment
or clothes. Invest in a yoga mat, but just wear comfortable clothing, and
if you need props to help you with the more difficult poses, use household
items that have the same effect as the yoga equipment available to buy.
When you are new to yoga, you may find that you
need all the help you can get to discipline yourself.
It helps if you find a little spot in your home that you
can practice in regularly and where you will not be
disturbed. Tell the people you share your home with
that you want at least 15 minutes of private time.
Make sure that the phone is silenced and that you
are away from your computer and daily chores. If
you use the same place each time for your practice,
you may find that it develops a special energy that
you associate with your practice. You may feel you
want to light a candle, place a bowl of flowers there,
or a picture of someone who inspires you.
Practice in a quiet, clean, warm environment.
A wooden floor is ideal, or one that allows you to
practice without a mat. However, if the surface of
the floor is slippery, you must use a yoga mat. As a
beginner, you may want to be close to a wall when
practicing, to help support you when balancing.
Before starting, change into comfortable clothes that
do not restrict you in any way. You may also feel you
want to wash before you practice. The clothing you
wear must be comfortable and flexible, with elastic
waist bands. Fabrics that are made from natural
fibers work well, since they help the body breathe.
Wear shorts, leggings, cropped pants, or pants that
you can roll up, which allow you to see if your legs
and feet are correctly aligned. Bare feet are essential
so that you are able to stretch out and invigorate
your feet.
If your floor is slippery you will need to buy a yoga
mat, but for the other equipment, use general
household items that have the same effect. As you
become more experienced, you may find that you
want to buy equipment specially designed for yoga
(see resources, pp.108–109 for retailers).
Using a belt helps to deepen a pose without
applying force and to hold a pose in correct
alignment. You may also need to use one for
poses where you are unable to reach your
hands together (see Cow Face Pose, p.63)
or to help bring your legs off the floor
(see Full Bow, p.71). You can use a
bathrobe belt at first.
Wrapping a belt around your feet can help you hold
a pose that you otherwise may not be able to (see Full
Bow, p.71).
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Classic yoga equipment is available from
specific yoga stores and online. At first, use
household items to help you feel more
comfortable and relaxed and to modify
the more difficult poses.
Blocks are useful if your hands cannot quite reach
the floor, or if you need more height under your
sitbones. Sitting on them also helps keep your body
straight. Different-sized blocks are available to buy,
but you can use telephone books or other books
instead. Cover them or tape them up so that they
are firmer.
Placing a bolster underneath you when lying
flat helps open up your chest. You can also use
it to sit on or place it under your knees to relax
your back in the final relaxation (see p.104).
Lightweight blankets or towels are useful
to have on hand. These can be folded or rolled
up neatly to support you and make you more
comfortable when sitting or lying. You can also
use them to cover you to keep you warm during
relaxation. Place an eye pad over your eyes during
the final relaxation.
Place a chair or stool near you when you are
practicing. If you feel particularly stiff and it is difficult
for you to take your hands to the floor, use a chair
to put your hands on to help you bend over. Use a
chair or stool for resting your calves during the final
relaxation and also for support when it is hard to
balance in the standing poses.
Use a bolster and towels to make you more comfortable.
Lying on a bolster also helps open your chest, helping
you breathe.
cushion eye pad
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