
Who Should Buy This Book?

Have you wanted to learn how to create 3D models, but were concerned that you lacked the artistic skills or were daunted by looking at a computer interface with hundreds of controls? Perhaps you wanted to learn to model, but were put off by having to wade through a 500-page discussion of the UI before getting down to business. If so, this is the book for you.

From the very first page (well, the first page of the Introduction, anyway), you’ll start modeling something you can show your friends. We’ll pick up anything you need to know about the UI when you need to know it. This book will get you up to speed modeling faster than you ever thought possible! And without having to spend years studying artistic techniques.

Okay, I can see you don’t believe me. I have absolutely no artistic skills. None. Fortunately, you don’t need them to model in 3D. That’s right, I said it out loud! I told you 3D’s dirty little secret. All those things you need to know to draw a life like image of your Aunt Sally — perspective, balance, shading, etc. — are done for you by the program. You don’t even need to be able to draw a straight line. Modeling in 3D is more like building something with LEGO bricks than painting, sketching, or modeling with clay. You start with building blocks, called primitives, which are a lot like LEGO pieces, and combine them to make your model. If you can build something with LEGOs, you can model in 3D. It really is that simple.

What Can You Expect?

As I said, this is a book designed to take you from not knowing anything about modeling to building a sophisticated model in a short amount of time. This book will not teach you to design the coolest robots ever. If that’s what you’re looking for, might I suggest two excellent Gnomon Workshop DVDs by LucasFilm’s Feng Zhu:

If you’re interested in learning more about lighting in Max, I’d suggest Wordware’s 3ds Max Lighting by Nicholas Boughen (1-55622-401-X).

Who Should Not Buy This Book?

If you’re the type of person who buys 3ds Max for Dummies, and then complains on that it didn’t have enough advanced modeling techniques, this is not the book for you. This book is designed for beginners. Does that mean there’s nothing in here for intermediate modelers? No. I try to touch on as many tools as I can. So while you may be an intermediate modeler, you may never have had the need to use a Hose primitive or Soft Selection and you can learn to do that here.

If you are interested in more advanced techniques, here is a list of excellent resources you may find valuable:


3ds max Lighting by Nicholas Boughen, Wordware Publishing (1-55622-401-X)

Modeling a Character in 3ds max: Second Edition by Paul Steed, Wordware Publishing (1-55622-088-X).

Essential CG Lighting Techniques with 3ds Max by Darren Brooker, Focal Press (978-024052022)

Rendering with mental ray & 3ds Max by Joep van der Steen, Focal Press (978-0240808932)

DVD Training:

Global Illumination: Exteriors by Chris Nichols

Global Illumination: Interiors by Chris Nichols

Environment Creation for Production by Tim Jones

Environment Lighting for Production by Tim Jones

Character Modeling for Production by Ian Joyner

Character Texturing for Production by Ian Joyner

Creature Modeling for Production by Laurent Pierlot

Creature Detailing for Production by Laurent Pierlot

Creature Texturing and Rendering for Production by Laurent Pierlot

Matte Painting Production Techniques by Chris Stoski

3D Matte Painting and Camera Mapping by Chris Stoski

Set Extension and Lighting Effects by Chris Stoski

Using This Book

From the very first page, you’ll hit the ground running by building your first model. We are not going to spend a lot of time explaining what every button and drop-down list does. As we go along, I will explain how to use each of the relevant controls. I’ll also provide you with the exact values that I’m using so you will get results similar, if not exactly the same, to mine.

While this book may seem dauntingly long, it’s because I’m taking pains not to skip any steps. When I was learning 3D, I became very frustrated by books and videos that either skipped steps or made model modifications between lessons. This does not happen here at the risk of going a bit long. To help with the length, I’ve broken the modeling down by days. You are not limited to this. If you want to sit down and do an entire model in one sitting, by all means go ahead.

I’ve also provided some unique tips and notes boxes to help you learn.

Don’t Forget: The Don’t Forget box reminds you of things you need to remember to do.

Fire Drill: Fire Drills guide you to avoid making common mistakes.

FYI: FYI boxes give you essential background information in as concise a way as possible. In many instances, FYI boxes explain why we’re doing certain things when it’s not obvious.

Message: Message boxes, though rare, provide you additional resources and information you might find valuable or to help you to improve your skills.

Urgent: Urgent boxes apprise you of important steps that you should not skip! Otherwise, you may make a serious mistake or damage your model.

What’s on the DVD?

And finally, the companion DVD contains includes all the images in the book in full color, a PDF version of a chapter on creating an android, and video tutorials totaling 10 hours. The files are organized in the following folders:

Chapter 4 — APDF of Chapter 4, “Maxi the Android,” and reference images used to create the android

Images — Full-color versions of all the images in the book, compressed and organized by chapter

Materials — Three videos showing how to create and work with materials, along with support files

MATRIX — A tutorial from 3-d Palace demonstrating the modeling and animation of the devastating sentinel bots from the film The Matrix

max script — A MAXScript file used in Chapter 3 to paint rivets on armor

The author may be contacted at [email protected].

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