4 Random Variables and Probability Distributions

Where We’ve Been

  • Used probability to make an inference about a population from data in an observed sample

  • Used probability to measure the reliability of the inference

Where We’re Going

  • Develop the notion of a random variable (4.1)

  • Learn that many types of numerical data are observed values of discrete or continuous random variables (4.2, 4.4)

  • Study two important types of random variables and their probability models: the binomial and normal model (4.3, 4.54.7)

  • Define a sampling distribution (4.8)

  • Learn that the sampling distribution of  legsanbkmath x follows a normal model (4.9)

Statistics in Action Super Weapons Development—Is the Hit Ratio Optimized?

The U.S. Army is working with a major defense contractor to develop a “super” weapon. The weapon is designed to fire a large number of sharp tungsten bullets—called flechettes—with a single shot that will destroy a large number of enemy soldiers. Flechettes are about the size of an average nail, with small fins at one end to stabilize them in flight. Since World War I, when France dropped them in large quantities from aircraft on to masses of ground troops, munitions experts have experimented with using flechettes in a variety of guns. The problem with using flechettes as ammunition is accuracy: Current weapons that fire large quantities of flechettes have unsatisfactory hit ratios when fired at long distances.

The defense contractor (not named here for both confidentiality and security reasons) has developed a prototype gun that fires 1,100 flechettes with a single round. In range tests, three 2-feet-wide targets were set up a distance of 500 meters (approximately 1,500 feet) from the weapon. With a number line used as a reference, the centers of the three targets were at 0, 5, and 10 feet, respectively, as shown in Figure SIA5.1. The prototype gun was aimed at the middle target (center at 5 feet) and fired once. The point where each of the 1,100 flechettes landed at the 500-meter distance was measured with the use of a horizontal and vertical grid. For the purposes of this application, only the horizontal measurements are considered. These 1,100 measurements are saved in the MOAGUN file. (The data are simulated for confidentiality reasons.) For example, a flechette with a value of x=5.5 hit the middle target, but a flechette with a value of x=2.0 did not hit any of the three targets. (See Figure SIA5.1.)

Figure SIA5.1

Target placement on gun range

The defense contractor is interested in the likelihood of any one of the targets being hit by a flechette and, in particular, wants to set the gun specifications to maximize the number of hits. The weapon is designed to have a mean horizontal value equal to the aim point (e.g., μ=5 feet when aimed at the center target). By changing specifications, the contractor can vary the standard deviation σ. The MOAGUN file contains flechette measurements for three different range tests: one with a standard deviation of σ=1 foot, one with σ=2 feet, and one with σ=4 feet.

In this chapter, two Statistics in Action Revisited examples demonstrate how we can use one of the probability models discussed in the chapter—the normal probability distribution—to aid the defense contractor in developing its “super” weapon.

Statistics in Action Revisited

  • Using the Normal Model to Maximize the Probability of a Hit with the Super Weapon (p. 205)

  • Assessing whether the Normal Distribution Is Appropriate for Modeling the Super Weapon Hit Data (p. 212)

Data Set: MOAGUN

You may have noticed that many of the examples of experiments in Chapter 3 generatedgenerate quantitative (numerical) observations. The unemployment rate, the percentage of voters favoring a particular candidate, the cost of textbooks for a school term, and the amount of pesticide in the discharge waters of a chemical plant are all examples of numerical measurements of some phenomenon. Thus, most experiments have sample points that correspond to values of some numerical variable.

To illustrate, consider the a coin-tossing experiment of Chapter 3. Figure 3.1 is a Venn diagram showing the sample points when two coins are tossed and the up faces (heads or tails) of the coins are observed. One possible numerical outcome is the total number of heads observed. This value (0, 1, or 2) is shown in parentheses on the Venn diagram, with one numerical value associated with each sample point. In the jargon of probability, the variable “total number of heads observed in two tosses of a coin” is called a random variable.

Figure 4.1

Venn diagram for coin-tossing experiment

A random variable is a variable that assumes numerical values associated with the random outcomes of an experiment, where one (and only one) numerical value is assigned to each sample point.

The term random variable is more meaningful than the term variable alone because the adjective random indicates that the coin-tossing experiment may result in one of the several possible values of the variable—0, 1, and 2—according to the random outcomes of the experiment: HH, HT, TH, and TT. Similarly, if the experiment is to count the number of customers who use the drive-up window of a bank each day, the random variable (the number of customers) will vary from day to day, partly because of the random phenomena that influence whether customers use the window. Thus, the possible values of this random variable range from 0 to the maximum number of customers the window can serve in a day.

We define two different types of random variables, discrete and continuous, in Section 4.1. Then we spend the remainder of the chapter discussing one specific type of discrete random variable and one specific type of continuous random variable.

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