6.3 Observed Significance Levels: p-Values

According to the statistical test procedure described in Section 6.2, the rejection region and, correspondingly, the value of α are selected prior to conducting the test, and the conclusions are stated in terms of rejecting or not rejecting the null hypothesis. A second method of presenting the results of a statistical test is one that reports the extent to which the test statistic disagrees with the null hypothesis and leaves to the reader the task of deciding whether to reject the null hypothesis. This measure of disagreement is called the observed significance level (or p-value) for the test.

The observed significance level, or p-value, for a specific statistical test is the probability (assuming H0 is true) of observing a value of the test statistic that is at least as contradictory to the null hypothesis, and supportive of the alternative hypothesis, as the actual one computed from the sample data.

Recall testing H0:μ=2,400 versus Ha:μ=2,400, where μ is the mean breaking strength of sewer pipe (Section 6.1). The value of the test statistic computed for the sample of n=50 sections of sewer pipe was z=2.12. Because the test is one-tailed—that is, the alternative (research) hypothesis of interest is Ha:μ>2,400—values of the test statistic even more contradictory to H0 than the one observed would be values larger than z=2.12. Therefore, the observed significance level (p-value) for this test is


or, equivalently, the area under the standard normal curve to the right of z=2.12 (see Figure 6.6).

The area A in Figure 6.6 is given in Table II in Appendix B as .4830. Therefore, the upper-tail area corresponding to z=2.12 is


Figure 6.6

Finding the p-value for an upper-tailed test when z=2.12

Consequently, we say that these test results are “very significant” (i.e., they disagree rather strongly with the null hypothesis, H0:μ=2,400, and favor Ha:μ>2,400). The probability of observing a z-value as large as 2.12 is only .0170, if in fact the true value of μ is 2,400.

If you are inclined to select α=.05 for this test, then you would reject the null hypothesis because the p-value for the test, .0170, is less than .05. In contrast, if you choose α=.01, you would not reject the null hypothesis because the p-value for the test is larger than .01. Thus, the use of the observed significance level is identical to the test procedure described in the preceding sections except that the choice of α is left to you.

The steps for calculating the p-value corresponding to a test statistic for a population mean are given in the next box.

Steps for Calculating the p-Value for a Test of Hypothesis

  1. Determine the value of the test statistic z corresponding to the result of the sampling experiment.

    1. If the test is one-tailed, the p-value is equal to the tail area beyond z in the same direction as the alternative hypothesis. Thus, if the alternative hypothesis is of the form >, the p-value is the area to the right of, or above, the observed z-value. Conversely, if the alternative is of the form <, the p-value is the area to the left of, or below, the observed z-value. (See Figure 6.7.)

    2. If the test is two-tailed, the p-value is equal to twice the tail area beyond the observed z-value in the direction of the sign of z—that is, if z is positive, the p-value is twice the area to the right of, or above, the observed z-value. Conversely, if z is negative, the p-value is twice the area to the left of, or below, the observed z-value. (See Figure 6.8.)

Figure 6.7

Finding the p-value for a one-tailed test

Figure 6.8

Finding the p-value for a two-tailed test: p-value=2(p2)

Example 6.4 Comparing Rejection Regions to p-Values


  1. Consider the one-tailed test of hypothesis, H0:μ=100 versus Ha:μ>100.

    1. Suppose the test statistic is z=1.44. Find the p-value of the test and the rejection region for the test when α=.05. Then show that the conclusion using the rejection region approach will be identical to the conclusion based on the p-value.

    2. Now suppose the test statistic is z=3.01; find the p-value and rejection region for the test when α=.05. Again, show that the conclusion using the rejection region approach will be identical to the conclusion based on the p-value.


  1. The p-value for the test is the probability of observing a test statistic more contradictory to the null hypothesis (i.e., more supportive of the alternative hypothesis) than the value z=1.44. Since we are conducting an upper-tailed test (Ha:μ>100), the probability we seek is:


    The latter probability in the expression is a cumulative probability that can be obtained from the standard normal table (Table II, Appendix B) or by using statistical software. The Minitab printout giving this probability is shown in Figure 6.9.

    Figure 6.9

    MINITAB normal probability for Example 6.4a

    Therefore, we compute


    This p-value is shown on Figure 6.10.

    Since α=.05 and the test is upper-tailed, the rejection region for the test is z>1.645 (see Table 6.2). This rejection region is also shown in Figure 6.10. Observe that the test statistic (z=1.44) falls outside the rejection region, implying that we fail to reject H0. Also, α=.05 is less than p-value=.075. This result also implies that we should fail to reject H0. Consequently, both decision rules agree—there is insufficient evidence to reject H0.

    Figure 6.10

    Test for Example 6.4a—Fail to reject H0

  2. For z=3.01, the observed significance level of the test is:


    A MINITAB printout giving the cumulative probability, P(z<3.01), is shown in Figure 6.11.

    Figure 6.11

    MINITAB normal probability for Example 6.4b

    Thus, we have


    This p-value is shown on Figure 6.12.

    Again, for α=.05 and an upper-tailed test, the rejection region is z>1.645. This rejection region is also shown in Figure 6.12. Now the test statistic (z=3.01) falls within the rejection region, leading us to reject H0. And, α=.05 now exceeds the p-value (.0013), which also implies that we should reject H0. Once again, both decision rules agree—and they always will if the same value of α is used to make the decision.

Figure 6.12

Test for Example 6.4b—Reject H0

Look Ahead

Since p-values are easily computed using statistical software, most analysts and researchers utilize the p-value approach to hypothesis testing. In future examples, we will adopt this approach generally, although we’ll continue to show the appropriate rejection regions where necessary for illustrative purposes.

Now Work Exercise 6.25

When publishing the results of a statistical test of hypothesis in journals, case studies, reports, and so on, many researchers make use of p-values. Instead of selecting α beforehand and then conducting a test, as outlined in this chapter, the researcher computes (usually with the aid of a statistical software package) and reports the value of the appropriate test statistic and its associated p-value. It is left to the reader of the report to judge the significance of the result (i.e., the reader must determine whether to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis, based on the reported p-value). Usually, the null hypothesis is rejected if the observed significance level is less than the fixed significance level, α, chosen by the reader. The inherent advantage of reporting test results in this manner is twofold: (1) Readers are permitted to select the maximum value of α that they would be willing to tolerate if they actually carried out a standard test of hypothesis in the manner outlined in this chapter, and (2) a measure of the degree of significance of the result (i.e., the p-value) is provided.

Reporting Test Results as p-Values: How to Decide Whether to Reject H0

  1. Choose the maximum value of α that you are willing to tolerate.

  2. If the observed significance level (p-value) of the test is less than the chosen value of α, reject the null hypothesis. Otherwise, do not reject the null hypothesis.

Ethics in Statistics

Selecting the value of α after computing the observed significance level (p-value) in order to guarantee a preferred conclusion is considered unethical statistical practice.

Note: Some statistical software packages (e.g., SPSS) will conduct only two-tailed tests of hypothesis. For these packages, you obtain the p-value for a one-tailed test as shown in the box:

Converting a Two-Tailed p-Value from a Printout to a One-Tailed p-Value


Exercises 6.22–6.30

Learning the Mechanics

  1. 6.22 Consider the test of H0:μ=7. For each of the following, find the p-value of the test:

    1. Ha:μ>7,z=1.20

    2. Ha:μ<7,z=1.20

    3. Ha:μ7,z=1.20

  2. 6.23 If a hypothesis test were conducted using α=.05, for which of the following p-values would the null hypothesis be rejected?

    1. .06

    2. .10

    3. .01

    4. .001

    5. .251

    6. .042

  3. 6.24 For each α and observed significance level (p-value) pair, indicate whether the null hypothesis would be rejected.

    1. α=.05,p-value=.10

    2. α=.10,p-value=.05

    3. α=.01,p-value=.001

    4. α=.025,p-value=.05

    5. α=.10,p-value=.45

  4. 6.25 In a test of the hypothesis H0:μ=50 versus Ha:μ>50, a sample of n=100 observations possessed mean x=49.4 and standard deviation s=4.1. Find and interpret the p-value for this test.

  5. 6.26 In a test of H0:μ=100 against Ha:μ>100, the sample data yielded the test statistic z=2.17. Find and interpret the p-value for the test.

  6. 6.27 In a test of the hypothesis H0:μ=10 versus Ha:μ10, a sample of n=50 observations possessed mean x=10.7 and standard deviation s=3.1. Find and interpret the p-value for this test.

  7. 6.28 In a test of H0:μ=100 against Ha:μ100, the sample data yielded the test statistic z=2.17. Find the p-value for the test.

  8. 6.29 In a test of H0:μ=75 performed using the computer, SPSS reports a two-tailed p-value of .1032. Make the appropriate conclusion for each of the following situations:

    1. Ha:μ<75,z=1.63,α=.05

    2. Ha:μ<75,z=1.63,α=.10

    3. Ha:μ>75,z=1.63,α=.10

    4. Ha:μ75,z=1.63,α=.01

  9. 6.30 An analyst tested the null hypothesis μ20 against the alternative hypothesis that μ<20. The analyst reported a p-value of .06. What is the smallest value of α for which the null hypothesis would be rejected?

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