Table of Exercises

Exercise 1.1 Create an AWS Account

Exercise 2.1 Calculate Monthly Costs for an EC2 Instance

Exercise 2.2 Build a Deployment Cost Estimate Using the AWS Simple Monthly Calculator

Exercise 2.3 Compare the On-Premises Costs of Running Your Application with AWS Costs

Exercise 2.4 Create a Cost Budget to Track Spending

Exercise 3.1 Find Out How to Copy Files from One S3 Bucket to Another

Exercise 3.2 Confirm That Your Account Security Settings Are Compliant with Best Practices

Exercise 4.1 Select a Subnet and AZ for an EC2 Instance

Exercise 4.2 Take a Quick Look at the Way CloudFront Distributions Are Configured

Exercise 5.1 Create a Password Policy for Your IAM Users

Exercise 5.2 Create an IAM User and Assign Limited Permissions

Exercise 5.3 Assign Multiple Users to an IAM Group

Exercise 6.1 Install the AWS Command Line Interface

Exercise 7.1 Select an EC2 AMI

Exercise 7.2 Launch an Apache Web Server on an EC2 Instance

Exercise 8.1 Create an S3 Bucket

Exercise 9.1 Create a DynamoDB Table

Exercise 11.1 Explore the CloudFormation Designer

Exercise 12.1 Create an Inbound Security Group Rule

Exercise 12.2 Create an Application Load Balancer

Exercise 12.3 Create a Launch Template

Exercise 12.4 Create an Auto Scaling Group

Exercise 12.5 Create a Static Website Hosted Using S3

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