
I have had the good fortune throughout my career to work with some of the brightest minds and outstanding business professionals in the world. Every day I am inspired and challenged by you.

To my many clients. Thank you for your support and your longstanding relationships. I am indebted to you for bringing the ideas of The Leadership Contract to your leaders.

Thank you to the many readers of my books and blogs. I sincerely appreciate your encouragement. Nothing excites me more than when readers reach out to share how the ideas in my books, presentations, blogs, and seminars have helped them become better leaders and people.

Thanks so much to Gina Bianchini, Giulia Cirillo, Kurt Ekert, Brad Furtney, Olga Giovanniello, Matthias Goebel, Josh Linkner, Laura A. Liswood, Tricia Naddaff, Andrew Pateman, Dan Schawbel, and Ricardo Viana Vargas for your generosity in providing endorsements for my book. I admire and deeply respect each of you for the impact you are having in your organizations and the world.

A big thank you goes to the team at John Wiley & Sons, who contributed significantly to this project. A special thank you to Shannon Vargo, my editor for the past seven years. Thanks also to Sally Baker, Peter Knox, Vicki Adang, Dawn Kilgore, Tim Gallan, Paul Reese, and the rest of the team. Thanks also to Olivier Terree from Cross Knowledge for his support in creating the Fulfilling the Leadership Contract program.

Thank you to Dr. Nick Morgan, Sarah Morgan, Nicola Lindsay, Emma Wyatt, and Jennifer Montfort. Your full commitment and support are always valued and appreciated. To Kevin Youngsaye for bringing your design gifts to this project.

I wish to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to my colleagues and friends who supported this work: Dr. Alex Vincent, Tammy Heermann, Razia Garda, Alicia Lambier, and Dan Lett. First, to Tess Reimann and Carole Clarke for your dedication and amazing work.

Thank you to Alain Dehaze, Stephan Howeg, and Libby Archell from The Adecco Group. I have always appreciated your support of my work and for bringing The Leadership Contract into your great company.

I would also like to acknowledge the many professionals at LHH around the world. I wish to thank Ranjit de Sousa, John Morgan, Razia Garda, Alicia Lambier, Margo Hoyt, Claudio Garcia, Chris Rice, Michelle Moore, Philippe Michecoppin, Carol Blades, Michelle Anthony, Helene Cavalli, and José Augusto Figueiredo.

Finally, I wish to acknowledge my family. To my parents for being examples of accountability and supporting me to do my life’s work. To my children, Mateo, Tomas, and Alessia—you continue to amaze me, and I wish you continued success in your future.

Finally, to Elizabeth, my wife, partner, and friend. I am fortunate and grateful to have you in my life. Everything I do is only possible because of you.

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