Chapter 6

Code Quality

Most technical interviewers have a view on what is important in software development. They universally agree that code quality is vitally important, but the exact definition of quality is a bit less clear. Some put code clarity ahead of efficiency, and some put efficiency first. Others say that correctness is paramount, with clarity and efficiency vying for second place, and some interviewers say none of those things matter if the customer is unhappy.

At another level you will find some interviewers concerned with the layout and consistency of code. Choosing good names for variables and classes is a common concern, and many put their trust in the SOLID principles (if you've not heard of SOLID it is explained later in this chapter).

In this chapter you will find questions covering all these angles. These are the questions that technical interviewers use to assess your understanding of what code quality means. It's an opportunity to demonstrate some important things, specifically that you:

  • Can read and comprehend someone else's code
  • Can spot potentially bad code
  • Have a view on what constitutes good code
  • Can articulate reasons why code is good or bad

Programmers with any experience will recognize the importance of the first point—reading and comprehending code written by someone else. As a programmer, relatively rarely are you asked to write a lot of code from scratch. Far more commonly, you're asked to maintain or add features to an existing code base. Reading and understanding code, therefore, is a vital skill that every programmer must acquire.

As an interviewer, and as a programmer with strongly held views about code quality, it always surprises and disappoints me when a programmer cannot find fault with code that is clearly substandard. Many interviewers will routinely produce sample code at the interview and ask, “What's wrong with this?” The questions and answers provided in this chapter will ensure you are prepared for this style of questioning.

A natural follow-up to the question, “What's wrong with this code?” is “What could you do to improve it?” In some ways this question is as important as spotting bad code in the first place. After all, the interviewer will reason that, if you, the interviewee, can't improve bad code then you're not going to be much help when you do find it. This is not a new idea.

“It is easier to criticize than to correct our past errors.”

—Titus Livius, written sometime between 27 and 25 BC

Finally, after you have identified poor code and formulated ideas about how you might improve it, you need to communicate those ideas. In the same way that identifying poor code but not being able to improve it is of little value, being unable to articulate your opinions is equally unhelpful. Your thoughts might be golden, but they are worthless at the interview unless you can communicate them clearly to the interviewer.

Writing Clear Code

The cost of unclear code is enormous. It costs the programmer at every step—from the initial struggle to make the unclear code compile and work correctly, to the needless complications it causes when testing and debugging, to the abject misery it causes throughout the long years of product maintenance. If you think I'm exaggerating, talk to any experienced maintenance programmer. All this extra effort and stress translates to extra cost for the product owner or the business that relies on or sells that product. The end user of such a product suffers from bugs and quirks caused by the unclear code. Unclear code adds a real and quantifiable cost that is ignored at peril.

If you accept—and I believe you should—that writing code is a special form of communication, where ideas and algorithms are communicated from a programmer to a machine and—in some ways more importantly—to other programmers, then understanding how unclear code comes into existence is easy. It's a basic human failing. If you replace the word code with communication (as in unclear communication) then all the reasons you can think of that contribute to poor communication, such as laziness, misapprehension, and a poor grasp of the language—all these apply equally well to unclear code.

Your job during the interview is to demonstrate that you can recognize unclear code and that you can write clear code. It's all about good communication.

“As simple as possible but not simpler”

—attributed to Albert Einstein

The idea of being as simple as possible but not simpler applies perfectly here; you want the code to be correct and useful, and ideally you want it to be extensible and flexible, but not at the expense of clarity. You should write the minimum code that is necessary to satisfy all the requirements and still be easy to understand. You must avoid sacrificing simplicity for the sake of some hypothetical future requirement.

Of course, if the requirement is more than hypothetical, if you can realistically anticipate a future requirement that forces a complication upon the immediate solution, and you can justify it to yourself (and to whomever reviews your code), then go for it. Don't be too disappointed, however, when the requirement never eventuates and the code remains forever more difficult to maintain than it really ought to have been.

Of course, it is important when designing a system to create abstractions of the problem space, and to generalize the solution so that it can apply to more than just the immediate problem. The danger lies in going too far and (to pick just one unfortunate outcome), ending up with many layers of abstraction that serve no immediate purpose, existing only to satisfy some theoretical future requirement or constraint that might never eventuate. The Extreme Programming movement dismisses this kind of needless embellishment with the acronym YAGNI, “You ain't gonna need it.”

Sometimes after a long struggle to get an algorithm working correctly, it might seem appropriate that the resulting code should reflect the effort that went into it. Or, to put it in the words of an anonymous cynic:

“If it was hard to write it should be hard to read.”


That idea is wrong. The next programmer will not thank you. It is much better, and frankly it is good coding manners to spend a little more time making the intent as obvious as possible.

Writing Expressive Code

Expressiveness in code is the quality of being able to convey a lot of information (or intention) in a small amount of code. Expressive code is often succinct—a quality that can help readability in some cases and hurt it in others. One way to think about expressiveness in code is to compare it to your English vocabulary. As your vocabulary grows, you become aware of words that are packed with more meaning. Instead of speaking in long rambling sentences, you can now speak more efficiently, saying more with less. The drawback is that sometimes when you use these words, other people won't understand them. From your point of view, you're communicating more effectively, but from their point of view you're using needlessly complicated words.

Your programming vocabulary is exactly the same. As your proficiency grows, you will tend to take advantage of advanced language or framework features. These advanced features will seem needlessly complicated to the less experienced programmer.

So what is the answer: Should you write code in baby-talk, or should you write code in such a concentrated form that only experts will understand it?

The answer is to write for your audience. A programmer's audience consists of the maintenance programmers who will follow. If you don't know who that might be, then write with some restraint. Think of your own learning experience and show the programmers that follow you some consideration; they may not be as expert as you are. Add code comments where helpful, avoid the tersest expressions, and instead favor simple, clear constructs.

Measuring Efficiency and Performance

Efficiency can be measured in a number of ways. When programmers talk about the efficiency of a function they may be thinking of one or more things, including:

  • Speed of function execution; that is, time complexity
  • Working-space requirements
  • Avoiding needless steps in an algorithm
  • The effort required to develop and support the function
  • All of the above

As a well-rounded programmer, you should be aware of the different ways that efficiency can be measured. At a standard programming interview you will rarely be quizzed on how much developing a bit of code might cost (in money terms), but you will often be assessed on your ability to assess and compare the efficiency of two alternative functions in terms of time and space complexity. This is particularly true in companies that develop leading-edge software, where performance might be the key to the next generation of solutions in a given domain.

Big-O notation

If you have been formally educated in computer science then the concepts of time-complexity, space-complexity, and big-O notation won't be new to you. But if, like many practicing programmers, you've learned your skills on the job then this book might be the first time you've ever heard of these ideas. Don't be put off by the necessary mathematical references; you don't need an advanced degree to grasp the concepts.

In big-O notation the O stands for order, and n denotes the size of input given to a function. Big-O is shorthand for describing the performance classification of a function in terms of the number of steps it can be expected to take relative to the size of its input. You might, for example, say function A is O(n²); it takes on the order of n² steps to execute.

Slightly more formally, big-O notation characterizes functions according to the asymptotic upper bound of their performance growth rate. Functions that always perform a fixed number of steps (regardless of how long they actually take) are said to perform in constant time or O(1) time. Functions that perform a number of steps in direct proportion to the size of their input are said to take linear time or O(n) time.

Note that inputs in this context are not necessarily supplied to a function as arguments; they may be read from a database or some other resource pool.

The following are some of the most common classifications, shown in order from best (usually fastest) to worst (usually slowest). Note that the scale of each diagram is far less important than the rate of growth shown.

Constant, O(1)

If a function always performs in the same amount of time, regardless of input, it runs in O(1) time, as shown in Figure 6.1. This is not to say that a function that takes constant time will always take the same amount of time, but that the number of steps it performs (and hence the time it takes) will never grow beyond a constant maximum.

Here is an example:

int constantTime(int j, int k) {
   if ((j+k) % 2 == 0)
      return 0;
   int m = j * k;
   int n = m - 42;
   return Math.Max(n,0);

Figure 6.1 Constant time


Logarithmic, O(log n)

Functions that take logarithmic time are usually not much slower than those that take constant time, as illustrated in Figure 6.2. A binary search takes time O(log n), as do most functions that eliminate half of the input at each stage of processing.

Figure 6.2 Logarithmic time


Linear, O(n)

If a function will always take time in direct proportion to the size of its input then it is said to take time O(n), as shown in Figure 6.3. Here is an example:

int linearTime(int j, int k) {
   if ((j+k) % 2 == 0)
      return 0;
   int m = j * k;
   int n = m - 42;

   for (int index = 0; index < (m + n); index++)
      if (index % 1337 == 0)
         return index;

   return Math.Max(n,0);

Figure 6.3 Linear time


Quadratic, O(n²)

Functions that take quadratic time generally contain two nested loops over the input, as shown in Figure 6.4 and in the following code example:

int quadraticTime(int[] n) {

   int result = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < n.Length; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < n.Length; j++)
         result += n[i] + n[j];

   return result;

Figure 6.4 Quadratic time


Using big-O

Big-O notation is useful when comparing the theoretical performance of alternative functions. It abstracts away the practical difficulties of comparing performance and it intentionally ignores the fixed overhead of a function. For example, it ignores the time a function might require to initialize a hash table prior to processing its input. Big-O focuses squarely on the most significant factor that will affect the performance of a function and effectively ignores the rest.

When considering the practical implications of time complexity, you must be familiar with the range of inputs a function will called upon to process. Sometimes the case, usually when inputs are small, is that the big-O classification of two functions suggests relative performance that is contrary to the actual, measured performance. This is counterintuitive and might seem wrong, but consider the performance of two functions, as shown in Figure 6.5.

Figure 6.5 Function performance


Function A takes time O(n3), which is theoretically slower than function B, which takes time O(n²). As you can see, for small values of n, function A is faster, the opposite of what their big-O classifications would suggest.

Measure performance

The most common reason for measuring the performance of a function or procedure is so it can be optimized. If you don't have a measurement, then you won't know (except perhaps theoretically) whether your “improvement” is an optimization or a pessimization.

A pessimization is the opposite of an optimization. “I see Nigel has pessimized the search algorithm.”

Wherever possible, you should use CPU time and measures of I/O rather than elapsed (wall-clock) time. CPU time is the time spent by the processor in serving your code, and excludes time spent waiting for I/O operations and other delays caused by the operating system as it multitasks. Measuring a function by timing it with a watch on your wrist is the least sophisticated and most error-prone way of timing a function, and should be done only as a last resort.

Consider context

When considering the real-world performance of a function, context is everything. Will your function be called exactly once per day, or millions of times per hour? What are the typical scenarios that will lead to your function's being called? Will users be waiting for it to finish, or will it be a background process with no dependencies? You want to avoid the embarrassment of benchmarking a function on your machine, declaring it fit for purpose, and then releasing it, only to find everything grinds to a halt and your users have formed an angry mob.

Have a goal

The optimization of a function must be done with a goal in mind. Before you begin measuring and tweaking a function, you must determine exactly what will constitute acceptable performance. Optimization can be fun in a nerdy kind of way, but you won't want to be doing it forever. You need to know the point at which you have finished. If you don't know how to determine performance targets then you should involve your users. Ask them how quickly they expect operations to run, what benchmarks they have (such as other, comparable systems they've used), and so on.

Measure more than once, take an average

When measuring, you should run a function many times and derive an average run time. If you run a function and measure its performance just once then you have only a tiny glimpse of how the function might perform. More often than not you will find that measurements vary, sometimes markedly, depending on what else is running on the machine at the time. By taking many measurements and calculating an average you reduce the significance of these variations.

Divide and conquer

When users report a performance problem, it is usually not obvious where the bottleneck lies. They might complain about the time it takes to produce a monthly report, but you won't know from that complaint whether the performance problem lies in the report itself, or the back-end database, the network, and so on. The problem might be a combination of all these layers.

As a rule, you should first partition the problem and measure each of these partitions in isolation. Sometimes this involves writing a test harness to break the interdependence of components and run each part in isolation.

After you see where the majority of time is being spent, you can progressively drill down until you have something concrete that you can improve.

Try the easy things first

Quite often, performance problems are due to something obvious being missed. Does the table have appropriate indexes? Does an unnecessary dependency exist that can be eliminated? Is the server simply overloaded?

Before getting down to any detailed analysis, consider the obvious potential problems. You can resolve many apparently difficult problems by fixing the environment (the server, database, and so on) rather than the code.

Use a profiler

Developers today are fortunate to have many excellent tools available for profiling an application to home-in on performance bottlenecks. It was once the case that the best a developer could do was to introduce logging code and then somehow analyze the log for clues.

Today, a good profiler will let the developer evaluate the performance profile of an application without introducing any logging code. A profiler can show the programmer details of how memory is allocated in an application, and how much time is spent in the parts of the application. It can show object creation and (hopefully) object destruction (if not, you could have a memory leak).

Understanding What “Modular” Means

I recall the first time I was asked to review some code written by another programmer. The most serious problem I noticed was that the programmer had written one enormous subroutine—it must have been many hundreds of lines. At the time I was relatively inexperienced, but I knew this practice wasn't good. I suggested to the programmer that he (it was a he) should break the long subroutine into smaller, more modular subroutines. I assumed he knew what I was talking about.

He didn't.

He had broken the large subroutine into smaller subroutines, but he did it like this:

public void mysubroutine() {
   // about 40 lines of code...



public void mysubroutine1() {
   // 40 more lines of code...


public void mysubroutine2() {
   // 40 more lines of code...



public void mysubroutine3() {
   // 40 more lines of code...


I remember asking why he had broken the subroutines into chunks of about 40 lines each. He said that was the most he could see on his screen at one time. To my shame, I gave up at that point.

Although this story was, I hope, a rare and unusual take on what “modular” means, it does illustrate the point that programmers don't necessarily understand what modular means.

Here are some characteristics of a modular design:

  • Functions and subroutines are small rather than big.
  • Each function has a single, specific purpose.
  • Functions can be reused in a number of ways.
  • Functions are well-named so that the purpose of each one is obvious.
  • Functions have little or no side-effects outside the function.
  • Functions make little or no assumptions about the state of a system in which they are run.

Note that I've used the word function to describe these attributes, but they apply equally to methods, classes, and code libraries.

Understanding the SOLID principles

SOLID is an acronym that stands for five widely accepted principles of object-oriented programming and design. These principles are:

  • Single Responsibility Principle
  • Open/Closed Principle
  • Liskov Substitution Principle
  • Interface Segregation Principle
  • Dependency Inversion Principle

Robert “Uncle Bob” Martin is acknowledged as the first person to identify the SOLID principles, although the SOLID acronym was later introduced by Michael Feathers.

A recurring theme throughout the SOLID principles is the avoidance of dependencies. It makes intuitive, practical, and theoretical sense to minimize class dependencies: the more things you depend on, the greater the chance something will go wrong.

Single Responsibility Principle

The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) states that a class should have exactly one responsibility. It should have exactly one reason (or one class of reasons) that cause it to be changed. If you have ever tried to modify a tangled mass of code in which tangential concerns have been mixed up together, where a seemingly innocuous change has unexpected and disastrous consequences, then you might have been a victim of code that ignores this principle.

To illustrate the point, a violation of this principle might look like this:

var myReport = new CashflowReport();



void formatReportHeader(Report report) {

   report.Header.Bold = true;

   if (report is CashflowReport && report.Content.Profit < 10000) {
      SendAlertToCEO(“Profit warning!”);


All well and good—until the CEO asks for the report header to be reset to the default format, without any bold bits. The maintenance programmer (maintenance programmers are usually harassed and short of time) looks at the first few lines of code, and because it appears to be well-structured she innocently deletes the line that calls formatReportHeader. The code now looks like this:

var myReport = new CashflowReport();


void formatReportHeader(Report report) {

   report.Header.Bold = true;

   if (report is CashflowReport && report.Content.BankBalance < 1000) {
      SendAlertToCEO(“Profit warning!”);


Testing confirms that the report header is no longer emboldened, so the modified system is released to the customer. In this disastrous scenario, warnings about a low bank balance are no longer sent to the CEO and the business quickly becomes insolvent.

I've provided an over-simplified and artificial example that illustrates the point. In real projects it won't be anywhere near as obvious that a small change in one area of the system might affect an unrelated but critical feature in an unrelated part of the system. It isn't hard to see why some programmers develop superstitions about the systems they maintain. Don't touch the Frobbit module. The last programmer who changed it was blamed for the extinction of pink-frilled lizards.

Another difficulty many programmers have with following the SRP lies in deciding what single responsibility means. This definition can be hard to pin down. You can take a broad view that a single responsibility refers to a group of related business processes (such as invoicing, for example) or you can take a stricter view that invoicing is far too broad and should be broken down in its constituent parts, with each part designated as a responsibility. How far you go depends on your stamina and tolerance. Cross-cutting concerns also muddy the water: Is it consistent with SRP to call logging routines from an invoicing class? (No it isn't, but everyone does it.)

Like many principles, the theory is easier to grasp than the practice. In practice, you must rely on experience and common sense. You really shouldn't remove all your logging from a class, that would be counterproductive, but you really do want to avoid mixing up code for formatting a report with code for enforcing business logic.

Open/Closed Principle

The Open/Closed Principle (OCP) states that a class (or function) should be open for extension but closed for modification. This principle attempts to counter the tendency for object-oriented code to become fragile or easily broken, when base classes are modified in ways that break the behavior of inheriting (child) classes.

It hasn't escaped my attention that one of the key benefits touted for object-oriented programming is the ease with which you can change an entire inheritance chain through modification of the base class. If all your animals (textbook examples of inheritance for some reason seem to favor animals) are to be endowed with a new “panic” behavior, for instance, then you simply add a panic method to the base Animal class. All animals can now panic, even the ones that carry towels and that should therefore be immune to this kind of emotional distress.


In a nutshell, adhering to the OCP means that when adding new behavior you should leave base classes alone and instead create new, inheriting classes, adding behavior to these instead of the base class, and thereby avoiding the problem of unintended consequences for classes that inherit from the same base class.

Liskov Substitution Principle

One of the nice things about inheriting from a class is that you can pass this new class to an existing function that has been written to work with the base class, and that function will perform its work just as if you had passed an instance of the base class.

The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) is intended to keep that happy working relationship between classes and functions alive and well.

The LSP is similar to the Open/Closed Principle. Both the OCP and the LCP imply that you should avoid modifying the behavior of a base class, but the LSP forbids modification of that behavior through the mechanism of inheritance. LSP states that if type S inherits from type T then both T and S should be interchangeable in functions that expect T.

In other words, if you follow the LSP, you should be free to substitute a child class in a function that expects to deal with the base class. If you can't, you're looking at a violation of the LSP.

But wait! Doesn't this principle undermine one of the key benefits of object-oriented programming? Isn't it a feature of object-oriented programming that you can modify the behavior of a class through inheritance?

Indeed it is. However, experience tells us that changing the behavior of a class in many cases leads to problems elsewhere in a code base. It is another example of how you should strive to minimize dependencies of all kinds in the interest of writing robust and maintainable software.

In many cases, instead of inheritance, programmers should create classes that are composed of base classes. In other words, if the programmer wants to use the methods or properties of a class, she can create an instance of that class rather than inheriting from it. By avoiding inheritance, the programmer also avoids violation of the LSP. Functions that expect to deal with a certain base class are guaranteed to remain unaffected by the new class, and the code base of an application is therefore more robust and less likely to break.

In C#, you can prevent the inheritance of a class by using the sealed keyword. In Java, you can use the final keyword.

Interface Segregation Principle

The Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) is very simple. It says to avoid writing monstrous interfaces that burden classes with responsibilities they don't need or want. You should instead create a collection of smaller, discrete interfaces, partitioning interface members according to what they concern. Classes can then pick and choose what they implement rather than having to swallow all or nothing.

Here is one of these monstrous interfaces:

public interface IOneInterfaceToRuleThemAll {
   void DoThis();
   void DoThat();
   void GoHere();
   void GoThere();
   bool MyFavoriteTogglyThing {get; set;}
   string FirstName {get; set;}
   string LastName {get; set;}

Here is a nicer alternative; a collection of interfaces that segregate different areas of concern:

public interface IActionable {
   void DoThis();
   void DoThat();
public interface IMovable {
   void GoHere();
   void GoThere();
public interface IToggly {
   bool MyFavoriteTogglyThing {get; set;}
public interface INamed {
   string FirstName {get; set;};
   string LastName {get; set;}

Nothing prevents the programmer from creating a class that implements all of these interfaces, but with smaller interfaces the programmer is free to implement just those parts she needs, ignoring the irrelevant parts. The programmer can now create one class that moves and toggles, and another class that performs actions and has a name.

Dependency Inversion Principle

The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) says to “depend upon abstractions, not upon concretions.” Somewhat surprisingly it turns out that “concretions” is in fact a real word (I checked). What this principle means is that instead of writing code that refers to actual classes, you should instead write code that refers to interfaces or perhaps abstract classes.

This is consistent with writing code that has minimal dependencies. If class A instantiates concrete class B, then these two classes are now bound together. If instead of a concrete class you rely on an interface IB, then the concrete class that implements IB can (in theory) be switched out for a different class through dependency injection.

In the following code, class A has a dependency on class B:

class B
   // ...

class A
   public void DoSomething()
      B b = new B(); // A now depends on B

Here is the same code, rewritten to depend on an interface IB rather than the concrete class B:

interface IB
   // ...
class B : IB
   // ...
class AlternativeB : IB
   // ...

class A
   public void DoSomething(IB b)  
      // b can be either B or AlternativeB

Incidentally, but very conveniently, now that you are free to substitute any class you choose, it becomes trivial to substitute fake or mock classes when writing unit tests, avoiding the overhead of classes that aren't needed for the sake of the test.

A whole class of tools exists for introducing dependency injection to legacy code. If programmers writing this legacy code had created dependencies on interfaces rather than on concrete classes, we wouldn't need these tools.

Avoiding Code Duplication

A respected software architect of my acquaintance once told me—I'm sure it was tongue in cheek—that a valid form of code reuse is to copy and paste code throughout a code project. I probably gave him the reaction he was expecting; I'm easily excited on this topic.

Code reuse, for the record, is achieved through writing code that is modular and suitably generic. It is not achieved through copy and paste. Copy and paste means code duplication, one of the nastier problems you can face as a programmer.

Why is it so awful? It's awful because it injects latent problems into your code project. You won't find them at compile time, and you won't find them through initial testing. The code will work at first, but now you have a bear-trap, set with jaws agape, waiting for the maintenance programmer.

Have you ever fixed a bug in an application only to find that the exact same bug exists in many places other than the one you fixed? That's code duplication in action. To the user it makes you appear careless or dim-witted.

Here's an example related to the adjustment of meeting times:

if (start.Hour == 8)
   PostponeOneHour (start);

if (start.Hour == 6)
   PostponeFiveHours (start);

void PostponeOneHour (DateTime start) {

   var time = new TimeSpan(1,0,0);

   // Further delay meetings that start before ten-past
   if (start.Minute <= 10) {
      time = new TimeSpan(0,5,0);

void PostponeFiveHours (DateTime start) {

   var time = new TimeSpan(5,0,0);

   // Further delay meetings that start before ten-past
   if (start.Minute <= 10) {
      time = new TimeSpan(0,5,0);

In this example I've invented some dubious business rules for when meetings should start; meetings scheduled for 8 a.m. should be delayed at least one hour, and meetings scheduled for 6 a.m. should be delayed at least five hours (the delay for early birds is suitably punitive). Meetings should be further delayed by some minutes if they start in the first 10 minutes past the hour.

Code duplication is rife in this example, but the most glaring duplication is of the two nearly identical methods: one that adds five hours and another that adds one hour. These two methods could easily be combined into one:

void Postpone (DateTime start, int delayHours) {

   var time = new TimeSpan(delayHours,0,0);

   // Further delay meetings that start before ten-past
   if (start.Minute <= 10) {
      time = new TimeSpan(0,5,0);

If you permit duplication like this you commit yourself (and all future maintenance programmers) to duplicating their efforts. Instead of fixing a bug or adding a feature in one method, now everyone must fix that bug or add that feature in two methods. Not only have you made yourself more work, you now have twice the opportunity to make a mistake.

Suppose you decided that the rule about not starting before ten-past should be removed. You delete the relevant lines of code from the PostponeOneHour method, and also from the PostponeFiveHours method—if you remember it exists! If you don't remember, you've just sprung the trap.

Imagine these methods are contained within a much larger code base than shown in this example, and you glimpse the potential scale of the problem. In a large code base it is just a matter of time before a maintenance programmer forgets or doesn't realize that this logic has been implemented in two places. Inevitably you will have inconsistency, and you will have users who think their programmers are lazy or feeble-minded.


Code quality is one of the more difficult things to detect with automated code review tools. You can find some things, sure, but the best code-review tool I know of is the gaze of a skilled programmer.

Cast your gaze over the sample code in these questions, and see what you think could be improved:

1. True, False, FileNotFound
This C# enumeration has gained some notoriety on the Internet, but what is wrong with it?
 enum Bool 
2. Inheritance
Here is a simple example of inheritance in C#. If you take the class names at face value then what, if anything, is wrong with this code?
 public class Person : PersonCollection
    // [Class definition removed…]
3. Non-zero values
Is this a good way to check two variables for non-zero values? Can the code be improved?
 if (new[] { height, width }.Any(c => c != 0))
    // Do something with the non-zero value(s) ...
4. Strange loop
Here's a strange loop. What is it trying to do, and how could you make it clearer?
 for ( int i=0 ; i < MyControl.TabPages.Count ; i++ )
    MyControl.TabPages.Remove (MyControl.TabPages[i] );
5. Expressive code
The following code is an excerpt from a function that is supposed to execute a given subroutine upon detecting a certain condition. If the subroutine was executed, then the next check should be performed a day later; otherwise, the next check should be performed after just six hours have elapsed.
How could you modify this code to be more expressive? What potential maintenance problems could be caused by the code as written?
 if (conditionExists()) {


    myTimer.Interval = 86400000;

 } else {

    myTimer.Interval = 21600000;


6. Time complexity of array lookup
What is the time complexity of this function?
 bool getAnswerLength(int questionId) {

    return ( (string[]) answers[questionId]).Length;
7. Time Complexity of array traversal
What is the time complexity of this function?
 bool stringArraysAreEqual(string[] a, string[] b) {

    if (a.Length != b.Length) return false;

    for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
       if (!a[i].Equals(b[i])) return false;

    return true;
8. Optimizing
The following function has been identified as performing poorly. What do you notice about the function that might interfere with efforts to optimize it?
 bool function ReticulateSplines(List<Splines> splines) {

    foreach (var spline in splines) {

       var length = EvaluateLength(spline.Length);

       if (length > 42) {

          var page = RetrievePageFromPublicInternet(spline.WebPage);

          if (page.RetrievedOk)
             Reticulate(spline, page);




    return false;
9. Parsing
Critique this code snippet. Assume that the variable ds is an ADO.Net DataSet.
 if (
     long.TryParse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(), out committeId)
    committeId = long.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString());
10. Boolean expression
Critique this code snippet:
 if (this.Month == 12)
    return true;
    return false;
11. Code duplication
The following PL/SQL appears to contain two blocks of very similar code. Suggest how you might avoid this duplication.




12. Rambling code
How could you improve this long, rambling, snippet of code?
 if (length == 1)
    return 455;
 else if (depth == 2)
    return 177;
 else if (depth == 3)
    return 957;
 else if (depth == 4)
    return 626;
 else if (depth == 5)
    return 595;
 } else if (depth == 6)
    return 728;
13. Unique characters
Write a function that will count the number of unique characters in a string. Optimize the function for clarity.
14. Swiss Army enumeration
Critique this enumeration with reference to the SOLID principles.
 public enum SwissArmyEnum 
15. Odd function
What is this function trying to do, and how could you write it more clearly?
 public bool StrangeFunction(int n) 
     for (int i = 0; i <= 13; i++)
         if ((i == 1) || (i == 3) || (i == 5)
             || (i == 5) || (i == 7) || (i == 9) 
             || (i == 11))
             return true;
     return false;
16. Overlapping dates
Write a function that returns true if two given date ranges overlap. Make this function as clear and concise as possible.
Assume that each date range is an IDateRange as per the following definition:
     public interface IDateRange
         DateTime? Start { get; set; }
         DateTime? End { get; set; }


1. True, False, FileNotFound
This C# enumeration has gained some notoriety on the Internet, but what is wrong with it?
 enum Bool 

It might surprise you that this code actually compiles without any warnings. At first glance it looks like it attempts to redefine several C# reserved words: Bool, True, and False. In fact, C# reserves bool, true, and false (all lowercase) and this code compiles just fine.
The real problem lies in the confusion of thought that led to this code, and the consequent burden it will place on the maintenance programmer—not to mention the burden carried by the original programmer.
First, why would anyone want to mimic a built-in type, especially one as fundamental as Boolean? This appears to be a poorly reinvented wheel.
Second, if the intention was to create an enumeration that mimics the built-in Boolean type, which by definition has two possible values (true and false) then it makes no logical sense to add a third value of FileNotFound. Note that C# supports a nullable Boolean bool?, which in addition to true and false allows the possibility of null, meaning “the value is unknown.” This is quite different to the strange inclusion of “file not found.”
Third, any reasonable scenario in which you might imagine FileNotFound is a valid member of the enumeration will lead you directly to the conclusion that Bool is a poor choice of name. It tells you nothing useful about the enumerated set of values and in fact appears to be quite misleading. Should it be called FileStatus? It's unclear. Either the enumeration is a set of Boolean values, or it isn't. If it is not Boolean then it should be called something else. If it is Boolean then FileNotFound does not belong in the list.
2. Inheritance
Here is a simple example of inheritance in C#. If you take the class names at face value then what, if anything, is wrong with this code?
 public class Person : PersonCollection
    // [Class definition removed…]
The question instructs you to take the class names at face value, so you should assume that the Person class represents a person and the PersonCollection class represents a collection of persons. You don't have enough information to decide what kind of collection this might be; it could be an arbitrary list of people, a membership list, and so on.
Does it make sense for Person to inherit from PersonCollection? No, it really doesn't. What possible sense could be made of a singular object inheriting the properties and methods of a collection of the same object?
Suppose you questioned the author of this code and the explanation was simply, “I needed to use some of the methods of the Collection class in the Person class.” If that were the case it would have been better to factor out the common methods into a new class that both Person and PersonCollection could reference. Setting up an inheritance relationship between classes purely for the sake of making methods available to inheriting classes is poor design and should trigger alarm bells at code review.
To brush up on object-oriented programming look at Chapter 6 in Part II, which covers the fundamentals.
3. Non-zero values
Is this a good way to check two variables for non-zero values? Can the code be improved?
 if (new[] { height, width }.Any(c => c != 0))
    // Do something with the non-zero value(s) ...
Consider what this code is doing. First, an anonymous type is being created:
 if (new[] { height, width }.Any(c => c != 0))
Next, the LINQ Any() method determines whether any of the properties of this newly created object are non-zero:
 if (new[] { height, width }.Any(c => c != 0))
So in effect, each variable is in turn tested to see whether it is non-zero. If any variable is non-zero then the conditional code block is executed:
 if (new[] { height, width }.Any(c => c != 0))
   // Do something with the non-zero value(s) ...
How else could this be written?
If you think of the most straightforward way to test the value of a variable you could write this test of two variables as follows:
 if (height != 0 || width != 0)
    // Do something with the non-zero value(s) ...
Is this better? Yes! It is simpler, easier to understand, and therefore easier to maintain. Even if you are familiar with anonymous types and LINQ you will spend a longer time understanding the original version of this code than the second, simpler version.
You might imagine that this code was written to make it easy to add more variables to the list of “things to check for non-zero values.” I doubt that was the motivation. It looks like a result of over-enthusiasm for fancy language features. Also consider that if there were more than a few variables involved it would be more appropriate (i.e., more extensible, easier to understand) to use a collection of variables rather than individual variables, so even then this would still not be the best approach.
4. Strange loop
Here's a strange loop. What is it trying to do, and how could you make it clearer?
 for ( int i=0 ; i < MyControl.TabPages.Count ; i++ )
    MyControl.TabPages.Remove (MyControl.TabPages[i] );
The first thing you should notice about this loop is that the index variable i is modified inside the loop. If you think back to when you first learned about for loops, you might remember that the hardest thing to get right was the correct handling of the loop index variable.
The reason the loop index variable is relatively tricky to understand and get right is because you need to understand the flow of the loop—exactly when the loop index will be initialized, the value it will have within the loop block during the first iteration, the second iteration and so on—all the way through to the final iteration. You need to understand when the loop will exit according to the conditional expression. You also need to know at which point the loop index variable will be modified.
If you modify the loop variable within the body of the loop you make it much harder to understand the flow of the loop.

“Don't monkey with the loop index”

—Steve McConnell, Code Complete 2

These days you almost never need this kind of loop because most languages, including C# and Java, have language constructs that iterate over collections without the need for an index variable. For example, C# has foreach:
 foreach (var t in MyControl.TabPages)
    // ...
Back to the question of what the loop is trying to do. This is actually quite hard to figure out without tracing the loop for collections of different sizes. You might guess that it removes one element, or some elements, or all elements. In fact, it removes all elements of the collection, leaving the collection empty. It does this by keeping the loop index variable at zero until all items in the collection are removed. It's unusual, but it works.
Knowing this, you can now think of how you might improve the code. If you stay with a loop you could try a simple “loop until all tab pages are removed” construct.
 while(MyControl.TabPages.Count > 0)
This works, but you could make it even simpler:
 while(MyControl.TabPages.Count > 0)
And simpler still:
Most collections have a Clear() method. If not, then you should write one. The intention of this single line of code is clear and unmistakable; therefore, this is the best solution.
5. Expressive code
The following code is an excerpt from a function that is supposed to execute a given subroutine upon detecting a certain condition. If the subroutine was executed then the next check should be performed a day later; otherwise, the next check should be performed after just six hours have elapsed.
How could you modify this code to be more expressive? What potential maintenance problems could be caused by the code as written?
 if (conditionExists()) {

    myTimer.Interval = 86400000;

 } else {

    myTimer.Interval = 21600000;


The obvious first answer is simply to add some code comments explaining why you have used these particular numbers. So you might have
   myTimer.Interval = 86400000; // 24 hours, in milliseconds
   myTimer.Interval = 21600000; // 6 hours, in milliseconds
Although this looks to be a big improvement—it certainly makes it clear what those numbers mean—it also introduces another potential problem.
Suppose you added these comments and then some time later it was decided that the six-hour delay should be just four hours? You calculate that four hours is equal to 14,400,000 milliseconds and so you end up with
   myTimer.Interval = 14400000; // 6 hours, in milliseconds
Notice the problem I just introduced? The code will correctly delay for 4 hours but I forgot to update the code comment! The next person to look at this code might notice that 6 hours is not 14,400,000 milliseconds, or—much more likely—he might not notice. If he needs to add a six-hour delay elsewhere in code he might even copy this buggy line (or just the buggy number) without bothering to check. If he realizes he has inherited this buggy line of code he won't be very thankful. The possibility exists that this buggy line could cause a problem for you while you are still working on it.
If the value of this delay is to be frequently adjusted, then you could store it in a configuration file along with a suitable user interface for editing it.
Obviously, the programmer who changed the interval from six hours to four hours should have been more careful and updated the code comment, but something even more powerful could have been done, something that would greatly improve this code.
First, notice that although the code comment is supposed to be helpful, it actually isn't. Because the same thing is being expressed in code as well as in the comment it is technically a form of code duplication. Adding such a comment obliges all future programmers to make a change in two places rather than just one. It also introduces the possibility of an inconsistency between the code and the comment, which is exactly what happened in this example.
So if code comments, which at first looked like a good idea, are actually introducing a potentially more serious problem, what else can you do?
Think about the context of this question. You're trying to improve the code by making it more expressive. Another option, instead of code comments, is to replace the numbers with some well-named constants.
You might rewrite the code as
const int FOUR_HOURS_IN_MS       = 14400000;
const int SIX_HOURS_IN_MS        = 21600000;
const int TWENTYFOUR_HOURS_IN_MS = 86400000;

if (conditionExists()) {

   myTimer.Interval = TWENTYFOUR_HOURS_IN_MS;

} else {

   myTimer.Interval = FOUR_HOURS_IN_MS;

This is a vast improvement over adding comments. You've avoided code duplication and the risk that your code might become inconsistent. The intention is now crystal clear—you've even managed to make it clear that these values are in milliseconds, avoiding the problem of someone mistakenly assuming the values are seconds rather than milliseconds.
Notice that in making this code clearer, you've sacrificed brevity. You added some code and now there is more to read. The principle of being succinct took second place to the principle of being clear.
Whenever you are forced to choose between brevity and clarity, clarity should always win.
You could make one more potential improvement to this code. Those numbers are still somewhat inscrutable. You can double-check them easily enough with a calculator or with some mental arithmetic but here's a thought—why not let the compiler do the hours-to-milliseconds calculation while you make our intentions even clearer?
const int FOUR_HOURS_IN_MS       = 4 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
const int SIX_HOURS_IN_MS        = 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
const int TWENTYFOUR_HOURS_IN_MS = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
This doesn't cost you anything at runtime because the compiler will perform the calculation and generate the same code as if you had written the calculated results for each constant. By explicitly showing each part of the calculation you can see where the numbers came from, and mistakes are more likely to be noticed.
You can eliminate one more aspect of duplication, and at the same time make your const definitions even more useful—by adding a “unit” of one hour in milliseconds:
const int ONE_HOUR_IN_MS         = 60 * 60 * 1000;
Now you can base other constants on this “unit.”
const int FOUR_HOURS_IN_MS       = 4  * ONE_HOUR_IN_MS;
const int SIX_HOURS_IN_MS        = 6  * ONE_HOUR_IN_MS;
Now that the code has been rewritten to make it expressive, anyone who misinterprets or manages to break it just isn't paying attention. Notice that in keeping with the principle of brevity you can now dispense with some of the const definitions while still retaining clarity. Here's the final version:
const int ONE_HOUR_IN_MS = 60 * 60 * 1000; // 60 min * 60 sec

if (conditionExists()) {

   myTimer.Interval = 24 * ONE_HOUR_IN_MS;

} else {

   myTimer.Interval = 4 * ONE_HOUR_IN_MS;


6. Time complexity of array lookup
What is the time complexity of this function?
 bool getAnswerLength(int questionId) {

    return ( (string[]) answers[questionId]).Length;
This function executes in O(1) time, or constant time.
This function simply performs a collection lookup using questionId as the key. It doesn't matter what value of questionId is supplied to this function because it will always take up to a fixed and constant limit of time to look up and return the answer (or to throw an exception if the key is not found).
7. Time complexity of array traversal
What is the time complexity of this function?
 bool stringArraysAreEqual(string[] a, string[] b) {

    if (a.Length != b.Length) return false;

    for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
       if (!a[i].Equals(b[i])) return false;

    return true;
This function has running time of O(n).
After checking that both arrays have the same length this function iterates over each item in the first array and compares it to the corresponding item in the second array. If any items are different it immediately returns false. Finally, because the arrays are identical in all the ways that matter to the author of this function (though other differences might exist between the arrays), it returns true.
In the fastest case this function will terminate as soon as it discovers that the arrays have different lengths. Also you can reasonably expect that in many cases, this function will return false without iterating over all items in the first array. These cases don't change the performance classification of this function, which is based on the worst-case performance—which increases linearly depending of the length of the arrays.
In general, a function that iterates once through its input will have a running time of O(n).
8. Optimizing
The following function has been identified as performing poorly. What do you notice about the function that might interfere with efforts to optimize it?
 bool function ReticulateSplines(List<Splines> splines) {

    foreach (var spline in splines) {

       var length = EvaluateLength(spline.Length);

       if (length > 42) {

          var page = RetrievePageFromPublicInternet(spline.WebPage);

          if (page.RetrievedOk)
             Reticulate(spline, page);




    return false;
In the worst case, a call to retrieve a page (presumably a web page) will be made for every spline given as input to this function. The timing of this function will depend on how long it takes to retrieve these web pages from the Internet, and this might vary enormously depending on factors outside the control of the programmer. For example, the programmer will not be able to control the response time of the site serving the requested page.
To optimize this function it will be necessary to eliminate this variable so that consistent measurements can be taken and so that the rest of the function can be evaluated. One way of achieving this is to write a “fake” RetrievePageFromPublicInternet method that returns a static page without using the public Internet (or any network at all).
The size of the page returned from this method is also a factor. The programmer must consider how this method performs for the range of possible sizes that it might retrieve, which might include some extremely large pages. Measurements must be taken for a representative sample of page sizes.
Finally, it isn't clear from the question exactly what the Reticulate function does. It might be the case that this function also involves a call to retrieve information from the Internet, in which case you would need to treat it similarly.
9. Parsing
Critique this code snippet. Assume that the variable ds is an ADO.Net DataSet.
 if (
     long.TryParse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(), out committeId)
    committeId = long.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString());
This code attempts to parse a long value from the first column in a row of a table. The first line checks whether a long can be parsed, and if so it then (in the third line) parses the value and stores it in variable committeId.
A few things are wrong with this snippet.
Probably most importantly, this code relies on the fact that the Tables property of the DataSet does contain at least one table, and that the table does contain at least one row, and that the row does contain at least one column. You might assume that the code to check these preconditions has been omitted from the code snippet, but at face value this code risks throwing a NullReferenceException at run time.
Another problem is that the third line is completely redundant. It is executed only if the expression in the first line evaluates to true. The only way this expression will evaluate to true is if the attempt to parse a long succeeds. If the parse succeeds, the long value is stored in committeId. Then, if the parse succeeds, the third line redundantly parses the long and redundantly stores the value in committeId. It is perhaps also an error that the programmer does not handle the case of TryParse returning false, which leaves committeId undefined.
To make this code more readable, the programmer might have used constants in place of hard-coded references to the table and column indexes. So, for example, instead of ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0] the programmer might have written
Alternatively the programmer could have used the actual name (as a string) instead of integers or even constants. Both of these options would be better than the uninformative index reference [0].
Finally, it looks like “committee” has been spelled incorrectly in the variable committeId.
10. Boolean expression
Critique this code snippet:
 if (this.Month == 12)
    return true;
    return false;
There are two things that could be improved. First, the hard-coded number 12 could be replaced with a more meaningful constant or enum. You can reasonably assume that 12 refers to calendar month, in which case instead of
 if (this.Month == 12)
you could write
 if (this.Month == DECEMBER)
Of course, this assumption would need to be confirmed—it could be a financial year, or the Month property might be zero-based (that is, in the range 0–11) in which case the value 12 would be invalid.
Another issue is that this snippet is seven lines longer than it needs to be. Ignoring exceptions, this expression will always return either true or false. If the expression evaluates to true then it will return true. If it evaluates to false it will return false. Do you see where I'm heading with this?
Instead of evaluating the expression to a Boolean, wrapping it with an if-else construct, and returning a Boolean value that is the same as the expression, you can simply return the expression itself.
So rather than:
 if (this.Month == 12)
    return true;
    return false;
you can simply write
 return (this.Month == 12);
11. Code duplication
The following PL/SQL appears to contain two blocks of very similar code. Suggest how you might avoid this duplication.




This code snippet has two very similar SELECT statements separated by an IF-THEN-ELSE construct. If you look closely you can confirm they are identical except for the additional expression in the WHERE clause, highlighted as follows:




How could you rewrite this to avoid code duplication? The simplest solution might be to incorporate the IF-THEN-ELSE construct into the WHERE clause as follows:
With this simple change, you have halved the amount of code, reducing your maintenance burden, and eliminated the future possibility of inconsistent code modifications.
12. Rambling code
How could you improve this long, rambling, snippet of code?
 if (length == 1)
    return 455;
 else if (depth == 2)
    return 177;
 else if (depth == 3)
    return 957;
 else if (depth == 4)
    return 626;
 else if (depth == 5)
    return 595;
 } else if (depth == 6)
    return 728;
This snippet has a collection of Boolean expressions that result in an apparently random number being returned should one of them evaluate to true.
The key to identifying an improved version of this code is to consider what it is trying to do. It is returning an integer based on a key. Is there a data structure that could be used to store these keys and values?
Yes, you should use a hash table, or even better, a dictionary of integer values with integer keys:
 var lookupTable = new Dictionary<int,int>();
 lookupTable.Add(1, 455);
 lookupTable.Add(2, 177);
 lookupTable.Add(3, 957);
 lookupTable.Add(4, 626);
 lookupTable.Add(5, 595);
 lookupTable.Add(6, 595);
Now, thanks to your dictionary, you can condense this code …
 if (length == 1)
    return 455;
 else if (depth == 2)
    return 177;
 else if (depth == 3)
    return 957;
 else if (depth == 4)
    return 626;
 else if (depth == 5)
    return 595;
 } else if (depth == 6)
    return 728;
…to a single line:
 return lookupTable[length];
The revised code is shorter, more readable, and much easier to maintain than the original.
Consider this kind of alternative whenever you see a long list of if-then-else statements.
13. Unique characters
Write a function that will count the number of unique characters in a string. Optimize the function for clarity.
This problem isn't hard; the challenge is to write the clearest implementation.
If you start with a naïve, loop-based approach you might have something like this:
 public int countDistinctChars(string input)
     // *This is not the ideal solution*

     // Obtain the number of unique characters
     // in a string by looping over the input,
     // looking at each character in turn.
     //    If we have seen it before then ignore it, 
     //    otherwise add it to our derived string
     // Once we have finished, the length of the
     // derived string equals the number of unique
     // characters in the input string.

     string distinctChars = string.Empty;

     for (int i = 0; i <= input.Length; i++)
         if (distinctChars.IndexOf(input[i]) < 0)
              distinctChars += input[i];

     // The number of characters in our derived string equals 
     // the number of unique characters in the input string
     return distinctChars.Length;
This code is fairly clear. On the positive side, it contains helpful code comments to explain the algorithm.
On the negative side, it doesn't work. In fact, it throws an IndexOutOfRangeException due to the loop continuation expression containing a less-than-or-equal operator (<=) when it should be a less-than operator (<).
I made a deliberate mistake in that code, but I could easily have made the same mistake by accident. An alternative construct sidesteps the risk: the foreach statement. Also, why use an inefficient string to accumulate unique characters when you could use a List<char>?
Here's version two of the same function:
 static int countDistinctChars2(string input)
     List<char> distinctChars = new List<char>();

     foreach (char c in input)
         if (!distinctChars.Contains(c))

     return distinctChars.Count();

I've removed the comments from my first attempt. The function is now small enough that I don't need them. They add bulk and in this case I've made the judgment that the code is clearer without them.
Importantly, you can see that the code has been made clearer by adopting a data structure that is better suited to my purposes. I can take this improvement one more step. All I care about are unique characters in the string, and I don't care about the order in which I store these characters. Which data structure is good for storing unsorted unique values? A hashset!
14. Swiss Army enumeration
Critique this enumeration with reference to the SOLID principles.
 public enum SwissArmyEnum 
This enumeration appears to contain values from several different domains. This is violation of the “S” in SOLID, the single responsibility principle, which requires that a class (or in this case an enum) should have exactly one reason to change. This enum should be broken down into several domain-specific enumerations.
 public enum CRUD 
 public enum PersonAttributes
 public enum Status
 public enum Sizes
15. Odd function
What is this function trying to do, and how could you write it more clearly?
 public bool StrangeFunction(int n) 
     for (int i = 0; i <= 13; i++)
         if ((i == 1) || (i == 3) || (i == 5)
             || (i == 5) || (i == 7) || (i == 9) 
             || (i == 11))
             return true;
     return false;
One can't be sure of the motivation for writing this strange function, but it's not hard to see what it does. It returns true if a number is less than 13 and odd; otherwise, it returns false.
A universally applicable method for testing whether a number is odd or even is to use the modulus operator:
 bool isOdd = (n % 2 != 0);
So you could rewrite this function as follows:
 bool IsOddAndLessThan13(int n)
     return (n < 13 && n % 2 != 0);
If you were concerned with maximizing code reuse, you could factor out the test for oddness from the test for “less than 13,” which is far less likely to be a common requirement, leaving you with
 bool IsOdd(int n)
     return (n % 2 != 0);
16. Overlapping dates
Write a function that returns true if two given date ranges overlap. Make this function as clear and concise as possible.
Assume that each date range is an IDateRange as per the following definition:
     public interface IDateRange
         DateTime? Start { get; set; }
         DateTime? End { get; set; }
This problem comes up surprisingly often in the development of line-of-business software. It is a deceptively hard problem, not because the code is complicated (it isn't) but because pinning down the logic of this function without a clear mental model of the possible scenarios is tricky.
You can simplify the problem by making an assumption that the two given dates are not null. The question did not specify whether these dates could be null, but because checking for nulls is easy you can add this after you have a working function.
Also assume that in each date range, the start date of the range is earlier than the end date. Again, you can make this assumption to simplify the problem and then add assertions or code later when you have a working solution.
Drawing a diagram of all the possible scenarios results in something like Figure 6.6.

Figure 6.6 Date range comparison scenarios

You can see that 13 possible scenarios exist. You could start writing code to cover each scenario; for instance:
 if (B.Start < A.Start && B.End < A.Start) {
    return false; // Case 1, no overlap
 if (B.Start < A.Start && B.End == A.Start) {
    return true; // Case 2, overlap
 if (B.Start < A.Start && B.End > A.Start && B.End < A.End) {
    return true; // Case 3, overlap
 if (B.Start == A.Start && B.End > A.Start && B.End < A.End) {
    return true; // Case 4, no overlap
 // and so on, etc...
This approach works, but it is not very clear or concise and is unlikely to impress an interviewer.
If you study Figure 6.6 carefully you can see exactly two cases where the dates do not overlap; case 1 (which is entirely before the start of A) and case 10 (which is entirely after the end of A). Because all the other cases do overlap date range A then you can greatly simplify the problem by writing logic that detects either of these two cases, returning false (no overlap) if either is found, and otherwise concluding that the ranges do overlap and returning true.
To test for the first case, you can check that the end of B is earlier than (or equal to) the start of A:
 (B.End <= A.Start)
Similarly, you can check that the start of B is later than (or equal to) the end of A:
 (B.Start >= A.End)
Putting these together you have:
 if (B.End <= A.Start || B.Start >= A.End) {
    return false; // dates do not overlap
 } else {
    return true; // dates overlap
Or even more simply (but less clear):
    return !(B.End <= A.Start || B.Start >= A.End);
Now that you have a functioning solution you can return to the question of nulls. This example assumed that nulls would not make an appearance, but what if they did? You can't ignore nulls in that case, or you risk null the dreaded NullReferenceException.

DateTime? in .NET is actually a non-nullable value type, but the following example uses the nullable DateTime?.

Assume you should interpret a null start date as meaning “the beginning of time” and similarly interpret a null end date as “the end of time.” So a date range of (1/1/2012, null) would be interpreted as “the first day of 2012 until the end of time.” A date range of (null, 1/1/2012) would be interpreted as “all of time up to the first day of 2012.” A date range of (null, null) would be interpreted as “all of time.” The latest version of .NET does not provide constants for the beginning or the end of time, so you have to be content with DateTime.MinValue and DateTime.MaxValue.
 DateTime? AStart = A.Start ?? DateTime.MinDate;
 DateTime? AEnd = A.End ?? DateTime.MaxDate;
 DateTime? BStart = B.Start ?? DateTime.MinDate;
 DateTime? BEnd = B.End ?? DateTime.MaxDate;

 return !(BEnd <= AStart || BStart >= AEnd);
In production code, you would also need to ensure that the start date is earlier than the end date for each range.
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