

absolute category-rating (ACR) test 415

absorption: coefficients as function of frequency 316; decay time and 33840; effect on early reflections 2934; position, for reflection-free zones 398; for reflection-free zones 397; and reverberation time calculations for treated living room 3212; and reverberation time calculations for untreated living room 31819

absorption materials 34551; Helmholtz 349; porous 3457; resonant 3479; summary of 3501; wideband 34950, 351

a cappella (unaccompanied) singing, tuning in 2314

acoustic cues, timbre perception and 2519

acoustic impedance 20

acoustic instrument, components of 172

acoustic models see musical instruments

acoustic reflex 77

acoustics of enclosed spaces see enclosed spaces, acoustics of

acoustics of timbre 23949; described 23940; note envelope 2402; note onset 2435; steady state 2459

acoustic spatial filtering 4934

acoustic systems, time responses of 67, 68

active noise cancellation 439, 440

adaptive quantization 4525

adaptive quantizer 4545

Ahnert, W. 439

air absorption 32930

air conduction audiometry 4078

air resonance 182

all-pass filters 65

ambience 373

ambisonics 3814

American National Standards Institute 135, 238

amplitude 14, 1920, 289, 59, 62, 64, 140, 198, 221; critical bands and 84; sound intensity and 226; and sound interference 467; uncorrelated sounds and 303

amplitude modulation 246

amplitude reflection gratings 3556

anechoic rooms 117, 1723, 3401, 386

Angus, J. A. S. 355

anvil 74

aperiodic waveform 135

applications, acoustics/psychoacoustics combined; see also individual applications: audio coding systems 44257; cochlea implants 4579; critical listening room design 390405; filtering/equalization 41826; mosquito units 4401; noise-reducing headphones 43940; overview of 3723; psychoacoustic testing 41317; public-address systems 42639; pure-tone and speech audiometry 40613; sonification 45962; spatial/3D audio reproduction 37389; teen buzz ringtones 4401

archetypical audio coder 4434; diagram of 443; entropy coding stage 444; psychoacoustic quantization stage 4434; signal redundancy removal stage 443

arithmetic coding 451

array loudspeakers 432, 4924; acoustic spatial filtering and 4934

articulation, defined 438

articulation index (AI) 438

audio coding systems 44257; archetypical audio coder 4434; entropy coding 447, 4501; information, indicators of 4445; information, measuring 4478; lossless 442; lossy 4423; overview of 4423; psychoacoustic noise shaping 4556; psychoacoustic quantization 452, 4567; quantization/adaptive quantization 4525; signal redundancy removal stage 4457; total information, measuring 44950

audiogram 4067

audiometric notch 104

auditory canal 73

auditory cortex 82, 83

auditory display 45960

auditory illusions 2812

“A” weighting 956, 106

axial room modes: decay time of 3378; standing waves and 3312


Babinsky, H. 206

Bach, J. S. 273, 274, 279

backward adaptive quantizers 454

backward masking 270, 271

band-pass filters 62

band-reject filters 62

Barney, H. E. 227

bars/panels, waves in 1014; bending (flexural) waves 11, 1214; quasi-longitudinal waves 1011; transverse shear waves 1112

basilar membrane 77, 7880

bass drum 216

beamwidth: minimum frequency as function of size 4978; mouth/array, size effect on 4968

Bech, S. 417

bells 21920, 221

Benade, A. H. 174, 195, 2002, 208, 212, 214, 2234

bending (flexural) waves 11, 1214

Bernoulli effect 2056, 223

binaural stereo 3879; listening 120, 122

“Black Box” model of musical instruments 1724

Blauert, J. 122

bone conduction audiometry 407, 4089

Bonello criteria 3356

bores, musically useful 201

Bosi, M. 457

boundaries, effect of 389

bowed string, sound source from 1801

Bracewell, R. N. 58

brass instruments 20511


center dialogue speaker 379

cents 167, 169; converting between frequency ratios and 4778; defined 477

chiff 188

cilia hairs 81

circle of confusion 116

circle of fifths 1634

circumaural headphones 408

closed phase, vibration cycle 224

close miking with directional microphone 4223

closing phase, vibration cycle 224

cochlea 73, 74, 77

cochlea implants 4579

cochlear nucleus 82, 83

comb filtering 47

combination tones 266, 267

comma free code 451

comparison category-rating (CCR) test 415, 416; rating scale/descriptions for 417

complex sounds, loudness of 1002

compression 3

concha 73

cone of confusion 116

consonance 1568

consonant 158, 159, 1601, 1612

constant beamwidth theory (CBT) arrays 4945

constant directivity horns 432, 435, 4367, 4946

contemporary theory of pitch perception 1513

continuous spectrum 135

controlled experimentation 413

controlled-reflection rooms 395, 396

controlled-reflection technique 395

convolution theorem 192, 470, 489

correlated sounds 26, 27, 289; addition of 27; described 26; level when, add 289, 312

Cox, T. J. 335, 3556

critical bands 72, 839; defined 85; filter center frequency and 858; measuring 86; timbre and 2501

critical distance: calculating 3034; defined 298

critical frequency 3405; calculating 3425; defined 341, 344; large room frequency and 342; room modes and 3402

critical listening room design 390405; diffuse-reflection room 4015; energy-time considerations 3923; IEC listening rooms 3912; loudspeaker arrangements 3901; nonenvironment rooms 398401; overview of 390; reflection-controlled rooms 3936; reflection-free zones, absorption level for 397; reflection-free zones, absorption position for 398

crossed figure-of-eight microphones 378

cut-up, adjusting 188

“C” weighting 95, 96

cycle 126

cymbals 219


damping 358

dBHL (hearing level) scale 406

decay time: of axial modes 3378; early 3245; of other mode types 33840

decibels: adding, together 335; defined 33

degradation category-rating (DCR) test 41516

degradation mean opinion score (DMOS) 416

delay stereo listening 119, 120

dendrites 82

density: for common materials 8; defined 5

Deutsch, D. 2713

diagnostic rhyme test (DRT) 41617

difference limen (DL) 142

difference tone 266

diffuse field assumption 301

diffuse field frequency region 341

diffuser designs 492

diffuse-reflection room 392, 4015

diffusion materials 3516; amplitude reflection gratings and 3556; bump patterns and 3523; construction/performance of 3523, 354; overview of 3512; sequences used for 353

direct sound 2879, 426, 427; balance of, to reverberant sound 2978; defined 287

discreet Fourier transform 4723

dispersive shear waves 13

displacement antinodes 176

displacement nodes 176

dissonance 1568, 1601, 1612

dissonant 159, 160

dynamic range 91


ear, deceiving 26582; auditory illusions 2812; masking sounds 26871; note grouping illusions 2717; pitch illusions 27781; pure tones, perception of 2657

ear canal-insert earphones 408

eardrum 73

early decay time (EDT) 3245

early reflections 28993; absorption effect on 2934; defined 289; focusing surface and 2901; from loudspeaker 2912; performer support and 3279

edgetone 187

eight-foot (8’) rank 260

Ellis, A. 255

enclosed spaces, acoustics of 287330; absorption effect on early reflections 2934; air absorption and 32930; critical distance, calculating 3034; decay time 3245; direct sound 2879; early reflections 28993; lateral reflections 3257; performer support, early reflections and 3279; reverberant sound 294302; reverberation time 30724; source directivity effects on reverberant sound 3047

enclosure diffraction effects, reducing 3648

energy-time considerations, for critical listening room design 3923

enharmonics 164

entropy 449

entropy coding 447, 4501

environment sound levels 92

epilarynx tube 230

equalization, tone controls and 4212

equal tempered tuning 16970

equivalent open window area 317

ERB equation, solving 475

Escher, M. 277

eternal accelerando 281

even functions, Fourier transform 467


filtering/equalization 41826; filter shape and 41819; frequency response faults, correcting 4223; overview of 41821; sound balance in mixes, altering 4246; timbre modification of sound sources 4234; time domain effects and 41920; tone controls and 4212

filters: all-pass 65; band-pass 62; band-reject 62; effects of 646; high-pass 62; low-pass 62; types of 623

filter time responses 636

finger holes 1956

first harmonic 177

first-order mode 52

5.1 surround systems 37880

flanking paths 3601

Fletcher, H. 93

Fletcher, N. H. 174, 195, 212

floating room 3601, 362

flow-controlled valve 195

flue: defined 185; elements of 186; parts of 186; sound source mechanism in 187

flutter echoes 314

focusing surface 2901

foldback 327

footage stops 2604

formants 226; in Hz for men, women, children 228

forward adaptive predictor 446

forward adaptive quantizers 454

forward masking 270, 271

Fourier, J. B. J. 57, 465

Fourier series 466

Fourier’s theorem 4656

Fourier synthesis 466

Fourier theory: described 578; Fourier transform pair 58; nonperiodic sound waves, spectrum of 612; periodic sound waves, spectrum of 5860; phase, effect of 601

Fourier transform 46573; amplitude reflection grating and 355; complex Fourier series 468; convolution theorem 470; diffuser sequences and 353; discreet 4723; Fourier analysis 467; Fourier’s theorem 4656; frequency spectrum and 4667; inverse discrete 473; nonperiodic signals, frequency analysis of 46870; odd/even functions 467; single pulse example of 4702

free field 173

free space 46, 1723

frequency: vs. phase velocity 14; of sine wave 15; vs. wavenumber 17

frequency domain 136; processing 4467; representation 59

frequency modulation 246

frequency ranges, hearing system 8992; environment sound levels 92

frequency ratios and cents, converting between 4778

frequency response faults, correcting 4223

frequency spectrum 4667

fundamental frequency 1268

fundamental period 1267


Glasberg, B. R. 85

glottal airflow 224

glottis 207, 224

Goldstein, E. B. 82

golf ball-and-spring model: of sine wave propagating in a material 15; of sound-propagating material 3; of sound pulse propagating in a material 4; of sound reflection due to bounded-unbounded transition 45; of sound reflection from hard boundaries 44; superposition of sound wave in 40

Golomb-Rice codes 451

good continuation, grouping by 272

good speech intelligibility 431

graphic equalizer 422

Great Tom Bell 21920

Grey, J. 2512

grouping effects 272

group velocity 12


Haas effect 11819

hair cells, function of inner ear 81

Hall, D. E. 174, 182, 185, 212, 21718, 251

hammer 74

hard boundaries: golf ball-and-spring model of sound reflection from 44; reflection from 434; standing waves at 4951

hard reed 198

harmonics: defined 131; frequency ratios of, series 130; intervals between 1315; musical notes and 12831

harmonic sinusoids 466

head movement effects, pinnae and 11417

head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) 11617, 3878

hearing acuity, loss of 1023

hearing loss: degrees of 40911; protection from 106, 108

hearing musical notes 15563; consonance/dissonance and 1568; and musical intervals 15863; Western harmony and, development of 1556

hearing sensitivity, loss of 102

hearing system 72122; see also pitch perception; anatomy of 7283; beyond ear 813; critical bands 839; frequency ranges 8992; inner ear function 73, 7781; loudness perception 92102; middle ear function 737; noise-induced hearing loss 1028; outer ear function 723; overview of 72; pressure sensitivity ranges 8992; sound source direction, perception of 10822

helicotrema 77

Helmholtz resonance absorbers 34950

highly dissonant 158, 159, 1601, 1612

high-pass filters 62

Houtsma, A. J. M. 271, 272, 278

Howard, D. M. 147, 224, 231, 234, 255, 256

Huffman code 4501

hum 219

human pitch perception model 152

Hutchins, C. M. 174

Huygens-Fresnel Principle 3845


ideal reverberation time characteristics 3224

idiophones 212

IEC listening rooms 3912

IID see interaural intensity difference (IID)

incus 73, 745

independent partitions, sound isolation and 35960

Indian temple bell 221

in-ear monitoring 327

inferior colliculus 82, 83

information: described 4445; measuring 4478

information measuring total 44950

inharmonicity 1779

Inman, C. 359, 361

inner ear, function of 73, 7781

input, sound source as 172

input/system/output model 1723; see also speaking/singing voice; for stringed instruments 175

integrated noise dose 1056, 107; defined 106

intelligibility: consonants importance to 428; good speech, requirements for 431; multiple loudspeakers effect on 4289; noise effect on 42931; reverberation effect on 4278

intensity stereo listening 119, 121

interaural intensity difference (IID) 823, 11314, 115; Hass effect and 11819; interaural time difference versus 11718

interaural time difference (ITD) 823, 10813; Hass effect and 11819; versus interaural intensity difference trading 11718

international radiotelephony-spelling alphabet 431

interspike interval histogram 14950

inverse discrete Fourier transform 473

inverse square law 358; boundaries and 389; honey-and-balloon model of 356

ITD see interaural time difference (ITD)


Jansson, E. V. 2523

just diatonic scale 166, 167

just-noticeable difference (JND) 1423

just tuning 1669


Katz, R. 257

Keele, D. B., Jr. 4945

kettledrums 217, 218

klangfarbe 255


languid height, adjusting 188

large room frequency 342; see also critical frequency

larynx 222

larynx closed quotient (CQ) 2245

late early reflections 3289

lateral reflections 3257

law of sines 377

Legendre weighting 4956

Leq (L E Q) measurement 96, 106

Levelt, W. J. M. 157

linearity, superposition and 401, 488

listener fatigue 414

live end dead end (LEDE) 394

logatom testing 417

longitudinal wave 3

long-term average spectra (LTAS) 23940, 241

lossless audio coding systems 442

lossy audio coding systems 4423, 457

loudness: aspects of 98; changes in, methods to explore 989; defined 238; measuring 956; of simple sounds 96100; sone scale and 989; tone bandwidth effect on 101; tone duration and 100

loudness perception 92102; complex sounds, loudness of 1002; equal loudness contours for human ear and 93, 94; measuring loudness 956; outer ear features and 93; overview of 925; phon scale and 94; simple sounds, loudness of 96100

loudspeaker and delays, multiple 4378

loudspeaker arrangements, for critical listening 3901

loudspeaker output, room boundaries and 3624

low-frequency effects 37980

low masks high 269

low-pass filters 62


major whole tone 167

malleus 73, 745

masked threshold 269, 270

maskee 268

masker 268, 26970

masking 86; nonsimultaneous 2701; simultaneous 270, 271; sounds 267, 26871; upward spread of 269

masking level 2689

mean opinion score (MOS) 415

medial geniculate nucleus 82, 83

membranophones 212

microphone directional characteristics, compensating for 423

middle ear, function of 737

Millington-Sette equation 317, 485

milliwatt 37

minor whole tone 167

mixture stops 265

modal frequencies 330

modal frequency region 341

modified rhyme test (MRT) 416

mole (mol) 6

molecular mass of gas 6

Moore, B. C. J. 85, 149, 151, 152, 2701

mosquito units 4401

m-sequence 356

Munson, W. 93

musical instruments; see also individual headings: “black box” model of 1724; percussion 21121; speaking/singing voice as 22134; stringed 17485; wind 185211

musical instruments, waveforms from 57

musical intervals, hearing 15863

musical notes 12635; see also hearing musical notes; fundamental frequency and 1268; harmonics and 12831; hearing 15563; intervals between harmonics and 1315; overview of 126

musical tones, Helmholtz rule of 254

music hearing, in different environments; see also individual headings: absorption materials 34551; diffusion materials 3516; enclosed spaces, acoustics of 287330; enclosure diffraction effects, reducing 3648; room boundaries, loudspeaker output and 3624; room modes, standing waves and 33045; sound isolation 35661

mutation stops 133, 261, 264


nerve firings 77, 80, 14950, 151

neural synapse 82

Newell, P. 405

newton (N), defined 5

nicking 188

noise, intelligibility and 42931

noise-induced hearing loss 1028; forms of 1023; integrated noise dose and 1056, 107; noise exposure and, levels of 1045; overview of 1025; protection from 106, 108; tinnitus and 103

noise-reducing headphones 43940

noise shaping, psychoacoustic 4556

nondispersive shear waves 13

nonenvironment rooms 392, 398401

non-nasalized vowel 226

nonperiodic sound waves, spectrum of 612

nonsimultaneous masking 2701

nonuniform quantization 455

Norman, H. 188

Norman, H. J. 188

Norris-Eyring reverberation formula 3089, 311, 317, 4812, 4835

note envelope 2402

note grouping illusions 2717

note offset 241

note onset 240, 241, 242, 2435


oblique room modes, standing waves and 3334

octave illusion 2712

odd functions, Fourier transform 467

Olson, H. F. 365, 367

On the Sensations of Tone as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music (Helmholtz) 2545

open-holes lattice cutoff frequency 2012

opening phase, vibration cycle 224

orchestral gong 221

organ flue pipes: sound modifiers in 18995; sound source in 1858

organ reed pipes: sound modifiers in 199200; sound source in 1979

organum 156

ossicles 73, 745

outer ear, function of 723

output 172

overblown mode 188

overtones 130


Padgham, C. A. 169, 170

panel absorbers 348

pan pots 377

Parkin, P. H. 154

partials, waveform 59

passive noise cancellation 439, 440

%ALcons (articulation loss; consonants) 417, 428

perceptual coders 271

percussion instruments 21121; overview of 21112; sound modifiers in 21221; sound source in 212

perfectly consonant 158, 159, 1601, 1612

perilymph 77

periodic sound waves, spectrum of 5860

perturbation theory 226

Peterson, G. E. 227

phantom images 373

phase, effect of 601

phase locking 149

phase reflection gratings 353

phase velocity 12; vs. frequency 14

the phenomenon of the missing fundamental 138

phon scale 94

Pickles, J. O. 76, 149

Pierce, J. R. 273, 276

pinna 73

pinnae, head movement effects and 11417

pipe organ, as timbral synthesizer 2605

pitch: defined 238; illusions 27781; of the residue 141

pitch drift 2323

pitch perception 13555; contemporary theory of 1513; defined 135; just-noticeable difference for 142; measurement of 1356; overview of 1357; place theory of 13747; secondary aspects of 1535; spectrum and 1367; temporal theory of 14751; waveforms and 1367

place mechanism 81

place theory of pitch perception 13747; problems with 1417

Plack, C. J. 81, 149

Plomp, R. 157

plucked string, sound source from 1767

point sources, array of 48791; progressive phase shift and, effect of 491; sampling and, effect of 4901; visible region and 48990

Poisson ratio, defined 11

polar pattern, surface size/illumination effect on 48798; array loudspeakers application 4924; beamwidth, mouth/array 4968; constant-directivity horns application 4946; diffuser design application 492; point sources, array of 48791

Pollard, H. F. 2523

popping frequency 208

postmasking 270, 271

porous absorbers 3457

precedence effect 118

premasking 270, 271

presbycusis 90, 410, 441

pressure, defined 6

pressure-controlled valve, of woodwind reed instruments 200

pressure sensitivity ranges, hearing system 8992

pressure waves, sound transmission and 220

pressure zone frequency region 341

prime 219, 220

primitive root sequences 353

progressive phase shift 491

proximity, grouping by 272

psychoacoustic fatigue 424

psychoacoustic noise shaping 4556

psychoacoustic quantization 452, 4567

psychoacoustics: defined 72; experimental design issues 414; rating scales 41416

psychoacoustics of timbre 24959; critical bands and 2501; cues and, perception 2519; overview of 249

psychoacoustic testing 41317; experimental design issues 414; overview of 41314; rating scales 41416; speech intelligibility 41617

public-address systems 42639; design example 4337; good speech intelligibility requirements 431; intelligibility, effect of multiple loudspeakers on 4289; intelligibility, effect of noise on 42931; intelligibility, effect of reverberation on 4278; multiple loudspeaker and delays 4378; reverberation and 4267; speaker directivity, achieving 4313; speech quality, methods of measuring 4389

pure-tone audiometry 40611; air conduction test signals 4078; bone conduction test signals 407, 4089; controls 4067; dBHL scale 4067; described 406; discrimination of sounds and 411; hearing loss, degrees of 40911

pure tones, perception of 2657

Pythagorean tuning 1636


quadratic residue sequences 353

quantization: adaptive quantization and 4525; defined 452; psychoacoustic 4567

quasi-longitudinal waves 1011


radian, defined 17

rarefaction 3, 45

Rayleigh, L. 363

reflection-controlled rooms 392, 3936

reflection-free zone (RFZ) 395; absorption level for 397; absorption position for 398

register hole 1967

Reissner’s membrane 77, 78

repetition pitch 1545

residue pitch 141

resonant absorbers 3479

resonant modes 50, 330; see also room modes, standing waves and

reverberant field frequency characteristics, compensating for 423

reverberant sound 294302, 4267; balance of, to direct sound 2978; buildup of reverberant field level and 296; decay of reverberant field level and 296; field, behavior of 2967; leaky bucket model of 299; level of, in steady state 298302; in a room 294, 295; source directivity effects on 3047; steady-state level and 296

reverberation: defined 295; distance 298; effect of, on intelligibility 4278; faults 31215; public-address systems and 4267

reverberation time 30712; calculating/predicting 3079; calculation, with mixed surfaces 31720; characteristics 3224; defined 307; design 3202; equation 31012; faults 31215; room size and 30910; short, problem of 310; variation, with frequency 31516

reverberation time equation: deriving 47982; for different frequencies and surfaces 4835

ring 230

Risset, J. C. 281

Roederer, J. G. 149, 2801

room boundaries, loudspeaker output and 3624

room modes, standing waves and 33045; axial 3312; behavior of 337; Bonello criteria 3356; critical frequency 3405; cyclic reflection paths and 331; decay times 33740; oblique 3334; overview of 3301; tangential 3323; universal frequency equation for 3345

Rossing, T. D. 154, 174, 195, 212

Rumsey, F. 122, 391


Sabine, W. C. 307, 311, 312

Sabine reverberation formula 31011, 312, 317, 4834

Salomon, D. 451

sampling, effect of 4901

scala media 77

scala tympani 77

scala vestibuli 77

Scharf, B. 85

Scholes, P. A. 238

Schouten, J. F. 138, 141

Schroeder frequency 342; see also critical frequency

secondary aspects of pitch perception 1535

second-order difference tone 266

shear displacement, defined 10

shear modulus 11

Shepard, R. N. 277

Shepard tone 2789

shift theorem 489, 491

short reverberation time 310

signal redundancy removal stage 4457

signal-to-masking ratio (SMR) 457

similarity, grouping by 272

simple sounds, loudness of 96100

simple tones, Helmholtz rule of 254

simultaneous masking 270, 271

singer’s formant 230

singer’s formant cluster 230

singing voice see speaking/singing voice

single pulse example 4702

sinusoidal excitation 14

sixteen-foot (16’) rank 260

6th Symphony (Tchaikovsky) 273, 275

snare drum 216, 217

soft reed 198

sone scale 989

sonic mg (acronym) 82

sonification 45962

Sonification Handbook (Hermann) 460

sound absorption 423; vs. sound transmission 357

sound balance in mixes, altering 4246

sound diffraction 536

sound intensity 201

sound intensity level (SIL) 212, 3940; defined 21

sound interactions 3956; absorption and 423; diffraction and 536; interference 468; overview of 3940; reflection from bounded to unbounded boundaries 446; reflection from hard boundaries 434; refraction and 412, 43; scattering and 56; standing waves at hard boundaries 4951; standing waves at other boundaries 513, 54; superposition and 401

sound interference 468

sound isolation 35661; achieving 3579; flanking paths and 3601; independent partitions and 35960; mass and 358, 359; overview of 3567; stiffness and 358, 359

sound levels, environment 92

sound modifiers: in organ flue pipes 18995; in organ reed pipes 199200; in percussion instruments 21221; in singing voice 22631; in stringed instruments 1815

sound power level (SWL) 22, 23

sound pressure 23

sound pressure level (SPL) 226; defined 23; measuring 4337, 4378

sound reflection: from bounded to unbounded boundaries 446; from hard boundaries 434

sound refraction 412, 43

sound(s): adding, together 2635 (see also decibels; sound source(s)); altering balance of, in mixes 4246; deceiving ear (see ear, deceiving); inverse square law and 358; masking 26871; spectrum of 62 (see also spectra, analyzing); speed of, for common materials 8; time/frequency representations of 6770; velocity of, in air 58

sound scattering 56

sound source direction, perception of 10822; Hass effect 11819; head movement effects, pinnae and 11417; interaural intensity difference 11314, 115; interaural time difference 10813; ITD/IID trading and 11718; stereophonic listening and 11922

sound source(s): from bowed string 1801; correlated 26, 27, 289, 312; in organ flue pipes 1858; in organ reed pipes 1979; in percussion instruments 212; from plucked string 1767; in singing voice 2225; from struck string 17780; timbre modification of 4234; uncorrelated 267, 323

sound transmission, pressure waves and 220; see also sound waves; in bars/panels 1014; overview of 2; sound in air, velocity of 58; sound waves and 35, 1420; transverse waves 910

sound transmission vs. absorption 357

sound waves 35; golf ball-and-spring model of 3; nature of 3; nonperiodic, spectrum of 612; periodic, spectrum of 5860; pressure, velocity and impedance relationship in 1820; sound transmission, pressure waves and 35, 1420; velocity of 35; wavelength/frequency of 1416; wavenumber of 1718

source directivity, reverberant sound and 3047

spatial/3D audio reproduction 37389; ambisonics 3814; binaural stereo 3879; 5.1 surround systems 37880; overview of 373; stereo 3738; three-dimensional surround systems 381, 382; wavefield synthesis 3846

spatial aliasing 4901

speaker directivity, achieving 4313

speaking/singing voice 22134; a cappella, tuning in 2314; overview of 2212; sound modifiers in 22631; sound source in 2225

spectra, analyzing 6270; acoustic systems and, time responses of 67, 68; filter bank for 63; filters/filter types and 623; filter time responses and 636; time/frequency characteristics and 6770

spectrogram 67, 69, 240, 241

spectrum: of nonperiodic sound waves 612; of periodic sound waves 5860; pitch perception and 1367; of waveforms 59

speech audiometry 41113

speech discrimination score (SDS) 411

speech intelligibility, psychoacoustic testing and 41617

speech intelligibility index (SII) 438

speech quality, methods of measuring 4389

speech reception threshold (SRT) 411

speech transmission index (STI) 439

square root symbol 5

standing waves: in acoustic context 52; defined 49; at hard boundaries 4951; lowest-frequency 52; at other boundaries 513, 54; room modes and (see room modes, standing waves and); two-dimensional 54

stapes 73, 745

Stapleton, H. 441

steady state 2401, 2459; reverberant sound and 296; reverberant sound level in 298302

Steffen, F. 439

stereocilia hairs 81

stereophonic listening 11922; binaural stereo 120, 122; delay stereo 119, 120; intensity stereo 119, 121

stereophonic reproduction 3738; both speakers driven equally 375, 376; both speakers driven with different amplitudes 376; crossed figure-of-eight microphones for 378; law of sines and 377; one speaker driven 3745, 376

stiffness-based instruments 219

stiffness-controlled isolation region 358

stirrup 74

stopped end, of woodwind reed instruments 200

Stowell, D. 281

streaming effects 272

stretched/nonstretched instruments 219

striations 256

stringed instruments 17485; bowed string sound source 1801; described 174; input/system/output model for 175; overview of 1746; playing fundamental frequency (f0) ranges of 174; plucked string sound source 1767; sound modifiers in 1815; struck string sound source 17780

struck string, sound source from 17780

Sundberg, J. 205, 231, 269

superior olivary nucleus 82, 83

superposition 401, 58, 190

supra-aural headphones 408

surround speakers 379


tangential room modes, standing waves and 3323

Taylor, C. A. 201

tectorial membrane 81

teen buzz ringtones 4401

temporal mechanism 81

temporal theory of pitch perception 14751; problems with 151

terminal button 82

third-order difference tone 266

3-bit binary code symbols 4478; source entropies for 44950

three-dimensional surround systems 381, 382

tierce 219

timbre: acoustics of 23949 (see also acoustics of timbre); critical bands and 2501; defined 2389; descriptors 238; ear and, deceiving 26582 (see also ear, deceiving); modification, of sound sources 4234; perception, acoustic cues and 2519; pipe organ as timbral synthesizer 2605; psychoacoustics of 24959

timbre-to-sound quality descriptions 238

time, frequency domains and 5762; Fourier theory and 578; nonperiodic sound waves and, spectrum of 612; periodic sound waves and, spectrum of 5860; phase, effect of 601

time domain 136; prediction 446; representation 59

timpani 217

tinnitus, noise-induced 103

tom-toms 216, 217

tone controls, equalization and 4212

tone duration, loudness and 100

tone-hole lattice 201

tonotopic organization 81

top resonance 182

total information, measuring 44950

transverse shear waves 1112

transverse waves 910; defined 9; velocity of 910

tremolo 246, 248

tristimulus diagram 2523

tuning systems 16370; equal tempered tuning 16970; just tuning 1669; Pythagorean tuning 1636

tympanic membrane 73, 746

Tyrrell, A. M. 255, 256


uncorrelated sounds 267, 301, 33; described 267; level when, add 301, 33

unequal temperament 169

universal modal frequency equation 3345

upward spread of masking 269


velocity (c): of sound in air 58; of sound waves 35; of transverse waves 910

velocity antinodes 176

velocity nodes 175

vent hole 1967

vibrato 225, 2468

virtual pitch 141

visible region 48990

vocal fold adduction 207

vocal fold vibration 224

vocal tract 222, 223

volley firing principle 149

volume velocity 24

von Békésy, G. 80


Walker, R. 335

Waterhouse, R. V. 363

wavefield synthesis 3846; Huygens-Fresnel Principle and 3845; limitations to 3856

waveforms: aperiodic 135; from musical instruments 57; period of 1267; pitch perception and 1367; sawtooth 182; spectrum of 59; time domain representation 59

wavenumber 48; vs. frequency 17; of sound waves 1718

Wessel, D. L. 273, 276

Western harmony, development of 1556

Wever, E. G. 149

white noise 269

wideband absorbers 34950, 351

Wiener-Khinchin theorem 489, 492

wind instruments 185211; brass 20511; organ flue pipes sound modifiers 18995; organ flue pipes sound source 1858; organ reed pipes sound modifiers 199200; organ reed pipes sound source 1979; overview of 185; woodwind flue 1957; woodwind reed 2005

woodwind flue instruments 1957

woodwind reed instruments 2005


Young’s modulus: for air 68; for common materials 8; defined 5


Zacharov, N. 417

zip compression 442

Zwicker, E. 143

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