About the Author

Professor Michael Czinkota works on international marketing and trade at the McDonough School of Business of Georgetown University in Washington, DC and the University of Kent in Canterbury, United Kingdom. He is also the chaired professor emeritus for international marketing at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. Fluent in English, Spanish, and German, he has held professorial appointments in Asia, Australia, Europe, and the Americas.

Dr. Czinkota served in the U.S. government administrations of Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush. As deputy assistant secretary at the Department of Commerce he was responsible for trade and investment analysis and reports, the CFIUS (Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States) and economic retaliatory actions. He also served as head of the U.S. delegation to the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) Industry Committee in Paris. In the Bureau of Export Administration, he was senior adviser for Export Controls.

Dr. Czinkota was a partner in a fur trading firm and in an advertising agency. His academic work has focused on export development strategies and the linkage between terrorism and international business. He is well-known for his 25 years’ of Delphi Method studies, with participation by policy makers, business executives, and researchers from nations around the globe, to forecast international business change. He has written more than 137 articles in leading journals on the topics and was named one of the top three contributors to the international business literature by the Journal of International Business. In 2019, the Academy of International Business awarded him the Medal for Research Leadership in the past 50 years. Owing to his academic engagement on terrorism, Dr. Czinkota has worked with the U.S. Department of State and has testified more than 10 times before Congress.

He has authored 37 books in the fields of business, marketing, and trade. He also wrote three leading college textbooks, International Marketing—10th edition, International Business—8th edition, and Fundamentals of International Business—3rd edition.

Dr. Czinkota served on the Global Advisory Board of the American Marketing Association, the Global Council of the American Management Association, the Board of Governors of the Academy of Marketing Science, and as a member of the American Council on Germany. For his work in international business and trade policy, he has been awarded honorary degrees by the Universidad del Pacífico in Lima, Peru, and the Universidad Pontificia Madre y Maestra in the Dominican Republic. The Universidad Ricardo Palma of Lima named its Global Marketing School after Dr. Czinkota.

He was named a Distinguished Fellow of the Academy of Marketing Science and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in the United Kingdom. Dr. Czinkota serves on several corporate boards and has worked with corporations such as AT&T, IBM, GE, Nestle, and US WEST. He has advised the Executive Office of the President and the U.S. General Accountability Office on trade policy issues. He also serves as an advisor to the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. Dr. Czinkota was born and raised in Germany and educated in Austria, Scotland, Spain, and the United States. He studied law and business administration at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and was awarded a two-year Fulbright Scholarship. He holds an MBA in International Business and a PhD in Logistics from The Ohio State University.

Email: [email protected]
Phone Number: +1 (202) 253 3566
Blog: http://michaelczinkota.com/
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/michaelczinkota/


Selected Books from Michael R. Czinkota

Leading Textbooks for universities in United States, India, and Latin America:

International Marketing, 11th edition (with Ronkainen and Cui); CENGAGE Publishing 2021

International Business, 9th edition (with Ronkainen, Gupta); Cambridge University Press 2021

Marketing Management, 4th edition (with Kotabe, Vrontis, and Shams) 2021

Other Books with Business Expert Press:

In Search of the Soul of International Business, 2018

As I See It … Observations on International Business and Trade, 2017

As I was Thinking: Observations and Thoughts on International Business and Trade, 2014

As the World Turns … Observations on International Business and Policy, Going International and Transitions, 2012

As I Was Saying: Observations on International Business and Trade Policy, Exports, Education, and the Future, 2012

Emerging Trends, Threats and Opportunities in International Marketing: What Executives Need to Know, with Ilkka Ronkainen and Masaaki Kotabe, 2010

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