
Kelly Anton Kelly Kordes Anton is a freelance writer and editor in Littleton, Colorado. As a writer and editor, she gets frequent hands-on experience with publishing in InDesign. In addition, Kelly is the managing editor of Grow The Game, a national organization that works to recruit and retain youth hockey players. Through this position, she explores multi-channel publishing technologies while leveraging time spent watching her two boys practice and play ice hockey.

John Cruise John Cruise, a transplanted East Coaster, lives in Denver, Colorado. Over the past 14 years he has coauthored several books about InDesign, including the Adobe InDesign Bible, Adobe InDesign CS4 How Tos: 100 Essential Techniques, and several versions of the Adobe InDesign Classroom in a Book. He recently co-developed a college-level InDesign class for and currently teaches print and digital design classes at Metropolitan State University of Denver. For the past 25 years he has taught Kundalini yoga and studied Mandarin Chinese, and he makes it a point to spend quality time with his dog and two cats every day.

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