Chapter One
Exploring the Flash Interface

If you’re a first-time user of Flash, it may take you some time to get used to the program’s idiosyncratic approach to drawing and animation. But even if you’ve used Flash before, you’ll find that familiar tasks now have to be handled differently. In version CS3, Adobe took a first step toward giving all its Creative Suite products a similar interface. Now, in CS4, the developers have redesigned that interface to be simpler, more flexible, and more consistent among products and platforms.

This first chapter will guide you through launching Flash, customizing it, and preparing for a project. It’s tempting to skip these steps and dive into creating a movie, but you’ll find that taking the time to configure your workspace and organize your files helps you use Flash more comfortably and efficiently.

If you’re new to Flash, it’s helpful to keep in mind that Flash began as an animation program for the Web. Therefore, several of its interface elements have names drawn from the world of film: A Flash file is called a movie (regardless of whether anything in it actually moves); the area where the visual elements of the movie are assembled is called the stage; the incremental steps by which a movie’s action takes place are called frames (like the frames on a strip of film); and long movies are sometimes divided into segments called scenes. Even if you plan to use Flash as a programming environment or as an interface-development tool, it’s still important to see how these more advanced capabilities relate to the animation features.

#1 Starting Flash

The first time you launch Flash, you’ll encounter a Software Setup screen(Figure 1a). To use the software, you have to enter your serial number no more than 30 days after installation. If the number you’ve entered is valid, a green check mark appears.

Figure 1a This setup screen appears the first time you launch Flash. If you don’t have your serial number handy, you can use the program without one for up to 30 days.


When you click the Next button, you’re taken to the Activation screen. Your copy of Flash won’t work unless you activate it. If you are connected to the Internet, Flash will handle this automatically; if not, you have the option of activating by phone.

If you’ve done a group installation of several Creative Suite products, you may not have to activate Flash individually. Activating one product in the suite automatically activates all of the others.

Once Flash has been activated, the standard Welcome screen appearsFigure 1b. This screen offers shortcuts for tasks that users typically want to do when they start Flash, such as opening a previously saved file or creating various kinds of new files.

Figure 1b. This Welcome screen appears by default anytime you launch Flash, or anytime you have no files open in Flash.


To create a new movie, click Flash File (ActionScript 3.0), the first item in the Create New column. This command opens a new Flash document that’s set up to use the latest version of the ActionScript programming language. Even if you don’t intend to do any interactive scripting and are using Flash strictly for its animation capabilities, you should still choose to create an ActionScript 3.0-compatible file; otherwise, your animation won’t be able to make use of advanced features, such as the 3D tools (see #16) and Inverse Kinematics (see #48). If you’re an experienced Flash user who isn’t ready to give up on the earlier version of ActionScript, you can opt for ActionScript 2.0 and continue scripting in the traditional way; however, all of the examples in this book assume that you’ve chosen ActionScript 3.0.

Flash now has the capacity to create standalone applications—interactive programs that will run on any computer—by means of a new technology called AIR (see #82). To create an AIR-compatible movie, click Flash File (Adobe AIR). To create Flash movies for handheld devices such as cell phones and personal digital assistants, which are not covered in this book, click Flash FIle (Mobile).

The Create from Template column is useful for those who aren’t yet ready to build interactive Flash movies from scratch. It offers a variety of movie templates in which the design and interactive elements are in place, so that all you have to add are the text and graphics.

The content of the Welcome screen is dynamic, meaning that it’s different at different times. Assuming your computer has a connection to the Internet, the rectangular area at the lower right will act as a billboard on which Adobe may promote particular Flash features, provide links to Flash-related services, and notify you of downloadable maintenance updates for Flash.

#2 Managing Your Workspace

The workspace in Flash consists of a variety of panels. The panels can be arranged in various ways, depending on the kind of project you’re working on and the environment you’re comfortable with. Four essential panels will almost always be visible: the Tools panel, the timeline, the stage, and Properties (formerly called the Properties Inspector). Although these panels have the same functions that they did in earlier versions of Flash, their appearance and layout have changed noticeably in Flash CS4 (Figure 2a).

Figure 2a. These are the four most important panels in the Flash CS4 user interface, shown in their default layout.


The Tools panel contains the tools you’ll need to create and edit the visual elements of a Flash movie. You can roll your pointer over each tool to find out the name of that tool and the keyboard shortcut that you can use to select it. A tiny, black triangle to the lower right of a tool indicates that there are other tools hidden beneath it. To see them, press and hold your mouse pointer over the currently visible tool.

The timeline is where you map out how the elements of your movie change over time. Above it is the stage, where you create, edit, and arrange the shapes, images, video clips, and elements that make up the visual portion of your movie.

Whenever you need to change options or settings for tools, frames, or an entire movie, the Properties panel is where you do it. This panel is context-sensitive, meaning that it displays different information depending on where on the screen you’ve most recently clicked the mouse (Figure 2b).

Figure 2b. The changing face of the Properties panel: on the left, it displays information about the entire movie; on the right, it displays information about a single frame.


Smaller panels are usually fastened together in a rectangular container called a dock. Docked panels can be expanded or collapsed by clicking the medium-gray bar at the top of each panel (Figure 2c). By clicking the dark-gray bar at the top of any dock, you can reduce all the panels in that dock to icons.

Figure 2c. Docked panels may be collapsed (e.g., the Transform panel) or expanded (e.g., the Swatches panel).


If you need a panel that’s not currently available, you can choose its name from the Window menu. If the panel was in a dock the last time it was closed, it will reappear in that dock. Otherwise, it will appear in a free-floating window. You can grab the panel by the dark bar at the top (Figure 2d.) and drag it toward an existing dock.

Figure 2d. A floating window being dragged toward a dock


As you near the dock, a vertical blue line appears. If you drop the panel now, it will park itself in a new dock adjacent to the old one. If you continue to drag the panel onto an existing dock, one or more horizontal blue lines will appear. Each line shows where in the stack the dragged panel would land if you were to drop it immediately (Figure 2e).

Figure 2e. The window from 2d, about to be dropped into an existing dock.


Any combination or arrangement of panels is referred to as a workspace. When you first launch Flash, its default workspace (shown in Figure 2a) is rather minimal, so you’re likely to want to modify it. As you work with Flash, you may find that there are certain panels you want to have available all the time, or that a certain layout feels most comfortable. If you develop a workspace that you’re fond of, you can save it by choosing Window > Workspace > Save Current.

At any time, you can retrieve that saved workspace by choosing it from the Window > Workspace menu. Flash comes with several predefined workspaces already available on that menu (Figure 2f).

Figure 2f The predefined Designer workspace makes the Color and Transform panels readily available.


#3 Setting Document Properties

When you create a new, blank Flash movie, the first thing you’ll want to do is to set the Document Properties—a collection of fundamental settings that affect the entire movie. To set these properties, choose Document from the Modify menu to open the Document Properties dialog box (Figure 3a). The most important properties to set are Dimensions, Background Color, Frame Rate, and Ruler Units.

Figure 3a The Document Properties dialog box with its default settings.


Dimensions. This property determines the height and width of the stage. Since most Flash movies are designed to be viewed onscreen, it’s common practice to specify movie dimensions in pixels rather than in print-oriented units such as inches or points.

The default dimensions of 550 by 400 pixels are arbitrary. Make your movie’s dimensions as large or as small as are appropriate for your project. The only time you’ll need to pay special attention to the dimensions is when you’re using Flash to produce animation for video. In this case, the video editing program will specify what the dimensions of the movie should be—typically 1920 by 1080 pixels for high-definition video.

There are two shortcuts, represented by the radio buttons to the right of the Match label. (The third button resets the default dimensions.) Printer sets the movie’s dimensions to match the printable area of your currently selected printer, and Contents makes the movie’s dimensions match the dimensions of whatever’s on the stage. Think carefully before you make your selection. Although it’s simple to change the dimensions later, it’s much more difficult to modify your movie to fit the new settings.

Background Color. This property determines what color the stage will be. Whatever color you choose will show through on all unoccupied areas of the stage. For information on choosing a color, see #8.

Frame Rate. Frame rate, which is discussed in detail in #31, is a measure of how fast your movie progresses. For now, it’s enough to know that 12 to 15 frames per second (fps) is typical for Flash movies that are posted on the Web, and that 30 fps is standard for animation used in video. The default frame rate in Flash CS4 is 24 fps.

Ruler Units. This property doesn’t affect the movie, but only affects how the movie and its contents are measured in Flash. If you’ve specified the movie’s dimensions in pixels, it’s usually good to set ruler units to pixels as well.

If you want to make these new document properties the default settings for future movies, click the Make Default button on the lower left of the dialog box.

#4 Using Function Keys and Keyboard Shortcuts

Because creating a Flash movie can be time-consuming, it’s helpful to find ways to speed the process. One of the best ways is to master the built-in keyboard shortcuts that let you execute Flash commands with a single keystroke instead of having to choose each one from a menu.

The most common Flash tasks can be accomplished using function keys (those keys at the top of your keyboard labeled F1, F2, and so on). There are several function keys—F5, F6, and F7, for example—that are vital for creating animation and therefore should become a part of your vocabulary. (The specific uses of these keys are explained in Chapter 5, “Creating Basic Animation.”)

Using the function keys in Flash is often a problem for Mac users. Mac OS X reserves some function keys for its own use, and those keys don’t work properly in Flash. The most commonly affected keys are F9 through F12, which the operating system uses to control Apple features such as Dashboard and Exposé. This is especially frustrating in the case of the F9 key, which in Flash is used to open some commonly used panels.

There are two ways to get around this problem. The first is to navigate to Mac’s System Preferences and remap the Dashboard and Exposé features to a different set of keystrokes. The second is to go into Flash and remap its F9 through F12 features. Since this is a book about Flash, not the Mac operating system, we’ll look at the second alternative.

To remap keyboard shortcuts in Flash:

1. Choose Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows) or Flash > Keyboard Shortcuts (Mac). The Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box appears (Figure 4a).

Figure 4a The Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box.


The Current Set menu should be set to Adobe Standard, which is the default set of keyboard shortcuts for Flash CS4.

2. To the right of the Current Set menu is a row of four buttons. Click the first button, Duplicate Set. (The original Adobe Standard set can’t be modified.)

You’ll see a Duplicate dialog box, with a default name (Adobe Standard copy) filled in.

3. Either accept the default name or type a new one, and click OK.

The Current Set menu now displays the name of your duplicate set.

4. If you know the name of the command whose keyboard shortcut you want to modify, locate it by choosing the appropriate list of commands from the Commands menu, then make your selection from one of the submenus (Figure 4b).

Figure 4b. The submenus in the Keyboard Shortcuts menu correspond to the Flash menus on which those commands appear.


If you want to know which command a particular key combination is assigned to, you’ll have to search through every submenu within the command lists. You’re looking for a particular keystroke (for example, Shift-F9, which opens the Color panel).

5. Highlight the desired command.

The Description field defines the command, while the Shortcuts field shows the currently applied keystroke. The same keystroke appears in the Press Key field.

6. Highlight the keystroke in the Press Key field, then press the key (or key combination) that you want to replace it with.

If the “This keystroke is already assigned…” error message appears, keep trying key combinations until you find one that’s open.

7. Click OK.

The Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box closes, and the new keyboard shortcut takes effect.

If you’re not interested in remapping keys, but just want to learn the existing keyboard shortcuts, look in the standard Flash menus. For each command that has a keyboard shortcut, the keystroke appears to the right of the command.

#5 Organizing Your Files

Flash is capable of saving and exporting a number of different file types, including QuickTime movie files, animated GIF files, projector files, and more. No matter which sort of work you’re doing in Flash, there are two types of files you’ll always use: FLA, usually pronounced flah, and SWF, usually pronounced swiff (Figure 5a).

Figure 5a FLA files and SWF files can be recognized by their icons. The icon for a FLA file is on the left; that for a SWF file is on the right.


FLA is a proprietary Flash authoring file format. A FLA file contains all the information Flash needs to create and modify your movie: vector shapes, symbols, uncompressed images and sounds, timeline information, text, uncompiled ActionScript code, and so on. For this reason, FLA files tend to be large, sometimes in the hundreds of megabytes.

To generate a FLA file, you open or create a movie in Flash and then choose File > Save (or File > Save As). The only way to view or edit a FLA file is to open it in Flash.

SWF is the Flash Player file format. All information not needed to display your movie has been stripped out of it, and the remaining information is highly compressed. Therefore, a FLA file of many megabytes may yield a SWF file of only a few kilobytes. Although the size of the FLA file doesn’t matter (as long as it fits on your hard drive!), your goal in creating a Flash movie should always be to end up with as small a SWF file as possible. You’ll learn some tricks for decreasing the size of SWF files in Chapter 2, “Using the Drawing Tools.”

You generate a SWF file by opening a FLA file in Flash and either testing the movie (see #35) or publishing the movie (see #78). To modify a SWF file, you’ll have to open its corresponding FLA file in Flash, make your changes, and generate a new SWF file to replace the old one. With some minor exceptions, SWF files can’t be edited; they can only be played.

SWF is an open format: Although it originated with Flash, many programs other than Flash can create SWF files, and some non-Adobe programs can play them.

To include Flash movies on a Web site, you upload SWF files. FLA files are strictly for your own use (Figure 5b).

Figure 5b When a Flash movie appears on a web page, what you’re seeing is a SWF file, not a FLA file.


As with all computer data, you should save your FLA files frequently while you’re working on them. Saving SWF files isn’t nearly as important; you can always generate a new SWF file from a working FLA file.

Instead of choosing File > Save each time you save your FLA file, it’s a much better idea to choose File > Save As, and give each new version of the file an incremental name (for example, mymovie01.fla, mymovie02. fla, and so on). By doing so, you’ll avoid overwriting earlier versions of your files, and you’ll have a variety of different stages of development to which you can return if you become dissatisfied with the current version of your movie.

Because Flash projects almost always comprise multiple files, good file management is essential. Flash includes a Project panel that allows you to handle basic file-management tasks, such as creating and deleting files, and organizing files into folders, without leaving the Flash environment (Figure 5c). To open this panel, choose Window > Other Panels > Project.

Figure 5c The Project panel makes file management easier.

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