
Although mine is the only name on the cover, this book is the product of many people’s skillful and careful work. Chief among them are the editorial and production team at Adobe Press, who made the book as clear, accurate, and attractive as it is: project editor Rebecca Gulick, editor Jill Marts Lodwig, technical editor Jeremy Rue, production editor Cory Borman, compositor Gunjan Chandola, and indexer Jack Lewis. I’d also like to re-acknowledge the editors of last year’s edition for CS3—Becca Freed, David Morris, Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen, and Kim Saccio-Kent—much of whose work persists in this new edition.

My good friend Karen Reichstein was the acquiring editor for this project; I’m thankful that such an otherwise perceptive person remains unable to hear the words “never again.”

Gary Carter, dean of Arts and Humanities at Chabot College, offered me his support and encouragement. Lindsay Shuman, a former student of mine at Chabot, was a great help with organizing material for the book’s early chapters.

I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my oldest and best friend, Brad Hartfield—the most brilliant person I know—for volunteering many hours of research, creative input, and editorial advice when I desperately needed those things. Having Brad offer to help with a how-to book is like having Buckminster Fuller offer to help with a garden shed.

As always, my deepest thanks go to my wife, Debra Goldentyer, whose love, patience, humor, intelligence, and way with food—not to mention editorial and managerial skills—are a continuing source of comfort, surprise, and delight.

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