Dedication and Acknowledgments

Inspired by a dedication from Boris Beizer1, I dedicate these two books to many very bad projects on software and systems-of-systems development where I had the opportunity to – for a short time – act as a consultant. These taught me multiple lessons on difficulties that these books try and identify and led me to realize the need for this book. Their failure could have been prevented; may they rest in peace.

I would also like to thank the many managers and colleagues I had the privilege of meeting during my career. Some, too few, understood that quality is really everyone’s business. We will lay a modest shroud over the others.

Finally, paraphrasing Isaac Newton, If I was able to reach this level of knowledge, it is thanks to all the giants that were before me and on the shoulders of which I could position myself. Among these giants, I would like to mention (in alphabetical order) James Bach, Boris Beizer, Rex Black, Frederic Brooks, Hans Buwalda, Ross Collard, Elfriede Dustin, Avner Engel, Tom Gilb, Eliahu Goldratt, Dorothy Graham, Capers Jones, Paul Jorgensen, Cem Kaner, Brian Marick, Edward Miller, John Musa, Glenford Myers, Bret Pettichord, Johanna Rothman, Gerald Weinberg, James Whittaker and Karl Wiegers.

After 15 years in software development, I had the opportunity to focus on software testing for over 25 years. Specialized in testing process improvements, I founded and participated in the creation of multiple associations focused on software testing: AST (Association of Software Tester), ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualification Board), CFTL (Comité Français des Tests Logiciels, the French Software Testing committee) and GASQ (Global Association for Software Quality). I also dedicate these books to you, the reader, so that you can improve your testing competencies.


  1. 1 Beizer, B. (1990). Software Testing Techniques, 2nd edition. ITP Media.
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