Chapter 1: Looking Upstream

1. Mark Pittman and Bob Ivry, “Financial Rescue Nears GDP as Pledges Top $12.8 Trillion (Update1),”, March 31, 2009, armOzfkwtCA4&refer=worldwide (accessed February 25, 2010).

2. Jared Diamond, Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (New York: Viking, 2005), 248–76.

Chapter 2: Modern Alchemists and the Sport of Moneymaking

Epigraph. John Maynard Keynes, The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money(Cambridge: Macmillan Cambridge University Press, for Royal Economic Society, 1936), chap, 12, sec. 6.

1. John C. Edmunds, “Securities: The New World Wealth Machine,” Foreign Policy, no. 104, Fall 1996, 118–19, Edmnds/English/worldwealthmachine.pdf.

2. Kevin Phillips, Bad Money: Reckless Finance, Failed Politics, and the Global Crisis of American Capitalism (New York: Viking, 2008), 96–97.

3. For more detail, see Les Leopold, The Looting of America: How Wall Street’s Game of Fantasy Finance Destroyed Our Jobs, Pensions, and Prosperity and What We Can Do About It(White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishers. 2009); and George Soros, The New Paradigm for Financial Markets: The Credit Crisis of 2008 and What It Means (New York: Public Affairs, 2008), xiii–xxiv.

4. Ibid., xvi. I also recommend “The Giant Pool of Money,” an episode of the NPR program This American Life, featuring interviews with people who had a variety of roles in the events that led up to the subprime mortgage meltdown, describing how it looked from the inside. Broadcast May 9, 2008; accessible at

5. Michael Mandel, “How to Get Growth Back on Track,” BusinessWeek, October 27, 2008, 34–38.

Chapter 3: A Real-Market Alternative

Epigraph. Martin Luther King Jr., “Where Do We Go from Here?” Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, August 16, 1967.

1. The historian Fernand Braudel gives a detailed account of the origins and definitions of the terms capital, capitalist, and capitalism in Civilization and Capitalism(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982), 2:232–39.

Chapter 4: More Than Tinkering at the Margins

Epigraph. James Gustave Speth, “Proposal for a New Economy Network,” draft, August 6, 2007, 9.

1. This comparative review of Sachs and Speth is adapted from David Korten, “After the Meltdown: Economic Redesign for the 21st Century,” Tikkun,November–December 2008, 33–40 et seq.

2. Peter Passell, “Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, Shock Therapist,” New York Times, June 27, 1993, 9F0CE7D7143EF934A15755C0A965958260&sec=&spon= &pagewanted=7.

3. Jeffrey Sachs, Common Wealth: Economics for a Crowded Planet (New York: Penguin, 2008), 3–4.

4. Jeffrey Sachs, “Bursting at the Seams,” lecture presented at the Royal Society, London, April 11, 2007, and broadcast on BBC Radio 4,

5. James Gustave Speth, The Bridge at the Edge of the World: Capitalism, the Environment, and Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2008), 57.

6. David G. Myers, “What Is the Good Life?” YES! Magazine, Summer 2004, 15, quoted in Speth, ibid., 138.

7. Speth, The Bridge, 199–200.

Chapter 5: What Wall Street Really Wants

Epigraph. Attributed to Sir Josiah Stamp, from a talk at the University of Texas in the 1920s, but unverified; noted in Wikipedia, s.v. “Josiah Stamp, 1st Baron Stamp”; _Stamp,_1st_Baron_Stamp.

1. Paul Krugman, The Conscience of a Liberal (New York: W. W. Norton, 2007), 5–6.

2. Robert Weissman, “Wall Street Still Out of Control,” presentation to Public Citizen Members January 15, 2010, slide 13,

3. Journal of Accountancy, “Rubin Calls for Modernization through Reform of Glass-Steagall Act,” May 1, 1995,

4. WGBH, “The Long Demise of Glass-Steagall,” Public Broadcasting Service,

5. Wikipedia. s.v. “Robert Rubin,” _Rubin.

6. Phillips, Bad Money, 31–32 (see chap. 2, n. 2).

7. Ibid., 6.

8. Ibid., 45.

9. Jane D’Arista, “Financial Section Borrowing Drives the Credit Expansion,” Flow of Funds Review and Analysis,Fourth Quarter 1999, quoted in Phillips, Bad Money,, 45–46.

10. Sarah Anderson et al., “Executive Excess 2008: How Average Taxpayers Subsidize Runaway Pay,” 14th annual CEO Compensation Survey (Washington, DC: Institute for Policy Studies, 2008), 3.

11. Nelson D. Schwartz and Louise Story, “Hedge Fund Pay Roars Back,” New York Times, April 1, 2010, B1, B10.

12. Charles R. Morris, The Trillion Dollar Meltdown: Easy Money, High Rollers, and the Great Credit Crash (New York: Public Affairs, 2008), 139–40.

13. Sam Pizzigati, “Our Plutocracy: A Sobering New Portrait,” Too Much, February 20, 2010.

14. U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, “National Economic Accounts, National Income and Product Accounts Table,” table 2.1: Personal Income and Its Disposition, =58&ViewSeries=NO&Java=no&Request3Place=N&3Place=N& FromView=YES&Freq=Year&FirstYear=1959&LastYear=2008& 3Place=N&Update=Update&JavaBox=no#.

15. For fascinating insider accounts of the way this played out and the underlying patterns of corruption, see John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2004); and Steven Hiatt, A Game as Old as Empire: The Secret World of Economic Hit Men and the Web of Global Corruption (San Francisco: BerrettKoehler, 2007).

16. James B. Davies et al., “The World Distribution of Household Wealth,” December 5, 2006, University of Western Ontario, UNU-WIDER, and New York University, See also James B. Davies, ed., Personal Wealth from a Global Perspective (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008).

17. International Labour Organization, World of Work Report 2008: Income Inequalities in the Age of Financial Globalization (Geneva: ILO, 2008), 1.

Chapter 6: Buccaneers and Privateers

Epigraph. Bertrand Russell, Freedom in Society, chap. 13, quoted in Wikipedia, s.v. “Bertrand Russell,

1. This historical review is adapted from a more detailed account in David Korten, The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community(San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2006), 127–33.

2. Encyclopaedia Britannica 2003, deluxe ed. CD, s.v. “Hernando de Soto.”

3. Encyclopaedia Britannica 2003,deluxe ed. CD, s.v. “Morgan, Sir Henry.”

4. Kevin Phillips, Wealth and Democracy (New York: Broadway Books, 2002), 11, 14.

5. Encyclopaedia Britannica 2003, s.v. “Privateer.”

6. Ron Harris, Industrializing English Law: Entrepreneurship and Business Organization, 1720–1844 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), 41–42, 46–47.

7. Edward McNall Burns, Western Civilizations: Their History and Their Culture, 5th ed. (New York: W. W. Norton, 1958), 467; and Encyclopaedia Britannica 1998,CD, s.v. “British East India Company.”

Chapter 7: The High Cost of Phantom Wealth

Epigraph. Nicolas Sarkozy, quoted in Bill Baue, “Is Capitalism Broken?” CSRlive Commentary, (accessed February 24, 2010).

Epigraph. Paul Krugman, “All the President’s Zombies,” New York Times,August 23, 2009,

1. Thornton Parker, What If Boomers Can’t Retire? How to Build Real Security, Not Phantom Wealth (San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2000).

2. John Cavanagh and Chuck Collins, “The New Inequality: The Rich and the Rest of Us,” The Nation, June 30, 2008, 11.

3. U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, The World Factbook, s.v. “United States,” (accessed December 6, 2008).

4. Nicholas Varchaver and Katie Benner, “The $55 Trillion Question,” Fortune, September 30, 2008,

5. Bank for International Settlements, table 19: Amounts Outstanding of Over-the-Counter (OTC) Derivatives, BIS Quarterly Review,December 2009; available at (accessed February 28, 2010).

6. Mark Pittman and Bob Ivry, “U.S. Pledges Top $7.7 Trillion to Ease Frozen Credit (Update3),”, (accessed December 8, 2008).

7. Pittman and Ivry, “Financial Rescue Nears GDP” (see chap. 1, n. 1).

8. Shadow Government Statistics, “Inflation, Money Supply, GDP, Unemployment and the Dollar – Alternate Data Series,” John Williams’ Shadow Government Statistics: Analysis Behind and Beyond Government Economic Reporting,

9. See, for example, Richard Wilkinson,Unhealthy Societies: The Afflictions of Inequality (London: Routledge, 1996); Stephen Bezruchka, “The (Bigger) Picture of Health,” in John de Graaf, ed., Take Back Your Time: Fighting Overwork and Time Poverty in America(San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2003); WHO Commission on Social Determinants of Health, Closing the Gap in a Generation: Health Equity through Action on the Social Determinants of Health (Geneva: WHO, 2008); Richard Layard,Happiness: Lessons from a New Science (New York: Penguin, 2005); and Michael Marmot, The Status Syndrome: How Social Standing Affects Our Health and Longevity (New York: Holt, 2005).

10. Ed Diener and Martin E. P. Seligman, “Beyond Money: Toward an Economy of Well-Being,” Psychological Science in the Public Interest 5, no. 1 (July 2004): 10,

11. Carol Estes, “Living Large in a Tiny House,” YES! Magazine, Summer 2009, 28–29.

12. Robert Frank, Richistan: A Journey through the American Wealth Boom and the Lives of the New Rich (New York: Crown, 2007).

Chapter 8: The End of Empire

Epigraph. Carl Anthony, “America: The Remix,” a panel moderated and reported by Sarah van Gelder, YES! Magazine, Spring 2010, 18–23.

1. This chapter is based on the historical accounts developed and documented in much richer detail in Korten, The Great Turning (see chap. 6, n. 1).

2. Riane Eisler, The Chalice and The Blade: Our History, Our Future (New York: HarperCollins, 1987), 66.

3. Ibid., 66–69. For a fascinating exploration of the forces underlying this early turn to Empire and the specifics of how it played out, I highly recommend Brian Griffith, The Gardens of Their Dreams: Desertification and Culture in World History (Halifax: Fernwood, 2001).

4. This estimate is from Internet World Stats, “Internet Usage Statistics: The Internet Big Picture,” table, World Internet Users and Population Statistics, (accessed February 5, 2010).

Chapter 9: Greed Is Not a Virtue; Sharing Is Not a Sin

Epigraph. Jim Wallis, Rediscovering Values on Wall Street, Main Street, and Your Street: A Moral Compass for the New Economy (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2010), 1. Kindle location 118-22.

1. Weissman, “Wall Street Still out of Control,” slide 21 (see chap. 5, n. 2).

2. Pittman and Ivry, “Financial Rescue Nears GDP” (see chap. 1, n. 1).

3. Bradley Keoun, “As Banks Exit TARP, Obama Seeks New Ways to Boost Credit,” BusinessWeek, December 16, 2009,

4. Joseph E. Stiglitz, “Harsh Lessons We May Need to Learn Again,” oped, China Daily, December 31, 2009,

5. Keoun, “As Banks Exit TARP.”

6. Bank for International Settlements, table 19 (see chap. 7, n. 5).

7. Mara Der Hovanesian, “Magic Tricks on the Corporate Books,” BusinessWeek, November 2, 2009, 26–7; available at

8. Nelson D. Schwartz and Sewell Chan, “In Greece’s Crisis, Fed Studies Wall St.’s Trading,” New York Times, February 25, 2010,; Beat Balzli, “How Goldman Sachs Helped Greece to Mask Its True Debt,” S piegel Online International,February 8, 2010,,1518,676634,00.html#.

9. Jane Sasseen, “Hiding behind Their Hedges: How Some Executives Are Selling Their Companies Short,” BusinessWeek, March 8, 2010, 44–50; available at

Chapter 10: What People Really Want

Epigraph. Noam Chomsky, in Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media, a documentary by Mark Achbar and Peter Wintonick, Humanist Broadcasting Foundation, 1992.

1. Portions of the following are adapted from David Korten, “We Are Hard-Wired to Care,” YES! Magazine, Fall 2008, 48–51,

2. For information about the Earth Charter Initiative, visit

3. Michael Lerner, “Closed Hearts, Closed Minds,” Tikkun, vol. 18, no. 5, September/October 2003, 10.

4. Vision of Humanity, “Global Peace Index,” (accessed February 16, 2010).

5. Puanani Burgess is on the boards of YES! Magazine and the People-Centered Development Forum. She shared this story at Navigating the Great Turning, a leadership gathering in Columbus, Ohio, in March 2007 and in a subsequent personal communication with the author.

Chapter 11: At Home on a Living Earth

Epigraph. Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, D. D. Raphael & A. L. Macfie, eds., Liberty Fund Edition (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1984), 235.

Epigraph. Elinor Ostrom as interviewed by Fran Korten, YES! Magazine, Spring 2010, 13.

1. Wikipedia,s.v. “Biosphere,”

2. Kenneth Boulding, “The Economics of the Coming Spaceship Earth,” originally published in Henry Jarrett, ed., Environmental Quality in a Growing Economy (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1968), 3–14.

3. Bradford Snell, “The StreetCar Conspiracy: How General Motors Deliberately Destroyed Public Transit,” Lovearth Network, http:// (accessed March 12, 2010).

4. For a more extended treatment of lessons from the biosphere relevant to organizing human economies, along with examples and documentation, see David C. Korten, The Post-Corporate World: Life after Capitalism(West Harford, CT: Kumarian Press, and San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1999). Note especially part II: “Life’s Story,” 85–133.

Chapter 12: New Vision, New Priorities

Epigraph. R. Martin Lees, “To Master the Threats of Climate Change We Have to Redefine and Reorient Economic Growth,” Club of Rome News, January 15, 2010, bank/20/(accessed February 6, 2010).

1. John Kenneth Galbraith, A Short History of Financial Euphoria (New York: Penguin, 1990).

2. For an extensive, authoritative review of this research, see Richard Wilkinson, The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better(London: Penguin Books, 2009).

3. Glenn Greenwald, “The Bipartisan Consensus on U.S. Military Spending,” Salon, January 2, 2008,

4. Seth G. Jones and Martin C. Libicki, “How Terrorist Groups End: Lessons for Countering al Qa’ida,” Rand Research report (Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corporation, 2008).

Chapter 13: Seven Points of Intervention

1. This frame draws on the work of the New Economy Working Group (NEWGroup),

2. For the report and an opportunity to calculate your own Happy Planet Index, go to

3. Wikipedia, s.v. “Cooperative Banking,” (accessed February 20, 2010).

4. The country’s remaining small and medium-size banks control only 22 percent of all bank assets, but they account for 54 percent of all small business lending. Stacy Mitchell, “Banks and Small Business Lending,” New Rules Project, February 10, 2010, (accessed February 13, 2010).

5. Working Group in Extreme Inequality, “How Unequal Are We?”; (accessed February 14, 2010).

6. Richard Wilkinson, “What Difference Does Inequality Make?” A paper presented at Well-being: The Impact of Inequalities, Dundee, Scotland, 26 November 2008, p. 2.

7. United Steelworkers, “Steelworkers Form Collaboration with MON-DRAGON, the World’s Largest Worker-Owned Cooperative,” USW News, October 27, 2009, advisories?id=0234.

8. This powerful idea comes from Marjorie Kelly, personal e-mail to the author, February 16, 2010.

9. For further discussion of the living economies building blocks and examples of leading edge initiatives, see BALLE, Business Alliance for Local Living Economies, “Building Blocks of a Local Living Economy,” (accessed February 21, 2010).

Chapter 14: What About My . . .?

1. Ellen Hodgson Brown, “The Battle of the Titans: JPMorgan vs. Goldman Sachs, or Why the Market Was Down for Seven Days in a Row,” Truthout, January 30, 2010, (accessed February 21, 2010).

2. Sarah Anderson et al., Responding to Main Street: A Sensible Plan for Recovery (Washington, DC: Institute for Policy Studies, October 1, 2008), 2; available at

3. Shannon Hayes, Radical Homemakers: Reclaiming Domesticity from a Consumer Culture (Richmondville, NY: Left to Write Press, 2010); available from

4. Sarah Varney, “Did Blue Cross’ Mission Stray When Plans Became For-Profit?” Morning Edition, National Public Radio, March 18, 2010,

5. Gar Alperovitz, “Retirement Crisis, Real or Imagined? Moral and Economic Questions on Social Security,” YES! Magazine, Fall 2005,

6. Marjorie Kelly, The Divine Right of Capital: Dethroning the Corporate Aristocracy (San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2001), 33–4.

7. Thornton Parker, “From Wall Street Bird Nests to Main Street Growth Cycles,” May 7, 2009,,

Chapter 15: A Presidential Declaration of Independence from Wall Street I Hope I May One Day Hear

1. “Obama’s Corporate Messaging,” interview with Barack Obama, Business Week,February 22, 2010, 34; available at

2. Adapted from Korten, “After the Meltdown” (see chap. 4, n. 1).

Chapter 16: When the People Lead, the Leaders Will Follow

Epigraph, Howard Zinn, excerpt from A Power Governments Cannot Suppress.(San Francisco, City Lights Publishers, 2006), http://www.”we_should_not_give_ up_the_game_before_all_the_cards_have_been_played”_/.

1. For more of this history, see Korten, When Corporations Rule the World, 2nd ed. (San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2001), 307–314.

2. Patrick E. Tyler, “A New Power in the Streets,” New York Times, February 17, 2003, 9902E0DC1E3AF934A25751C0A9659C8B63.

3. Roger Wilkins, Jefferson’s Pillow: The Founding Fathers and the Dilemma of Black Patriotism(Boston: Beacon, 2001), 18–19.

Chapter 17: A Visionary President Meets Realpolitik

1. Daniel Wagner and Matt Apuzzo (AP), “Wall Street Has Geithner’s Ear,” Washington Post, October 9, 2009, (accessed February 28, 2010).

2. Gary Langer, “In Supreme Court Ruling on Campaign Finance, the Public Dissents,” The Numbers, ABC News, February 17, 2010,

3. Tea Party, “About Us,” (accessed March 15, 2010). A subsequent site redesign removed these jokes.

4. Coffee Party, “About Us,” (accessed March 15, 2010).

Chapter 18: Change the Story, Change the Future

1. See Paul Ray and Sherry Anderson, “A Culture Gets Creative,” interview by Sarah Ruth van Gelder, YES! Magazine, Winter 2001. Ray and Anderson make the link between the civil rights movement and a widespread cultural awakening. Their insight triggered for me the realization that something far more profound is at work than simply a shift in values. In subsequent personal discussions Ray has affirmed his support for the thesis that what his research has uncovered is in fact evidence of a step to a new level of human consciousness that has profound implications.

Chapter 19: Learning to Live, Living to Learn

Epigraph. Margaret J. Wheatley, “Restoring Hope to the Future through Critical Education of Leaders,” published in Vimukt Shiksha, a bulletin of Shikshantar — the People’s Institute for Rethinking Education and Development, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India, March 2001,

1. The Interfaith Amigos regularly blog for YES! Magazine (see http:// to share the insights of their interfaith exploration as a path beyond the fear and distrust that so characterize our present time.

2. Raffi, “No Wall Too Tall,”

3. I am a member of the advisory council for Raffi’s Child Honouring Initiative (, which is devoted to advancing the idea that if we focus our attention as a society on creating a world that works for our children, it will work for everyone and the whole of life.

4. Milenko Matanovic, “Turning the Sword,” YES! Magazine,Summer 2002, 12–15.

5. Bill Cleveland,Art in Other Places: Artists at Work in America’s Community and Social Institutions (New York: Praeger, 1992) and Art and Upheaval: Artists on the World’s Frontlines (Oakland, CA: New Village Press, 2008). For evidence that low-income communities well populated with small arts centers are more cohesive, peaceful, and economically vital than those without such centers, see Mark J. Stern and Susan C. Seifert, “From Creative Economy to Creative Society,” Creativity and Change, January 2008; available at

6. Because this work falls below the radar of corporate media, keeping its scale and power in focus can be difficult. YES! Magazine readers tell us that the publication is a useful tonic in moments of personal despair, because each issue tells the story of the larger movement’s growing power, scope, and influence.


Epigraph. Jim Wallis, Rediscovering Values(see chap. 9, epigraph), Kindle location 1591–96.

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