In loving memory of:

Bob’s mother and grandmother, two exceptional women who
encouraged him to embrace all of life’s challenges and develop
an inner compass for the surest path forward,


IT expert and dear friend, Ben Weatherall, a pillar in the CM
community who was always eager to share his best practices
and tirelessly promoted the value of a modified agile–scrum
development methodology. As an editor, I appreciated and
chuckled along with our readers at the many zany characters
he would weave into his articles for CM Crossroads. He was
proud of his involvement with both professional associations,
such as the IEEE and ASEE (Association of Software
Engineering Excellence—The SEI’s Dallas-based SPIN Affiliate),
and social and charitable organizations. An enthusiastic
resident of his Fort Worth, Texas, community, Ben was an
active participant in his local Shriners’ “Car-vettes” group and
could be counted on to lend a hand whenever their presence
was requested at an event. Ben was a man of deep faith and,
over the years, we had many engaging discussions about
matters much more significant than configuration management.

Each of these three individuals was dedicated to balancing
a strong work ethic with an equal commitment to their
personal relationships; we cherish their legacy.

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