
Note: Locators followed by an italicized n indicate a footnote.


A priori change control, 19

A priori changes, 177

Aggressive team members, 331333

Agile ALM

agile manifesto, 5657

agile principles, 5456, 76

customer collaboration, 5859

designing circuit chips, real-world example, 58

DevOps for customers, 59

documentation, 60

fixed timebox sprints, 5758

getting started, 5051

goals of, 4950

hybrid of agile and non-agile methods. See Hybrid agile.

importance of, 50

organizational culture, 5152

paradigm shift, 5152

RAD (rapid application development), 5254

rapid iterative development, 5253

requirements, 5960

standard terminology, 51

user test cases, 5960

Agile manifesto

items on the left, 56

items on the right, 56, 75

principles of, 5657. See also specific principles.

responding to change over valuing a plan, 118

standards and frameworks, 68

working software over comprehensive documentation, 110111

Agile principles

agile process maturity, 6970, 76

under ALM, 76

in IT operations, real-world example, 210

list of, 5456

service desks, 210

Agile process maturity

adjusting ceremony, 75

agile principles, 76

applying the principles, 6970

coexisting with non-agile projects, 75

consensus within the agile community, 71

consistency across the enterprise, 7879

continuous process improvement, 79

delivering on time within budget, 77

in the enterprise, 7879

epics and stories, 70

firmware development, 80

getting started, 6264

goals of, 62

hardware development, 80

importance of, 62

IT governance, 7576

in law enforcement, real-world example, 66

marketing the new approach, 79

measuring the ALM, 7980

one CIO’s view, real-world example, 73

PMO (project management office) metrics, 80

problems with, 7173

quality, 77

recognition by the agile community, 7071

recognizing an immature process, 72

repeatable processes, 7677

requirements, 6970

scalability, 77

self correction, 79

test cases for trading systems, real-world example, 70

transparency, 76

vendor management, 80

version control, real-world example, 63

Agile process maturity, overview

coexistence with non-agile projects, 68

comprehensive processes, 6667

continuous process improvement, 69

dysfunctional agile, 65

IT governance, 6768

planning, 6869

principles of, 6465

purity measure, 64

scalability, 66

standards and frameworks, 68

traceability, 67

transparency, 67

Agile processes

agile development versus iterative development, 1617

disasters, transitioning from hybrid agile to agile, 255

hybrid of agile and non-agile methods. See Hybrid agile.

Agile service catalog, real-world example, 186

ALM (application lifecycle management)

agile methodology. See Agile ALM.

build engineering, 9899

change management. See Change management.

future of, 347349

getting started, 78

goals of, 45

importance of, 56

mainframe. See Mainframe ALM.

purpose of, 6

versus software delivery lifecycle, 7

versus systems delivery lifecycle, 7

ALM (application lifecycle management), overview

addressing the business silo, 13

audit and regulatory compliance, 24

automation, 21

build engineering, best practices, 18

business focus, 1115

change management, best practices, 19

change management, goal of, 22

CI (continuous integration), 2122

cloud-based computing, 2425

core configuration management, 1721

definition of ALM, 810

deployment, best practices, 2021

deployment, continuous. See CD (continuous deployment).

versus development lifecycle, 9

DevOps, 23

environment management, best practices, 19

financial systems infrastructure, real-world example, 14

integration across the enterprise, 25

IT governance, 23

IT operations, 2223

mature processes versus fluid, 1617

QA (quality assurance), 25

rapid iterative development, 17

release management, best practices, 1920

retrospectives, 23

risk, from a business focus, 1315

role of personality, 26

scope of, 9

SDLC (software development life cycle), 1011

source code management, best practices, 1718

testing, 25

Ambler, Scott, 347

American Foundation for the Blind (AFB), 218

Anderson, Hans Christian, 7172

Application design, automating, 111

Application management, IT operations, 208

Applications, testing, 39

Archetypes, 319

Assessing success, with retrospectives, 235236

Attended automation

agile ALM, 104

continuous deployment, 145

DevOps, real-world example, 226

A-type personality, 331333

Audit and regulatory compliance

assessing existing practices, 283284

audit and accountability, 277

essential requirements, 283

external audits, 277

getting started, 274275

goals of, 273274

identifying standards and frameworks, 275

importance of, 274

improving quality and productivity, 283

internal audits, 275276

IT controls, 275276

IT governance, 271

overview, 24

retrospectives, 244

Audit and regulatory compliance, federal guidelines

banking oversight, 282

Cobit as framework for IT controls, 280

COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations), 279

essential components of internal control, 279

FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.), 280

GAO (Government Accountability Office), 281282

guidelines on internal controls, 282

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) (1966), 280281

ISACA Cobit, 281. See also Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

management assessment of internal controls, 278279

OCC (Office of the Comptroller of the Currency), 282

oversight of securities firms, 280

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 278280. See also ISACA Cobit.

self-administered risk assessment surveys, 280

for senior management responsibility, 278280

Audit and regulatory compliance, real-world examples

audit and accountability, 277

internal audits, 276


application design, 111

attended automation, 104

change management, real-world example, 173

code quality instrumentation, 111112

deployment, 225227

DevOps, 115116, 230

environment management, 114115

epics and stories, creating, 111

getting started, 104, 107

goals of, 103

gold copies, 114115

help desks, 116117

for implementation, 119

importance of, 103104

incident management, 117

IT operations, 195196

IT workflow, real-world example, 196

keyman risk, 108

lifecycle management, 109

operations, 116

overview, 21

PMO (project management office), 118

problem escalation, 117118

process modeling, 108

project management, 118

requirements management, 110111

seamless integration, 109110

service desk, 117

systems design, 111

TDD (test-driven development), 113114

test case management, 112113

testing the lifecycle, 112

tool agnosticism, 106

tools for. See Tools, for automation.

use cases, defining, 119

workflow, 108

workflow, continuous deployment, 148150

Automation, build engineering

the application build, 9495

automation tools, 94

build robots, 99

code scans, 100

detection of unauthorized changes, 9697

unit tests, 100

Autonomy, 339


Banking oversight, federal guidelines, 282

Banking systems

change management, real-world example, 165166

continuous deployment, real-world example, 156

Baseball players and mistakes, real-world example, 236

Baselining, 9697

Bimonthly deployments, real-world example, 146147

Blaming, 132133

The blind, real-world example of delivering retrospectives, 238239

Boehm, Barry, 53

Books and publications

Configuration Management Best Practices: Practical Methods that Work in the Real World, 18, 348

The Software Project Manager’s Bridge to Agility, 6

Broderick, Stacia, 6

B-type personality, 331333

Build engineering

in the ALM, 9899

automation. See Automation, build engineering.

baselining, 9697

best practices, 18

build robots, creating, 99100

build tools, 101

building quality in, 100

code scans, 100

compile dependencies, 98

components of the build, 9394

cryptographic hashes, 96

definition, 91

detecting unauthorized changes, 9697

failing fast, 9495

failure, real-world example, 94

getting started, 9293

goals of, 9192

hackers, 95

IDEs (integrated development environments), 93

importance of, 92

independent builds, 99100

instrumenting the code, 101

physical configuration audit, 98

secure trusted base, creating, 9596

stopping the line, 9495

unit tests, 100

version IDs, 9798

Build farms. See CI (continuous integration), build farms.

Build management, cloud-based ALM, 289

Build robots, creating, 99100

Build servers. See CI (continuous integration), build farms.

Build tools, 101

Building quality in, build engineering, 100

Business continuity, 230

Business focus, overview, 1115

Business management, IT operations, 205206

Business silos. See Silo mentality.


CAB (change advisory board), 176, 202. See also CCB (change control board).

Canary deployment, cloud-based ALM real-world example, 290

CASE (computer-aided software engineering), 53

CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange) shut down, real-world example, 329

CCB (change control board), 176, 291. See also CAB (change advisory board).

CD (continuous deployment)

addressing the culture, 141

attended automation, 145

banking system, real-world example, 156

bimonthly deployments, real-world example, 146147

breaking into smaller pieces, 145146

CI (continuous integration), 138

container-based deployment, 144

versus continuous delivery, 22, 139140

copying files, 142

data processing director, real-world example, 149

definition, 22

deployment pipeline, 141142

dress rehearsal, 154155

eliminating problems, real-world example, 41

emergency medical tech, real-world example, 142

environments that mirror production, 152153

ergonomics, 150

failure, 155

getting started, 141

goals of, 139140

Hibernate, real-world example, 153154

identifying dependencies, 152

importance of, 140

Kanban, 148150

Maven, real-world example, 153154

monitoring, real-world example, 152

moving targets, real-world example, 143144

nuclear power plant, real-world example, 150

overview, 22

plan B, 155156

police force, real-world example, 149

practicing, 146147

rapid incremental deployment, 143144

repeatability, 147148

risk assessment, 153154

risk management, 153154

risk management container-based deployment, 144145

sarin gas, real-world example, 154155

smoke testing, 156157

in the software development process, 41

traceability, 147148

training, 147

trusted base, 151152

validation, 150151

verification, 150151

walkthroughs, 154155

WIP (work in progress), 149

workflow automation, 148150

Center for Internet Security (CIS), 209

Centralized service desks, 210


adjusting, 75

in agile process maturity, 62

definition, 12

retrospectives, 245

Change advisory board (CAB), 176, 202. See also CCB (change control board).

Change control

bypassing on mainframe ALM, 301

in the software development process, 47

Change control board (CCB), 176, 291. See also CAB (change advisory board).

Change evaluation, standards and frameworks, 204

Change management

in ALM, 166

best practices, 19

CAB (change advisory board), 176

CCB (change control board), 176

change ecosystem, 167

cloud-based ALM, 290292

collecting feedback, 171172

command center, 169170

communication, 165166

compliance, 164

continuous process improvement, 183184

cross-enterprise coordination, 180181

cross-platform coordination, 180

escalating problems, 172173

event monitoring, 168169

feedback loops, 171

fiefdoms, 181

getting started, 163164, 177

goal of, 22, 161

importance of, 162

incident response, 170172

IT operations, 205206

last responsible moment, 118

normal changes, 175

organizational structure, 176

overview, 22

pre-approved changes, 174, 175

a priori change control, 19

problem management, 172173

problems versus incidents, 172173

publishing changes back to the system. See Rebasing.

QA (quality assurance), 167168

real-world example, 205206

risk assessment, 164165

risk management, 164165

SaaS change control, 182183

SEPG (software engineering process group), 166

in the software development process, 3334

specialized change control, 182

standard changes, 175

standards and frameworks, 202, 205

testing, 167168

traceability, 164

troubleshooting, 169

vendor change control, 182

Change management, change control topology

configuration control, 178179

E-change control, 179180

emergency change control, 179

gatekeeping, 177

normal changes, 180

overview, 176177

preapproved changes, 180

a priori changes, 177

process change control, 179

RFC (requests for change), 177178

SEPG (software engineering process group), 179

standard changes, 180

Change management, process description

change request boards, 174. See also CAB (change advisory board); CCB (change control board).

entry/exit criteria, 174175

overview, 173174

post-implementation reviews, 175. See also Retrospectives.

pre-approved changes, 174

Change management, real-world examples

automation system, 173

banking systems, 165166

collecting feedback, 171172

global incident response, 170

in a government agency, 181

mainframe outage, 171

negative attitudes towards, 163

problems, learning from, 173

QA (quality assurance), 168

service providers, 183

storage, 162

technical debt, 165

troubleshooting, 169

upgrading a GPS, 183

Change planning, software development process requirements, 36

Change request boards, change management, 174

Chaos monkeys, real-world example, 227

Cherry picking, 124

Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) shut down, real-world example, 329

CI (configuration item)

change status, tracking, 202

versus CI (continuous integration), 151n

naming conventions, 203

status accounting, 203

version IDs, embedding, 97

version IDs, verifying, 151

CI (continuous integration)

across the enterprise, 135136

blaming, 132133

build and deploy framework, 129

challenges of, 123124

cherry picking, 124

code reviews, 127

collaboration, 131132

communication, 131132

continuous deployment, 138

definition, 121

deployment, 136

fingering, 132133

getting started, 123

goals of, 121122

identifying milestone releases, 138

importance of, 122123

integrating smaller units, 126

late-binding integration, 122, 124

Lean processes, 137138

left-shift preflight builds, 129

merges, problems with, 125

overview, 2122

preflight builds, 129

principles of, 123

rapid iterative development, 8687

real-world example, 40

rebasing, 125

right-shift preflight builds, 129

server, selecting, 134135

in the software development process, 39

testing, 136

traceability, 130131

training and support, 136

tuning, 137138

vendor-provided resources, 129

version control, 124125

CI (continuous integration)

versus CI (configuration item), 151n

CI (continuous integration), build farms

cloud computing, 128129

definition, 127

ON-PREM (on premises) hypervisors, 128129

real-world example, 128

virtualization, 128129

CI (continuous integration), frequency

benefits of, 126127

best practices, 124125

broken builds, fixing, 127

finding issues, 126

nightly builds, 133134

problems, fixing, 126127

CI (continuous integration), real-world examples

build farms, 128

information overload, 131

merges, 122

off-shore support and collaboration, 132

process managers, 137

stock trading, 124

tax preparation, 134

CI (continuous integration), tools for

CI server, selecting, 134135

shared repositories, selecting, 135

CIRT (critical incident response team), 189190

CIS (Center for Internet Security), 209

Cloud capabilities, 287288

Cloud-based ALM

build farms, 128129

change management, 290292

cloud capabilities, 287288

CMDB (configuration management database), 296

community editions of vendor tools, 287

cost control, 296

customer interface, 293294

development environments, 295

DevOps, 296

DML (definitive media library), 296

environment management, 295296

getting started, 286287

goals of, 285286

gold copies, 295296

importance of, 286

IT operations, 209

iterative development, 293

managing the lifecycle, 292

overview, 2425

PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service), 287

planning, 296

risk management, 294

SaaS (Software-as-a-Service), 287, 293

seamless integrations, 292293

service provider change notification, 291

SLAs (service-level agreements), 294

test environments, 295

tools, 292

Cloud-based ALM, developing in the cloud

build management, 289

canary deployment, real-world example, 290

deployment, 290

nonrepudiation, 290

overview, 288

release engineering, 289290

source code management, 288289

Cloud-based ALM, real-world examples

bad service, 292

upselling, 292

CM (configuration management)

assessment, 263

in ISACA Cobit, 205

source code management, 1718

CMDB (configuration management database), 115, 296

Cobit as framework for IT controls, 280

Code quality instrumentation, automating, 111112

Code reviews, CI (continuous integration), 127

Code scans, 100

Collaboration. See also Communication; DevOps.

CI (continuous integration), 131132

DevOps developers and operations, 216218

off-shore support, real-world example, 132

Collective unconscious, 318319

Command center for change management, 169170

Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software, 32

Commercial tools versus open source, 106107

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO), 279

Communication. See also Collaboration; DevOps; Personality and ALM.

anecdote: the ship and the lighthouse, 45

change management, 165166

CI (continuous integration), 131132

delivering bad news, 238

with management, real-world example, 1415

planning, 197198

rhythms, 319

siloed mentality, 4445

with stakeholders, 4445

styles, 317

transparency to senior management. See IT governance.

up the chain of command, 264265

Compile dependencies, build engineering, 98

Complexity management

rapid iterative development, 86

in the software development process, 3334

Compliance, change management, 164

Comprehensive processes, agile process maturity, 6667

Computer-aided software engineering (CASE), 53

Configuration audits, 203, 228

Configuration change control, standards and frameworks, 203

Configuration control, 178179, 228

Configuration identification, standards and frameworks, 203

Configuration item (CI). See CI (configuration item).

Configuration management (CM). See CM (configuration management).

Configuration Management Best Practices: Practical Methods that Work in the Real World, 18, 348

Configuration management database (CMDB), 115, 296

Configuration verification, standards and frameworks, 203

Conflicts, DevOps developers and operations, 216

Consensus within the agile community, agile process maturity, 71


across the enterprise, agile process maturity, 7879

of purpose, 48

Container-based deployment, 144145, 227228

Continuous delivery

versus continuous deployment, 22, 139140

feature toggle, 22, 139

hiding new features from the users. See Feature toggle.

in the software development process, 41

Continuous deployment (CD). See CD (continuous deployment).

Continuous integration (CI). See CI (continuous integration).

Continuous process improvement. See also Retrospectives, as process improvement.

agile process maturity, 69, 79

change management, 183184

DevOps, 231

IT governance, 270

IT operations, 200

in the software development process, 48

Continuous testing, 311

Controlled isolation, rapid iterative development, 8586

Copying files, continuous deployment, 142

Core configuration management, overview, 1721

Corporate politics, retrospectives, 245

COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations), 279

Cost control, cloud-based ALM, 296

COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) software, 32

Crisis management, retrospectives, 243244

Critical incident response team (CIRT), 189190

Cross-enterprise coordination, change management, 180181

Cross-functional teams, 220221

Cross-platform coordination, change management, 180

Cryptographic hashes, 96

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 335336

Customer collaboration, in agile ALM, 5859

Customer interface, cloud-based ALM, 293294

Customers, retrospective participation, 240

Cutting corners, real-world example, 44

Cybersecurity and the future of ALM, 348349


Data processing director, real-world example, 149

Database administrators, real-world example of communication with, 198

The deaf, real-world example of delivering retrospectives, 238239

Defect triage with retrospectives, 243

Defects, linking to requirements, 110

Definitive media library (DML), 115, 296

Delivering on time within budget, agile process maturity, 77

Deming, W. Edwards

consistency of purpose, 48

importance of healthy behaviors, 335336

productivity, 78

quality management, 7778

testing versus building quality in, 7778

Deming, W. Edwards, driving out fear

agile transformation, 72

communicating up the chain of command, 265

communicating with stakeholders, 44

fear of criticism, 224

organizational culture, 328

planning, 68

testing requirements, 34

Dependencies, identifying for continuous deployment, 152

Dependency control, DevOps, 227228


automating, 225227

automation, DevOps, 225

best practices, 2021

CI (continuous integration), 129, 136

cloud-based ALM, 290

continuous. See CD (continuous deployment).

goal of, 21

rolling back a promotion, 2021

Deployment pipeline, 141142, 225227

Designing circuit chips, real-world example, 58

Designing systems, in the software development process, 3738

Developer and operations collaboration, real-world example, 217, 218

Developer view, on transitioning from hybrid agile to agile, 256

Developers, retrospective participation, 240

Developing software. See Software development process.

Development environments, cloud-based ALM, 295

Development lifecycle, versus ALM, 9


agile development, 221222

automating, 115116

automating deployment, 225227

automation, 230

business continuity, 230

cloud-based ALM, 296

complexity, 230

configuration audits, 228

configuration control, 228

container-based deployments, 227228

continuous process improvement, 231

cross-functional teams, 220221

for customers, 59

dependency control, 227228

deployment automation, 225

deployment pipeline, 225227

developers and operations, collaboration and conflicts, 216218

in development, 224227

disaster recovery, 230

document review, 218

driving out silo mentality, 119

getting started, 214215

goals of, 213

implementing, 215216

importance of, 214

information security, 229

infrastructure as code, 229230

IT operations, 200

knowledge management, 219220

mainframe ALM, 302

managing power and influence, 321323

microservices, 227

need for rapid change, 218219

organizational ecosystem, 222223

overview, 23

positive psychology, 342344

QA (quality assurance), 229

retrospectives, 241

secure trusted application base, 228

in the software development process, 4344

stakeholders, earlier involvement, 223224

team size, 219

two-pizza theory, 219

waterfall development, 222

DevOps, moving the process upstream

left-shift, 223224

overview, 223

right-shift, 224

DevOps, real-world examples

AFB (American Foundation for the Blind), 218

attended automation, 226

chaos monkeys, 227

cross-functional teams, 221

deployment automation, 226

developer and operations collaboration, 217, 218

DevOps in development, 225

document review, 218

earlier team involvement, 223

getting started, 214, 215

implementing DevOps, 215216

knowledge management, 220

management, effects on team behavior, 221

moving the process upstream, 223

team size, 219

two-pizza theory, 219

volleyball behaviors, 221

waterfall development, 222

DevOps in development, real-world example, 225

Disaster recovery, 230

Disciplined Agile Delivery, 347

Disk space shortage, troubleshooting, 189

DML (definitive media library), 115, 296

Document review, 218


agile ALM, 60

on an ambulance, real-world example, 12

requirements for transitioning from hybrid agile to agile, 257

in the software development process, 4243

working software over comprehensive documentation, 56, 110111

writing, real-world example, 43

Dress rehearsal, continuous deployment, 154155

Driving out fear

agile transformation, 72

communicating up the chain of command, 265

communicating with stakeholders, 44

fear of criticism, 224

organizational culture, 328

planning, 68

testing requirements, 34

Dysfunctional agile, agile process maturity, 65


Eccentric behavior in the workplace, 333335

E-change control, 179180

Embedding testers, 312

Emergency change control, 179

Emergency medical tech, real-world example, 142

Emperor’s New Clothes, anecdote, 7172


agile process maturity, 7879

cross-enterprise change management, 180181

Environment management

automating, 114115

best practices, 19

cloud-based ALM, 295296

overview, 19

Epics and stories

agile process maturity, 70

automating creation of, 111

definition, 70

in the software development process, 36

Ergonomics, continuous deployment, 150

Escalating problems, change management, 172173

Event monitoring, change management, 168169


definition, 168

monitoring, 188189

External audits, 277

Extremism in the workplace, 333335


Facilitating training, in the software development process, 4748

Facilities management, IT operations, 207

Failing fast, definition, 9495

False positives, 9697

Family vacation, real-world example of hybrid agile, 255

Feature toggle, 22, 139

Federal guidelines. See Audit and regulatory compliance, federal guidelines.


change management, real-world example, 171172

from change management, 171172

Feedback loops, change management, 171

Fiefdoms, change management, 181

Financial systems infrastructure, real-world example, 14

Fingering, 132133

Finley, Michael, 332

FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.), 280


aligning software to, real-world example, 84

development, agile process maturity, 80

Five-factor model of intergroup conflict, 323324

Fixed timebox sprints, 5758

Fixing what isn’t broken, real-world example in retrospectives, 235

Flooding in an IT facility, real-world example, 207

Football player, real-world example of retrospectives, 236237

Friedman, Meyer, 331

Functional requirements, 3536

Functional testing, 39

Future of ALM, 347349


GAO (Government Accountability Office), 281282

Gatekeeping, 177

Gold copies, 114115, 295296

Government agency, real-world example of change management, 181

GPS upgrade, real-world example of change management, 183

Group dynamics. See Personality and ALM, group dynamics.


Hackers, 95

Hardware development, agile process maturity, 80

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) (1966), 280281

Hedge fund trading systems, real-world examples

IT governance, 268

IT operations, 188

Help desks. See also Service desks.

automating, 116117

avatars, real-world example, 194195

real-world example, 193

virtual, real-world example, 194195

Help desks, IT operations

developers on, 195

overview, 192193

remote work, 194

virtual, 193195

Hibernate, real-world example, 153154

Hidden agile, real-world example, 250

Hierarchy of needs and drives, 339

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) (1966), 280281

Hybrid agile

coexisting with non-agile projects, 68

definition, 15, 249

getting started, 250251

goals of, 249

importance of, 250

pragmatic choices, 251

versus waterfall method, 251252, 254, 256

Hybrid agile, real-world examples

family vacation, 255

hidden agile, 250

making a baby in one month, 254

management decision making, 258

measuring agility, 252

Hybrid agile, transitioning to agile

agile disasters, 255

choosing an agile pilot, 253

decisions at last responsible moment, 257

defining requirements, 254

developer view, 256

documenting requirements, 257

information radiators, 256

IT governance requirements, 258

mature agile, 258

organizational ecosystem, 257258

overview, 252253

securing sensitive information, 256

technology risk, 257

tracking progress, 255

versus waterfall method, 256


IDEs (integrated development environments), 93

Immature processes, recognizing, 72

Incident escalation, real-world example, 199

Incident management, automating, 117

Incident response, 170172, 190

Incidents. See also Problems.

CIRT (critical incident response team), 189190

escalating, 198200

identifying with retrospectives, 242243

IT operations, 212

monitoring, 189190

versus problems, 172173

retrospectives, 236237

Information overload, real-world example, 131

Information radiators, 256

Information security, DevOps, 229

Infrastructure as code, 229230

In-group behaviors, 320321

Instrumenting code, 101

Insurance company use of RAD, real-world example, 53

Integrated development environments (IDEs), 93

Integration across the enterprise

coordinating across systems, 307

enterprise ecosystem, 308

getting started, 306307

goals of, 305

importance of, 305306

interfaces, 307308

multiplatform, 307

overview, 25

procurement and standards, real-world example, 306

release coordination, 308

Intergroup conflict. See Personality and ALM, intergroup conflict.

Internal audits, 275276

International corporations, cultures of, 317

Introspection and the postmortem, 327329

ISACA Cobit, 205, 281

ISO 12207, 3031

ISO 15288, 32

IT controls, audit and regulatory compliance, 275276

IT governance

agile process maturity, 6768, 7576

audit and regulatory compliance, 271

communicating up the chain of command, 264265

continuous process improvement, 270

delays, 268269

getting started, 262263

goals of, 261262

importance of, 262

learning from mistakes, 270

organizational ecosystem, 270

overview, 23

requirements for transitioning hybrid agile to agile, 258

retrospectives, 244

risk management, 266267

scalability and resources, 268

time and resource management, 267268

workload assessment, 265266

IT governance, real-world examples

configuration management assessment, 263

hedge funds, 268

police force, 265

reporting risks, 267

senior management, best practices, 270

senior management, decision making, 263

senior management, role of, 264

tool selection, 266

trading firms, 268

IT governance, senior management

communicating up the chain of command, 264265

decision making, 263

excessive direct involvement, 269

reporting risks, 267, 269

IT operations

application management, 208

automating, 116

automation, 195196

business management, 205206

change management, 205206

CIRT (critical incident response team), 189190

CIS (Center for Internet Security), 209

cloud based, 209

communication planning, 197

continuous process improvement, 200

controls, 206

DevOps, 200

facilities management, 207

getting started, 186187

goals of, 185186

importance of, 186

incident escalation, 198200

incidents, 212

interfacing with vendor operations, 209

knowledge management, 195196, 212

management, 206207

middleware support, 208

organizational silos, 197

outsourcing, 209

overview, 2223

problem escalation, 198200

problems, 212

product management, 205206

production support, 191192

retrospective participation, 241

security, 208209

shared services, 208

technical management, 206

workflow automation, 196

IT operations, help desks. See also IT operations, service desks.

developers on, 195

overview, 192193

remote work, 194

virtual, 193194

virtual world, 194195

IT operations, monitoring the environment

events, 188189

incidents, 189190

problem management, 190191

IT operations, real-world examples

agile principles, 210

agile service catalog, 186

change management, 205206

communication planning, 197198

database administrators, communication with, 198

escalating problems and incidents, 199

fixing what’s not broken, 187

flooding, 207

hedge fund trading systems, 188

help desk avatars, 194195

help desks, 193

incident response, 190

IT facilities management, 207

KCG (Knight Capital Group), 187

knowledge management, 195196

mainframe programmers, 191192

offshoring production support, 191192

outsourcing service desks, 211212

rebooting the system, 190

segregation of duties, 207

standards and frameworks, 201

troubleshooting disk space shortage, 189

VCS (version control system) failure, 197

virtual help desks, 194195

workflow automation, 196

working across time zones, 193

IT operations, service desks. See also IT operations, help desks.

agile principles, 210

centralized, 210

outsourcing, 211212

overview, 210

specialized, 211

staffing, 211212

vendor escalation, 211

virtual, 211

IT operations, standards and frameworks

CAB (change advisory board), 202

change evaluation, 204

change management, 205

change management processes, 202

configuration audit, 203

configuration change control, 203

configuration identification, 203

configuration management, 205

configuration verification, 203

ISACA Cobit, 205

ITIL v3, 201204

knowledge management, 204205

need for, 201

overview, 201

RCV (release control and validation framework). See ITIL v3.

RDM (release and deployment management), 203204

request fulfillment, 204

SACM (service asset and configuration management), 202203

SCMP (software configuration management plan), 203

service management processes. See ITIL v3.

status accounting, 203

Items on the left, agile manifesto, 56

Items on the right, agile manifesto, 56

Iterative development, 1617, 293

ITIL, retrospectives, 242243

ITIL v3, 201204


Jung, Carl, 319


Kanban, in continuous deployment, 148150

KCG (Knight Capital Group), real-world example, 187

Keyman risk, 108, 317

Knowledge base, creating in the software development process, 4748

Knowledge management

DevOps, 219220

IT operations, 212

real-world example, 195196

standards and frameworks, 204205


Last responsible moment

decisions on transitioning from hybrid agile to agile, 257

definition, 118, 257

planning decisions, 68

Late-binding integration, 122, 124

Law enforcement, real-world process maturity example, 66

Lean processes, CI (continuous integration), 137138

Learned complacency, 329331

Learned helplessness, 325327

Leffingwell, Dean, 347


moving the process upstream, 223224

preflight builds, 129

Lifecycle management

automating, 109

cloud-based ALM, 292

Lifecycle phases, defining in the software development process, 4142

Lifecycle testing, automating, 112

Lifeguard rule, QA and testing real-world example, 310

The lighthouse and the ship, anecdote, 45


Mainframe ALM

DevOps, 302

getting started, 300302

goals of, 299

importance of, 299300

overview, 25

Mainframe ALM, real-world examples

bypassing change control, 301

defining the ALM, 300301

mainframe culture, 300

outages, 171

programmers, 191192

root access, 302

tribal knowledge, 300301

Mainframe culture, 300

Maintenance and bugfixes, in the software development process, 46

Maintenance of the lifecycle, in the software development process, 47

Making a baby in one month, hybrid agile real-world example, 254

Management. See also Senior management.

decision making, hybrid agile real-world example, 258

effects on team behavior, real-world example, 221

traits of strong leaders, 336

Marketing the new agile approach, 79

Martin, James, 53

Maslow, Abraham, 339

Mature agile

hybrid agile, transitioning to agile, 258

one CIO’s view of agile process maturity, real-world example, 73

Mature processes versus fluid, 1617

Maven, real-world example, 153154

Measuring agility, real-world example, 252

Meetings, retrospectives, 241


continuous integration problems with, 125

real-world example, 122


measuring agility, real-world example, 252

measuring the ALM, 7980

PMO (project management office) metrics, 80

retrospectives, 245

Microservices, 227

Middleware support, IT operations, 208

Milestone releases, identifying, 138


as feedback loops, retrospectives, 236, 237

management reaction to, 327

Mistakes, learning from

crises as opportunities, 48

IT governance, 270

in a police force, real-world example, 52

positive psychology of, 340342

Monitoring continuous deployment, real-world example, 152

Motivation through threats, 334

Moving the process upstream

left-shift, 223224

overview, 223

real-world example, 223

right-shift, 224


New York Stock Exchange crash, 9798

Nonfunctional requirements, 36

Nonrepudiation, 290

Normal changes, 175, 180

Nuclear power plant

continuous deployment, real-world example, 150

testing, real-world example, 39


OCC (Office of the Comptroller of the Currency), 282

OCEAN (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism) model of intergroup conflict, 323324

Off-shore support and collaboration, real-world example, 132

Offshoring production support, real-world example, 191192

ON-PREM (on premises) hypervisors, 128129

Open source tools versus commercial, 106107

Operations. See IT operations.

Organizational culture, agile ALM, 5152

Out-group behaviors, 320321


IT operations, 209

service desks, 211212

Overly agreeable people, 323325

Oxley, Michael, 278


PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service), 287

Paradigm shift for agile ALM, 5152

Personality and ALM

archetypes, 319

collective unconscious, 318319

communication rhythms, 319

communication styles, 317

goals of, 315

importance of, 315316

international corporations, 317

keyman risk, 317

managerial conflicts, real-world example, 316

organizational structures, 317318

in retrospectives, 237

role of, overview, 26

Personality and ALM, getting started

organizational psyche, 318319

understanding the culture, 316318

Personality and ALM, group dynamics

driving out silos, 320321

in-group and out-group behaviors, 320321

managing power and influence, 321323

overview, 320

Personality and ALM, intergroup conflict

desired personality traits, 328

five-factor model, 323324

introspection and the postmortem, 327329

learned helplessness, 325327

management reaction to mistakes, 327

OCEAN (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism) model, 323324

overly agreeable people, 323325

Personality and ALM, positive psychology

autonomy, 339

benefits of, 335337

in DevOps, 342344

hierarchy of needs and drives, 339

learning from mistakes, 340342

pillars of, 337338

team motivation, 339340

traits of strong leaders, 336

Personality and ALM, stress management

aggressive team members, 331333

eccentric behavior in the workplace, 333335

extremism in the workplace, 333335

learned complacency, 329331

motivation through threats, 334

personality types, 331333

type A and B personalities, 331333

Personality types, 331333

Physical configuration audit, 98, 115

Pilot system. See Proof of technology.


agile process maturity, 6869

as a barrier to efficiency, 5

cloud-based ALM, 296

testing processes, 311313

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), 287

Platforms, cross-platform change management, 180

PMO (project management office)

automating, 118

metrics, 80

POC (proof-of-concept), 106, 119

Police force, real-world examples

continuous deployment, 149

IT governance, 265

Positive psychology. See Personality and ALM, positive psychology.

Postmortems, introspection, 327329

Preapproved changes, 174, 175, 180

Preflight builds, 129

Principles, of agile process maturity, 6465

Probing and questioning, retrospectives, 241

Problem escalation

automating, 117118

IT operations, 198200

real-world example, 199

Problem management

change management, 172173

CIRT (critical incident response team), 189190

Problems. See also Incidents.

CIRT (critical incident response team), 189190

escalating, 198200

identifying with retrospectives, 242243

versus incidents, 172173

IT operations, 212

learning from, real-world example, 173

monitoring, 189191

versus problems, 172173

retrospectives, 236237

Process change control, 179

Process managers, real-world example, 137

Process maturity. See Agile process maturity.

Process modeling, automating, 108


adjusting ceremony, 75

testing, 39

Product management, IT operations, 205206

Production support

IT operations, 191192

in the software development process, 4546

Productivity, improving through audit and regulatory compliance, 283

Project management, automating, 118

Project management office (PMO)

automating, 118

metrics, 80

Proof of technology, real-world example, 8

Proof-of-concept (POC), 106, 119

Psychology of personality. See Personality and ALM, positive psychology.

Publishing changes back to the system. See Rebasing.

Purity measure, agile process maturity, 64


QA (quality assurance). See also Testing.

change management, 167168

continuous testing, 311

DevOps, 229

ensuring quality, 313314

getting started, 310311

goals of, 309

importance of, 309310

overview, 25

planning the testing process, 311313

test cases, creating, 313

withholding information from, real-world example, 113

QA (quality assurance), real-world examples

bypassing quality assurance, 311

embedding testers, 312

first rule for lifeguards, 310

testing framework, creating, 312


building in, build engineering, 100

building in versus testing, 77

improving through audit and regulatory compliance, 283


RAD (rapid application development), 5254

Rapid incremental deployment, 143144

Rapid iterative development

agile ALM, 5253

in ALM, overview, 17

CI (continuous integration), 8687

controlled isolation, 8586

designing architecture, 87

development view, 85

getting started, 8485

goals of, 83

importance of, 84

managing complexity, 86

technical risk, 85, 87

technology, 87

VCS (version control system), 87

RDM (release and deployment management), 203204

Repeatability, continuous deployment, 147148

Rebasing, 125

Rebooting the system, real-world example, 190

Recognition by the agile community, agile process maturity, 7071

Red tape. See Ceremony.

Regulatory compliance. See Audit and regulatory compliance.

Release engineering, cloud-based ALM, 289290

Release management

best practices, 1920

goal of, 20

overview, 1920

Repeatable processes, agile process maturity, 7677

Request fulfillment, standards and frameworks, 204

Requests for change (RFCs), 177178


agile ALM, 5960

agile process maturity, 6970

ALM effect on, 1213

for audit and regulatory compliance, 283

linking to defects, 110

in the software development process. See Software development process, requirements.

tracking to test cases, 110

for transitioning from hybrid agile to agile, 254, 257

Requirements management, automating, 110111

Resource and time management, IT governance, 267268

Responding to change over valuing a plan, 56, 118

Retrospectives. See also Reviews.

audit and regulatory compliance, 244

corporate politics, 245

as crisis management, 243244

defect triage, 243

DevOps, cross-functional view, 241

epics and stories, 241

getting started, 234

goals of, 234

importance of, 234

incidents and problems, 242243

as leadership, 241242

metrics and measurement, 245

overview, 23

probing and questioning, 241

red tape, 245

risk management, 244

running the meeting, 241

supporting IT governance, 244

supporting ITIL, 242243

use cases, 241242

vendor management, 244245

Retrospectives, as process improvement. See also Continuous process improvement.

assessing success, 235236

delivering bad news, 238

incidents and problems, 236237

mistakes as feedback loops, 236, 237

overview, 235

personality factors, 237

Retrospectives, delivery modes

online, 239

in person, 238239

teleconference, 239

video conferencing, 239

virtual worlds, 239240

Retrospectives, participant perspective

customers, 240

developers, 240

operations, 241

testers, 240

Retrospectives, real-world examples

baseball players and mistakes, 236

delivery by the blind or deaf, 238239

fixing what isn’t broken, 235

football player, 236237

mistakes as feedback loops, 236

Reviews. See also Retrospectives.

after change management, 175

code, 127

document, 218

post-implementation, 175

RFCs (requests for change), 177178


moving the process upstream, 224

preflight builds, 129

Risk assessment

change management, 164165

continuous deployment, 153154

vendor risks, 32

Risk management

change management, 164165

cloud-based ALM, 294

continuous deployment, 153154

IT governance, 266267

retrospectives, 244

self-administered risk assessment surveys, 280


from a business focus, 1315

cloud-based resources, 129

keyman, 108

reporting, real-world example, 267

technical risk, rapid iterative development, 85, 87

vendor-provided resources, 129

Robbins, Harvey, 332

Root access, mainframe ALM, 302

Rosenman, Ray, 331

Royce, Winston, 256

Rubin, Ken, 347


SaaS (Software-as-a-Service), 287, 293

SaaS change control, change management, 182183

SACM (service asset and configuration management), 202203

SAFE (Scaled Agile Framework), 347

Sarbanes, Paul, 278

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 278280

Sarin gas, real-world example of continuous deployment, 154155


agile process maturity, 66, 77

and resources, IT governance, 268

Scientific Management, 10

SCMP (software configuration management plan), 203

Scope, of ALM, 9

Scope creep, real-world example, 11

SDLC (software development life cycle), 29. See also ALM (application lifecycle management); Software development process.

developing, real-world example, 42

managing, real-world example, 30

overview, 1011

versus software development process, 2931

versus systems development, 32

Seamless integrations, cloud-based ALM, 292293

Secure trusted base

creating, 9596

DevOps, 228

Securities firms, federal guidelines on oversight of, 280


CIS (Center for Internet Security), 209

cryptographic hashes, 96

cybersecurity and the future of ALM, 348349

detecting unauthorized changes, 9697

false positives, 9697

hackers, 95

information security, DevOps, 229

IT operations, 208209

physical configuration audit, 98, 115

securing sensitive information, 256

Segregation of duties, real-world example, 207

Self correction, agile process maturity, 79

Seligman, Martin, 326, 335336, 337, 343

Senior management of banking, federal guidelines on responsibility, 278280. See also Management.

Senior management of IT governance

communicating up the chain of command, 264265

decision making, 263

excessive direct involvement, 269

reporting risks, 267, 269

Senior management of IT governance, real-world examples

best practices, 270

decision making, 263

role of, 264

SEPG (software engineering process group), 47, 166, 179

Service asset and configuration management (SACM), 202203

Service desk, automating, 117

Service desks. See also Help desks.

agile principles, 210

centralized, 210

outsourcing, 211212

overview, 210

specialized, 211

staffing, 211212

vendor escalation, 211

virtual, 211

Service providers, real-world example of change management, 183

Service-level agreements (SLAs), 294

Shared services, IT operations, 208

The ship and the lighthouse, anecdote, 45

Silo mentality

business silos, overview, 13

communication, 4445

driving out, 119, 320321

IT operations, 197

when selecting automation tools, 119

SLAs (service-level agreements), 294

Sliger, Michele, 6

Smoke testing, continuous deployment, 156157

Software, real-world example of aligning to firmware, 84

Software configuration management plan (SCMP), 203

Software delivery lifecycle, versus ALM, 7

Software development life cycle (SDLC). See SDLC (software development life cycle).

Software development process. See also ALM (application lifecycle management); SDLC (software development life cycle).

change control, 47

CI (continuous integration), 39

continuous delivery, 41

continuous deployment, 41

continuous process improvement, 48

creating the knowledge base, 4748

creating the right size process, 46

cutting corners, real-world example, 44

designing systems, 3738

DevOps, 4344

documentation, 4243

facilitating training, 4748

lifecycle phases, defining, 4142

maintenance and bugfixes, 46

maintenance of the lifecycle, 47

production support, 4546

SEPG (software engineering process group), 47

software development, 38

technical debt, 46

Software development process, defining

change management, 3334

complexity management, 3334

COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) software, 32

epics and stories, 36

getting started, 29

goals of, 2728

importance of, 28

SDLC (software development life cycle), 29

versus SDLC (software development life cycle), 2931

test cases, real-world example, 35

use cases, 3536

vendor risk analysis, 32

Software development process, requirements

change planning, 36

defining, 3233

functional, 3536

nonfunctional, 36

testing, 35

validity, 34

workflow for defining, 37

Software development process, testing. See also QA (quality assurance); TDD (test-driven development); Testing.

applications, 39

functional, 39

nuclear power plants, real-world example, 39

overview, 3839

processes, 39

unit, 39

Software engineering process group (SEPG), 47, 166, 179

The Software Project Manager’s Bridge to Agility, 6

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), 287, 293

Source code management

best practices, 1718

cloud-based ALM, 288289

goal of, 18

overview, 1718

Specialized change control, 182

Specialized service desks, 211

Staffing service desks, 211212


communicating with, 4445

earlier involvement, 223224

Standard changes, 175, 180

Standards and frameworks

agile process maturity, 68

common lifecycle processes. See ISO 15288.

for IT operations. See IT operations, standards and frameworks.

real-world example, 201

software lifecycle processes. See ISO 12207.

Status accounting, standards and frameworks, 203

Stock trading, real-world continuous integration example, 124

Stopping the line

build engineering, 9495

TDD (test-driven development), 37

Storage, real-world example of change management, 162

Stories. See Epics and stories.

Stress management. See Personality and ALM, stress management.

Sullivan, Harry Stack, 333

Systems delivery lifecycle, versus ALM, 7

Systems design, automating, 111

Systems development, versus SDLC, 32

Systems thinking, definition, 25


Tax preparation, continuous integration real-world example, 134

Taylor, Winslow, 10

TDD (test-driven development). See also Testing.

automated test scripts, 37

automating, 113114

overview, 37

stopping the line, 37

Teams. See also Personality and ALM.

aggressive team members, 331333

cross-functional, 220221

earlier involvement, 223224. See also Moving the process upstream.

management, effects on team behavior, 221

motivating, 339340

optimal size, 219

two-pizza theory of team size, 219

Technical debt

change management, real-world example, 165

in the software development process, 46

Technical management, IT operations, 206

Technical risk, rapid iterative development, 85, 87

Technology, rapid iterative development, 87

Technology risk, transitioning from hybrid agile to agile, 257

Terminology pollution, 140

Test case management, automating, 112113

Test cases. See also Use cases.

linking to defects, 110

real-world example, 35

tracking requirements to, 109

for trading systems, real-world example, 70

user written, 5960

Test environments, cloud-based ALM, 295

Test-driven development (TDD). See TDD (test-driven development).


embedding, 312

retrospective participation, 240

withholding information from, real-world example, 113

Testing. See also QA (quality assurance); Software development process, testing; TDD (test-driven development).

change management, 167168

CI (continuous integration), 136

continuous testing, 311

ensuring quality, 313314

getting started, 310311

goals of, 309

importance of, 309310

overview, 25

planning the testing process, 311313

requirements, 35

test cases, creating, 313

testing framework, creating, 312

Testing, real-world examples

bypassing testing, 311

embedding testers, 312

first rule for lifeguards, 310

Time and motion studies, 10

Time and resource management, IT governance, 267268

Time zones, working across, 193

Tool agnosticism, 106


for CI (continuous integration), 134135

cloud-based ALM, 287, 292

selecting for IT governance, real-world example, 266

Tools, for automation

build engineering, 101

commercial versus open source, 106107

evaluating, 106, 119. See also POC (proof-of-concept).

keeping current, 120

POC (proof-of-concept), 106, 119

scope of, 109

seamless integration, 109110

selecting, 119

tool agnosticism, 106

uses for, 94


agile process maturity, 67

change management, 164

CI (continuous integration), 130131

continuous deployment, 147148

Trading firms, real-world example of IT governance, 268

Training and support

CI (continuous integration), 136

continuous deployment, 147

programs, developing, 120

Transitioning to agile. See Hybrid agile, transitioning to agile.

Transparency, agile process maturity, 67, 76

Tribal knowledge, mainframe ALM, 300301

Troubleshooting, real-world examples

change management, 169

disk space shortage, 189

Trusted base, continuous deployment, 151152

Tuning, CI (continuous integration), 137138

Two-pizza theory of team size, 219

Type A and B personalities, 331333


Unauthorized changes, detecting, 9697

Unit testing, 39

Unit tests, build engineering, 100

Upselling from cloud-based ALM, real-world examples, 292

Use cases. See also Test cases.

automating creating of, 119

definition, 3536

retrospectives, 241242

User stories. See Epics and stories.

Utilities. See Tools.


Validation, continuous deployment, 150151

Validity, requirements, 34

VCS (version control system), 87, 124125, 197

Vendor change control, 182

Vendor management

agile process maturity, 80

with retrospectives, 244245

Vendor operations, interfacing with

escalating problems, 211

IT operations, 209

Vendor relationships, 120

Vendor-provided resources, CI (continuous integration), 129

Verification, continuous deployment, 150151

Version control

CI (continuous integration), 124125

real-world example, 63

VCS (version control system), 87, 124125, 197

Version IDs, build engineering, 9798

Virtual help desks, 193194

Virtualization, build farms, 128129

Volleyball behaviors, real-world example, 221


Walkthroughs, continuous deployment, 154155

Waterfall development

DevOps, 222

dysfunctional processes, 7374

versus hybrid agile, 251252, 254, 256

pitfalls, 7374

predicting the future, 16

real-world example, 222

Winston, Royce, 57, 73

WIP (work in progress), 149

Workflow, defining requirements, 37

Workflow automation

continuous deployment, 148150

overview, 108

Working software over comprehensive documentation, 56, 110111

Workload assessment, IT governance, 265266

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