
Many people assisted me during the writing and publishing of this book, beginning with a family who tolerates my obsession with writing and broadcasting about configuration management and application lifecycle management best practices. I also need to acknowledge the amazing folks at Addison-Wesley, especially Chris Guizikowski who graciously supported my insatiable requests for books and online materials to read during my writing and gently nudged me to get this work completed. I also have to thank the many thousands of colleagues who collaborate with me on the ground implementing these best practices and all those who shared their thoughts and ideas online. I especially want to thank the thousands of people who have written to me commenting on the books and articles that I have written over what has been more than a decade. Writing, for me, is a team sport, and I am grateful for everyone who connected with me via the various social networks and especially everyone who dropped me a note commenting on what I had written. I have learned from each one of these exchanges, and I am grateful for your collaboration and collegiality.

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