
AAD Area air defense

ADI Air defense interceptor

ADM Air defense missile

ADP Architecture design proposal

AMD Air and missile defense

AOA Angle of attack

BAT Battlespace assessment tool

BCW Body–canard–wing

BEAT Battlespace engineering assessment tool

BECO Booster engine cut-off

BMD Ballistic missile defense

BMP Battle management processor

BMS Battle management system

BT Body–tail

BWT Body–wing–tail

CCM Configuration control management

CDR Critical design review

CDS Central defense system

CFA Crossed-field amplifier

CLS Communication link system

CONOPS Concept of operations

CPI Coherent processing interval

CW Continuous wave

dB Decibel

dBsm dB square meter

DPO Defense penetration options

DPT Defense penetration technique

DRFM Digital RF memory

ECC Engagement control computer

ECEF Earth-centered earth-fixed

ECIC Earth-centered inertial Cartesian

ECM Electronic counter measures

ECS Engagement computer system

EM Electromagnetic

EO Electro-optical

ESFC Earth surface fixed Cartesian

EW Electronic warfare

FCS Fire-control system

FOS Family of systems

FOV Field of view

FSS Frequency selective surface

GHz Gigahertz

GIA Guidance integrated airframe

GIC Guidance integrated control

GIN Guidance integrated noise

GIT Guidance integrated target

GLONASS Global navigation satellite system

GPS Global positioning system

GNC Guidance, navigation, and control

HE Heading error

HEW High-energy weapon

IBW Instantaneous bandwidth

ID Identification

IFF Identification friend or foe

IPT Integrated product team

IR Infrared

IRU Inertial reference unit

ISR Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance

kW Kilowatt

LAR Lifecycle assessment reviews

LCIC Launch-centered inertial cartesian

LLV Locally level vehicle

LNA Low noise amplifier

LOAL Lock-on after launch

LOBL Lock-on before launch

LOS Line of sight

LR Long range

m Meter

MHz Megahertz

μs Microsecond

MITL Man in the loop

MNS Mission needs statement

MOE Measure of effectiveness

MR Medium range

MRBM Medium-range ballistic missile

MTI Moving target indicator

MW Megawatt

NED North–east–down

OCR Operational capability review

ORE Oblate rotating earth

ORR Operational readiness review

PAC Patriot advanced capability

PD Pulse Doppler

PDR Preliminary design review

PIP Predicted-intercept-point

Pk Probability of kill

PN Proportional navigation

PRF Pulse repetition frequency

PSD Power spectral density

Pssk Probability of single-shot kill

RAM Radar-absorbing material

RCS radar cross section

RDR Retirement and disposal review

RF Radio frequency

RFP Request for proposal

S Shoot

SAR Semi-active radar

SCU Servo control unit

SDD System design documents

SE Systems engineering

SEMP Systems engineering management plan

SER Systems engineering review

SLS Shoot–Look–Shoot

S/N Signal-to-noise

SOS System of systems

SR Short range

SRBM Short-range ballistic missile

SRD Systems requirement document

SRR Systems requirements review

SS Shoot–Shoot

SSD Ship self defense

SSS Shoot–Shoot–Shoot

SST Sensor suite tools

STC Sensitivity time control

TDD Target detecting device

TGO Time to go

THL Terminal homing time

THT Terminal homing time

TLA Top-level architecture

TLR Top-level requirement

T/R Transmit/receive

TRR Test readiness review

TST Target system tools

TVC Thrust vector control

TVM Track via missile

TWT Traveling wave tube

VV&A Validation, verification, and accreditation

W Watt

WFG Waveform generator

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