Beyond basic usage - advanced features

The Tree component also supports many advanced features:

  • The customized content can be displayed using the template tag ng-template.
  • The lazy loading feature is available using the onNodeExpand event callback.
  • ContextMenu for each tree node is applied using a local template reference variable.
  • The horizontal layout of the Tree component is displayed using layout="horizontal" expression.
  • The drag-and-drop feature between source and target Tree components is achieved by enabling draggableNodes and droppableNodes properties. The dragdropScope attribute is used to restrict drag-and-drop support to a specific area.

The row expansion or collapse behavior can be achieved in a programmatic way by externalizing the API methods. For example, a tree with external buttons, which are used to expand or collapse tree nodes in a programmatic way using event callbacks is shown here:

<p-tree #expandingTree [value]="programmaticTree"></p-tree>
<button pButton type="text" label="Expand all" (click)="expandAll()">
<button pButton type="text" label="Collapse all" (click)="collapseAll()"></button>

The component class defined with event callbacks to toggle the tree nodes in a recursive nature is shown here:

expandAll() {
this.programmaticTree.forEach( (node: any) => {
this.expandRecursive(node, true);
} );

collapseAll() {
this.programmaticTree.forEach((node: any) => {
this.expandRecursive(node, false);
} );

expandRecursive(node: TreeNode, isExpand: boolean) {
node.expanded = isExpand;
if (node.children) {
node.children.forEach( childNode => {
this.expandRecursive(childNode, isExpand);
} );

The component also supports four event callbacks such as onNodeExpand, onNodeCollapse, onNodeDrop, and onNodeContextMenuSelect. The following events table provides complete details of events, parameters, and their description:

Name Parameters Description
  • event.originalEvent: Browser event
  • event.node: Selected node instance
Callback to invoke when a node is selected.
  • event.originalEvent: Browser event
  • event.node: Unselected node instance
Callback to invoke when a node is unselected.
  • event.originalEvent: Browser event
  • event.node: Expanded node instance
Callback to invoke when a node is expanded.
  • event.originalEvent: Browser event
  • event.node: Collapsed node instance
Callback to invoke when a node is collapsed.
  • event.originalEvent: Browser event
  • event.node: Selected node instance
Callback to invoke when a node is selected with right-click.
  • event.originalEvent: Browser event
  • event.dragNode: Dragged node instance
  • event.dropNode: Dropped node instance
Callback to invoke when a node is selected with right-click.
The complete demo application with instructions is available on GitHub at
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