
Tools make our lives easy and we are going to share some tools that will help you with different aspects of AngularJS development, from code writing to debugging:

  • Batarang: We have mentioned and used Batarang earlier while working with scopes. Batarang is an excellent debugging tool for an AngularJS application and we have explored only a few features of this awesome Chrome extension. We can install it from the Chrome web store (
  • Browser Developer Console: All current browsers have excellent capabilities when it comes to JavaScript debugging. Since we are working with JavaScript, we can put breakpoints, add a watch, and do everything that is otherwise possible with JavaScript. Remember, a lot of errors with code can be detected just by looking at the browser's console window.
  • jsFiddle and Plunker: jsFiddle ( and Plunker ( are excellent playgrounds for trying out HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. These tools also have great versioning and sharing capabilities that can come in handy if we want someone's help.
  • IDE extensions: Many of the popular IDEs on the market have plugins/extensions to make AngularJS development easy for us. Examples include: Sublime Text package (, JetBrain WebStorm 8 (, and TextMate bundle ( Search for support for your specific IDE on the Internet to see if there is some helpful stuff available.
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