Part II

In the course of a lifetime, you will rub up against saboteurs, evocateurs, and provocateurs playing their parts in the world with varying degrees of intensity and skill. Fight off the saboteurs with persistence and learn why they entered your life whenever you can. Wherever you find them, learn the deep lessons from the evocateurs bringing forth your essential gifts and from the provocateurs courageously at work to remove the social limits that strangle those gifts.

You will also find these calls within you, and you will assume the roles that come with them. To put it in its place, starve your inner saboteur, a specialized segment of your ego. But evoke and provoke with all you have to give as the situations of your life require. We express our full humanity and we create better futures when we refuse to leave things as they are, when we stand for nothing less and affirm our truest and highest nature.

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