Part III

Although discovering your calls and learning to respond to them have their charm and hold the delight of the new, only staying focused for the long term can bring a life of callings well heeded and well lived. The long-term proposition of managing the energy and the tricks of the ego and of working the veil to see beneath the routines you face are two of the most important skills in answering your call.

Living a dual existence—like a counterspy—is what the long term takes. Because none of us float off into sainthood once we get moving on our calls, the real world of making money, using our egos, and establishing our roles never goes away. Thank God for that. This life is more interesting than the clouds, at least for the time being.

But the other side of the veil is what our egos and roles can’t get us, and our dual existence also requires us to live in service and from our essence, to be impractical and to forget about money and our roles even while we attend to them.

How perplexingly cool is that?

Damned if we opt for only one existence, one side of the veil; saved if we opt for both.

We are summoned to figure this tricky duality out and live it enough to avoid making a mess of our lives and to contribute in the fashion we best can. That way we can step into the largeness of our journey and share its grace with others.

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