

absolute clinical resistance, 157

Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion, Toxicity (ADMET) properties, 144–145

accuracy of surveillance, denominator effect and, 126–127

Acinetobacter baumannii, 11

acquired resistance, 12

acyclovir, 49

adamantane resistance, 173–174

adamantane-resistant avian flu virus H5N1, 173

adamantanes, 168

addiction modules, 94–95

adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 219

ADMET (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion, Toxicity) properties, 144–145

adverse effects of antibiotics, 200–201

agricultural practice

antibiotics use in, 155, 203

removal of fluoroquinolones from U.S. poultry use, 133–134

surveillance in, 135

AIDS, 25

airborne infections

avoiding, 178–182

disease transmission, 114

amantadine, 48, 168

aminoglycosides, 37

amphotericin B, 41, 142

ancient malaria remedies, 44

The Andromeda Strain (Crichton), 114

anthrax outbreak of 2001, 176

antibacterials, 6. See also antibiotics

antibacterial classes and resistance mechanisms, 37–40

generalized effects of, 40–41

antibiotic resistance, definition of, 8


adamantanes, 168

adverse effects of, 200–201


antibacterial classes and resistance mechanisms, 37–40

generalized effects of, 40–41

antibiotic classes and resistance mechanisms, 34–36

antifungal classes and resistance mechanisms, 41–43

antihelminth classes and resistance mechanisms, 45

antiprotozoan classes and resistance mechanisms, 43–44

antiviral classes and resistance mechanisms, 45–46

broad-spectrum antibiotics, 7, 32

choosing optimal antibiotics, 197–199

discovering new antibiotics, 12, 31–34

computer-assisted drug design, 144–145

consideration of resistance during drug discovery, 163–164

drug safety and side effects, 145–146

economic problems, 146

high-throughput screening, 143–144

model systems for drug research, 140–141

natural sources of antibiotics, 141–142

new antibiotics as temporary solutions, 139


antibiotic concentrations above MPC, 159–160

combination therapy, 162–163

combining MPC with PK/PD targets, 160–161

dosing to eradicate susceptible cells, 158–159

evolution of antibiotic classes, 50–52

how they work, 6, 31–32

lethal compounds, 32

measuring static and lethal action of, 20–21

molecular mechanism of antibiotic action, 32

neuraminidase inhibitors, 168–169

overuse of, 14

restricting use of

agricultural use, 155

consideration of resistance during drug discovery, 163–164

environmental contamination by antibiotics, 155–157

human consumption, 150–154

overview, 149–150, 164–165

and risk for subsequent resistance, 200

specialized (narrow-spectrum) antibiotics, 32

static compounds, 31

antifungal classes and resistance mechanisms, 41–43

antihelminth classes and resistance mechanisms, 45

antimalaria drugs, 43

antimicrobial streamlining, 106

antimutant strategies for antibiotic development, 164

antiprotozoan classes and resistance mechanisms, 43–44

antiseptics, 52, 84

antituberculosis agents, 52

antiviral classes and resistance mechanisms, 45–46


artemisinin, 43–44, 187

artesunate, 187

arthropod-borne infections

avoiding, 186–187

disease transmission, 118–120

malaria, 223

ancient malaria remedies, 44

antibiotic-resistant malaria, 118–119

antimalaria drugs, 43

disease transmission, 118–119

risk in travelers, 186–187

-ase suffix, 208

Asian Flu pandemic (1957-1958), 170

Aspergillus fumigatus, 21, 157

atoms, 207–208

ATP (adenosine triphosphate), 219

Australian Society for Antimicrobials, 59

autoclaves, 181

avian flu H5N1, 171–174

avoiding resistant pathogens

airborne infections, 178–182

arthropod-borne infections, 186–187

clashes between personal and public health, 177–179

food-borne diseases

Campylobacter, 189, 194–196

disease risks from food-borne pathogens, 188–189

E. coli, 190–194

Salmonella, 190–195

MRSA, 182–184

overview, 177

sexually transmitted infections, 185

avoparcin, 136

azidothymidine (AZT), 47

azithromycin, 38

azoles, 157

AZT (azidothymidine), 47


Bacillus anthracis, 140


antibacterials, 6. See also antibiotics

antibacterial classes and resistance mechanisms, 37–40

generalized effects of, 40–41

biofilms, 29

Borrelia, 120

Campylobacter, 133–134, 189, 194–196

cellular structure of, 221

Clostridium difficile, 87–88

culturing, 19–20

defined, 17

digestive-tract pathogens, 115–116

direct-contact pathogens, 116

E. coli, 88, 100, 190–194

Enterococcus, 136

explained, 4

focus on populations, 28–29

Gram-negative, 18

Gram-positive, 18

humans as ecosystems for bacteria, 56

Klebsiella pneumoniae, 121–122

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

completely drug-resistant tuberculosis (CDR-TB), 111

determining antibiotic resistance by genotyping, 130–131

disease transmission, 108–113

extensively resistant (XDR) tuberculosis, 111–113

in HIV-positive persons, 111

in homeless populations, 113

latent tuberculosis, 110

multi-drug resistant (MDR), 111–112

testing for exposure to, 109

treatment of, 110–111

vaccination against, 109

persister cells, 28

Plasmodium falciparum, 118

Plasmodium knowlesi, 118

Plasmodium malariae, 118

Plasmodium ovale, 118

Plasmodium vivax, 118

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 80

quorum sensing, 28

reproduction, 221

ribosomes, 37

rickettsia, 119–120

S. aureus, 74

Salmonella, 133, 190–195

SOS response, 79

Streptomyces, 142

bacterial pneumonia, 175

bacteriophages, 96–97

Bacteroides, 38

Bacteroidetes, 7

Baquero, Fernando, 14

ß-lactamase, 81

ß-lactams, 39, 81

biofilms, 29

bleach, 53

blood-borne pathogens, 121

Borrelia, 120

bovine spongiform encephalitis (mad cow disease), 26

broad-spectrum antibiotics, 7, 32

buds (yeast), 222


CA-MRSA (community-associated MRSA), 2, 117, 182

Campylobacter, 133–134, 189, 194–196

Candida albicans, 5, 18, 41, 154, 222

carbapenemase, 122

carbohydrates, 218–219

Carson, Rachel, 187

cassette integration, 92

CC398, 184

CDC (Centers for Disease Control), 14

CDR-TB (completely drug-resistant tuberculosis), 111

Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 14, 127

Chagas disease, 44

Chain, Ernst, 34

children, treatment strategies for, 65–66

chinchona tree, medicinal properties for malaria, 44

chloramphenicol, 142

chloroquine, 43, 118

Choleraesuis, 195

choosing optimal antibiotics, 197–199

ciprofloxacin, 50, 176

clarithromycin, 38

clashes between personal and public health, 177–179

clavulanic acid, 81

Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (United States), 20

Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), 58

clinical resistance, 9, 157

Clostridium difficile, 38, 87–88

CLSI (Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute), 58

codons, 210

cold viruses, 114

combination therapy, 162–163

combining MPC with PK/PD targets, 160–161

commensals, 5

community-associated MRSA (CA-MRSA), 2, 117, 182

completely drug-resistant tuberculosis (CDR-TB), 111

complex-17, 136

Compound 606 (salvorsan), 33

computer-assisted drug design, 144–145

conjugation, 91, 95–96

contaminated food

Campylobacter, 189, 194–196

disease risks from food-borne pathogens, 188–189

E. coli, 190–194

Salmonella, 190–195

correlation between human consumption of antibiotics and resistance, 150

counting pathogens, 18–23

covalent bonds, 207

Crichton, Michael, 114

Cryptosporidium, 44

culturing bacteria, 19–20

cytochrome P-450 (CYP450) enzyme system, 65

cytokines, 7


daptomycin, 39

DDT, 187

DEET, 186

definition of antibiotic resistance, 8


ban of use of antibiotics as growth promotors, 155

MRSA initiatives, 205

surveillance in food animals, 135

denominator effect and surveillance accuracy, 126–127

deoxyribonucleic acid. See DNA

detecting viral antibiotic resistance, 174–175

development of new antibiotics, 12

digestive-tract pathogens, 115–116

digitalis, 142

dihydropteroate synthetase, 39

direct-contact pathogens, 116

directly observed therapy (DOT), 110

disc diffusion, 57–58

discovering new antibiotics

computer-assisted drug design, 144–145

consideration of resistance during drug discovery, 163–164

drug safety and side effects, 145–146

economic problems, 146

high-throughput screening, 143–144

model systems for drug research, 140–141

natural sources of antibiotics, 141–142

new antibiotics as temporary solutions, 139

disease outbreak response. See surveillance

disease transmission. See transmission of resistant disease

disinfectants, 52, 84, 199

disseminated resistance, 12

diversity of pathogens, 5, 17–18

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)

explained, 209–213

genomic islands, 102–103

horizontal gene transfer, 8

integrons, 101–102

nucleic acid probes, 23–24

plasmids, 91, 94

recombination, 92–93

replication, 38

resistance mutations, 157

effect on pathogen fitness, 86

explained, 74–75

fluoroquinolone-resistant gyrase mutants, 82

induced mutations, 79–80

mutant selection window hypothesis, 77–79

mutator mutations and increased mutation frequency, 83

stepwise selection of resistance, 75–76

topoisomerases, 38

transposons, 99

Domagk, Gerhard, 31–34

dosing strategies, 15. See also treatment strategies

antibiotic concentrations above MPC, 159–160

changing dosage levels, 204

combination therapy, 162–163

combining MPC with PK/PD targets, 160–161

determining with PK/PD (pharmacokinetics/ pharmacodynamics) indices, 62–65

dosing to eradicate susceptible cells, 158–159

DOT (directly observed therapy), 110

drinking water, antibiotic contamination of, 156

drug discovery

computer-assisted drug design, 144–145

consideration of resistance during, 163–164

drug safety and side effects, 145–146

economic problems, 146

high-throughput screening, 143–144

model systems for drug research, 140–141

natural sources of antibiotics, 141–142

new antibiotics as temporary solutions, 139

“druggable” proteins, 145

Duesberg, Peter, 25

duration of treatments, 67

dynamic nature of DNA molecules, 212


E-test, 57

E. coli, 88, 100, 190–194

echinofungins, 42

economic problems with antibiotic discovery, 146

educating about dangers of antibiotic overuse, 203

efflux pumps, 80

Ehrlich, Paul, 31–33

electron microscopy, 18

electrons, 207

EMEA (European Medicines Evaluation Agency), 58

emergence of resistance

antiseptic and disinfectant use, 84

explained, 73

in individual patients, 73–74, 196–197

molecular mechanisms, 80–82


effect on pathogen fitness, 86

explained, 74–75

fluoroquinolone-resistant gyrase mutants, 82

induced mutations, 79–80

mutant selection window hypothesis, 77–79

mutator mutations and increased mutation frequency, 83

phenotypic resistance, 84

stepwise selection of resistance, 75–76

treatment time and, 82–83

unintended damage arising from treatment, 87–88

viral resistance, 84–86

empiric therapy, 55–56

Enterococcus, 115

Enterococcus faecalis, 102

global spread of, 136

vancomycin-resistant Entercococcus faecium, 115

environmental contamination by antibiotics, 155–157, 204

enzymes, 208

ergosterol, 41

erythromycin, 142, 150

ESBLs (extended-spectrum ß-lactamases), 81, 122

estradiol, 223

ethambutol, 110

EUCAST (European Committee for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing), 20, 58

eukaryotic organisms, 221

European Committee for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST), 20, 58–59

European Medicines Evaluation Agency (EMEA), 58


antibiotic resistance as consequence of, 8

of antibiotic classes, 50–52

extended-spectrum ß-lactamases (ESBLs), 81, 122

extensively resistant (XDR) tuberculosis, 111–113


face masks, 180

Falkow, Stanley, 27

Fermicutes, 7

FFP-2 face mask, 180

Fleming, Alexander, 31–33

flexibility of DNA molecules, 212

Florey, Howard, 33

fluconazole, 41

flucytosine, 42

fluoroquinolone-resistant gyrase mutants, 82

fluoroquinolones, 50, 212

evolution of, 50–52

fluoroquinolone resistance, 83

fluoroquinolone-resistant gyrase mutants, 82

removal from U.S. poultry use, 133–135

resistance mechanisms, 38

folate, 40

food-borne disease, avoiding

Campylobacter, 189, 194–196

disease risks from food-borne pathogens, 188–189

E. coli, 190–194

Salmonella, 190–195

formaldehyde, 53

formularies, 68

foscarnet, 46

France, antibiotic use in, 153

frequency of mutations, 28

fungal diseases, 222–223


cellular structure of, 222

defined, 17, 222

fungal diseases, 222–223

immune modulators and fungal infections, 42

molds, 222

Paracoccidiodes brasiliensis, 223

structure of, 222

yeasts, 222


garenoxacin, 52

gatifloxacin, 52

gemifloxacin, 52

general recombination, 92

generalized effects of antibacterials, 40–41

generalized transduction, 98

genes, 210

gene expression, 216

horizontal gene transfer

addiction modules, 95

cassette integration, 92

conjugation, 91, 95–96

explained, 91–92

gene mobilization, 99

genomic islands, 102–103

integrons, 101–102

plasmids, 94

recombination, 92–93

relaxase, 103

transduction, 91, 96–98

transformation, 98

transposition, 92, 99

genetic recombination, 212

genomic islands, 102–103

genotyping, 130–131

gentamycin, 38

Germany, antibiotic use in, 153

Giardia, 44

glossary, 227–231

glycosomes, 44

gonorrhea, 11, 133, 185

Gram, Christian, 18

Gram-negative bacteria, 18

Gram-positive bacteria, 18

griseofulvin, 43

growth promotors, use of antibiotics as, 155

guinea pig test for tuberculosis, 108

gyrase A protein, 82


H1N1 influenza, 169–170

H1N2 influenza, 169

H3N2 influenza, 169

H5N1 avian flu, 171–172

HA-MRSA (hospital-associated MRSA), 2–3, 182

hand hygiene, 123, 181

hand sanitizers, 199

hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, 182

Hata, Sahachiro, 33

helicases, 212


defined, 17, 224

diseases caused by, 224

herpes virus, 49–50

high-throughput screening, 143–144

Hill, Bradford, 27

Hippocrates, 142

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), 25, 46–48, 85–86, 224

homeless populations, tuberculosis and, 113

homologous recombination, 92

Hong Kong Flu pandemic (1968-1969), 170

horizontal gene transfer, 8

cassette integration, 92

conjugation, 91, 95–96

explained, 91–92

gene mobilization, 99

genomic islands, 102–103

integrons, 101–102


addiction modules, 95

explained, 94

recombination, 92–93

relaxase, 103

transduction, 91, 96–98

transformation, 98

transposition, 92, 99

hospital antibiotic policy, 68–69, 106

hospital contact, controlling infections spread by, 123

hospital-associated MRSA (HA-MRSA), 2–3, 182

human consumption of antibiotics

correlation with resistance, 150–152

limiting, 152–154

human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 25, 46–48, 224

hydrocarbon, 219

hydrophobic interactions, 219

hydroxyl radicals, 41

hyphae, 222


identifying clinically resistant pathogens, 9

IDSA (Infectious Disease Society of America), 56

immigrant self-medication, 69–70

immune modulators and fungal infections, 42

immunological tests, 62

individual patients, emergence of resistance in, 73–74, 196–197

induced mutations, 79–80

infection control as local crisis management, 106–107

Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA), 56


antiviral resistance to seasonal influenza, 168–170

avian flu H5N1, 171–174

avoiding, 179–180

bacterial pneumonia associated with, 175

membrane protein-2 (M2), 168

overview, 48, 114, 167

pandemic influenza, 170–171

Asian Flu pandemic (1957-1958), 170

H1N1 pandemic (2009), 170

Hong Kong Flu pandemic (1968-1969), 170

public health strategy, 172, 176

Spanish Flu pandemic (1918–1919), 170

quarantine, 179

vaccination against seasonal influenza virus, 167–168

Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor, 142

integrase inhibitors, 47

integrons, 101–102

interferon-Á release assays, 109

interpretation of surveillance studies, 132

intrinsic resistance, 12

iodine, 53

isolates, 60

isoniazid, 52, 110, 162


kanamycin, 38

kinetoplasts, 44

Klebsiella pneumoniae, 11, 121–122

Koch’s postulates, 17, 24–28


LD (lethal dose), 21

lead compounds, 143

leishmaniasis, 44

lethal action of antibiotics, measuring, 20–21

lethal compounds, 32

lethal dose (LD), 21

levamisole, 45

levofloxacin, 50–51

Levy, Stuart, 14

LexA, 79

lice, 119–120, 187

light microscopy, 18

lincosamides, 38

linezolid, 37

lipids, 219–220

Listeria, 192

local crisis management, infection control as, 106–107

Lyme disease, 26, 120, 187

lysogenic bacteriophages, 98

lysogeny, 98


M. bovis BCG, 140

M. smegmatis, 140

macrolides, 38

macromolecules, 208

mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalitis), 26

malaria, 223

ancient malaria remedies, 44

antibiotic-resistant malaria, 118–119

antimalaria drugs, 43

disease transmission, 118–119

risk in travelers, 186–187

management programs to control hospital antibiotic policy, 68–69

Materia medica, 142

MBC (minimal bactericidal concentration), 21

MDR (multi-drug resistant) tuberculosis, 111–112


numbers of pathogens, 18–23

static and lethal action of antibiotics, 20–21

mebendazole, 45

membrane protein-2 (M2), 168

messenger RNA (mRNA), 37, 216

metabolic pathways, 220

methicillin, 139

methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. See MRSA

metronidazole, 44

MexAB-OprM, 80

MexCD-OprJ, 80

MexEF-OprN, 80

MexXY-OprM, 80

MfpA, 83

MIC (minimal inhibitory concentration), 9, 20–21, 55–59, 78, 161

MIC creep, 126

microbes, 4

microbiomes, 7

minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC), 21

minimal effective concentration, 21

minimal inhibitory concentration. See MIC

model systems for drug research, 140–141


Aspergillus fumigatus, 157

cellular structure of, 222

defined, 222

explained, 4

spores, 222

molecular beacons, 129–130

molecular mechanism of antibiotic action, 32

molecular probes, 23–24

molecular resistance mechanisms, 80–82

molecules, 207–208

monkeypox, 26

morphine, 142


transmission of malaria, 118–119

transmission of West Nile Virus, 120

moxifloxacin, 52, 139

MPC (mutant prevention concentration), 77–78

antibiotic concentrations above MPC, 159–160

combining MPC with PK/PD targets, 160–161

MR2 (membrane protein-2), 168

mRNA (messenger RNA), 37, 216

MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), 1–4

avoiding, 182–184

disease transmission, 117

European MRSA initiatives, 204

susceptibility testing, 60

multi-drug resistant (MDR) tuberculosis, 111–112

multidrug resistant efflux systems, 198

multiple-mode transmission, 121–122

mupirocin, 37

mutant prevention concentration (MPC), 77–78

mutant selection window hypothesis, 77–79

mutants, 8

mutations, 8

effect on pathogen fitness, 86

explained, 74–75

fluoroquinolone-resistant gyrase mutants, 82

frequency of, 28

induced mutations, 79–80

mutant selection window hypothesis, 77–79

mutator mutations and increased mutation frequency, 83

resistant mutants, 157

stepwise selection of resistance, 75–76

mutator mutations and increased mutation frequency, 83

Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 5, 11

antituberculosis agents, 52

antituberculosis program in Peru, 61–62

completely drug-resistant tuberculosis (CDR-TB), 111

determining antibiotic resistance by genotyping, 130–131

disease transmission, 108–113

extensively resistant (XDR) tuberculosis, 111–113

in HIV-positive persons, 111

in homeless populations, 113

latent tuberculosis, 110

model organisms for research, 140

multi-drug resistant (MDR), 111–112

prophylatic isoniazid treatment, 68

testing for exposure to, 109

transmission of, 178

treatment of, 110–111

vaccination against, 109


nalidixic acid, 50

narrow-spectrum antibiotics, 32

National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN), 128

natural sources of antibiotics, 141–142

Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 11, 185

neomycin, 142

neosalvarsan, 33

neuraminidase inhibitors, 168–169

neuraminidases, 49

new classes of antibiotics, producing, 203

NHSN (National Healthcare Safety Network), 128

nonadherence to therapy, 153

norfloxacin, 50

Novick, Richard, 14

nucleic acid-based diagnosis, 128–131

nucleic acid probes, 23–24


overview, 209–210

pairing between complementary nucleotides, 211

nystatin, 142


obesity, microbiomes and, 7

ofloxacin, 50

oseltamivir (Tamiflu), 49, 168–169, 173, 179

outbreaks of resistance, response to. See surveillance

over-the-counter antifungal agents, 154

oxazolidinones, 37


pain, microbiomes and, 7

pandemic influenza, 170–171

Asian Flu pandemic (1957-1958), 170

H1N1 pandemic (2009), 170

Hong Kong Flu pandemic (1968-1969), 170

public health strategy, 172, 176

Spanish Flu pandemic (1918–1919), 170

Paracoccidiodes brasiliensis, 223

parasites, 4, 224

parasitic worms, 224

paromycin, 44

pathogen fitness, effect of resistance mutations on, 86

pathogens. See also specific pathogens

arthropod-borne pathogens, 118–120


airborne infections, 178–182

arthropod-borne infections, 186–187

clashes between personal and public health, 177–179

food-borne diseases, 188–196

MRSA, 182–184

overview, 177

sexually transmitted infections, 185

bacteria. See bacteria

blood-borne pathogens, 121

commensals, 5

digestive-tract pathogens, 115–116

direct-contact pathogens, 116

diversity of, 17–18

establishing causal relationships with disease

Falkow’s corollaries, 27–28

Hill’s corollaries, 27

Koch’s postulates, 24–26

explained, 4, 17

focus on populations, 28–29


cellular structure of, 222

defined, 17, 222

fungal diseases, 222–223

immune modulators and fungal infections, 42

molds, 222

Paracoccidiodes brasiliensis, 223

structure of, 222

yeasts, 222


defined, 17, 224

diseases caused by, 224

identifying clinically resistant pathogens, 9

measuring numbers of, 18–23

multiple-mode transmission, 121–122

pathogen diversity, 5


defined, 17, 223

diseases caused by, 4, 223–224

transmission of, 5

vaccine-resistant pathogens, 13

viruses. See viruses

zoonotic pathogens, 5

PCR (polymerase chain reaction), 213–215

penicillin, 31–33, 151–152

pentamidine, 44

persisters, 28

personal health, clashes with public health, 177–179

pertussis (whooping cough), 14

Peru, antituberculosis program in, 61–62

pharmacodynamics, 62–65

pharmacokinetics, 55, 62–65

pharmacokinetic mismatch and resistance, 162

phenotypic resistance, 84

phosphonates, 103

pigs, MRSA in, 184

PK/PD (pharmacokinetics/ pharmacodynamics) indices, 62–65

combining MPC with PK/PD targets, 160–161

plasmids, 91, 94

Plasmodium falciparum, 118

Plasmodium knowlesi, 118

Plasmodium malariae, 118

Plasmodium ovale, 118

Plasmodium vivax, 118

pneumonia, 11

bacterial pneumonia, 175

Klebsiella pneumoniae, 121–122

polymerase, 211

polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 213–215

polymerase inhibitors, 47

polymers, 208

populations, focus on, 28–29

poultry, removal of fluoroquinolones from, 133–134

prevalence of antibiotic resistance, 9–11

prokaryotic organisms, 221

Prontosil Red, 34

prophylaxis, 67–68

protective clothing, virus transfer from, 181

protein synthesis, antibacterial action on, 37


gyrase A, 82

LexA, 79

MfpA, 83

overview, 208–209

repressors, 216


defined, 17, 223

diseases caused by, 4, 223–224

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 80

public health, clashes with personal health, 177–179

puromycin, 142

pyrazinamide, 110

pyrethrum, 187


quarantine for influenza, 179

quaternary ammonium compounds, 53

quinacrine, 43

quinine, 43–44

quorum sensing, 28


recombination, 92–93

relaxase, 103

repressors, 216


of bacteria, 221

of yeasts, 222

research, importance of, 205


antiseptic and disinfectant use, 84

explained, 73

horizontal gene transfer

addiction modules, 95

cassette integration, 92

conjugation, 91, 95–96

explained, 91–92

gene mobilization, 99

genomic islands, 102–103

integrons, 101–102

plasmids, 94

recombination, 92–93

relaxase, 103

transduction, 91, 96–98

transformation, 98

transposition, 92, 99

molecular mechanisms, 80–82


effect on pathogen fitness, 86

explained, 74–75

fluoroquinolone-resistant gyrase mutants, 82

induced mutations, 79–80

mutant selection window hypothesis, 77–79

mutator mutations and increased mutation frequency, 83

phenotypic resistance, 84

resistance emerging in individual patients, 73–74, 196–197

stepwise selection of, 75–76

treatment time and, 82–83

unintended damage arising from treatment, 87–88

viral resistance, 84–86

resistant disease transmission. See transmission of resistant disease

resistant pathogens, avoiding

airborne infections, 178–182

arthropod-borne infections, 186–187

clashes between personal and public health, 177–179

food-borne diseases, 188–196

MRSA, 182–184

overview, 177

sexually transmitted infections, 185

response to disease outbreaks. See surveillance

restricting antibiotic use. See also dosing strategies

agricultural use, 155

consideration of resistance during drug discovery, 163–164

environmental contamination by antibiotics, 155–157

human consumption

correlation between human consumption of antibiotics and resistance, 150–152

limiting, 152–154

overview, 149–150, 164–165

ribavirin, 46

ribonucleic acid. See RNA

ribosomes, 37, 215–218

ricin, 37

rickettsia, 119–120

rifampicin, 39, 52, 110, 162, 216

rifamycin, 142

rimantadine, 168

RNA (ribonucleic acid)

mRNA, 37

overview, 215–218

rRNA, 37

tRNA, 37

Russia, training TB workers in, 112


S. aureus. See MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)

salicylic acid, 142

Salmonella, 11, 133, 190–195

salvorsan, 33

SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), 114, 181

seasonal influenza virus

antiviral resistance to, 168–170

vaccination against, 167–168

self-medication, 69–70, 154, 197

severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 114, 181

sexually transmitted infections, avoiding, 185

Shigella, 192

sickle cell disease, 224

sickle-cell trait, 223

side effects of antibiotics, 66–67, 145–146, 200–201

Silent Spring (Carson), 187

site-specific recombination, 92

sleeping sickness, 44

solutions for antibiotic resistance

drug discovery process, 204

education, 203

European MRSA initiatives, 204

higher dosage levels, 204

limited agricultural use of antibiotics, 203

lower environmental levels of antibiotics, 204

new classes of antibiotics, 203

research, 205

SOS response, 79

Spanish Flu pandemic (1918–1919), 170

Speaker, Andrew, 178

specialized transduction, 98

spontaneous mutations, 74–75

spores, 17, 222

Staphylococcus aureus. See MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)

static action of antibiotics, measuring, 20–21

static compounds, 31

stepwise selection of resistance, 75–76

Sterling Drug Company, 34

Strategic National Stockpile, 172

Streptococcus pneumoniae, 13

Streptomyces, 142

Streptomyces aureofaciens, 155

streptomycin, 38, 142

sugars, 218–219

sulbactam, 81

sulfa drugs (sulfonamides), 31, 34, 39–40

surgical masks, 180


denominator effect and surveillance accuracy, 126–127

explained, 125

as first line of defense, 125–126

genotyping, 130–131

groups performing surveillance, 127

importance of, 137

interpretation of surveillance studies, 132

nucleic acid-based diagnosis, 128–131

and removal of fluoroquinolones from U.S. poultry use, 133–134

and studies of resistance problems with gonorrhea, 133

surveillance in Danish food animals, 135

surveillance networks for antibiotic resistance, 128

susceptibility testing, 57–60


Tamiflu (oseltamivir), 49, 168–169, 173, 179

tazobactam, 81

TEM enzyme, 81


for M. tuberculosis exposure, 109

immunological/biological testing, 62

susceptibility testing, 57–60

tetracycline, 38, 142

Theory of Febrile Diseases and Synopsis of the Golden Cabinet (Zhang), 142

ticks, and spread of Lyme disease, 120

tobramycin, 38

tolnaftate, 43

Tomasz, Alexander, 14

topoisomerases, 38, 212

toxic side effects, determining, 66–67, 200

transduction, 91, 96–98

transfer RNA (tRNA), 216–217

transformation, 98

transmission of resistant disease, 5

airborne viruses, 114

arthropod-borne pathogens, 118–120

blood-borne pathogens, 121

controlling infections spread by contact in hospitals, 123

digestive-tract pathogens, 115–116

direct-contact pathogens, 116

explained, 105

infection control as local crisis management, 106–107

MRSA, 117

multiple-mode transmission, 121–122

tuberculosis, 108–113

virus transfer from protective clothing, 181

transposition, 92, 99

transposons, 92, 99

Treatise on Differentiation and Treatment of Seasonal Febrile Diseases (Wu), 142

treatment strategies

children, 65–66

dosing strategies, 15

antibiotic concentrations above MPC, 159–160

changing dosage levels, 204

combination therapy, 162–163

combining MPC with PK/PD targets, 160–161

determining with PK/PD (pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics) indices, 62–65

dosing to eradicate susceptible cells, 158–159

duration of treatment, 67

empiric therapy, 55–56

immunological/biological testing, 62

management programs to control hospital antibiotic policy, 68–69

overview, 55, 70–71

PK/PD (pharmacokinetics/ pharmacodynamics) indices, 62–65

prophylaxis, 67–68

risk for subsequent resistance, 200

self-medication, 69–70

susceptibility testing, 57, 59–60

toxic side effects, determining, 66–67

tuberculosis, 110–111

unintended damage arising from treatment, 87–88

treatment time and emergence of resistance, 82–83

Treponema pallidum, 33

triazoles, 41

trichlosan, 199

tRNA (transfer RNA), 37, 216–217

trovafloxacin, 50

trypanosomes, 44

tuberculosis, 5, 11

antituberculosis agents, 52

antituberculosis program in Peru, 61–62

completely drug-resistant tuberculosis (CDR-TB), 111

determining antibiotic resistance by genotyping, 130–131

disease transmission, 108–113

extensively resistant (XDR) tuberculosis, 111, 113

in HIV-positive persons, 111

in homeless populations, 113

latent tuberculosis, 110

model organisms for research, 140

multi-drug resistant (MDR), 111–112

prophylatic isoniazid treatment, 68

testing for exposure to, 109

transmission of, 178

treatment of, 110–111

vaccination against, 109

types of antibiotic resistance, 12

typhus, 119


U.S. poultry, removal of fluoroquinolones from, 133–134

unintended damage arising from treatment, 87–88



explained, 13

against seasonal influenza virus, 167–168

against tuberculosis, 109

vaccine-resistant pathogens, 13

vaginal yeast infections, 154

valley fever, 223

vancomycin, 39, 142

vancomycin-resistant Entercococcus faecium, 115

vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), 135–136

viral resistance, 84–86


airborne viruses, 114

antiviral classes and resistance mechanisms, 45–46

cellular structure of, 224

defined, 17, 224

detecting viral antibiotic resistance, 174–175

explained, 4

herpes virus, 49–50

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), 25, 46–48, 85–86, 224


antiviral resistance to seasonal influenza, 168–170

avian flu H5N1, 171–174

avoiding, 179–180

bacterial pneumonia associated with, 175

membrane protein-2 (M2), 168

overview, 48, 114, 167

pandemic influenza, 170–172, 176

quarantine, 179

vaccination against seasonal influenza virus, 167–168

life cycle, 224

SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), 114, 181

virus transfer from protective clothing, 181

West Nile Virus, 120


VRE (vancomycin-resistant enterococci), 135–136


water, antibiotic contamination of, 156

West Nile Virus, 120, 187

whooping cough, 14

widespread nature of antibiotic resistance, 9–11

World Health Organization, 127

worms (parasitic), 224

Wu Jutong, 142


X-ray crystallography, 144

XDR (extensively resistant) tuberculosis, 111–113


yeasts, 17

Candida albicans, 154

defined, 222

explained, 4

reproduction, 222

yellow fever, 120


zanamivir, 168

Zhang Zhongjing, 142

zoonotic pathogens, 5

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