
We would like to thank the Apache Camel community for being so awesome. Very welcoming and vibrant, they have always been willing to answer questions and accept code contributions. Big thanks to the many, many Camel community members.

We would like to also thank all the reviewers, editors, and unseen people in the background. Getting a book out is a substantial project of which the writing is only one part, and it could not have happened without you.

Thanks to Rob Davies, Claus Ibsen, and the whole Fuse team for showing us how much fun open source is by always being there to answer questions, geek out about some new project, and drinking beer on those rare occasions when we could get together. It's been a real pleasure working with you all, and we hope it continues for a long time.

Special thanks to James Strachan for being so James; your infectious enthusiasm and love of writing code makes you truly inspirational to all those who meet you. We hope to keep playing with you on any and all of your latest new projects.

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