© The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2023
C. Edge, R. TroutonApple Device Managementhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-9156-6_11

11. Customize the User Experience

Charles Edge1   and Rich Trouton2
Minneapolis, MN, USA
Middletown, MD, USA

Once you have secured and configured devices to work with your environment, it’s time to turn your attention toward delighting your coworkers! This is where you go from just being another rude IT hack who’s locking down devices to actually becoming a world-class awesome human (or at least someone with a tad bit of empathy) that people are genuinely excited to be in an elevator with. To begin this journey, try to always think of step 1 as thinking of your users as your coworkers, as our friend Emily from the Mac Admins Podcast says.

Therefore, when we like to think of customizing the user experience, we like to think of that experience as putting access to the resources our coworkers need to do their jobs front and center without putting any unnecessary obstacles in the way. We want to do so in an efficient way, where we automate as much as we can in order to delight our coworkers. We want to give freedom, but without putting people at risk. As we covered in the last chapter, each organization has a different posture when it comes to securing devices, but rarely will you hear people complain that you actually paid attention to what they thought.

If we do our job, the first thing most of our coworkers will do is take an Apple device out of a box, join a wireless network, and then get a bunch of stuff on their device. What happens next is still based on the platform and, in some cases, whether you’re in a school or company.

Getting iOS and iPadOS Devices in the Hands of Users

iOS and iPadOS devices have a great setup experience that we’re still trying to replicate on the Mac. Mobile devices can be automatically enrolled into an MDM using DEP, or the user can do a self-enrollment into the MDM service. From there, profiles, apps, and media can be pushed to the iOS and iPadOS device to configure the device in whatever manner is desired. The main difference in what’s possible is going to be if the device is configured to be supervised or not.
  • Supervised: The MDM is in total control of the management of the device, and the device cannot be unenrolled from the MDM. Push deployment of apps and media does not require the device’s user to consent.

  • Unsupervised: The MDM is managing the device, but the user is ultimately in charge because they can remove the MDM profile from the device and unenroll. While enrolled, push deployment of apps and media requires user consent.

For most companies, schools, and institutions, supervision of devices is the preferred method because it allows the mobile device to be completely managed without user consent. DEP makes this easy for those organizations by enabling devices to be automatically supervised once enrolled with the devices’ associated MDM server. This can allow for a very streamlined process of getting the mobile device out of the shipping box and into the users’ hands because the device can be set up with the desired configuration almost as soon as it powers on and communicates to a network for the first time.

For those organizations which can’t use DEP for whatever reason, supervision is still possible by using tools like Apple Configurator to put iOS and iPadOS devices into supervised mode and enrolling them with the organization’s MDM server. It’s more work for that organization, but ultimately the same outcome: a mobile device which is completely managed by that organization’s MDM.


For macOS, the process is a little more complicated. Supervision as its own management concept on macOS has only become possible starting with macOS Catalina, where all DEP-enrolled Macs are set as supervised by default, with refinement in macOS Big Sur and later, where all MDM-enrolled Macs are set as supervised by default. Meanwhile, it’s possible to use means other than MDM to configure Macs, which is by itself unheard of in most mobile device environments. Instead, scripts, installer packages, and other means to deploy settings and files are available options on macOS. Let’s take a look at how Mac admins can use MDM, configuration profiles, scripts, installer packages, and other means to build on Apple’s work and provide an intuitive and customized user experience for their own environments.

Planning the macOS User Experience

Before you write a single script or build a solitary profile, think about what you want your users to experience. Many times, this experience will be set in part or wholly by the IT or legal policies of a company, school, or institution. A few items which may be included are
  • Acceptable use policies that the user needs to agree to before using company equipment

  • Branded desktop background image

  • Branded word processing, presentation media, or spreadsheet templates

  • Whether or not the user will have administrator privileges

  • Organization-specific mail server settings for email clients

  • Organization-specific bookmarks for web browsers

Other parts of the experience may be guided by feedback from the users themselves, based on what they want to have as part of their Mac’s default experience. In general though, a wise Mac admin will try to change as little as possible from Apple’s defaults. This is for two reasons:
  1. 1.

    Apple can make changes between OS versions which can make applying certain settings more difficult.

  2. 2.

    The more the user experience is governed by Apple’s defaults, the less time that the Mac admin will need to spend on managing it.


In general, we recommend managing what’s required and leaving everything else alone. Both your users and you will be better off for it.

Transparency Consent and Control Protections on User Home Folders

Something to keep in mind for macOS Mojave and later is that Apple has implemented protections on certain directories within the user folders. (Please see Chapter 8 for a deeper discussion of these user folder protections.) As of macOS Ventura, here’s the list of directories within the user folder which appear to be covered by Apple’s user-focused privacy protections:
~/Library/Application Support/CallHistoryTransactions
~/Library/Application Support/com.apple.TCC
~/Library/Application Support/AddressBook
~/Library/Application Support/CallHistoryDB
With these protections in place, it is not possible to write to these locations except with the following conditions:
  1. A.

    You’re logged in as the user in question.

  2. B.

    The process or tool writing to the location has been allowlisted using a Privacy Preferences Policy Control profile. (More information on these profiles can be found in Chapter 4.)


This does not mean Mac admins won’t be able to make changes to the user home directories, but it does mean that admins won’t be able to just drop a file into place. Instead, alternate methods may need exploring.

Using Profiles to Manage User Settings

Using macOS configuration profiles is one method for configuring user settings which can be straightforward to set up and centrally manage from an MDM server. As an example, part of the mandated user experience at a particular organization may be that Safari’s home page setting must always be set as the company’s website (Figure 11-1). A profile like the one shown as follows can be applied to enable this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Configures Safari configuration preferences</string>
<string>com.pretendco.com.apple.Safari. 39648B3BD130</string>
<string>Set Safari's homepage to the company website
      <string>Set Safari Homepage</string>

A screenshot demonstrates the Safari home page settings. It includes fields such as description, signed, installed, settings, and details section.

Figure 11-1

Profile managing the Safari home page settings

The user experience of applying this profile is that the home page setting in Safari is filled in with the requested website. It is also grayed out to indicate that the setting cannot be changed (Figure 11-2).

A screenshot of the General preferences screen in Safari. The fields are Safari opens with, new windows open with, new tabs open with, homepage, remove history items, file download location, and remove download list items from top to bottom, respectively.

Figure 11-2

The managed home page setting in Safari’s preferences

The fact that the end user can’t change the Safari setting highlights one of the characteristics of profiles, which is that by default their settings are designed to be enforced and not allow the user to change them later. Depending on the requirements of your organization, this characteristic of profiles may be advantageous or be a drawback.

An advantageous characteristic of using profiles to manage settings is that they can be used to apply settings which would otherwise be blocked by the user-focused privacy protections. This is because profiles are using Apple’s frameworks to apply these settings, rather than trying to write directly to a file stored in the user’s home folder.

Using Scripts to Manage User Settings

It is sometimes desirable to be able to set a setting one time and not manage it afterward. This is where it can be advantageous to use scripts and other tools to manage user settings. For example, it may be desirable to set the Energy Saver settings as part of the provisioning process but allow the end user to change them to meet their own needs later. This can be accomplished using a script like the following:
# Set separate power management settings for desktops and laptops
# If it's a laptop, the power management settings for "Battery" are set to have the
# computer sleep in 15 minutes, disk will spin down in 10 minutes, the display will
# sleep in 5 minutes and the display itself will dim to half-brightness before
# sleeping.
# While plugged into the AC adapter, the power management settings for "Charger" are
# set to have the computer never sleep, the disk doesn't spin down,
# the display sleeps after 30 minutes and the display dims before sleeping.
# If it's not a laptop (i.e. a desktop), the power management settings are set to have
# the computer never sleep, the disk doesn't spin down, the display sleeps after 30
# minutes and the display dims before sleeping.
# Detects if this Mac is a laptop or not by checking the model ID
# for the word "Book" in the name.
IS_LAPTOP=$(/usr/sbin/system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep "Model Identifier" | grep "Book")
if [ "$IS_LAPTOP" != "" ]; then
      pmset -b sleep 15 disksleep 10 displaysleep 5 halfdim 1
      pmset -c sleep 0 disksleep 0 displaysleep 30 halfdim 1
      pmset sleep 0 disksleep 0 displaysleep 30 halfdim 1

Running this script as part of your provisioning process will ensure that the Mac will have the desired Energy Saver settings applied by the pmset command-line tool. However, unless the script is rerun later, the user won’t be restricted from modifying the Energy Saver settings themselves.

Modifying the macOS Default User Template

Macs can have multiple accounts. Each new account gets a unique home directory, and so each user can have a different experience with a system. These home directories are created from a template directory provided by Apple, and it is possible to customize the template for new user home directories in order to provide a similar user experience to each new user account. The user templates are available at /System/Library/User Template on macOS Mojave and earlier and at /Library/User Template for macOS Catalina and later.


If you are considering altering the default user template, think long and hard about alternative ways to accomplish your goal.

For those not experienced with how permissions and settings work on macOS, modifying the user template directory can be a quick and effective way to give both you and your users weird and difficult to diagnose problems.

One circumstance where you may want to customize the user template is if you want to provide customized Word, Excel, or PowerPoint templates for the relevant Microsoft Office applications. As of Microsoft Office 2019 and later, the Office applications look for templates in the following location inside the home directory:
~/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office365/User Content.localized/Templates.localized

Everything past ~/Library/Application Support does not exist by default in the User Template directory, but creating the missing directories inside the template and moving the Office template files into them would allow your users instant access to those templates.

Customize the Desktop

Another example of modifying the user experience would be to put a “Welcome to the Company” PDF on the desktop. Chances are your organization will have a bunch of forms and documents that new employees need to sign, agreeing not to abuse the Internet in your office or steal intellectual property. I like putting fun company facts up front and then at the end of that PDF maybe links to set up any accounts or eSign any forms at the bottom. This small way of crafting the onboarding experience can go a long way, and it’s as simple as putting a PDF in the Desktop directory of the appropriate user template prior to creating user accounts.

Customize the User Preferences

User preferences are usually stored in a property list, or .plist, file. While you can customize the preferences stored in the user template directory, first try to customize the setting using a custom profile in the MDM of your choice. Once you’ve determined you can’t customize settings in the way you want using MDM or via a script, an alternative approach is to configure the setting on your Mac and then find what preference file changed. Assuming it’s a user setting stored in ~/Library/Preferences, you can then load the file into the Preferences directory of the appropriate user template to push it out to new user accounts.

This is a place where customizing the experience on an iOS device is substantially different from doing so on a Mac. We’ll look at managing the home screen to provide an awesome user experience for iOS in the next section of this chapter.

Configure the iOS Home Screen

The home screen is how we interact with an iOS device. Pushing a specific home screen configuration allows you to customize that experience and make it easier for people to get at what they need.

Most MDM solutions will support customizing your home screen to make it easier to access your device data. To show how to customize the home screen, we’ll use Apple Configurator. To start, open Apple Configurator and then click a device or a Blueprint. Then select the Home Screen Layout… option from the Actions menu, shown in Figure 11-3.

A screenshot explains how to customize and configure the layout with the use of Apple Configurator. The Actions menu at the top is selected, then modified. On the right, Select the Home Screen Layout option.

Figure 11-3

Modifying the iOS Home Screen Layout using Apple Configurator

At the Modify screen, simply drag the icons to where you want them to be in order to best customize the layout for your environment, as seen in Figure 11-4. It’s usually best to place apps on the screen based on frequency of use. The most common will go in the dock. This is often a mail app, a web browser, the phone app (for iPhones), and a corporate messaging app (like Slack or Teams).

A screenshot illustrates how to add apps to the i O S home screen layout. Apps such as Calendar, Camera, Mail, Notes, Files, Contacts, Settings, Tv, and News are present. At the bottom left corner, the text reads Cancel, Apply.

Figure 11-4

Adding apps to the iOS Home Screen Layout using Apple Configurator

The right layout will be different for everyone. But usually you’ll see an expense app, Maps, the camera, a line of business app like Salesforce, the Calendar app, an app to access your contacts, and any apps to access your organization’s documents (e.g., Dropbox, OneDrive). Keep in mind that you want your coworkers to still like you and to have a great experience with their devices, so leaving some nonbusiness apps up front and center will help with that.

Once you’ve crafted the best experience for the humans who will be using your devices, click Apply to make the change and see your app badges move.

We reviewed how to do this with Apple Configurator, but most MDMs support similar functionality. The look and feel will be a little different, according to the device management tool you’re using, but the experience usually looks similar to the one shown in this section.

Custom App Stores

Along with setting up a good user experience as part of the setup process for new Macs, attention should also be paid to helping the user to help themselves where possible. A number of Mac management tools come with custom app stores, where users can install their own software on their own schedule. Two examples of management tools with this functionality are the following:
  • Jamf Pro (Figure 11-5)

  • Munki

A screenshot of the Jamf Pro Self-Service dashboard. On the right are the Microsoft apps such as Excel, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word, and OneDrive.

Figure 11-5

Jamf Pro’s Self Service

Most of these applications look and work in similar ways, where the user can launch the self-service application and make their own choices from what’s available to either install an application or run a particular task.

A screenshot of the Managed Software Center screen. At the top, the text reads Managed Software Center. Your source for software for your Mac. Below are the Microsoft apps listed.

Figure 11-6

Munki’s Managed Software Center

In many cases, these self-service tools can also be branded with your company, school, or institution’s official logo. This helps build trust in your user community for using the tool in question, since it is visually affiliated with your organization.

Test, Test, Test

In Chapter 3, we looked at building profiles, which can be used to customize settings on devices. In Chapter 4, we looked at pushing those profiles out through MDM. In Chapter 9, we talked about testing. But it’s worth reiterating that you should be testing different regressions of tests. The information from Chapter 9 will help guide you to making sure that the desired state of devices after a test matches up with the state you actually end up with.


One of the best parts of administering Apple devices is the elegant user experience that they come with out of the box. As administrators, it can be tempting to lock down systems and customize this experience until the native experience is barely recognizable. Don’t do that.

Instead, take a page out of Apple’s notebook and try to delight your coworkers. Yes, we said coworkers and not users. When you think of how you can give them what they need without restricting them in ways that destroy that elegantly crafted user experience, you will make friends, grow the population of devices on this platform you (hopefully) love, and likely get more budget to do even cooler stuff. Now that the devices are in a secure and predictable state, we’ll spend Chapter 12 reviewing how to customize the online experience and gate access to various SaaS services based on whether the device meets the security posture of your environment.

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