
There are numerous people to thank, without whose help and support this book would not have been possible.

I’d like to thank the people at Esri who provided me with great feedback on the subject matter: Jim Barry, Derek Swingley, Andy Gup, Jeremy Bartley, and everyone on the JavaScript API and Server team who answered one of my numerous questions.

Thanks to the Manning Early Access Program (MEAP) readers who posted comments and corrections in the Author Online forum. Thanks also to all the reviewers who provided invaluable feedback: Adam Krein, Alexander Jones, Andrea Tarocchi, Brandon Titus, Cliff Zhao, David Takahashi, Dennis Sellinger, Jaclynn Wilson, Shaun Langley, Tim Djossou, and Vidyasagar Nallapati.

I’d like to thank the entire Manning editorial staff for helping me every single step of the way in writing this book. My development editor, Susan Conant, helped me brainstorm ideas for this book and was quick to answer all my questions and show me how to teach, not tell. Brian Arnold, technical proofreader, provided incredibly thorough technical guidance in reviewing the code for this book.

I’d also like to thank my parents for always believing in me and supporting me when I needed it the most. A special thank you to my wife Zenayda, who has been my rock since we met, and who pushes me to be better on a daily basis. Thank you to my three daughters Andrea, Zoe, and Abbey Rose, who have taught me the patience that only a father of daughters could understand.

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