The Right Questions

Yes, there are stupid questions to ask, but the stupidest question is the one you don’t ask. As we’ve been saying, you demonstrate your interest, your enthusiasm, and your intelligence when you engage in a conversation with a recruiter. Otherwise, you sit there like a lamppost or, worse yet, a dartboard, either motionless or inert or catching the darts as they are tossed at you. So, here again is the list that we will explore in the coming pages. Review them and learn how to use them to make your next interview an interactive and successful one.

1. What is the corporate mission?

2. What are the corporate values?

3. What is the corporate culture?

4. What is the organization’s vision?

5. Does the organization have a strategic plan?

6. What are the organization’s strengths?

7. What are the areas where the organization can improve?

8. What is the organization’s financial projection for the coming year?

9. What are the company’s core competencies?

10. Does the company have rituals?

11. What communication techniques does the organization use with employees?

12. Does the company value diversity?

13. What is the organization’s board makeup and involvement?

14. Does the company have programs to develop and promote minorities?

15. How is the organization positioned in the market?

16. How do you define the organization’s market and share of market?

17. Who are the company’s main competitors?

18. Has the organization ever faced a crisis? What was the crisis, and how did the company respond?

19. How do problems get resolved in the organization?

20. Is there a union at the organization?

21. What do the workspaces look like in the company?

22. How would you describe the company environment?

23. Is there a corporate dress code?

24. Who are the corporate heroes/heroines? What are the corporate myths?

25. What characteristics does the model employee of the company possess?

26. What skills are valued most?

27. How would you describe the successful manager in the company?

28. Does the organization have a recognition-rich environment?

29. What is the organization’s retention rate?

30. What opportunities exist for training and staff development?

31. Does the organization have profit sharing, gain sharing, an ESOP?

32. How are customer relations handled?

33. Does the organization support any cause?

34. How flexible is the company?

35. Is the organization parent-friendly?

36. Does the company provide a new employee orientation?

37. Does the organization require employees to write goals?

38. How are employees evaluated?

39. Does a job description exist for this position?

40. What is the typical day and workload like for this position?

41. Have there been any lay-offs recently?

42. What techniques does the company use to increase morale?

43. How long have you been with the company?

44. How many people are you interviewing for this position?

45. What is the process for selection of the final candidate?

46. What is the salary range for this position?

47. What is the benefit package, and is it negotiable?

48. How would you describe, in one word, working at this company?

49. How did I do in this interview?

50. When will I find out that I have been chosen?

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