
Automated interviewing

equipments, 126127

short and crisp answers, 127

telephone Interview, 127128

Behavioral interview, 99100, 109112

Body language, 120121

Business questions

company’s main competitors, 38

organization’s market and share, 37

positioning in market, 3536

Communication techniques, 2728

Company information

board makeup and involvement, 3132

communication techniques, 2728

core competencies, 2425

corporate culture, 1516

corporate heroes/heroines, 47

corporate mission, 1112

corporate rituals, 26

corporate values, 1314

crisis plan, 3940

dress code, 4546

employee evaluation, 6770

environment, 44

financial projection, 2223

gay and transgender workers, 3334

lay-offs, 7374

longevity of employee, 7778

model employee’s characteristics, 4950

morale boosting, 75

new employee orientation, 6566

organization’s strengths, 20

organization’s vision, 1718

organization’s weaknesses, 21

parent-friendly, 64

problem resolution, company process, 41

profit sharing, 5859

recognition-rich environment, 5354

retention rate, 55

strategic plan, 19

successful manager, 52

training and staff development, 5657

unions, 42

value diversity, 2930

workload and position, 72

workplace flexibility, 6263

workspaces, 43

Company value diversity, 2930

Confirmation bias, 116

Corporate communications, 2728

Corporate culture, 1516

Corporate mission, 1112

Corporate rituals, 26

Corporate values, 1314

COVID-19, work place flexibility, 6263

Crisis plan, 3940

Critical thinking, 51

Customer relations, 60

Dell Technologies, 2

Difficult interview questions

criticism, 96

disagreement with boss, 97

greatest accomplishment, 96

greatest weakness, 9394

job leaving reasons, 95

people hiring, 9495

salary expectation, 9798

Dress codes, 4546

Employee engagement, 7576

Employee evaluation, 6770

Employee orientation, 6566

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG), 13

Final candidate selection process, 80

Financial information, 22

First impressions, 115, 120

For-profit interview, 4

Gain sharing, 5859

Goal writing system, 6768

Goal-setting, 68

Healthy community, 69

Human resource (HR) representative, 68

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reports, 22

Internet research, 12

Interview preparation

for-profit company, 4

human resource (HR), 68

internet research, 12

not-for-profit organization, 34


company information (see Company information)

most important, 6

prioritizing, 56

questions fit for, 5

Interviewing process, 86

Job descriptions, 71

Job interview

confident answer, 91

dress for success, 90

good first impression, 90

good interview

body language, 120121

first impressions, 120

job perfection, 121122

self-differentiation, 121

storytelling, 120

good story telling, 91

STAR system, 92

thank you letter, 129130

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS), 77

Microsoft position, 35

Mission goal, 69

Mock interviews, 1

behavioral interview, 109112

company information and employee’s potential, 101104

confirmation bias, 116

differentiation, 114115

first impressions, 115

interrogation, 106107

interviewer and candidate fitness, 104106

primacy and recency rule, 113114

recruiters’ trick questions, 107109

storytelling, 112113

Negotiation, 8283

New employee orientation, 6566

Not-for-profit interview, 34

Open communication, 28

Organization support, 61

Organization’s financial projection, 2223

Organization’s strengths, 20

Organization’s vision, 1718

Parent-friendly organization, 64

Pareto principle, 24, 55

Physical environment, 44

Primacy and recency rule, 113114

Problem resolution, company process, 41

Profit sharing, 5859

Rank and yank system, 131

Recognition-rich environment, 5354

Retention rate, 55

Ritualistic behavior, 26

Salary and selection process

final candidate selection, 80

fun at work, 84

interviewing skills, 86

negotiable benefit package, 8283

number of people interviewing, 79

positive visualization, 87

salary range, 81

Salary expectation, 9798

Salary requirements, 81

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 22

Situation, Task, Action, and Result (STAR) system, 92, 96

Society for Human Resource Management, 81

Storytelling, 112113

Strategic plan, 19

Strategic thinking and planning, 51

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis, 20

Successful manager, 52

Sustainable investing, 13

Telephone interview, 127128

Thank you letter, 129130

Traditional salary range, 81

Training and staff development opportunities, 5657

Tri-State Healthcare, 117118

Turnover rate, 55

Valued skills, 51

Video interviewing. See Zoom interview

Vision statement, 17

Workplace flexibility, 6263

Workspaces, 43

Zoom interview

background depth, 123124

camera at eye level, 124

command posture, 124

eye contact, 125

face and upper body lighting, 124125

gesture, 125

limit movement, 124

voice power, 125126

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