

account files. See local account files

accounts, user, creating

actionsequence controls

     cfagent.conf file

     cf.preconf script2nd

add_install_client command

add_local_user script

administrative scripts, usage information for

administrators, definition of


     host stops contacting cfengine master

     sent from Nagios

Apache binary, synchronizing with PHP binary using rsync2nd

Apache package from Red Hat, configuring2nd

Apache VirtualHost configuration for Nagios web interface2nd

Apache web server

     building from source2nd

     description of

     Secure Sockets Layer certificate for

applications. See shopping web site; deploying applications

application service providers (ASPs), automation and

Apress web site

archive mode (rsync)

assumptions of automation system

audit trail


     Kerberos and

     LDAP and

     public key

          generating key pair

          key size, choosing2nd

          overview of2nd

          specifying authorized keys2nd


          forwarding port between machines2nd


authentication file for Nagios web interface2nd

Authentication screen (Kickstart Configurator)

authorized_keys file

     common accounts and2nd

     configuring to restrict access

     from directive

     limited command execution, allowing


     untrusted hosts, dealing with

authorized keys, specifying2nd

autofs package

automated installation systems

     benefits of

     example environment

     FAI for Debian

          host, installing2nd

          install client, customizing2nd

          network booting, configuring2nd

          packages, installing and configuring2nd

          steps to set up


          install server, setting up2nd

          profile server, setting up2nd

          steps to set up2nd


          host, getting

          host, installing

          installation tree, creating and making available2nd

          kickstart file, contents of2nd

          kickstart file, creating2nd

          network boot, setting up2nd

          overview of

          steps for setting up


     assessing need for2nd

     benefits of2nd

     first rule of2nd

     size of company and

automounter, configuring2nd

AWK language

     advanced usage2nd

     basic usage2nd

     description of , 2nd



back referencing2nd


     FAI and2nd

     Jumpstart and2nd

     Kickstart and2nd

     of Subversion repository

          copying to other host2nd


     overview of2nd

Bash (Bourne-Again Shell)

     compatibility issues with

     description of





     scripting specifically for

Basic Configuration screen (Kickstart Configurator)

benefits of automation

     documented system configuration policies

     error reduction2nd

     overview of2nd

     time savings

Beowulf clusters, automation and

Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND)

     automating configuration2nd


binary files, monitoring

bind9 package

Blastwave software repository , 2nd

Boot Loader Options screen (Kickstart Configurator)

bootstrapping, cf.preconf script and2nd

Bourne-Again Shell (Bash)

     compatibility issues with

     description of





brute force login attempts

Building a Monitoring Infrastructure with Nagios (Josephsen)

building Ganglia programs2nd

Burgess, Mark , 2nd , 3rd

C shopping web site

     central cfengine host, installing

     cfengine configuration files


          cf.cfengine_cron_entries task2nd




          overview of


     cfengine master repository, setting up

     description of , 2nd

     Red Hat Apache package, configuring for

     sudo, enabling at2nd

Carter, Gerald

cf.account_sync task

cfagent command

cfagent.conf/FAIBASE file2nd

cfagent.conf file (cfengine) example2nd


     description of

     output of


          classes , 2nd










cfagent robot2nd

cf.any hostgroup

cf.central_home_dirs file2nd

cf.cfengine_cron_entries task2nd


cf.copy_fai_files task2nd

cf.copy_sudoers task2nd

cf.copy_svn_backups task2nd

cf.create_autofs_mnt_pkg task2nd

cf.debian_external_cache task

cf.enable_rsync_daemon task2nd , 3rd4th


     application service providers and

     basic setup for

          cfexecd, running

          cfservd, running2nd


     benefits of

     central host, installing

     cfagent.conf sections











     cfrun command2nd




          set at runtime

     client systems, preparing

     clusters and

     components of

     configuration files


          cf.cfengine_cron_entries task2nd

          cfmotd task2nd

          cf.preconf script2nd





     configuration files, creating



          overview of , 2nd


     configuration server, creating

     copying configuration files with2nd

     cron daemon and


     defining classes without modules

     deploying Nagios with

          Apache VirtualHost configuration for2nd

          authentication file, creating2nd

          building Nagios2nd

          building Nagios plug-ins2nd

          building Nagios plug-ins, copying2nd

          copying start-up script

          daemon and configuration files, copying2nd

          generating SSL certificate

          hostgroup file for monitoring host role, creating

          localhost-only monitoring, monitoring2nd

          monitoring host role, configuring

          monitoring host role, DNS entry for2nd

          monitoring remote systems2nd

          NRPE, building2nd

          NRPE configuration file, creating

          NRPE, configuring Red Hat local firewall to allow2nd

          NRPE, copying2nd

          NRPE start-up script, creating

          overview of

          separating configuration and program directories

          steps in2nd

          user accounts, creating

     description of

     directory structure2nd

     distributing local account files with2nd


     fully functional infrastructure for, configuring2nd


     internal commands

     large companies and

     list-iteration operator

     masterfiles repository

     master repository, setting up

     pull model and

     as pulling from server2nd

     reports on status of2nd

     resolve action

     root privileges and

     rsync and2nd

     security enhancement with

          applying patches and updates2nd

          file checksum monitoring

          overview of2nd

          protecting system accounts2nd

          removing SUID bit2nd

          removing unsafe files2nd

          shutting down daemons2nd

     sharing data with2nd

     SSH and

     testing environment, implementing2nd

     version 3, looking forward to2nd

     version control2nd

     web server farms and

cfengine modules


     overview of

     requirements for using2nd

     using in place of shellcommands2nd web site


     description of


cf.export_pkg_share task


cfkey command

cf.kill_unwanted_services task

cf.logcheck task

cfmotd task2nd

cf.postfix_permissions task2nd

cf.preconf script

     integrated into postinstall script2nd

     overview of2nd

cfrun command , 2nd3rd

cfservd, running2nd

cfservd.conf file (cfengine) example2nd


     description of

cf.setup_svn_plus_apache task2nd

cf.suid_removal task2nd

cf.sync_admin_scripts task

cf.sync_apache_binaries task

     cfengine and2nd

     rsync and2nd

cf.sync_autofs_maps task2nd

cf.sync_httpd_conf task

cf.sync_postfix_config file2nd

cf.sync_sec_config task2nd

cf.upload_cfoutputs_dir task

cf.web_master task

change development process2nd

characters in regular expressions

     matching repeating2nd

     overview of2nd


checksum monitoring

checksum option (files section of cfagent.conf file)

chmod command




          defining with modules2nd

          defining without modules




classes section (cfagent.conf file)



          FAI for Debian, customizing2nd

          JumpStart for Solaris, adding2nd

     NFS, configuring

client systems, cfengine, preparing

cluster repair, automation of


     Beowulf or computational, automation and

     of web servers

code-continuation character

command execution, allowing limited





     cfrun , 2nd3rd


     consistency of across systems




     egrep , 2nd











     passwd -S





     shell escapes and


     svnadmin hotcopy

     svn commit

     svn copy

     svn import

     svn log

     svn status

     svn update




common accounts, using SSH for


     overview of

     setup for2nd

compatibility issues with Bash

components of cfengine

Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN)

configuration files



          cf.cfengine_cron_entries task2nd

          cfmotd task2nd




          overview of2nd


     copying with cfengine2nd


configuration policies

     description of

     documentation of

configuration server, cfengine, creating


     See also configuration files

     Apache package from Red Hat2nd

     authorized_keys file to restrict access



          automating configuration2nd

          overview of2nd


          cfagent.conf file2nd

          cfexecd, running

          cfservd.conf file2nd

          cfservd, running2nd

          configuration files

          fully functional infrastructure2nd

          master repository

          network for

          update.conf file2nd

     FAI packages2nd

     Ganglia web interface2nd

     network booting

          FAI for Debian2nd

          Kickstart for Red Hat2nd

     NFS-automounted home directories2nd

     NFS client

     NFS server2nd

     NTP clients

          Red Hat and Debian

          Solaris 10

     syslog server2nd

content, distributing



          client, configuring

          overview of2nd

          program binaries2nd

          server, configuring2nd

          uses of

     overview of


          automating server deployment2nd

          basic tasks of2nd

     synchronizing Apache and PHP with rsync2nd

     synchronizing data with rsync

          cfengine and2nd

          drawbacks of2nd

          examples of2nd

          overview of2nd

          transport protocol for2nd


     files, automation and

     Nagios plug-ins with cfengine2nd

     Subversion backups to other host2nd

copy section (cfagent.conf file)2nd

CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network)

cron daemon, cfengine and

custom classes (cfengine)2nd

customizing install client2nd

Custom JumpStart. See JumpStart for Solaris



     cron, cfengine and


     Nagios , 2nd3rd

     rsync, outputs directory and2nd

     unneeded, shutting down2nd


     isolating with sed2nd

     sharing between systems

          cfengine and2nd

          NFS and2nd

          overview of

          Subversion and2nd

          synchronizing Apache and PHP with rsync2nd

     synchronizing with rsync

          cfengine and2nd

          drawbacks of2nd

          examples of2nd

          overview of2nd

          transport protocol for2nd

db.192.168 file file

db.empty zone file

dd command


     See also FAI for Debian

     host, installing2nd

     iptables packet filtering framework2nd

     named.conf.local file



     named.conf.options file

     NTP client, configuring

     UID/GID numbers in

Debian cfengine2 package , 2nd


     Bash scripts2nd


defining cfengine classes

     with modules2nd

     without modules

delete switch (rsync)

deny unknown-clients setting

dependencies, automation and



          Apache package from Red Hat, configuring2nd

          Apache web server , 2nd3rd

     Nagios with cfengine

          Apache VirtualHost configuration for2nd

          authentication file, creating2nd

          building Nagios2nd

          building Nagios plug-ins2nd

          copying Nagios plug-ins2nd

          copying start-up script

          daemon and configuration files, copying2nd

          generating SSL certificate

          hostgroup file for monitoring host role, creating

          localhost-only monitoring, modifying2nd

          monitoring host role, configuring

          monitoring host role, DNS entry for2nd

          monitoring remote systems2nd

          NRPE, building2nd

          NRPE configuration file, creating

          NRPE, configuring Red Hat local firewall to allow2nd

          NRPE, copying2nd

          NRPE start-up script, creating

          overview of

          separating configuration and program directories

          steps in2nd

          user accounts, creating

     testing before

DEV directory2nd

DHCP, Kickstart network boot and2nd

dhcpd.conf file

     FAI for Debian


diff command

dig command




     NFS-automounted home

          automounter, configuring2nd




     storing syslog messages in2nd



          aggregating contents from all hosts to single host2nd

          cfengine status reports and

          Red Hat Linux as aggregate host for

          summarizing and e-mailing aggregated contents

          summarizing and e-mailing hourly

          uploading to central host2nd

directories section (cfagent.conf file)

directory structure of cfengine2nd

directory test verifying postfix Debian package is installed

disable action (cfengine)2nd

disable section (cfagent.conf file)2nd

Display Configuration screen (Kickstart Configurator)

distributing content



          client, configuring

          overview of2nd

          program binaries2nd

          server, configuring2nd

          uses of

     overview of


          automating server deployment2nd

          basic tasks of2nd

     synchronizing Apache and PHP with rsync2nd

     synchronizing data with rsync

          cfengine and2nd

          drawbacks of2nd

          examples of2nd

          overview of2nd

          transport protocol for2nd

distributing local account files with cfengine2nd

DNS (Domain Name System)

     architecture, choosing

     entry for Nagios monitoring host role, creating2nd

     overview of

     private, setting up

          BIND configuration2nd

          BIND configuration, automating2nd


     query, running without logging into host

     resources on


     of changes before making

     importance of

     repair script as

     of system configuration policies

Domain Name System. See DNS




downtime, scheduling

DSA public-key encryption

DVD, creating ISO file on remote system from


editfiles section (cfagent.conf file)2nd

egrep command , 2nd

e-mail notifications, testing

empty passphrases

encrypting mail traffic

encryption, public-key

errors reduced by automation , 2nd

/etc/bootparams file2nd

/etc/fai/fai.conf file

/etc/fai/make-fai-nfsroot.conf file2nd


/etc/httpd directory

/etc/ntpd.conf file

/etc/postfix/ file, modifying

/etc/rc2.d/S99runonce script2nd

example automation

     prototyping before polishing

     scripting working procedure2nd

     simplicity and

     step failure and

     turning script into robust automation2nd

example environment, explanation of

external NTP synchronization


FAIBASE.var file , 2nd

fai-chboot command

fai-doc package

FAI (Fully Automatic Installation) for Debian

     backups and2nd

     description of

     host, installing2nd

     install client, customizing2nd

     network booting, configuring2nd

     packages, installing and configuring2nd

     steps to set up

failure of step, dealing with

failure situations

fai-setup command

fcopy command

Fedora Directory Server

file globbing

file locking


     checksum monitoring

     everything on system represented as2nd

     modifying with sed

     unsafe, removing2nd

files section (cfagent.conf file)2nd

filesystem layouts, consistency of across systems

filters, cfengine

find command

Firewall Configuration screen (Kickstart Configurator)


     host-based, implementing

          overview of2nd

          TCP Wrappers2nd

     packet filtering

          iptables on Debian2nd

          overview of2nd

first rule of automation2nd


     port between machines2nd

     ssh-agent program2nd



     building and distributing programs2nd

     configuring web interface2nd


     overview of , 2nd3rd

Garfinkel, Simson

GID numbers, Debian

GNU Project

goldmaster (central host)2nd , 3rd


grep command

grep program2nd

group IDs, NFS and


hacks, postinstall script and


homogenizing systems

hooks (Subversion)

host-based security

     as journey, not destination

     cfengine and

          applying patches and updates2nd

          file checksum monitoring

          overview of2nd

          protecting system accounts2nd

          removing SUID bit2nd

          removing unsafe files2nd

          shutting down daemons2nd

     firewalls and

          overview of2nd

          TCP Wrappers2nd

     Kerberos and

     LDAP and

     overview of

     packet filtering

          iptables on Debian2nd

          overview of2nd

     sudo and2nd

hostgroups.cfg file, defining


     See also monitoring host role for Nagios


     copying repository backups to2nd


          cfengine central


          Kickstart for Red Hat , 2nd

     running query without logging into

     untrusted, dealing with

hosts.cfg file, defining

htpasswd command

hupcfexecdandcfservd class


ignore section of cf.preconf script


     binary server tree

     masterfiles/PROD directory

imports, cfengine and

import statements, cfagent.conf file and

infrastructure services


          architecture, choosing

          overview of

          private, setting up2nd

          resources on

     routing mail2nd

     time synchronization

          configuring NTP clients2nd

          copying configuration files2nd

          external NTP

          internal NTP masters2nd

          ntpdate utility and

          overview of2nd

     user account files

          adding new2nd

          distributing with cfengine2nd

          NFS-automounted home directories2nd

          standardizing local2nd

installation, automated systems for

     benefits of

     example environment

     FAI for Debian

          host, installing2nd

          install client, customizing2nd

          network booting, configuring2nd

          packages, installing and configuring2nd

          steps to set up


          install server, setting up2nd

          profile server, setting up2nd

          steps to set up2nd


          host, getting

          host, installing

          installation tree, creating and making available2nd

          kickstart file, contents of2nd

          kickstart file, creating2nd

          network boot, setting up2nd

          overview of

          steps for setting up

Installation Method screen (Kickstart Configurator)

install client

     FAI for Debian, customizing2nd

     JumpStart for Solaris, adding2nd


     See also installation, automated systems for

     cfengine central host

     Debian host2nd

     FAI packages

     host using Kickstart

     logcheck program

     newlogcheck program

     rsync from Blastwave repository as part of JumpStart process

install server, setting up2nd

internal NTP masters2nd

Internet Service Providers (ISPs), automation and

IP addresses, sysidcfg file and

iptables packet filtering framework2nd

iptables-restore command

iptables-save command

ISO file, creating on remote system from DVD

isolating data with sed2nd

ISPs (Internet Service Providers), automation and


Josephsen, David

JumpStart for Solaris

     backups and2nd

     install server, setting up2nd

     overview of

     profile server

          install client, adding2nd

          postinstall script, creating2nd

          profile file, creating2nd

          rules file, creating2nd

          setting up

          sysidcfg file, creating2nd

     rsync and

     steps to set up2nd

JumpStart process

     rsync from Blastwave repository as part of


Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS) principle

Kerberos, security enhancement with

key pair, generating

key size, choosing2nd

keywords, size

Kickstart for Red Hat

     backups and2nd




     installation tree, creating and making available2nd

     Kickstart Configurator

          Authentication screen

          Basic Configuration screen

          Boot Loader Options screen

          Display Configuration screen

          Firewall Configuration screen

          Installation Method screen

          Network Configuration screen2nd

          Package Selection screen2nd

          Partition Information screen2nd

          Postinstallation Script screen


     kickstart file



     network boot

          DHCP and2nd

          TFTP and2nd

     overview of

     steps for setting up

KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle


languages, scripting . See also AWK language; Perl

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), security enhancement with

LDAP System Administration (Carter)

links section (cfagent.conf file)

listings. See scripts

list-iteration operator (cfengine)

load balancing , 2nd

local account files

     adding new

          overview of

          scripts, using2nd

     distributing with cfengine2nd

     NFS-automounted home directories

          automounter, configuring2nd


     standardizing , 2nd

lockfile command

logcheck program

log file rotation

log reports

     on cfengine status2nd

     syslog messages

          configuring server2nd

          outputting summary reports2nd

          overview of

          real-time reporting2nd

     types of


mail, routing2nd

mail traffic, encrypting

marking sequences2nd

masterfiles directory tree (cfengine), importing2nd

master repository, cfengine, setting up

matching repeating characters in regular expressions2nd


     commands for

     from PROD tree to DEV tree

message-of-the-day file2nd

methodology, consistent, and automation2nd

mirroring files with rsync

modifying files, automation and


     automated mechanism for

     common accounts2nd

     failure situations and

     full suite for

     Ganglia and

          building and distributing programs2nd

          configuring web interface2nd


          overview of , 2nd3rd

     immediate errors or failures

     Nagios and


          components of2nd

          configuration files2nd

          features of2nd

          object types2nd

          overview of

          remote systems2nd

          resources on

monitoring host role for Nagios


     DNS entry for, creating2nd

     hostgroup file for, creating

mv command




     components of2nd

     configuration files2nd

     deploying with cfengine

          Apache VirtualHost configuration for2nd

          authentication file, creating2nd

          building Nagios2nd

          building Nagios plug-ins2nd

          building Nagios plug-ins, copying2nd

          copying start-up script

          daemon and configuration files, copying2nd

          generating SSL certificate

          hostgroup file for monitoring host role, creating

          localhost-only monitoring, modifying2nd

          monitoring host role, configuring

          monitoring host role, DNS entry for2nd

          monitoring remote systems2nd

          NRPE, building2nd

          NRPE configuration file, creating

          NRPE, configuring Red Hat local firewall to allow2nd

          NRPE, copying2nd

          NRPE start-up script, creating

          overview of

          separating configuration and program directories

          steps in2nd

          user accounts, creating

     features of2nd

     object types2nd

     overview of

     resources on

     service detail screen for system localhost

nagios.conf file

Nagios daemon, copying with cfengine2nd

Nagios Remote Plug-in Executor (NRPE)


     configuration file, creating

     configuring Red Hat local firewall to allow2nd


     description of , 2nd

     start-up script, creating

named.conf.local file (Debian)



named.conf.options file (Debian)

NAT (Network Address Translation), accessing server behind


     security of

     setting up for cfengine

network appliances, automation and

network boot

     FAI for Debian, configuring2nd

     Kickstart for Red Hat

          DHCP and2nd

          TFTP and2nd

Network Configuration screen (Kickstart Configurator) , 2nd

Network Time Protocol. See NTP

newlogcheck program2nd

NFS (Network File System), sharing data with

     client, configuring

     overview of2nd

     program binaries2nd

     server, configuring2nd

     uses for

NFS-automounted home directories

     automounter, configuring2nd


NRPE (Nagios Remote Plug-in Executor)


     configuration file, creating

     configuring Red Hat local firewall to allow2nd

     copying with cfengine2nd

     description of , 2nd

     start-up script, creating

ntpdate utility

NTP (Network Time Protocol)

     clients, configuring

          Red Hat and Debian

          Solaris 10

     configuration files, copying with cfengine2nd

     description of

     external synchronization

     internal masters2nd

     resources on


object types, Nagios2nd


OpenSSH 4.x

operating systems, homogenizing

outputting syslog summary reports2nd


Package Selection screen (Kickstart Configurator)2nd

packet filtering software

     iptables on Debian2nd

     overview of2nd

Partition Information screen (Kickstart Configurator)2nd

passwd -S command


     automation and

     empty passphrases

patch command

patches, applying2nd


     overview of2nd



PHP binary, synchronizing with Apache binary using rsync2nd

PHP-enabled Apache web server, building from source2nd

pkg-get tool

plug-ins. See Nagios

policies, system configuration

     description of

     documentation of

ports, forwarding between machines2nd

postfix, virtual-domain functionality of

Postinstallation Script screen (Kickstart Configurator)

postinstall script, creating2nd

Practical UNIX & Internet Security (Garfinkel, Schwartz, and Spafford)

predefined classes (cfengine)2nd

pre-exec script (rsync)

Pre-eXecution Environment (PXE)

Preston, W. Curtis

preventing problems

Principles of Network and System Administration, Second Edition (Burgess)

private DNS, setting up

     BIND configuration


          overview of2nd


private keys, trust in cfengine and

procedure, understanding before automating , 2nd

procedure example

     prototyping before polishing

     scripting working2nd

     simplicity and

     step failure and

     turning script into robust automation2nd

process accounting

processes section (cfagent.conf file)2nd

PROD tree

production, definition of

profile server

     install client, adding2nd

     postinstall script, creating2nd

     profile file, creating2nd

     rules file, creating2nd

     setting up

     sysidcfg file, creating2nd

program binaries

     NFS and2nd

     rsync and2nd

Pro Nagios 2.0 (Turnbull)

protecting system accounts2nd

prototyping procedure before polishing

proxy software

prtdiag command

public key authentication

     generating key pair

     key size, choosing2nd

     overview of2nd

     specifying authorized keys2nd

pulling from server, cfengine as2nd

pull method2nd

pull model, cfengine and

push method2nd , 3rd

PXE boot

PXE (Pre-eXecution Environment)

Python language


rdate command

read-only access, granting

read-only user, setting up

real-time reporting, syslog summary reports2nd

Red Hat Linux

     See also Kickstart for Red Hat

     as aggregate host for outputs directories

     Apache package, configuring2nd

     local firewall, configuring to allow NRPE2nd

     NTP client, configuring

     sudoers file example entries2nd

Red Hat Network (RHN), benefits of

regular expressions


          matching repeating2nd

          overview of2nd


     marking and back referencing2nd

     overview of

reload_bind class

Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs)

remote systems

     configuring Nagios to monitor2nd

     creating ISO file on


     SUID bit set2nd

     unsafe files2nd

repetitive tasks, elimination of, with automation

reports. See log reports

reproducibility of automated system

resolve action (cfengine)


     See also web sites






restricting RSA authentication

     forwarding port between machines2nd

     limited command execution, allowing

     overview of2nd

     untrusted hosts, dealing with

revision-control system. See Subversion

root account, access to2nd

root privileges, and cfengine

routing mail2nd

RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls)

RSA authentication

     forwarding port between machines2nd


RSA public-key encryption

rsh command

RSH protocol, rsync and


     cfengine and2nd

     daemon, outputs directory and2nd

     drawbacks of2nd

     examples of2nd

     installing as part of JumpStart process

     overview of2nd

     synchronizing Apache and PHP with2nd

     transport protocol for2nd

rsyncd.conf-www file2nd , 3rd


rules file, creating2nd


S99runonce script

SAs (system administrators)

     multiple, dealing with2nd

     tasks and responsibilities of , 2nd3rd

scheduling downtime

Schwartz, Alan

scripting languages . See also Perl

scripting working procedure

     example of2nd

     turning into robust automation2nd



     administrative, usage information for

     for analyzing log file and summarizing user logins2nd

     cf.account_sync task

     cfagent.conf/FAIBASE and update.conf/FAIBASE files2nd

     cfagent.conf file , 2nd3rd

     cf.any hostgroup

     cf.central_home_dirs file2nd

     cf.cfengine_cron_entries task

          editfiles section

          shellcommands section


     cf.copy_fai_files task2nd

     cf.copy_sudoers task2nd

     cf.copy_svn_backups task2nd

     cf.create_autofs_mnt_pkg task2nd

     cf.enable_rsync_daemon task2nd , 3rd4th

     cf.export_pkg_share task

     cf.kill_unwanted_services task

     cf.logcheck task

     cfmotd task

          editfiles section

          motd_local section

     cf.postfix_permissions task

     cf.preconf2nd , 3rd4th

     cf.setup_svn_plus_apache task2nd

     cf.suid_removal task2nd


     cf.sync_apache_binaries task

          cfengine and2nd

          rsync and2nd

     cf.sync_autofs_maps task2nd

     cf.sync_httpd_conf task

     cf.sync_postfix_config file2nd

     cf.sync_sec_config task2nd

     cf.upload_cfoutputs_dir task

     cf.web_master task

     classes/cf.main_classes contents

     control/cf.control_cfagent_conf contents

     control/cf.control_cfexecd contents

     creating user accounts using2nd

     creating with Bash2nd

     db.192.168 file file

     debugging Bash2nd

     dhcpd.conf file

          FAI for Debian


     directory test to verify postfix Debian package is installed

     /etc/bootparams file2nd

     /etc/fai/fai.conf file

     /etc/fai/make-fai-nfsroot.conf file2nd

     /etc/ntpd.conf file

     /etc/postfix/ file, modifying


     FAIBASE.var file2nd


     hostgroups/cf.any contents

     iptables rule set that implements log host policy2nd

     kickstart file (ks.cfg)2nd

     named.conf.local file (Debian)



     named.conf.options file (Debian)

     for processing configuration file and generating authorized_keys files2nd

     rsyncd.conf-www file2nd , 3rd


     running Apache and PHP binaries2nd


     sec.conf file2nd

     /srv/fai/config directory2nd

     /srv/fai/config/package_config/WEB file

     svn_access file file2nd

     update.conf file , 2nd

     zones.rfc1918 file

search engines, automation and

sec.conf file2nd

SEC (Simple Event Correlator)2nd

Secure Shell (SSH) protocol

     cfengine and

     common accounts


          overview of

          setup for2nd

     enhancing security with

     overview of2nd

     public key authentication

          generating key pair

          key size, choosing2nd

          overview of2nd

          specifying authorized keys2nd

     rsync and

Secure Sockets Layer certificate

     for Apache web server

     for Nagios web interface


     as journey, not destination

     Apache web server, building from source

     automation and

     cfengine and

          applying patches and updates2nd

          file checksum monitoring

          overview of2nd

          protecting system accounts2nd

          removing SUID bit2nd

          removing unsafe files2nd

          shutting down daemons2nd

     enhancing with SSH

     firewalls and

          overview of2nd

          TCP Wrappers2nd

     Kerberos and

     LDAP and

     outputs directory and rsync daemon

     overview of2nd

     packet filtering

          iptables on Debian2nd

          overview of2nd

     sudo and2nd

sed stream editor

     files, modifying

     isolating data

     overview of


     stdin, modifying

SELinux, Apache and

server keys, generating


     See also Apache web server; FAI for Debian; JumpStart for Solaris; Kickstart for Red Hat; profile server

     accessing behind NAT

     cfengine as pulling from2nd

     configuration (cfengine), creating

     install, setting up2nd

     NFS, configuring2nd

     Subversion, automating deployment of2nd

     syslog, configuring2nd

     web, clusters of

Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Service Management Facility (Solaris 10)

sharing data between systems

     cfengine and2nd

     NFS and

          client, configuring

          overview of2nd

          program binaries2nd

          server, configuring2nd

          uses of

     overview of

     Subversion and

          automating server deployment2nd

          basic tasks of2nd

          overview of

     synchronizing Apache and PHP with rsync2nd

     synchronizing data with rsync

          cfengine and2nd

          drawbacks of2nd

          examples of2nd

          overview of2nd

          transport protocol for2nd

shellcommands (cfengine), using modules in place of2nd

shellcommands section (cfagent.conf file)

shell escapes

shells, popular . See also Bash shell

shutting down unneeded daemons2nd

Simple Event Correlator (SEC)2nd

simplicity, opting for

size keyword

size of company, and automation

SLAs (Service Level Agreements)


     internally developed

     packet filtering2nd


Solaris 10

     See also JumpStart for Solaris

     NTP client, configuring


     Service Management Facility

Spafford, Gene

SplayTime variable

split horizon DNS setup

/srv/fai/config directory script2nd

/srv/fai/config/package_config/WEB file

ssh-agent program

     description of , 2nd3rd


     using without starting new process2nd

SSH (Secure Shell) protocol

     cfengine and

     common accounts


          overview of

          setup for2nd

     enhancing security with

     overview of2nd

     public key authentication

          generating key pair

          key size, choosing2nd

          overview of2nd

          specifying authorized keys2nd

     rsync and

SSL certificate

     for Apache web server

     for Nagios web interface

STAGE directory

startup company example

     See also shopping web site

     environment, description of

     installing and configuring systems for2nd

stdin, modifying with sed

storing new user accounts

Subversion source-control system

     cfengine version control with

          masterfiles directory tree, importing2nd

          overview of , 2nd

     repository backups

          copying to other host2nd


     sharing data with

          automating server deployment2nd

          basic tasks of2nd

     testing environment, implementing2nd

sudo program



SUID bit set, removing2nd

Sun Live Upgrade procedure

Sun systems, patching

svn_access file

svnadmin hotcopy command file2nd

svn commit command

svn copy command

svn import command

svn log command

svn status command

svn update command


     See also time synchronization

     Apache and PHP using rsync2nd

     data using rsync

          cfengine and2nd

          drawbacks of2nd

          examples of2nd

          overview of2nd

          transport protocol for2nd

sysidcfg file, creating2nd

syslog messages

     real-time reporting2nd

     storing in directory

          configuring syslog server2nd

          outputting summary log reports2nd

system accounts, protecting2nd

system administrators (SAs)

     multiple, dealing with2nd

     tasks and responsibilities of , 2nd3rd

system.cfg file, defining

system configuration policies

     description of

     documentation of

system drift documentation

system-imaging servers . See also FAI for Debian; JumpStart for Solaris; Kickstart for Red Hat

system status, verification of


Tcl language

TCP Wrappers2nd

tedious tasks, elimination of, with automation

telnet command

templates, Nagios , 2nd


     before deploying

     e-mail notifications

testing environment, implementing with Subversion2nd

TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)2nd

tidy action

time saved by automation

timestamp option (rsync)

time synchronization

     configuring NTP clients

          Red Hat and Debian

          Solaris 10

     copying configuration files2nd

     external NTP

     internal NTP masters2nd

     ntpdate utility and

     overview of2nd





Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)2nd

Turnbull, James


UID numbers, Debian

universal time (UTC), NTP and

UNIX Backup and Recovery (Preston)

untrusted hosts, dealing with

update.conf/FAIBASE file2nd

update.conf file (cfengine) example2nd


     description of

usage information for administrative scripts

user account files

     adding new

          overview of

          scripts, using2nd

     distributing with cfengine2nd

     NFS-automounted home directories

          automounter, configuring2nd


     overview of

     standardizing local2nd

user accounts, creating

user IDs, NFS and


     automation and

     internal, as security risk

UTC (universal time), NTP and

utilities. See tools


/var/www/html directory2nd

vendor updates, applying2nd

verification of system status

version control. SeeSubversion

visudo command

VMware Server


web_checks.cfg file, defining

web interface

     for Ganglia2nd

     for Nagios

web server farms, automation and

web servers, clusters of . See also Apache web server

web sites

     See also shopping web site

     Apache web server information


     Blastwave software repository

     cfengine resources

     GNU Project

     load balancing information

     Subversion information

     system-imaging servers

welcome e-mail, scripting procedure to send2nd

$workdir/outputs directory

     aggregating contents from all hosts to single host2nd

     cfengine status reports and

     Red Hat Linux as aggregate host for

     summarizing and e-mailing

          aggregated contents


     uploading to central host2nd


yum tool


zones.rfc1918 file

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