
3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project
AAC Address Auto-Configuration
AAC-OLSR Address Auto-Configuration OLSR
AB Autonomic Behaviour
AC Autonomic Computing
ACB Autonomic Cooperative Behaviour
ACL Autonomic Control Loop
ACN Autonomic Cooperative Node
ACNAM Autonomic Cooperative Networking Architectural Model
ACNP Autonomic Cooperative Networking Protocol
ACRR Autonomic Cooperative Re-Routing
ACS Autonomic Cooperative Set
ACSAM Autonomic Cooperative System Architectural Model
ACT Autonomic Cooperative Transmission
ADME Autonomic Decision-Making Element
AE Autonomic Element
AF Amplify-and-Forward
AFI Autonomic network engineering for the self-managing Future Internet
AI Artificial Intelligence
AIECN Autonomic Intelligence Evolved Cooperative Networking
ALD Angular Diversity
AM Autonomic Manager
AN Autonomic Networking
ANO Autonomic Node
ANCS Autonomic Networked Computing System
ANS Autonomic Nervous System
AO Autonomic Overlay
AP Access Point
AR Autonomic Routine
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
AS Autonomic System
ASS Autonomous System
ATS Agent System
AUF Autonomic Function
AWGN Additive White Gaussian Noise
B2B Business-to-Business
B2C Business-to-Customer
BBF Broadband Forum
BER Bit Error Rate
BS Base Station
CA Coding Advantage
CAdDF Complex Adaptive Decode-and-Forward
CAS Computer-Assisted Simulation
CB Coherence Bandwidth
CBR Constant Bit Rate
CCG Channel Capacity Gain
CCI Co-Channel Interference
CD Coherence Distance
CDF Cumulative Distribution Function
CDR Code Rate
CFR Chief First Responder
CG Coding Gain
CHB Channel Bandwidth
CHG Channel Gain
CI Characteristic Information
CLI Command Line Interface
CM Channel Matrix
CMDE Cooperation Management Decision Element
CNR Conventional Relaying
COD Complex Orthogonal Design
CODE Cooperation Orchestration Decision Element
COR Cooperative Relaying
COT Cooperative Transmission
CPR Computing Process
CPU Central Processing Unit
CPX Cyclic Prefix
CRDE Cooperative Re-Routing Decision Element
CRO Cooperative Routing
CRR Cooperative Re-Routing
CSI Channel State Information
CT Coherence Time
CTP Control Plane
CTDE Cooperative Transmission Decision Element
D2D Device-to-Device
DAA Duplicate Address Avoidance
DAD Duplicate Address Detection
DCP Decision Plane
DMP Dissemination Plane
DSP Discovery Plane
DE Decision Element
DF Decode-and-Forward
DG Diversity Gain
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DME Decision-Making Element
DMN Decision-Making Entity
DN Destination Node
DO Diversity Order
DTP Data Plane
DR Decode-and-Reencode
DSTBC Distributed Space-Time Block Coding
DTD Delayed Transmission Diversity
DVB-T Digital Terrestrial Video Broadcasting
ECMP Equal Cost Multipath Protocol
ECN Emergency Communications Network
EDSTBE Equivalent Distributed Space-Time Block Encoder
EFIPSANS Exposing the Features in IP version Six protocols that can be exploited/extended for the purposes of designing/building Autonomic Networks and Services
EGC Equal Gain Combining
ELC Extended Link Code
ELM Extended Link Mask
EMS Evolved Messaging Structure
EOC Emergency Operations Centre
EREACT Extended Routing information Enhanced Algorithm for Cooperative Transmission
E-SPONDER A Holistic Approach Towards the Development of the First Responder of the Future
ES Economic Science
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
EU European Union
EVMIMO Equivalent Virtual Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
EVMISO Equivalent Virtual Multiple-Input Single-Output
FB Functional Block
FI Future Internet
FLD Frequential Diversity
FNL Function Level
FMDE Fault Management Decision Element
FMPR Flooding Multi-Point Relay
FP Framework Programme
FP6 Sixth Framework Programme
FP7 Seventh Framework Programme
FR First Responder
FRN Fixed Relay Node
FRR Fast Re-Routing
GANA Generic Autonomic Network Architecture
GCOD Generalised Complex Orthogonal Design
GR Generic Receiver
GS Group Specification
GT Generic Transmitter
GVAA Generalised Virtual Antenna Array
HACL Hierarchical Autonomic Control Loop
HAE Horizontal Architectural Extension
HANS Human Autonomic Nervous System
HRP Horizontal Reference Point
IANA Internet Assigned Number Authority
ICI Inter-Channel Interference
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IoT Internet of Things
IP Internet Protocol
IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6
ISG Industry Specification Group
ITS Intelligent Transport System
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union – Telecommunications
KNP Knowledge Plane
L3DF Layer-3 Decode-and-Forward
LNK Link Layer
LoA Level of Abstraction
LOS Line-of-Sight
LSB Least Significant Bit
LSRP Link-State Routing Protocol
LSTC Layered Space-Time Coding
LTE Long Term Evolution
LV Link Verification
M2M Machine-to-Machine
MAC Medium Access Control
MAD Multiple Address Declaration
MANET Mobile Ad hoc Network
MAS Multi-Agent System
MCS Modulation and Coding Scheme
ME Managed Element
MEA Multi-Element Array
MEN Managed Entity
MEOC Mobile Emergency Operations Centre
MIMO Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
MISO Multiple-Input Single-Output
MLD Maximum Likelihood Detection
MLSE Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimator
MMIMO Massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
MMSE Minimum Mean Square Error
MN Mobile Node
MNP Management Plane
MPR Multi-Point Relay
MRC Maximal Ratio Combining
MRN Mobile Relay Node
MRRC Maximal Ratio Receive Combining
MSB Most Significant Bit
NC Network Coding
ND Neighbour Discovery
NDL Node Level
NE Network Element
NET Network Layer
NEWCOM Network of Excellence in Wireless COMmunications
NFV Network Function Virtualisation
NGMN Next Generation Mobile Networks
NGN Next Generation Network
NLOS Non-Line-of-Sight
NOA-OLSR No Overhead Auto-Configuration OLSR
NTL Network Level
OBU On-Board Unit
OFDM Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing
OFDMA Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access
OLSR Optimised Link State Routing
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
OSPF Open Shortest Path First
PDAD-OLSR Passive Duplicate Address Detection OLSR
PDF Probability Density Function
PHY Physical Layer
PI Process Interaction
PLD Polar Diversity
PSK Phase-Shift Keying
PSN Public Safety Network
PTL Protocol Level
QO Quasi-Orthogonal
QoS Quality of Service
QPSK Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying
RA Reference Architecture
RAP Radio Access Point
RBCD Repetition-Based Cooperative Diversity
REACT Routing information Enhanced Algorithm for Cooperative Transmission
REC Relay-Enhanced Cell
RF Radio Frequency
RFP Reference Point
RM Reference Model
RME Routing Mechanism
RMPR Routing Multi-Point Relay
RN Relay Node
RND Reception Diversity
RPA Reference Point Architecture
RSDE Resilience and Survivability Decision Element
RTB Routing Table
SA Software Agent
SAdDF Simple Adaptive Decode-and-Forward
SAS Single-Agent System
SBA Service Based Architecture
SC Selection Combining
SCD Scanning Diversity
SDE Sub-Decision Element
SDN Software-Defined Networking
SDO Standards Development Organisation
SDR Software-Defined Radio
SFAAC Stateful Address Auto-Configuration
SIMO Single-Input Multiple-Output
SINR Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio
SISO Single-Input Single-Output
SLAAC Stateless Address Auto-Configuration
SLD Spatial Diversity
SN Source Node
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio
SOA Service-Oriented Architecture
SON Self-Organising Network
SPR Single-Path Relaying
STBC Space-Time Block Coding
STBD Space-Time Block Decoder
STBE Space-Time Block Encoder
STC Space-Time Coding
STCCD Space-Time-Coded Cooperative Diversity
STP Spatio-Temporal Processing
STTC Space-Time Trellis Coding
SVD Singular-Value Decomposition
SWC Switched Combining
TC Topology Control
TCM Trellis-Coded Modulation
TCO Total Cost of Ownership
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TDD Time Division Duplex
TLD Temporal Diversity
TMF Telemanagement Forum
TND Transmission Diversity
TTL Time To Live
TS Technical Specification
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UF Utility Function
UT User Terminal
VAA Virtual Antenna Array
VANET Vehicular Ad hoc NETwork
VCS Virtual Cooperative Set
VMIMO Virtual Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
VRP Vertical Reference Point
VTP Vertical Technological Pillar
WI Work Item
WINNER I Wireless World Initiative New Radio I
WINNER II Wireless World Initiative New Radio II
WRR Weighted Round-Robin
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