
A, B

  1. Azure

    1. activation

    2. billing and usage

    3. continue to portal

    4. CLI

SeeCommand-line interface (CLI)
  1. delete resources

  2. deployment models and resource groups

  3. documentation

  4. free account signup

  5. Marketplace

  6. Microsoft Partner

  7. solutions

  8. status

  9. support

  10. Visual Studio Community

  11. Visual Studio Dev Essentials benefits

  12. Visual Studio Enterprise

  13. welcome page

  1. Azure portal


    2. dashboard

    3. feedback

    4. G+/ to search resources

    5. help menu

    6. navigation pane


    8. SQL

    9. theme and language


  1. Command-line interface (CLI)

    1. Azure App Service

    2. page

    3. chart and metrics

    4. clone URL

    5. deployment details

    6. MVC web site

    7. portal

    8. PowerShell commands

    9. resources menu and code samples

    10. Web app and service plan

  2. Create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations

D, E, F, G, H

  1. Data transfer objects (DTOs)

  2. Delete resources

    1. Azure

    2. BookPollAppRG resource group

    3. portal dashboard

    4. resource group

    5. Xamarin Forms

I, J, K, L, M

  1. Independent software vendors (ISVs)

N, O, P

  1. NuGet packages

Q, R

  1. Quickstart Azure Mobile App

    1. Add Controllers

      1. ASP.NET attributes

      2. Azure Mobile Apps Table Controller

      3. BookPollAppContext.cs

      4. BookPollAppService

      5. COM component error

      6. Controllers folder

      7. PollQuestionController

      8. PollResponseController

      9. QuestionsController.cs

      10. ResponsesController.cs

      11. scaffolding error

      12. statements

      13. Visual Studio Add Controller

    2. adding, data connection

    3. BookPollAppRG

    4. client application

    5. database connection

    6. data and force entity framework

      1. BookPollAppRG

      2. Constants.cs

      3. database and app service

      4. database tables

      5. Microsoft Azure App Service

      6. Restore NuGet Packages

      7. Startup.MobileApp.cs

      8. “to-do list” items

      9. UWP project and StartUp Project

      10. web service

      11. Xamarin Forms

    7. database verification

      1. BookPollAppDB

      2. client IP

      3. dbo.questions table

      4. dbo.TodoItems

      5. PollQuestionController

      6. portal

      7. QuestionsController

      8. SQL Server Management Studio

    8. drop-down menu

    9. modification

    10. MS_TableConnectionString

    11. questions, DTOs and end points

    12. Table API service app

    13. Xamarin.Forms

S, T

  1. SQL2018RG

  2. SQL Database

    1. creation

    2. Visual Studio


  1. Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)

  2. Universal Windows Platform (UWP)

  3. User interface (UI)

    1. GridLayout for buttons

    2. MainPage.xaml.cs

    3. new buttons

    4. resized buttons

    5. StackLayout and GridLayout classes

    6. StackLayout XAML

    7. StackLayout HorizontalOptions

    8. WidthRequest


  1. Virtual machines (VM)

    1. Azure regions map

    2. basic info

    3. benefits

    4. credentials

    5. deployment

    6. enhanced security configuration

    7. Linux VM

    8. Marketplace

    9. MSDN subscription

    10. notification, deployment succeeded

    11. Pick A1 Basic

    12. RDP file

    13. Server Manager

    14. settings defaults

    15. SharePoint/WebSphere

    16. UWP dev on Windows Server machine

    17. Visual Studio

    18. VS Community 2017 on Windows Server 2016

    19. Xamarin

  2. Visual Studio 2017

    1. ASP.NET and web development

    2. components

    3. data storage and processing

    4. download and install

    5. Firefox

    6. Google Android Emulator

    7. iOS and Android

    8. Mac tools

    9. Mobile development with .NET

    10. SQL Server Management Studio

    11. Xamarin


  1. Web App ASP.NET

    1. Account settings and log

    2. Azure App Service

    3. Azure resource management APIs

    4. build the project

    5. Connected Services

    6. MVC

    7. publish

    8. Service plan tiers

    9. SQL database

    10. Visual Studio

  2. Windows 10 Pro

X, Y, Z

  1. Xamarin Forms

    1. AddOrUpdatePollResponseAsync method

    2. AppDelegate.cs file

    3. AzurePollService.cs

    4. Azure service

    5. creation

      1. adding existing images

      2. add New Item

      3. App.xaml.cs

      4. Blank App template

      5. BookLists.Android

      6. configuration manager option

      7. Cross Platform App

      8. Developer mode

      9. event button

      10. Hyper-V Manager

      11. Images folder

      12. iOS simulator

      13. iPhone 8 iOS

      14. iPhoneSimulator

      15. 5” KitKat

      16. List View Page template

      17. Local Machine

      18. Mac Server

      19. MainPage.xaml.cs

      20. Microsoft Books ListView page

      21. Microsoft.xaml

      22. .NET Standard project

      23. remote login

      24. remote simulator

      25. run command

      26. security alert

      27. Set as StartUp Project

      28. Solution Explorer window

      29. StackLayout

      30. Startup project

      31. System Preferences and Network

      32. UWP versions

      33. VS Android emulator

      34. Welcome to Xamarin Forms

      35. Xamarin Mac Agent

      36. xaml.cs file

    6. DeletePollResponseAsync method

    7. detail page, Apress site

    8. DTOs

    9. GetQuestionsAsync method

    10. GetResponsesForPollAsync method

    11. images

      1. Build Action

      2. embedded resources

      3. ImageResourceExtension.cs

      4. IMarkupExtension

      5. Microsoft image

      6. .NET Standard project

      7. TabletView

    12. implement interface

    13. IPollQuestionService.cs file

    14. ListView

      1. Android tablet

      2. BookViewModel.cs

      3. CachingStrategy, RecycleElement

      4. Handle_ItemSelected event handler

      5. INotifyPropertyChanged interface

      6. Microsoft.xaml.cs

      7. NuGet package

      8. URL display

      9. UWP ListView

      10. ViewModels

    15. list view page

    16. Mac server

    17. MainActivity.cs file

    18. main navigation page

    19. MainPage.xaml.cs file

    20. Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client

    21. MobileServiceClient

    22. NuGet packages

    23. offline data caching

      1. AzurePollService.cs service

      2. GetTable

      3. IMobileServiceSyncTable interface

      4. InitializeAsync

      5. iOS project

      6. Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MobileServices.Sync

      7. MobileServiceClient

      8. MobileServiceSQLiteStore

      9. NuGet package

      10. SQLite

    24. open on existing application

    25. PollQuestion interface

    26. projects

    27. remote database

      1. AzureUrl value

      2. Debug.WriteLine

      3. DeletePollResponseAsync methods

      4. GetResponseForPollAsync method

      5. SynchronizeResponsesAsync method

      6. table responses

      7. test offline use and synchronization

    28. run the application

    29. StackLayout and GridLayout

    30. System.Linq statement

    31. Tablet and Phone Form Factors

      1. Android phone view, stack layout

      2. Device.Idiom

      3. grid view

      4. grid layout

      5. 5” KitKat

      6. MainPage.xaml

      7. 10.1” Marshmallow Tablet

      8. PhoneView

      9. ScrollView

      10. StackLayout and Grid

      11. Surround With

      12. Visual Studio Emulator for Android app

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